Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death Of A Dynasty (Atrisia, pm for join)

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
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Death of a Dynasty


Droplets of blood splattered against the clean white decorative walls of a small tea house after the sick cracking of a fist meeting skin and bone sounded. There was a grunt of pain and soon a more thick splatter of blood splashed out staining another portion of the wall, there was a sob of pain and a plea of mercy but the beating did not stop. The sight was brutal and hard upon the eyes to anyone who didn't live in this world. Across the ground there were bodies of men and women dressed in black suits, limbs were severed, heads decapitated, bullet casings and organs sprawled out on the floor, the place was a %#$&ing meat grinder.

And at the center of it was a group of four people beating down a single brunette woman in a black suit. Punches, kicks, and jabs hit the woman unrelenting and with great fury. This continued for a few minutes before a heavy punch landed on the woman's cheek forcing her to the ground to lay in the blood and gore of her friends and comrades. The crew of killers was swift to move to finish her off, but before they could do that there was a snapping of fingers and it seemed to call them off.

Smooth gator skin black dress shoes stomped across the sea of bodies and gore in a rhythm filled motion. Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump. The shoes sounded against the wooden floor as they paced their way over to the downed woman. They soon arrived and view shifted to see the woman's broken and twisted face.

"Hello darling. I'm sorry about all this, my associates can get a little carried away. But before you beg or ask why, I'm going to tell you something about myself." The sound of a revolver opening clicked after the man spoke.

"This isn't what I particularly enjoy, despite what most people tell you I actually deplore taking life when I don't have to. It's wasteful and painful to me." The man said as the single sound of a round sliding into a chamber echoed.

"So I don't want you to perceive what has transpired here as an act of my cruelty or wrath. I am no sadist, if you find me sadistic then you are mistaken. This is an act of necessity in a lot of ways." The pistol snapped closed and the cylinder locked.

"So I'm going to respectfully decline your invitation to join The Black Tie Syndicate, I thank you for making the trip though." the man said as the pistol cocked.

"Please n-" The gun sounded and soon every member of the black tie representative party lay dead on the ground.


48 Hours Later

"I want you to picture something for me. Twelve of your best men, your close friends that you had brought up from nothing laying on the floor of a tea house. Their guts torn out, heads cut off, the people you care about dead and gone forever in the most brutal and painful of deaths." The voice of Miss Blonde spoke to a ominous dark figure sitting above.

"Now I'm not one who reaches into another man's fridge without asking permission first, and from what my connections tell me, the person I'm after hasn't paid a single scrap of taxes to your fine government. So I'm going to level with you here. Crime can not be stopped." Miss Blonde said calmly.

The woman stood in the center of a large ornate and beautiful floor making some sort of pitch. She was dressed in her normal clothes, the tan trench coat with a white dress shirt and black tie beneath. The look on her face seemed like she hadn't slept over the last two days, but enough coffee and cigarettes would keep anyone going when your entire representative party was butchered.

"However crime can be controlled, and that's what I'm offering you in exchange for your permission and possible assistance, control." Blonde said emphasizing the last word.

"I've been lead to believe that your people specialize in it, now here's the one thing about control. A single person can never quite grasp it on their own, otherwise everything would simply be chaos. It takes the hands of the many to join as one to achieve that level of power within a given situation. Even if the control hurts them, people still accept it and contribute towards its hold on them. But as you know there are those few who never quite take part in that relationship, those who would wish chaos an the idea that free will truly exists. Now those people are the enemy of control, and what you have in your backyard is one of those particular individuals who would move against the status quo." Blonde said to the unseen shadow towering above her.

"Now you see Nakamura if you hadn't gathered is that enemy of the system, we on the other hand are with the program. Taxable money, limitations, and the steady decrease of crime on this world. So in exchange for control over fruitful situation you now find ourselves in I need two things from you." there was a slight pause.

"I need any information you have on William Nakamura, and his associates. But most importantly, I need you to have your people stay the hell out of our way. Come along if it pleases you, but this is no longer business for us. This is personal and we are entitled to our revenge." Miss Blonde said with a sting of anger.

"So do we have a deal?" Blonde said to the looming figure. [/spoiler]

There was silence for a bit, then a single file was tossed at Miss Blonde's feet. A wolffish grin spread across her face and it was time to go to work.


There were four names on the list, William Nakamura and his three top lieutenants. They were the keys to dismantling the Atrisian crime world and in order to do that they needed to be removed from the situation completely, erased off the face of the galaxy. The Black Tie's vengeance would be swift, cruel, and would be a reminder throughout the galaxy that when you are asked to join you had best do so.

Ground side on Atrisia the gang was set up in a small bar by the coast, a simple little tavern that was now the final destination of several of Atrisia's gangsters who worked beneath William. After the little spat with the Tie's envoys William had gone underground knowing that the swift hand of revenge would be coming for him, so hiding one's self was a good way to remain in power and orchestrate strikes against the enemy. However this wasn't how the story was going to pan out.

Laying across the floor of the bar the dead bodies of a few gangsters were spread out, but in the center of it there were the three lucky winners placed in a row on their knees. But the one in the center was the winner with the chicken dinner. One of the names on the list, Hiro Ishi. One of Williams trusted men bound and gagged next to his two subordinates.

Sitting at the bar Miss Blonde drank from a tea cup sipping away at it as the black tie gangsters went about their various jobs preparing to take the underground by force. Blonde looked over to the Atrisian man and set her cup down before walking over to him and squatting down to look the man in the eye.

"Now I know where your friends are, the other two names on the list other than Will's. So I need you to tell me where he is, and if you do so life is going to be a lot less painful. So I'm going to take off the gag now, and when I do I want answers." Blonde reached down and undid the gag around Hiro's mouth.

But the only response she received was a lob of spit to the face. The woman paused and wiped it off her face.

"Do you know who The Runner is? If you know who the black ties are then you've probably heard of this guy. Now personally I don't like to get my hands dirty unless I have to, but this guy, his hands are filthy." Blonde said as she gently and almost playfully slapped a hand against the lieutenants sweaty cheek.

"Now you see that game room over there?" Patricia looked back and pointed towards a dark hallway that lead into it.

The man looked over there and looked back to Miss Blonde and nodded his head silently.

"Runner is in there playing pool, now if you don't tell me what I want to know I'm calling the runner out here and he's gonna take that pool cue and beat your ass to death with it. So last chance, where's William Nakamura?" Blonde said hoping the man would talk.

Sadly the only response the woman got was a nice slime covered spit in the face. The woman sighed afterwards and looked down the hallway.

"Somebody hit some tunes, everything is more entertaining with music." Blonde said as she stood up.

"RUNNER! There's a Hiro Ishi who wants to die for William, oblige him." Blonde then walked over to the bar to take her seat.

Getting her datapad out she would be giving out information to the other members of the black ties. There were two other lieutenants on the map that would possibly squeal about William's location. One of which wanted a more diplomatic meeting to discuss a possible turncoat situation. Patricia would be sure to send her more diplomatic gangsters to handle that. And the other was one listed as kill or capture. Now she was going to have to send her more aggressive friends after him to get medieval on their ass. So sending out the info all they had to do was divide and conquer in order to find Nakamura and kill him.

OOC please read
Objective one (diplomatic) if your character doesn't enjoy the merciless killing of those weaker than them then this is the place for you. In the public gardens of a nearby Atrisian city, so think beautiful green gardens when it comes to scenery. Nakamura Lieutenant Kalso Maden has agreed to meet with black tie members to discuss a possible trading of sides. I will be RPing the lieutenant on my NPC account so just have fun and expect some fun dialogue out of it.

Objective two (action): Do you like murdering things with katanas and weapons in general? Well the second objective consists of eliminating Lieutenant Akida Liu at a popular bar/club. For scenery think more of the scene in Kill Bill volume 1 where the bride fought Lucy. Basically very traditional Atrisian decoration and fun. Expect lots of armed guards and proceed how you see fit. I will be doing NPC action there as well.

When the objectives are wrapped up we can either call it for the thread and do a volume two where we kill William and take over Atrisia or we can finish it in this thread. Your guys choice, so have fun and if you have any questions get a hold of me.
[member="James Justice"]
[member="Raka the Hutt"]
[member="Talyc Verd"]
@The Talaheen Amalgam
[member="Ariadne Van'Shelaq"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
[member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Avalon Gray"]
[member="Sasha Voss"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
[member="Drax Thorin"]
James, or The Runner as he was also called wasn't really too much into pool, at least not right now anyway. He was angry. And when he was angry he only had one thing on his mind--blood. Baths of blood. Rage like no one else could understand. What he had seen done to those members of the Syndicate had enraged him. There was a clean death--then there was that. He was more than willing to kill and kill cleanly. If they had said no, then that was what he would have done. But for these b@st@rds, that was a luxury they would not be granted.

He heard himself called in and he simply walked into the room. This time his entrance was quite, dismally so. It was about as anti-climatic as you could have asked for. He heard someone start up some sort of opera music. Good. He would need something more soothing to keep him from loosing control before they got the answers they needed.

He didn't even bother to look at his victim as he reached the bar where Miss Blonde had been seated. With a quiet and calm demeanor he discarded his leather jacket, taking his time to fold it and set it down. For a few more minutes he took off his tie and outer white shirt, folding and setting them down carefully.

<<What a joke>> Hiro retorted in his native tongue.

James looked at him out of the corner of his eye without a word, only giving a soft smile before he grabbed a beer and refreshed himself.

<<You call this a torture session? Please, my %&$@ grandmother does better than this>> Hiro said with a hideous chuckle.

James set his alcohol down and leaned back on the bar with a smile. Little did this shrimp know he was a polygot with few equals. It paid to grow up learning every language you could as fast as you could on a tramp freighter. <<Listen here ye piece of sh!t. This is how its gonna work. I am going to ask you a question. You answer. You don't I will hurt you. Where is Will?>>

<<Go to hell.>>

James shrugged indifferently as his hand wrapped around the pool stick, <<Have it ye way>>

The butt of the cue hissed through the air, meeting Hero's face with a heavy crack. The man's head jerked to the side, almost recoiling. A massive red whelp already began to develop on his face. James had to give it to him, the boy didn't even make a sound. Before his victim could recover James' makeshift weapon came around again, landing on the soft of his victim's cheek right under the eye. The nerve center under it burst in the skin with a popping sound. Inflammation immediately set in, eliciting a gasp of pain. Another blow, this one to the groin, tearing into the flesh, bursting sensitive portions of the skin. A shriek of agony mixed with the operatic singing. The next blow smashed into Hiro's left ear, bursting the eardrum and sending blood splattering across the wall.

<<Gods no, please, no, more!>> Hiro screamed.

James stopped for a moment. <<Where is Will?>>

<<Please, stop, please>>

<<WHERE IS WILL DAMN IT?!?>> The Runner roared.

He was met with only more sobs and pleas for mercy. The Runner shook his head in disgust before turning the cue over in his hand, angling the pointed end for use next, <<Hope ye never planned on seeing ye wife and kids again>>

The screams of agony tore through the building like a cacophony, meeting with the opera singer's caterwauling for a myriad of several hours.

At last what remained of Hiro's corpse fell to the ground when it could endure no more pain, and all the blood it had was upon the floor. The Runner got what he needed and he gave what was deserved; the first ounce of retribution for what had happened. There would be plenty more where that came from. Plenty more.

He cleaned his fingers off with a rag before slowly and methodically dressing once more. Just another day at the office for the Runner. Just another day.....

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Objective One

If there was anything that Atrisia was, it was beautiful. The gardens of Atrisia were absolutely stunning to lay eyes upon and while there were thousands of them scattered about the planet, this particular garden would be the setting of what was surly to be an event that would be remembered. William Nakamura's Lieutenant known as Maden had seen the cruelty inflicted upon the black tie envoys and had known revenge would follow swiftly, but being the old and somewhat loyal dog that he was if he was going to sell anyone up the river then it had better of been worth it. Especially a man like Will.

So in the confines of the small house that lay in the center of the noble Atrisian gardens the man sat down at a small tea table and awaited his company. By his side were two armed guards along with other men roaming the fields. If violence were to break out then he was prepared to do battle with those who would wish to do harm to him.

But regardless of armed guards and diplomatic talks of going turncoat he knew something had to be done about William, he had slaughtered those people in that teahouse simply for refusing to join their gang. It wasn't like him and it honesty scared Maden, even having been around this life for so long never had he seen such brutal carnage. You see Maden was a aged man, Atrisian with salt and pepper hair that shined in the sunlight of his home. He had seen a lot in his day but in his age he knew when it was time to walk away from what could very well be a losing situation, but before he did you always had to look out for number one.

Objective Two

Score and added scenery
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If there was anything to match Atrisia's raw natural beauty it was that of Akida Liu. But do not be taken back by it or drop your guard, as she is as deadly as she is gorgeous. One of William's top lieutenants and best enforcers Akida is a killer of men and women, a ruthless woman who knows no limitations, in fact she personally gutted half of the black tie envoy herself. It was rather gruesome to say the least.

But with all her fury and beauty she had but one weakness, and that was of course alcohol. The devil's water was something the woman couldn't get enough of, but of course being a young woman with looks that could kill she couldn't sit at home and get faded, no that was beneath a wealthy crime boss like her. She had to visit the finest clubs and bars in the city in order to drink, and that would be what betrayed her, her overconfidence in her abilities. Even though she was aware of the vengeance that would follow for her actions she didn't quite care, she only wished to celebrate the coming deaths of those foolish enough to attack her.

So In a bar with plenty of civilians in the dark side of Atrisia the woman and her fellow gang of killers sat in a private room aside from the main bar and had their own little party. Drinks and food were everywhere as they proceeded to liquor themselves up. But it wouldn't be that easy, roaming the catwalks were various and sober thugs ready to do violence at the drop of a dime without care of who got in the way. If anything was certain it was that people were about to die.
[member="Miss Blonde"]


Jarven sat at the bar with a cold drink up against the skin of the right side of his head. Some now-dead bozo had taken a cheap shot to the side of his head with a plank of wood from who knew where. He pulled the drink away from his head and took a sip. He noticed there was blood on the glass, so he whispered to himself,

"Frell me..." He took off his gloves and reached over to grab a clean towel from behind the counter. He then pressed it up to the side of his head, despite the annoying pain. The infamous Miss Blonde took her seat a couple of bar stools over. He wasn't afraid, he was simply nervous about meeting the new boss face to face for the first time. He cleared his throat and said,

"Hey, boss. Just let me take care of this cut and I'll be right as rain for the next objective." He grimaced as he took the towel off his face and re-applied the cold glass of his drink.
| [member="Miss Blonde"] | [member="The Narrator"] |

Alicia Drey was, to the unknowing eye, a spoiled brat. Parents were rich, having inherited the riches from a family line that stretched back to the beginning century of the Four Hundred Darkness. Born into a house that made the river side homes on Naboo minuscule in comparison. She was provided top quality care, education and quite simply, a lavish life, which enjoyed the age old Chandrilan obsession with technology.

Hell, she had even inherited the family company, Chandrila DataTech, when her family had inexplicably passed away in a traffic accident at Hanna City. That in itself was tragic, but if you asked the average man as to whether or not they felt sorry for her, they wouldn't feel sympathy. So what if she lost her family? Hadn't everyone else lost theirs during the plague years? She had everything she could ever want and then some. Someone like her didn't deserve it.

They would have a point too, if they could gleam into her history. Before the Subach-Innes corporate years and her association with Circe Savan- centuries before the birth of her Mother, Father, brothers and sisters- into the centuries lost in the Gulag Plague, they would see a family that had made profits from the despair of others, lying to the Eriaduans and the people who led their pilgrimage to the Seswenna Sector in search of a cure for a plague that had none.

Behind her lavish eyes, beautiful smile and curved features, that enticed men with one look, existed a mind that was superior to all. She would be damned if she allowed these simpletons- these damned, pathetic fools- to ever cast judgement upon her. If jealously determined her perspective, then Alicia Drey was the damned jealous of them all and nobody- not one person- was going to ever stop her from getting what she wanted, irregardless of the rights and wrongs.

And that led her to poor, old Maden Arakaki, sat in the middle of park, caught in between the old and new and burdened by choices. Crisp, Artisian air whipped dark, blonde hair around a pair of hazel, brown eyes. Nobody accompanied Alicia- she was a force all by herself- and the meeting didn't require any form of protection. Perhaps it was arrogance- a certain conceit- which made the woman ignorant to others, that might cost her on that particular day, but unknowingly, Alicia knew better than the normal girl to think she would be hurt by anyone. It was almost laughable. She was one of those type of individuals regarded in the business as an untouchable, and so, the Black Tie Syndicate had done well to gain her allegiance.

Her apparel was part of the deception. Who could ever believe there was a monster beneath the surface? Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, Alicia made her way down the path towards the meeting point. She breathed through her nose and walked with a purposeful- yet graceful- ignorance to the fact that she was meeting with one of Atrisia's most powerful men. Over the bridge, she made her down to the bench that Maden Arakaki sat on, between two men that were three times bigger than she was. She paid them no attention.

"Mind if I take a seat?" Alicia asked, continuing her pace to the bench. The question was rhetorical. She bypassed the guards before they could move to intercept her. Positioning herself to Maden's left, she rested her eyes on the old Atrisian. Observed yellow skin, ruined by wrinkles, grey hair and liver spots that only served to further reveal how old he had become.

"I once knew a dog, named Moss. He was a good dog. No, in fact, he was a great dog. One of a kind. And he loved his master. Everyday, Moss would wait, hind and foot, for his master. Tail wagging, tongue out. He was loyal. The most loyal dog I ever knew and he would do what he was told. When he was told to sit, he would sit. When he was told to lay down, he would lay down. When he was told jump, he would ask- if dogs could ask- how high? And when he was told to play dead, he would play dead."

Alicia re-positioned herself on the bench. It was hard, cold because of the Atrisian climate and uncomfortable. Left leg folding over her right knee, she leaned backwards and averted her gaze away from Maden, to look into space. Almost like she could see Moss standing there, tail wagging like she described, obediently waiting for his master to say or do something.

"But one day, when he was taken on a walk, Moss switched. To this day, his master doesn't know what set him off. But the dog saw red, and as quick as you or I can shout STOP, Moss was running as quick as a flash. By the Force, that dog could move and his teeth? His teeth were as sharp as a knife and equally as ferocious in the hand of a killer."

"Completely out of the blue, Moss starts tearing into a kid. Just a kid, playing in a park. Gnawing, thrashing and biting. That kid stood no chance. Blood was everywhere. The kid's Mother is screaming, begging Moss to stop. If I was the kid's Mother, I would have jumped in, you know? I would have made Moss bite, gnaw and thrash me instead. But people aren't like me. Fear stops a girl, you know? So there's Moss, killing this kid and the Mother's standing there, screaming, begging, pleading for help and the master, well, his just as shocked."

"So the kid dies and an inquiry begins. The dogs gonna have to be put down. No choice about it. Moss is dangerous. Tore that kid limb from limb. He has a mean side. He has had a mean side all his life, but nobodies seen it, until that one moment. That one moment that defines how that dog is remembered. The dog's master didn't want that. Didn't want no kid to be killed. Didn't want to lose their dog. But that's what happens when a dog spits in the face of their master, right Maden?"

Alicia turned her gaze back to the old man, observing his reactions, seeing what he was thinking. "But imagine if Moss didn't bite anyone. Imagine if he made the right choice. No kids gotta die. No Mother's gonna have to lose her kid no more. And the dog? The dog can live on being the happy, docile dog he has always been. Imagine if the dog knew how to do the right thing."

Quickly, Alicia leaned into Maden's ear, whispering. "Wanna do the right thing, Maden? Or do you wanna be put down like the dog?"


Insert Hilarious Title Here
She hated Atrisia. So much. A Sith Lord had kept her as a slave here, an experience that still gave her nightmares. So it had been with great reluctance that she had sent a Street Rat with the delegation to William Nakamura. And when she had gotten the news of the delegation's fate, she had hopped on the next shuttle to Atrisia, a few of her Rats in tow.

The bar reminded her of a more posh Rat Hole, and that fact alone infuriated her. The woman was seemingly unarmed, save for the blade on her back, Atrisian in origin. It drew a bit of attention to her, along with the five thugs she brought with her. Her second, Kath, grunted as she spotted all of the thugs along the balconies and among the crowd. This was going to get ugly, and fast.
Nyx approached the bartender, a scowl on her face.
"I'm looking for Akida Liu. Know her?"
He seemingly didn't react, but she caught his arm tensing, his finger twitching around an imaginary trigger. In a moment, he found himself staring down a blade poking at his throat, the woman staring daggers. Her Rats pulled blasters as the thugs aimed at them. It was silent as the group found themselves in a standoff. She could feel the tension in the air, her muscled arm twitching as she held the tip of her sword at the man's throat.

[[member="The Narrator"]]
Objective One

Madden pursed his aged lips at the woman's words, how she conveyed metaphors and euphemisms to the current situation at hand. And really it was quite the situation they found themselves in at the moment, but no matter what the man wasn't going to be so easily swayed by the woman and her snake oil smile and words without coming out on ahead of where he was now. Selling out your boss and friends didn't exactly come cheap in the underworld and if the young woman were experienced enough she could see the old Atrisian man didn't fear death.

"I've always loved dogs." Maden said as he stared out onto his beautiful garden.

"But here's an interesting fact, whether you know it or not. All dogs over time have evolved from larger predatory animals, wolves, hounds, whatever you prefer to call them. Now no matter how loyal that dog is to their owner they all have that small piece of wolf in inside them, and even in a dog's old age and loyalty they still hunger just a small taste of blood through their life." The man kept his eyes focused out on a small waterfall that flowed into a stream beneath the bridge.

But then the old Atrisian's head shifted and he stared at Alicia with a more casual stare of a conversational tone.

"But here's another fun fact. Wolves don't go after the strongest in the pack, they prey on the weak, the sick, or the young." The man said in a voice that began to some what intensify along with his stare.

"So I think your dog had been pushed around for too long and in his old age he snapped, and when he did he smelt weakness. He smelt a young, spoiled, and petulant child who deserved to be snapped up between the jaws of a wolf. The dog didn't choose his prey at random, he chose the weakest there and ripped their throat out for it." The man then looked back out to the beauty of the gardens and let out a soft sigh.

"So the question you should be asking isn't if the old dog wants to do the right thing, it's how much are you willing to pay to gain their loyalty and keep him from snapping and ripping out the throat of another spoiled child." And with that the man placed his hands on their lap and would await the woman's response.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
Lately it seemed as if Keira had been living a double life, though perhaps triple would be more accurate. Not too long ago she had given birth to twins, who were now being watched over by their father. Now she could add mother to her already long list of titles held that inevitably included military commander and, once again, criminal. That last label was one she had only recently reclaimed, and it felt good to get back to her roots, reminiscent of finally returning home after a long day, though in this case that day instead spanned years. This was a role she knew how to play well, and one she found she actually genuinely missed after all this time. Another criminal syndicate had risen, and just as the last, she was a part of it.

Her only real assignment for the moment had been to accompany [member="Nyx"] to a bar where Akida Liu, the lieutenant of the rival syndicate they were looking to eliminate, was supposedly located at. Of course, she could have told the lot of them that not much would get accomplished by simply marching up to the bartender and directly asking after the one they were hunting, but they had never asked and Nyx hadn't given pause. Which meant that they were left to deal with the aftermath. Subtlety. Even for one who didn't seem to comprehend the meaning of that word most times, she was intelligent enough to know when it was best utilized. Apparently such a concept was lost on the other woman.

The only outwards reaction she gave of being keyed into the confrontation currently unfolding was a slight shift of her position where she was seated no less than just over a meter away. A cigarette was currently perched at the corner of her mouth, the first one she had indulged in for quite some time. Reaching up a hand she took it between her index and middle finger, exhaling a cloud of smoke and cutting a sideways glanced towards the bartender that now had a blade at their throat. Her free hand strayed to where her lightsaber that was concealed within her jacket, though she quickly let it return to resting on the bartop. Come on. Somebody pull the trigger. I dare you.

[member="The Narrator"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
There were cries and jeers of support and excitement throughout the bar, multiple black tie members holding their weapons crying out for more brutality from The Runner. That was when you know you had surrounded yourself with the most depraved people in the galaxy, rather than sitting around quietly for the brutal torture and death of a man they cheered it on and had fun with it, because if you didn't have fun, then what was the point?

"Runner!" A man cheered out in support as the pool stick cracked against the side of Hiro's head.

There were claps and more hoots and howls as the men and women continued to watch The Runner beat a man to death with a piece of wood meant to play a game with. Heck even Miss Blonde who normally didn't find this sort of thing enjoyable was smirking and letting out a chuckle or two over the situation and the general upbeat tone it had despite the murder of someone taking place no less then three meters away.

"Holy crap are you guys seeing this, I mean if I were you two I'd be making my peace and crapping my pants." A black tie gangster said as he looked over the other two prisoners shoulders.

Within a few minutes and it was over, Hiro lay in a pool of his own blood with his head caved in and blood absolutely everywhere. There was a round of applause for the runner and Miss Blonde looked over to the remaining prisoners.

"Basic?" Blonde asked them.

Both men shook their head and blonde sighed.

"Runner, can you translate please? I don't speak Atrisian." The woman said with a sweet and kind voice to the runner making sure that this was a friendly request and not an order.

"It's your lucky day boys, one of you gentlemen gets to go home and hug your mama. Now whoever that might be is completely up to you, anyone with a more important piece of information will get to go home. While the other..." Blonde gestured a hand over to Hiro's broken and dead twitching body.

"So. Let's see who gets to stay in the land of the living." Blonde said as a man walked over to her.

But this man wasn't any man, he was the man. More importantly he was her man, and she was his woman. And not in the sense where they saw each other casually or dating, no the person standing in front of her was her husband. Blonde froze at the sight of Jarven aka the tin man and her heart froze.

"Runner... please handle the prisoners. I have to send some texts to our operatives." Blonde said her words trailing off as she looked to her husband.

But her mind snapped out of her daze as she saw him bleeding out the side of his head, her instincts kicked in and she quickly grabbed a cloth napkin and jammed it full of ice cubes from behind the bar. Being that she was about five foot two in her heels she had to reach up to put the ice pack lovingly against his head.

"Do you know how worried sick I was about you? You're not supposed to be getting hit with chairs dummy. You're supposed to be working some desk job and not watching someone get beat with a-" Blonde said unknowingly switching back to the original cadence and tone of her voice then she paused realizing what she had done.

letting out a little cough the woman let the Tin Man hold on to the ice pack before she sat back down.

"That will be all Tin Man, if you need to go relax then I understand. Otherwise if it's possible can you and some of the others get the speeders ready? We're going to have to get going before people come to investigate." Blonde said as her hands shakily lifted her cup and saucer of tea.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="James Justice"]
Objective Two

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With the music in the background still playing loud over the speakers most people had their backs turned from the bar and were dancing or cheering the band on, for now the general atmosphere of the bar was still normal despite other people around the general bar area starting to vacate the area. But with the crowd still pulled in by the band it made the situation a bit more tense due to the fact that civilians were still in harms way. Now Miss Blonde was Nyx's equal when it came to the black ties, however she did like to tell people that civilian deaths were frowned upon due to unwanted heat.

So with Nyx's thugs pointing blasters at the thugs in the upper levels and them doing the same there was a tense moment between everyone that wasn't in the pit that was the main dance floor. But Nyx was at a slight disadvantage here, she was on the lower level while the Atrisian gangsters had the high ground in the situation. It'd be a shooting gallery if they started off right now, and a lot of innocent people were going to get caught in the crossfire.

"She's in a private room upstairs, has the whole second floor rented out for the night. Listen if you're gonna start anything off then take it up there, I don't want no problems from you ladies. I don't know who that lady is to you just don't hurt me." The bartender said as he raised both his hands to signal he didn't want any problems.

"My lady, there's trouble downstairs. They might be here for you, I can't hear what their saying over the band but we got guns on them. Orders?" One of the men said to Akida in her private room.

"I'm not done drinking. Tell our boys to fall back up here and set up some defenses, if they follow up then we know they are here for us. Otherwise I'm going to sit here and enjoy my drink." The woman said in a cold voice as she down a shot of alcohol.

The men pointing blasters at Nyx's thugs took their blasters down and pulled back into the recesses of the second floor leaving the two women and thugs to talk out whatever dispute they were having with the bartender, things would remain calm for now.

"I walk like Jayne Mansfield."

I talk like Jayne Mansfield!"

Hey daddy, you, cool daddy, ah!

Ah, ah, ah, uh, baby c'mon now!!" The band continued to play their set and the crowd went on unknowing of the danger that went on behind them.

[member="Nyx"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
The Runner nodded at his requested duty. He could do that. He hadn't meant to kill Hiro exactly--but he had lost control. Lots of control. Now that he was dressed back in his shirt and leather Jacket he felt a bit more on top of things.

<<Who wants to live, and who wants to sustain my next temper?>> the Runner asked taking another drink of his alcohol.

Neither moved. The Runner shook his head and gave them a second chance, <<Perhaps I wasn't clear; what I be about to do to ye is ten times worse than what I just did to ye comrade. Ye know what lye does to the body when it sits on the skin? How about when ye swallow it or get it in ye eye?>> He paused, <<Ye will find out, so now I ask ye one more time; which one of ye wants to live?>>

Neither of the two made a move. The Runner shook his head and sighed, fishing a credit chip from his pocket, "Quick, someone, Republic or barcode?"

He flicked the chip in the air.

"Barcode!" shouted one of the other goons.

The Runner caught the chip in his hand, "Sorry, Republic." He looked to the Atresian on his right <<Looks like its your unlucky day.>>

The prisoner's eyes grew wide with terror, he began to shake his head vigorously as the Runner walked slowly behind him, fishing in his pocket <<I want ye to know something. I do enjoy beating the sh!t out of people like ye. I do. It brings me delight to know that sons of b!tches who do things get their arses handed to them,>> the Runner finally came behind the kneeling man, pulled up a chair and sat down.

Out of his pocket he produced a thin metal wire that had small jagged teeth on one end across its middle. The Runner dangled it in front of his victim's face, <<I call this the 'Zipper.' Obvious reasons, I suppose. The teeth are extremely sharp, razor sharp. When dragged across the skin, it slices off the skin. One. Layer. At A time. Doesn't that sound fun? Unless ye wanna feel it ye are gonna tell me where William is.>>

The man binked in mute protest. The Runner shurgged, <<Have it your way.>>

He ripped the man's shirt off first, tearing it in two, then he undid the gag. Holding it taunt between his two hands, the Runner began tearing off the first layer of flesh from the man's belly. Then the second. Third, and fourth. The screams of agony were like a fervor before unmet.

<<I dont know I dont know>> screamed the man at last <<I swear, I don't know, please!>>

<<Ye better give me more than that>> the Runner said beginning to peel off the last layer of skin that seperated it from fat and muscle.

<<I know who his wine seller is! A man named Diamo Heleeto, owns Heleeto gardens, please, please no more>> he sobbed.

The Runner gave him a hard look, <<Ye better pray to ye gods this pans out or I will do worse to ye than this>> He looked to a nearby goon, "Run the name 'Diamo Heleeto'"

[member="Miss Blonde"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
As he sat at the bar, Drax lit his twelfth cigarette of the day with his engraved lighter, closing it with a flick of his wrist as he inhaled. He'd heard of what happened to the Black Tie delegates sent to the local crime lord. What a horrible way to go. Even a dying man like him felt pity for those poor bastards. A blaster bolt between the eyes would have been far more merciful.
So that's why he found himself in an expensive bar on Atrisia, looking for some woman. The Black Tie foot soldier sighed as he puffed on his cigarette, the weight of the blaster pistol in his black suit reassuring him. He knew others would be on their way, and honestly, he could use the backup. He didn't exactly fight like he used to, these days.

When a woman he recognized as Nyx barreled into the bar with a force of thugs behind her, he knew it was about to go down, big time. He'd heard of her through the grapevine, and from what he knew, 'subtlety' was a concept she wasn't exactly keen on. With a sigh, he extinguished his current cigarette and lit another as she pulled a sword on the bartender. This schutta was determined to get them all killed, wasn't she? He slowly put his hand on the blaster in his suit, his eyes looking around. Thugs on the second floor, mainly, aiming guns at them. He'd been through worse.
He caught Keira Ticon standing out of the way, and saw her hand move into her jacket for just a moment. So, she was armed, too. Good. Maybe they'd all actually live through this with two level heads in this situation.
The bartender revealed their target's location, and Drax decided it was time to act.
He walked up to Nyx, putting a hand on her arm, attempting to lower her sword.
"Alright, we got the info we needed, Street Rat. What do you say we leave the guy alone and go after the real danger?"
He exhaled a cloud of smoke as he gestured upstairs.
"We got to figure out a plan, here. I know you want to barrel in like a stampeding bantha, but that would get us all killed."
He puffed on the cigarette once more, making sure his voice carried to their other companion.
"So, how we going to do this?"

[@Nyx] [[member="Keira Ticon"]] [[member="The Narrator"]]
Objective 2

At the corner of the bar, stetson pulled low over her head so that he green-scaled face was cast into shadows by the overhead lighting that hung from ceiling of the bar, Dyxra'a was slumped in her seat, casting an air of disinterest around her from her posture and body language. On the table before her was a large collection of glasses, all but one knocked over and empty of the alcohol that they had held. The reason was the large collection of glasses could be summed up with one simple word: addiction. When she had been younger, Dyxra'a' had grown up surrounded by multiple examples of addiction, to many numerous substances. Spice in its many varying forms, alcohol, nicotine and violence along with many other substance both tangible and emotional. In the end, despite her oath to never fall to addiction, Dyxra'a had failed and ended up tied to alcohol, unable to resist its call. Of course, she herself would never call herself an alcoholic, she knew when to stop and how to moderate herself. However she was always carried three separate hip flasks on her person that were filled with scotch.

Titling her head up slightly, enough that her steel blue eyes were exposed from the tilt of the rim of her hat, Dyxra'a cast a disinterested gaze towards the bartenders location to investigate the disturbance she could only just hear. At the sight that greeted her, one of the very few emotions that Dyxra'a allowed herself to feel flooded through her body and sent her blood singing. The restriction on emotion for Dyxra'a was born from a simple opinion. To her, emotion was only something that was a hindrance, that clouded the mind and distracted her from her goal of achieving power and control over her self and life. As such, Dyxra'a had done her best to strip away the annoyances that were call emotions, distancing herself from them to keep her sights set on ambition. However, to prevent psychological damage from repression, Dyxra'a did allow herself to feel to a limited extent, obvious through the loyalty she would grant those close to her heart and mind.

The feeling that now sung through her blood and caused a teeth exposing, feral grin to spread across her lips was pure, malicious glee and anticipation. Physical dominance over others through the spilling of blood was a technique that Dyxra'a had liberally used on the streets of Nar Shaddaa to establish herself as a major player and, over time, this simple psychological weapon developed into a pursuit that Dyxra'a found enjoyable in a primitive fashion and instinctive fashion, not that she would ever admit to such a fact. Now, the thrill of the fight and the adrenaline that accompanied it had become an enjoyment, just shy of a second addiction itself, and always roused the darker side of Dyxra'a, the only side that was allowed to feel emotion.

The sight that Dyxra'a had witnessed was the, in Dyxra'a's opinion, ruggedly beautiful Nyx, one of the less-subtle members of the Syndicate, drawing the sword that had rested on her back an holding it up to the throat of the bartender. Behind Nyx herself was a collection of thugs, thugs that Dyxra'a guessed belonged to Nyx's own gang that originated on Coruscant: The Street Rats. Although, one of the woman within the group who had a cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth, did hold herself differently to the others. Regardless of Dyxra'a's thoughts on the gathered group, who they were in terms of the current job was obvious, the main team pursuing Akida Liu.

Dyxra'a herself was a forwards scout, as it were, she had come to the bar ahead of the main group intent of getting the lay of the area within which an almost inevitable fight would break out. The temptation of enjoying the burn that alcohol left in her throat without dipping into the supply within her hip flasks was simply enough temptation to ensure that that was the position she chose to take.

Pushing herself to her feet, staying within the corner and palming one of her vibrodaggers in a lace glove covered hand, Dyxra'a noted the fact that the men loyal to Akida were retreating to the second floor, even moving away from the obvious trouble brewing at the bar being caused by Nyx. The only reason her sharp mind could come up with was the fact that the tidbit of information about the target was true, she enjoyed her drink as much as Dyxra'a and was obviously unwilling to let trouble draw her away from her luxury.

Shifting slightly, Dyxra'a's dark brown, leather trench coat fell open, revealing her apparel beneath. A baggy white shirt that with a rectangular, red design sewn onto the outside of the upper arms was tucked into a pair of slightly fraying, dark blue jeans, and was worn beneath a light brown waistcoat that was decorated with a rather simplistic design. Around her neck, a black tie hung, declaring her allegiance to the Black Tie Syndicate in the way that most, if not all, of the members did. On her feet, a pair of heeled, leather reached up towards her knees, stopping mid-leg. Scattered across her person, secreted away within numerous holsters and hidden beneath waistcoat and trench coat alike, were Blaster Pistols, each with a different use from Heavy Blasters to the highly illegal Disputers. Scattered across her body were numerous vibrodaggers and fastened to the small of her back by a simply strap was a small length of black metal, an unassuming weapon that Dyxra'a found herself proficient in. Only one weapon was visible, the only weapon that the Falleen had named. Fastened obviously and proudly to her thigh was a small, slugthrower revolver with a wooden handle and polished barrel named Nemesis, after the only deity that Dyxra'a believed in, one from a Pantheon from a ancient religion from a planet located in the Outer Rim somewhere, the Goddess of Revenge and Retribution.

Moving forwards only slightly, to better position herself to leap into the fight if one occurred, the smirk that had pulled at Dyxra'a's lips settled back into nothingness as her face restored itself to its normal expression, emotionless disinterest and slight arrogance. It was only the periodic licking of her lips that betrayed the surging emotion of blood-lust inspired glee that filled the female Falleen. Within her grasp, the vibrodagger she held slowly rotated, shining in the lighting of the bar, ready to draw blood.

[member="The Narrator"] | [member="Nyx"] | [member="Drax Thorin"] | [member="Keira Ticon"]
It wasn't long after he spoke to [member="Miss Blonde"], and then looked back at the bar wall, before a flurry of movement happened out of the corner of his eye. He turned left and saw Miss Blonde making an ice pack out of a towel. Someone must have gotten hur--- is what he started to think before his glass was pulled away and that ice pack came pressing unexpectedly against his face.

"Ah, aaah..." is what he started to utter more out of surprise than pain. He was only able to pay half attention to what she said and those words seemed cryptic.

Do you know how---I was about---? You're not supposed to be getting---chairs, dummy. You're---to be working---job and not watching---beat with a-

He started to mumble, "What in the..." before he cleared his head and she took a step back. He focused fully on what she then continued to say. Get the speeders ready. Got it. He felt much better than before, so he could handle that. He gave an confused, inquisitive look at the curiousity that was Miss Blonde and then got off his stool. He looked once over at the spectacle...and then stopped. He saw what [member="James Justice"] was doing to that man.

He cursed inwardly at the savagery on display and the deplorable attitudes of the Black Ties watching. He didn't like these tactics one bit...but knew it was best to make the most of the situation. He walked up to the kneeling scumbag who was trying to avoid having to look at his co-worker get sliced up. He kept the ice pack on his face and used his left hand to firmly grab the man by his hair and force his head over to watch.

He said,

"Watch, don't look away. Take a good look at what's left of your friend and THEN decide if you want that or worse to happen to you..."

When James was done, he gathered a bunch of nearby, relaxing Black ties, left out the front door and they all started gathering the speeders out front. They were all ready to roll. Jarven's speeder was the one at the beginning of the queue of speeders. While the other speeders had one or two Black Ties waiting behind their wheels, Jarven was all alone in his front speeder.

He reached inside his inner coat pocket and pulled out a holo disc. As he turned it on and watched it, it cycled through a lot of different 3-D rendered pictures of his Patricia and the kids. His mind got lost in the gallery of pictures, but he quickly put it away when he heard more people file out of the cantina and get into the speeders behind him.
| [member="The Narrator"] |

"The thing about old dogs, is, they get rather slow. But they can be intelligent, in their old age."

Alicia turned her gaze to the flowing water fall, eerily reminded of the same falls seen the last time she had visited Harnaidan with Circe. Lowering a hand onto the arm rest of the bench, she turned and reclined in the seat, speaking whilst following the cascading water into the pool.

"You wouldn't be here if you wasn't here to talk. I'm not going to pretend to read your mind as to why you're sitting here, when you could be with Nakamura. But I sense that you're a smart man. You know vengeance is coming Nakamura's way. Dogs get old, Maden. Nothing wrong with that. And you're right. There is always something there, left over from the generations of evolution, that led towards that dog becoming that loyal pet. But the things about animals is that they know how to survive."

"Tell me. You ever heard of the Demon Moon? Others know it as Dxun. I'll cut a long story short. I knew a woman, who had to spend an entire month there. Alone in the wild, armed with nothing but her wit and instincts. The month passed and the woman was rescued, brought back into civilized society."

Lifting a hand, she gestured to the Atrisian architecture surrounding the park, indicating too civilized society. "I think you know you're out in the wild now, Maden. Armed with nothing but your wit and instincts. And these two?" Alicia clicked her fingers to the two guards. She was met with the stiff, Atrisian gaze at the motion. "These two aren't going to help you. Neither will Nakamura, when he finds out you met with me. So let me help you instead."

Lowering her hand back down to her lap, Alicia fiddled with her hair with her other hand, elbow propped near Maden's head, up against the back rest of the bench. "Give me Nakamura and in return, you can have a seat at the table. It's a fair and generous offer. We already have the means of finding Nakamura. Sooner or later, we will find him. But it's so much easier if you told us, and, we will need someone old school, such as yourself, to seal the deal when we move in."

Turning her gaze back to Nakamure, face somber, Alicia asked. "Where is William Nakamura?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Blonde looked over to the man the runner had just wrapped up torturing until they got a small piece of information out of him. While Miss Blonde wasn't a person who could speak Atrisian she could make out one name after her blast from the not so far past. The woman looked over to the runner and it seemed like that was all the information they were going to get out of the two peons, but at least it was something.

So pulling out her pistol the woman aimed it at the young Atrisian man Runner had just finished practically gutting and shot in him in the head. A simple muzzle flash and smell of gun powder and the man lay dead on the ground, wasn't like he was going to survive going into shock from that sort of injury.

"Well that was fun. But I say we check this guy out, I ran his name and it's popping up as Atrisia's best wine maker." The woman said as she pulled up a picture of him.

The image of the man popped up on a holo screen and the woman was able to find the location of the vineyard in which he worked. She scrolled through a few artistic photographic shots of it and admired the guy's operation.

"Real shame, the guy is pretty cute in a nerdy way." She said casually as if she had just not blown some poor sod's brain out the back of their head.

"Any ways thank you Runner, let's get going. Orange." Blonde gave Orange a nod and waved her gun nonchalantly towards the prisoner.

"Yes, Miss Blonde." Orange said as he approached the downed prisoner.

Taking out a blade from his pocket the man slipped behind the Atrisian and opened up his main artery and watched as blood splattered out and onto the floor. The Atrisian gangster choked and gagged and soon lay on the floor dead with his comrade.

"Holy crap orange, really?" Blonde said to her underling casually.

"What? You gave me the nod." He said in response.

"Yeah the knock him out or tie him up nod, like at worst break his legs. I mean holy sky walking #%*$, Orange the man could of been a valuable asset." Blonde said as she stood up from her chair.

"Sorry Miss Blonde." Orange said as he wiped the blood from his blade.

"Next time alright." Blonde then gave the man a pat on the shoulder as she passed by.

The gangsters now leaving the bar entered their speeders and blonde got into the back seat of the car [member="Jarven Zexxel"] was driving and refuted any other passengers from entering with her. There was a awkward silence between the two and then blonde spoke.

"What are you doing here Tin Man, you seem like a decent guy. Why are you mixed up in all this?" The woman said as she buckled up and got comfy.

All there was to do now was wait for James to get In his speeder and have him give the go to head to the vineyard.

[member="James Justice"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Objective One

"And what makes you think I am not capable of surviving out in the wild such as your friend?" The old man retorted back ignoring the previous question of where Will was.

He had noticed his guards going stiff and while they might not of been able to help any longer the area was crawling with his men, he was still calm that perhaps someone could at least take her out by the end of it. So with calm still expressed on his face Maden continued to look out at the beauty of the gardens and all that surrounded it.

"You may kill me, William may kill me, but something us old dogs learn later in life is to not fear death, for it is only the next chapter in life." the man said with a pause.

The man remained quiet for a few moments as he gathered his thoughts, he was capable of selling William up the river, he didn't enjoy the thought very much but Will had forced him into a situation where he had to decide where he stood. But Maden preferred to be on the winning side of things, he certainly didn't want to be another name crossed off a list.

"However." Maden said breaking the silence between the two of them.

"You are right, I would not be here if I were not willing to talk. But I have my demands, and before I tell you where he is I must have them met." He said his gaze now shifting back to Alicia.

"I want my businesses and assets to remain my own, a position of power within your organization where I help manage the Atrisian crime world with your appointed representative, and a simple five million credits. I am not a greedy man, all I ask is for what is rightfully mine and a bit extra to help ensure my continued existence." Maden kept his stare on the woman and hopefully she'd give the man what he wanted so he could give her what she needed.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
The Runner watched the bodies fall, he lit up a cigarette and savored it a second, feeling a bit of pity. He wasn't done. No where near. In fact he was just getting warmed up. Too bad, he was looking forward to giving some retribution.

Shaking his head he stepped over the bodies and moved to the bar. He wanted--he needed alcohol. He always did, even when driving. It made no difference to the old spacer, he was a drunk no matter what. He remembered the time he had run a set of guns through the thickest blockade he had ever seen---slobbering drunk. He had no idea how he did it and preferred not to do it again.

His eyes went over the possible choices for his drinks in the bar. Most if it was the weak stuff that sissy rich people though was something amazing or whatever. He tossed them to the other members of the Syndicate, "Sell it, lads, dun't drink it. That stuff will go for upwards of 500 a pop."

"Yes, sir!" the men said with dollar signs in their eyes.

The Runner was generous, very generous. In fact he used the system against itself everyday. He didn't make it, and it wasn't fair, so he would use it to his advantage and the advantage of those who relied on him. That was him, through and through. Reaching for the back, the Runner produced two bottles of decent ale. They would do. He wasted no time cracking one open and chugging a few mouthfuls, an action that provoked cheers and shouts of admiration. Why hit the bottle light when you have two livers?

With a bottle in each hand and a third stuffed in his coat pocket, the Runner sauntered out to his ride. He had made it himself, it was his pet project. He loved it. Climbing in he heard the engines purr as his hands grabbed the stearing yoke. It made him smile, it always made him smile. Time to go kick some arse.

[member="Miss Blonde"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]


Insert Hilarious Title Here
As she felt the eyes of dozens of people and their little friends on her, Nyx began to consider calming down a bit. But she had grown up in a world like this, though an admittedly far less refined one. She knew that if she backed down, showed weakness, these people would eat her alive. She knew criminals well, and backing down would decidedly not go well.
But luckily for all involved, the bartender gave up their target's location with few issues, and she sighed internally in relief, allowing The Dead Man to lower her sword man. She vaguely recognized him, if only by the smell of cigarettes on him. She'd heard the guy went through a couple dozen a day, and wondered how the hell he was still alive.
She looked around, saw the other few Black Ties with her, and sighed.
"Fine. I see your point. Me and my Rats can provide a frontal assault; we're not good for much else."
She sheathed the blade on her back and readied one of her submachine guns, nodding to the couple Rats with her.
"We're not afraid of taking a few shots for a cause, but I'm not fond of seeing another Rat dead today. So what can the rest of ya do?"
Her hot-blooded nature was screaming for vengeance, but even she knew when to calm down a bit and look at the bigger picture, no matter how much it hurt her pride to do it.

[member="The Narrator"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Drax Thorin"] [member="Dyxra'a"]

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