Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Darkness (DMed Story)

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Location: Sith Academy
Allies: The First Order, Knights of Ren, [member="Mael Ren"] | [member="Thresh Sken"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kierel"] | [member="Vustia"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Doc"]

There was no sound as Wolf's breath came out in puffs of vapour. It would take some getting used to. They said a man could go mad if left long enough in absolute silence. He faintly smiled as he felt the wash of power from Samka, assuring him that she was ready. Indeed he believed all from his Order were ready, they had to be. They could not afford to make mistakes here, this was no training session or harmless spar. Wolf could not trust this blind guide of theirs, but they did not have much of a choice. They were now making their way down a long, cold corridor, Wolf's senses on alert as he looked out for danger.

His eyes narrowed as he walked alongside Ophidia and noticed their guide motion his hands. His mind suddenly raged at him in warning, directing him to the tiny holes in the walls that were about to fire. Wolf instinctively turned back towards [member="Kierel"] and [member="Doc"]. The other Sith could look after themselves, these two could not. He leapt towards them, the Dark Side pulsing through his muscles to carry him much faster than humanly possible, gesturing to them to come close together. As he leapt his lightsaber was already in his hand, the unstable crimson blade silently crackling to life. His mind pushed out to [member="Mael Ren"], [member="Thresh Sken"] and [member="Samka Derith"],

Form a ring around the troopers.

He now stood in front of the two troopers, and expected the other Knights of Ren to form a defensive ring around them as quickly as possible. Once they were together, they would then walk forwards as a group, the four of them deflecting the bolts before they could reach the troopers who stood in the centre between them. This was a handy time to have Thresh Sken no doubt, who boasted a double-bladed lightsaber that could cover a larger area. Wolf's muscles surged with the Force as his mind anticipated each blaster bolt, his movements a crimson blur as the bolts were deflected back into the walls.

Observing Sith may have been slightly bemused by what they witnessed. Indeed the blind guide himself may never have witnessed students who came through the Academy trying to actually help one another. Were these Dark Siders, or weak sentimental Jedi? Why go back to help the troopers? Leave the weak to die, only the strong deserved to survive. And yet from the earliest stages of their training, the Knights of Ren were taught to act as a collective, to work in unity and as one. Not to mention that each of them had their own individual strengths and weaknesses, that were supplemented by the other. These two troopers may not be much for surviving an onslaught of blaster fire, but it was reasonable to assume they were better shots than him, and could provide the sort of ranged support in the midst of combat that made the difference between victory and defeat. Their actions in protecting the troopers was not one born out of sentimentality, but a cold and rugged ideological commitment to work in unity and reject the individualistic and self-destructive tendencies of the Sith. This breed of the Dark Side that called itself the Knights of Ren was more collective than individualistic, and yet their methods were still as brutal and their minds as ruthless. They were devoted to the cause of the Supreme Leader, and together as one they would help establish his iron rule.


Bipolar Sith. What could go wrong.
Location: Sith Academy
Potential Allies: @Mael Ren | @Thresh Sken | @Jude Falkrowe | @Samka Derith | [member="Kierel"] | @Matsu Xiangu | [member="Nomar"] | [member="Wolf"] | @Darth Ophidia

It was a strange feeling entering the corridor, there was a feeling of dread and Vustia could smell death in the air. Was this another one of the tricks like removing the sound from our bodies, or was this an actual state of danger. Vustia's questions were answered with a flick of the guide's hand. Suddenly blaster bolts filled the entire room. It didn't take Vustia long to figure out a strategy, without hesitation she forced her way into [member="Wolf"]'s circle, it was a very strong plan. She made it seem like she wanted to help protect the troopers but she just wanted to survive.

She looked towards [member="Wolf"] and tried to mouth "I want to help" Hoping he would be able to understand what she was trying to say even though no sounds came out.

This was a trial of life or death.
Location: Sith Academy, Second floor
Allies: [member="Wolf"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Doc"] [member="Kierel"]
Potential allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Vustia"]

She sensed it before anything happened. An empty corridor, dripping at the walls as the ice slowly melted in the frigid temperature. Sam was glad she had kept a hold of her thick winter jacket and resisted the urge to shed it the moment she was inside. Apparently the Sith Acadamy cared little for insolation, how irritating.

But then something screamed at her inside her head. Danger was incoming, just what she wasn't certain. [member="Mael Ren"] turned to look at her, his masked face hiding any emotion but he must have sensed something too. She drew her weapon once more just before a hail of blaster bolts exploded from the walls.

"Get down!" She had instinctively yelled at the others but still not a word left her lips. The blaster fire was still silent as he erupted from the walls and silent as it was deflected by her blade. It was all rather disorienting but she powered on regardless.

Her position directly next to [member="Kierel"] had proven a wise move, here she was already in a position to protect the stormtrooper the moment trouble began, hopefully giving enough protection until the others arrived. She searched around for the medic, [member="Doc"], and kinetically pulled him from his position to her with her free hand, best to keep them together right now. The benefit of a single handed Makashi form allowed a free hand for Force power however it had draw backs as well.

Samka was a dancer, a fencer, in a battle. Movement, positioning, dodging, footwork. They were all her areas of expertise. She was not an immovable defensive glacier at all and by attempting to bring the medic under her protection, she had overextended herself. A blaster hit her left shoulder causing her to yell in unheard pain. She was strong enough to press on, maybe the medic would have something for her once the danger had passed, but for now it was painful indeed.

Ordinarily she'd have cast the intervention of [member="Vustia"] with distrust but right now she was grateful for any help she could get and allowed the Sith to move alongside her without even sparing them a glance, she was far too focused on the barrage of attacks.

Slowly Sam began to move up the corridor with the group, focused and ignoring the pain from the hit she'd taken.
Location: Citadel
Objective: Wreck stuff
Allies: [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Charlyra Araano"]
Enemies: Omega

The path to the Citadel was almost clear. The snow-covered ground was littered with the bodies of the dead. However, two AT-LAWs, mechanical behemoths, barred their entrance, like implacable sentients of durasteel. A rumble passed through the air beneath their heavy foot falls, for they appeared on the spot just as Nima had slain the vile Sith who sought to stand against the firestorm.

Elpsis had been catching her breath after her sabre clove through her opponent's skull, spraying grey brain matter all over the snow. But then the two war machines were upon them. In principle, these two walkers were beefed up AT-STs built for a new war in a new era. Scarlet beams of laser fire lanced through the air as a walker unloaded its cannon. "Shoulda brought a rocket launcher. Kill those bitches. Lyra, go all Magneto. Nima, an illusion would be nice! Or stabby-stab their legs," the redhead yelled loudly.

Being surprisingly spry by walker standads, one AT-LAW suddenly leapt through the air to overcome the debris lying around. The ground trembled beneath its massive feet when it hit the ground. Having sought cover and raised debris to shield herself from the cannon fire, Elpsis found herself confronted by the big walker. Rather than use its repeating cannon close up, the walker raised its flamethrower. Seeing this, the redhead smirked. Rather than try to find cover, she dashed forward. A tongue of blazing fire leapt from the large weapon's nozzle, a blast of white-hot fury engulfing the beskar-armoured redhead.

Seemingly, the young Force Mistress vanished beneath the firestorm. Her body temperature spiked, her heart raced and her red hair seemed to glow like a true firemane, for she was absorbing the boiling heat. All of it was drawn into her body. A scream escaped her throat, though it was open to interpretation whether from joy, pain, rage or all three emotions at once. One could only hear the scream and feel the overwhelmning heat. Then flames swept back to the walker as she projected a firestorm towards it. She was incandescent, a walking, talking inferno that unleashed blazing flames intense enough to melt durasteel. Corpses that lay between her and the walker would be charred to the bone, even vaporised and turned to ash. The firestorm hit the walker would full force and destroy it.

Elpsis breathed heavily while she watched her handiwork, allowing herself a smirk. Then she cried out again, this time in pain. A volley of bolts from the second walker's cannon had impacted upon her chest. The girl keeled over and fell to the ground as burning pain spread through her. The beskar armour stopped the bolts, but she felt ribs crack and a surge of white-hot pain flooded her chest.

It wracked her body and short-circuited her mind as she fell. Seeing that their companion vehicle was not going to make it, the surviving walker's crew took aim with their missile launcher and fired. Elpsis did not have the strength and focus to unleash her power on the missile before it left the launcher, but an exertion of telekinetic energy blasted it in flight, creating a magnificient fireball. The redhead was caught by the shockwave and ragdolled through the air before being slammed into the ground with a force that was bound to break something inside her. Everything went dark for her. It would be up to Nima and Charlyra to take out the remaining mechanical terror.
Location: Moving Towards The Voracion Citadel.​
Allies: @Thaxis, [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Enemies: Mandos + [member="Ra Vizsla"], [member="Cole Dagos"], [member="Damien Daemon"], [member="Rhan Komo"]​
Equipment: Check Bio.​
Cadan's speeder whizzed past, leaving grey smokes trailing from the exhaust. Slowly while they sped along at high speeds Cadan began to feel the previous spice wearing off. He knew Flannigan was in front of him and there wasn't a chance he would turn around to keep an eye on him. From the depths of his pockets he pulled the needle and jammed it into his arm and pressed down on the plunger. This was the feeling he lived for, Cadan felt the warmness of the spice flow through his veins, he felt his blood surge beneath his skin. As soon as he finished he drew his Chopper and starting its motor. It roared to life and Cadan began to swing it left to right, the blades chewing into what ever it hit.

"Boss! We should spin around and 'it them from behind!" Cadan shouted through his comms as he slashed down at a trooper, his chopper tearing chuncks out of the mans helmet and head. "Make them know who they is messin' with!" As he spun around the speeder Cadan had left himself vulnarable for a few seconds, the speeder took a few shots and as did Cadan. Luckily for him his armour was able to withstand them. Cadan was now charging back the way he had came. Again leaving a trail of blood and shatter armour.
Location: Sith Academy
Allies: [member="Wolf"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Doc"]
Potential Allies: [member="Vustia"] [member="Darth Ophidia"]

Something was not right. That much I could tell. This hallway felt... foreboding, dangerous in some way. Walking behind Wolf, our blind guide was out of my view but I trusted Wolf to alert us before anything went wrong.

Suddenly, I felt Wolf's presence flare in the Force as he turned around to me. Form a ring around the troopers. Those words resonated in my head with Wolf's voice. I did not have time to ponder them, because I could tell the urgency with which they were spoken. Now sensing the imminent danger myself, I whipped around, hands already reaching for my lightsaber as I used the Force to enhance my bounds to where Samka Derith and Kierel already were. I blocked the first few bolts as they flew at me in the air, then landed in a crouch opposite of Samka Derith.

My double blades were extremely useful in this situation, covering twice as much area as a single lightsaber could. I vaguely sensed the other Stormtrooper, Doc, being brought into the circle by someone's Force powers. Good I thought. Never know when a medic might come in handy.

The thought had barely gone through my head when I was knocked aside by Vustia, who pushed her way past me into the center of the circle. Thankfully, I felt no hostile intentions from her towards us or the Stormtroopers, which meant that right now I could direct my attention towards more important things, namely deflecting the deadly blaster bolts away from my comrades and I.

But Vustia's brush past me had jostled me enough so that I fell to the side, barely catching myself with one hand on the cold floor. Realizing the sudden danger I was in, I pushed myself up as fast as I could to my feet. I winced in pain as a blaster bolt singed my right leg as I readjusted my stance to close the circle again. I drew on the Dark Side to push past the stinging pain and sustain my concentration, focusing on deflecting the bolts of energy coming at me.

We started to move as one up the corridor, slowly but methodically deflecting all the searing bursts of energy away from the Stormtroopers and the stranger that had broken through our ranks.
“Like a running blaze on a plain, like a flash of lightning in the clouds.
We live in the flicker.”
-Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

The Sith Academy

The Blind Leading the Blind, Main Corridor
[member="Vustia"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Wolf"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Doc"]

Though he did not need his eyes to 'see', Jareth had turned towards the initiates, head tilted slightly as though listening to something.

This was a first. The blind Sith arched an eyebrow, the only outward sign of his surprise, easy to miss while the silent red fire filled the hallway. There was no precedent for this. Even when potentials had come in groups in the past, this was a place where all allegiances fell apart. It was, indeed, one of the goals- to break down any other loyalties before rebuilding a new one. While there were other stages with that in mind, this first task had always been enough in the past for those entering the Academy to revert to the most basic of instincts- survive. Of course, not all of them had moved to protect the others. Not all of them were here together. Useful to know.

Jareth walked backward as the group moved forward, keeping his distance. While he did not think this group would attack him right out of the first test, it was not unheard of. As they cleared the area full of blaster fire, he twitched his hand again, shutting off the mechanism in the wall. The attack stopped immediately, leaving the hallway in that soft, cool light again. The smell of ozone in the air was the only sign that anything here had ever been amiss.

Interesting, the word spoke in each of their minds. Welcome to R'lyeh. Come.

He turned his back on them once more, heading down the hallway. At the end were three doors. The blind sith ignored the doors to the right and the left, waving his hand casually to open the largest door in front of them. A half flight of stairs led up, opening up in to a large room. A great banquet table, surrounded by chairs, sat in the middle. The ceiling was high, two stories, and studded with windows that allowed in the only light. A second story gallery ran the circumference of the room, doors opening at occasional intervals. Though the room had the appearance of a great hall, there was no sense of it being used for that purpose- something about it spoke, not of shared meals, but of something more urgent.

As always in these situations, Jareth paused beside the table, turning back to the group. And waited, until the last person had entered. Would they attack him? Have questions? Had they all even followed him? There was one more test for those when they first entered the Academy, but it would come momentarily.

Lonely Wanderer, Lower Level

The datacubes were labeled thusly:
Botanical Research
Chemical Research
Notes- Sessions 1-25
Notes- Sessions 26-50
Notes- Sessions 51-Current
Personal Notes

In addition to the words, there were also patterns of raised bumps.

The door across the room was unlocked.

The room beyond was what appeared to be personal quarters, probably of the Sith using this lab for research. There were no decorations in the room, but there was a bed, a chair, and a desk. On the desk was a data pad, obviously used for both recording and playing back the cubes. The keys of the datapad had raised bumps instead of letters on them, uncommon on most models.

The room itself was kept very neat- no stray items strewn about. A closed closet door on the right. Another door, on the left.

The spores would be starting to take effect in the next few minutes.

The Belly of the Beast, Beneath the Academy
[member="Jude Falkrowe"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

The images available to them told them of a secret hangar built just off of this facility. The ships there meant to ferry useful things straight up to the Omega. Unlike most of the Academy however, it would not be empty. Sith Guards, as well as Imperial Stormtroopers were stationed there at all times. Though the number fluctuated slightly, there were never less than four Sith and eight troopers at any given time.

This was the door, backlit by a yellow glow, the Warden led them toward now. He could indeed open the door- but it would behoove them to decide their course of action first, as it was clear that they would not be recognized as authorized personnel.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Castameer, Control Center
The New Republic and her allies
Nearby: [member="Kira Vaal"]

The Pantoran had ignored him...turning and running towards his destination, he brought his saber to his hand with the Force. "What the phrik is up with everyone and this lone vornskr poodoo?" he muttered to himself. "Then again, I am on my own right now anyways" he said as an afterthought.

Approaching the tower he could see about four guards there...and not just normal guards, but actual troopers! One pair was guarding the entrance to the tower, standing as if they were statues. The second pair made their way around, on what appeared to be a patrol. Taking cover behind a large boulder Dax barely escaped the notice of the guards. "I don't have time for this..." Dax muttered to himself. Looking around he tried to find some other way in, something that would result in far less blasterfire. But it wasn't possible. He could see no such in. Peeking around the boulder Dax watched the patrol. Please don't turn, please don't turn, please don't turn... he prayed. But the Force had a cruel sense of humor, and the two patrolling guards turned, their path leading right past the boulder which Dax hid behind. Kark.... Ducking back behind the boulder he gripped his saber just a little tighter.

Using the Force he let his mind reach out and feel the guards presence as they approached, getting closer and closer. Just as they came next to the boulder Dax leaped out from behind it, grabbing the barrel of one of the guard's blasters he pointed the barrel as his partner, the twitchy finger of the first guard pulling the trigger, striking the second at point blank. The guards at the door had definitely seen that, and they raised their blaster's to begin firing. Dax put the guard who's partner had just been killed between himself and the potential hail of light. The patrolling guard turned, blaster aimed at Dax. Quickly, Dax pushed his palm forward, the Force flowing through it, manifesting itself into existence, hurling the poor guard towards his fellows at the door. The two guards jumped out of the way as 200 pounds of armor weapons and flesh flew at them. Leaping high into the air, Dax fell on them, his lightsaber ignited, the orange blade screaming as it came down upon them. Not a single one stood a chance now.

Picking up a blaster and entering the Control Center he left the bodies behind.

Searching for an turbolift was difficult in this catacomb of oppression. There had to be one though. They certainly couldn't have walked up and down this monstrosity. Nothing would get done that way! Another odd thing had struck Dax. The lack of more troopers....the most he had seen since his initial incursion had been the odd guard or too, but not one of the formidable troopers like the ones he had seen outside. With them, he had simply used a Jedi Mind Trick to allow him to pass. What happened to the security? Dax found his answer as he happened across an external turbo lift. As the turbo lift rocketed upwards he could see for miles around. In the distance he could see a Sith Academy, where there had clearly been a battle of some sort. From the nearby airbase, vehicles carrying troops appeared to be moving towards the mines.

Turning back towards the door Dax waited for the door to open. Finally coming to a stop at the main level Dax stepped off the elevator, blaster in one hand, ignited saber in the other. Before him stood a large mechanical man, a beaten and bloodied one, and another woman. Dax made no sound, waiting for another to make the first move.

Visser Chernykh

No one makes the hero bleed.
The Sith Academy
[member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Wolf"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Vustia"] [member="Doc"] [member="Kierel"]

Mael moved to close the circle around the stormtroopers. He took a two-handed grip on his hilt as they entered the line of fire. He could feel the reverberations as he silently deflected shots fired. There wasn't time for anything more elaborate.

They cleared the passage mostly unscathed but Samka favored her shoulder. She'd been too focused on protecting the troopers. Sentimentality was a weakness that might've cost her life. In her death she might've cost them the weapon and he ground his teeth in irritation.

They came into a great hall and Mael watched the Sith ascend a number of steps. A subtle gesture made the trap cease and Mael knew the guns to be triggered by the Force. It'd been well they hadn't searched for a switch. He kept his weapon ready as he walked to the base of the steps.

You know why we're here. Tell us where the Omega weapon lies. The Supreme Leader will NOT be denied!
[member="Mael Ren"], [member="Thresh Sken"], [member="Samka Derith"]

The Sith Academy

As Mael Continued to follow the blind guide DOC using hand arm signals order the rest of the trooper to conduct injury and ammo check, before moving on to treat wound on Samka shoulder, the eerie slice had him on edge it was thing to have to strain to hear thing but dead silence was unnatural, made constantly checking the rear to make sure no one was coming up behind you or mission from the formation even more important.

Zara Lianna

Jedi Knight/Master/ Mother of three
The Strip Mines
Current Objective: Make it to location alive
Allies: Any Light siders
~ [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] ~
When Xiarr came over, Viktoria turned around to see him and then Jakkor and him started a conversation, greeting each other. While they were talking, she was watching around watching for stragglers and other slaves who may have escaped. Once Jakkor had finished speaking, Viktoria looked back to Xiarr again and with an unfocused look and re-introduced herself.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Xiarr. It's been a while."
She said as Jakkor then turned to find a young man. She gasped and walked over with Jakkor, getting on the opposite side of Jakkor and the man, staying as support for him.She helped Jakkor walk him over to where they were heading.
​After Jakkor introduced himself to Master [member="Matsu Ike"], Viktoria bowed her head to her and introduced herself.
"Master. It's a pleasure to meet you. I wish we didn't have to meet in such conditions; My name is Viktoria Kess. Is there anything my Padawan and I can help with at this moment?"
she asked.
The Sith Academy

The Blind Leading the Blind
[member="Vustia"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Wolf"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Doc"]

You know why we're here. Tell us where the Omega weapon lies. The Supreme Leader will NOT be denied!

Jareth smiled. The expression was surprisingly humble, almost self-effacing. He spread his hands out to either side and then motioned upward. Even from the surface, the Omega weapon had been visible, a gleaming gem in the sky. Some of them might even be in a position to look up and see it through one of the windows in the ceiling.

I am just a simple blind man, came his voice in all of their heads. But even I can see Omega. Your supreme leader must be even more blind than I to not know exactly where it is. Curious.
Location: Tunnel => Grand Hall.
(Potential) Allies: [member="Wolf"], [member="Vustia"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Samka Derith"] .
Enemies: TBD.

At once as the hail of plasma stopped, Darth Ophidia dropped her shield and stood up with a feigned aspiration of effort. Keeping the shield up against such a barrage required dedicated focus, but with her experience it did not require so much effort as she made it out to. She stood up, brushing down the dark robes and glancing quickly over her shoulder to look at the Knights of Ren behind her. Unity; it was a rare quality among darksiders, but it would seem to have been bred into their order. She also saw her own apprentice, Vustia, among them. Did she believe in their unity, or did she simply utilise their ways to strengthen her own chance of survival?

She did not wait, but followed after their blind guide.

Welcome to R'lyeh. Come.

Mrore doors. Evidently there was a beehive of chambers throughout the structure, and she noted the direction of the doors. However, exploring the would not be her task right now. She needed to know what their blind host would yield. So, she followed him through the middle door and into the great hall. Not a hall for feasts, but what was its purpose? The architecture was not uncommon, but interesting. Two floors, lit from above, spacious and practical. It was reminiscent of a few libraries through which she had perused. Perhaps it would yield as much wisdom as they had done. Table, chains, what could they be for?


As she absorbed the hall in its entirety, one of the Knights of Ren ( [member="Mael Ren"] ), stated his request for information quite brazenly. These people had very little tact, but at least they spared her a lot of work. She allowed herself to fade into the group and the Knight to form the spearhead.

The retort almost made her snort derisively, but she managed to restrained herself. Yes, the gleaming object in the sky, Omega. As she crept to the side, she could see a bit of it. This was why they had come to icy Castameer.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: THe Strip Mines
Objective: Free the people
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"] [member="Lark"]

Matsu continued to work on the collars as she was manipulating them and came out of it when another approached her. Looking at the woman as she bowed and could feel some sweat on her brow with a nod of her head. "Welcome and yeah, right now we are either working to stop the guards or free the slaves from the collars and buy time for the ones in the control facility to free all of them and disable the kill switch." She stayed with it getting her canteen and prepared to work on many of the things but she needed it and the small enhancer to th water that was there to refresh her with the vitamins and everything the body needed to recharge and go back into the process when the freed slaves she had were working with her to use the small devices to unlock more while she worked on other slave collars for herself. The small group was working on more of the things to grow and each one was freeing one person, then they would free one while the other was freeing another one and the process would keep repeating. Free one, learn one, teach one all pushed them forward.

Visser Chernykh

No one makes the hero bleed.
The Sith Academy
[member="Wolf"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Doc"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Darth Ophidia"]

And you will be simply a dead man if you continue to dissemble.

The Sith was trying to bait him. He tried to split hairs and lay down false paths. Mael Ren wasn't a simpleton to be led astray by such insults. But let the blind man continue to think him so.

Running his hand over the holstered pistol was deliberate. It continued the charade of a crude and thoughtless thug. The Sith wasn't afraid of them in his own home so he'd not be intimidated. Underestimating them might cause him to let something slip.

What is the Omega weapon and it's purpose, Sith?

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

" Ive been looking at these things. keep the collars i need a few parts. lets just say it'll be usefull to keep. ie im making a bomb." Lyth said loking at the small ammounts of ionite.
" oooh im getting giddy thinking about it. " she squeed
Voracion Citadel
The 5th Gate
Sith outer trench line

Allies: [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Dean Letham"] [member="Rhan Komo"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Arla Balor"]

Enemy: [member="Kith Verloren"]

Cole took a moment of respite as the surviving Sith began to fall back. Cole was sweating and starting to breath heavy. He looked around him and started policing up the disregarded weapons and ammo for a few moments. The dead have no need for such things. Cole kept one of the rifles and some ammo for himself. One of the BTI-CC13s the Sith had just been using to try and kill him and his men.

Once he was done Cole peaked over the edge of the trench wall backs toward the Citadel. What he saw made him curse softly............just what he needed a Gunboat. He shook his for a moment thinking where was a missile launcher when you needed one.

He looked along the trench and over his shoulder.

"Somebody get some heavy ordinance up here..................everyone else."

He paused.

"Let's get that things attention............spread out harassing fire."

Cole propped himself up lining up at the Gunboat through the rifle's sights and squeezed off three or four burst of three rounds. He aimed for where he thought the vehicle commander may be. Once he finished firing he ducked down into the trench to avoid return fire before starting all over again. In his mind he prayed Arla or one of the other Mandalorians had something up their sleeves to destroy the target.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Allies: [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"]
Enemies: Omega

The path between them and the Citadel was almost open, as Nima finally caught her breath and had a chance to look at her surroundings. She was glad that the two were still okay, but again, it was still too early for the celebrations. Cleaning the blood running down from her newly opened burning scar on her face with a painful sigh, she concentrated more on the environment. The only thing remained between them and progress was the two newly emerged, slightly armored but dangerous looking walkers already aimed at them and were ready to shoot. Elpsis was the one to run first after a smirk, Nima shouted after her to stop. "Elpsis wait! We should..." make a plan first, rushing towards them is very dangerous. Dangerous? They were in a battlefield, of course it was dangerous. But unnecessary risks were making it unnecessarily dangerous, and Elpsis was going to get seriously hurt one day if she continued to act this way. Maybe after all this, Nima and Elpsis would need to have a talk about this subject. Everything happened in a moment's notice as the sky turned into flames, temperature increased to the dangerous levels as a sweat drop suddenly went down from her face, and then the fire took control of the area, burning everything in its way towards the machine. The machine melted away and away, the only thing that stood from it was a useless metal, and lots of burnt corpses. It was impressive, yet it would've gone very bad! Of course, Nima was always the negative. And sadly, this time she was right. Elpsis got shot and crashed to the ground. "ELPSIS!" Nima shouted, then turned to Charlyra.

"Let's get rid of that walker, fast.” Her head aching crazy, she reached out to the person who was using the walker, attacked his brain again, again and again until she cracked an opening for herself and entered his mind, each time hurting her own mind, and placed an illusion, causing him to see soldiers equipped with rocket launchers ready to attack the walker in a second. This would create a distraction for both to get close to the walker. “Charlyra, now! I’ll attack the legs.” She said meanwhile the walker started to attack the illusions far away from all three. Pushing herself even further, she started to run towards the walker, enhancing her speed and keeping her stance ready for a swift attack to destroy its legs. The walker stopped attacking to the illusions, so that meant the effect of the illusions were disappearing. She hoped it would gain them more time but she was not concentrated enough to keep up the reality of her creations. Anyway, the time they had would be enough, as she jumped, turning in the air to gain momentum and aimed its legs, the lightsaber cut through them with the gained momentum and gave Charlyra chance to finish it off meanwhile the walker started to crumble, but needed one more push to be destroyed. Nima lost her balance and fell as well after the attack, her head spinning like crazy and she felt like puking, as her nosebleed was back. She was almost out, the voices getting all inaudible and vision getting blurry.

Now it was all Charlyra to destroy the walker and wake the two up to proceed.
Location: Sith Academy
Allies: [member="Wolf"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Doc"] [member="Kierel"]
Unknown: [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Vustia"]

I witnessed the telepathic exchange between the blind man and Mael Ren. A quick glance through a window in the ceiling was enough to show the Omega was still present, ever watching us.

My head snapped down and I grew immediately angry at the mention of our Supreme Leader. He was not blind! I bared my fangs and brought up my now extinguished lightsaber in front of me, not in a ready stance but rather just brandishing it, to show that I was angered by the jab at the Supreme Leader. My fingers lay beside the ignition buttons, ready to ignite both blades at a moment's notice.

I wondered briefly in my own thoughts wether or not the Supreme Leader actually knew what Omega was. I was not present for the briefing in person with the Supreme Leader, I had not proven myself yet. So I had no idea wether the Knights of Ren present at the briefing were told exclusive knowledge about the Omega.

My question was soon answered by Mael Ren's asking of the weapon and its purpose. Maybe for some reason the Supreme Leader thought it best not to tell us. I had to trust him and his intentions, because he knew best. It was not my place to question the Supreme Leader's reasoning.

What could the Omega possibly be? I wondered, waiting curiously for the blind man's response.
[member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Zark"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Zonia Kalranoos"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Kira Vaal"] [member="Galen Adina"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Riven Black"] [member="Jaster Starfallen"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Raeya Papanoida"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Viktoria Kess"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Lucien Galtier"] [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Jatt Cath"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]


A high pitched joined the crackle of the newcomer's saber. The sound of a Sith gunship coming to hover close to the tower. The Foreman turned his gaze from one to the other. A hiss of steam escaped the plates across his back, yet still he did not move.

Just three inches. That was all it took for his arm to move to put pressure on the captive's neck, to force a scream from his lips. It covered the sound of storm commandos disembarking their gunship to secure the control tower.

"IS THIS ONE WORTH MORE TO YOU THAN MY SLAVES?" The Foreman asked. It's voice was deep, almost discordant. Disturbing in its off-key, artificial sound.


On the air base the troopers had taken the time to reinforce their position against an assault. At first they had expected an immediate attack, but reports suggested the ground forces had dispersed into the surface mines and shanty town. Now they suspected infiltration instead.

Nevertheless, an entire line of troops stretched out between laser towers. Heavy emplacements dotted the mountain side. The base was set up to hold off an entire division. And as to the infiltration had arrived.


As to Karen Roberts, her work was almost entirely ignored. The Foreman did not see the factories as his responsibility and the Sith forces were more concerned with secure their air bases to rearm fighters to strike out at the invaders in orbit. The factories were essential assets, but they were not seen as the highest priority. Perhaps that would be a grave mistake.
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