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Heart of Darkness (DMed Story)

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Bipolar Sith. What could go wrong.
Vustia was curious about everything but she had changed again. She had gone into a state of full blown depression and moved to the corner of the room away from everybody else and pretended to be busy. She hoped nobody would get near her.

[member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Doc"] [member="Samka Derith"]


Saint of the Damned
Location: Strip Mines
Temporary Allies: The lightsiders I suppose.

Blaster fire surrounded Lark as he traversed the Strip Mines, following behind [member="Thoja Arlos"]. He'd said to follow close behind him, he didn't know that Lark had experience in firefights. Never one on this large a scale, granted, but he knew his way around a battlefield.

Elsewhere, slaves tried desperately to get the collars off. Lark ignored them. Besides, even if he wanted to help the slaves he didn't know how to remove the collars, and he wasn't properly trained in the force, not yet at least. Eventually, he'd need to find a way to ditch Thoja and the rest of the lightsiders. Allowing him to enter the Strip Mines was one thing, but the Omega was another beast entirely. He doubted they'd let him in so easily. Either he'd have to convince them to bring him along, or he'd have to sneak in.

Sparks scattered around Lark's head as blaster fire charred the wall behind him. He returned fire and fell the guard who had made the shots. Let's focus on staying alive for the moment. Can't discover what lies hidden in the Omega if I die pitifully in these mines.


Active Member
Location: The blaster lit up hallway and beyond.
[member="Mael Ren"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Vustia"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Doc"]

The soothing calmness that had been around Kierel evaporated the moment the small girl activated her saber. Her senses returned full force and in that instant the sound and smell of ion filled the air. She had barely a moment to realise blas- her rifle came up -ter fire.

Even before the hall had lit up in ancient plasma fire the Ren had surrounded her. In a blur of motion that were hardly within human perception. The thrumming and humming of sabers created a wall of defence, from that Kierels soldier instincts kicked in. If something could fire at them. She could fire back. It had been quick, efficient work. The walls no match for modern blaster technology. Still her snowtrooper armour was coloured in carbon marking where near misses and deflected bolts had passed by. If there was one thing Kierel Ortis was good at. It was being a soldier. They had worked together as a unit. Their mix of abilities serving to strengthen where the others were weaker. The double bladed arcs of one saber and the quick rapier movements of another. Kierel in the centre bringing some heavy blaster fire to outwith the circle. She had seen the work of the one known as Mael before. He had been on Aetum II. His brutal and swift movements allowed him to duck and dive faster than anything that should have been humanly possible. They moved as limbs of a beast defending itself from angry predators. Hissing in one direction, shouting another. Letting off anger and rage in another all while keeping the goal of leaving the ruined hallway.

After they exited Kierel felt her own composure come back. Her mind began to become her own again and she looked at each of the Ren and the Sith with them. The red blades. A platoon of them could destroy a legion. The fact the Galaxy needed such murderous weapons inside things so small as a young girl or the powerful hairy beast. She wasn't sure what species he was but the fact that across these barriers of age, race and at first sight ability. Any sentient being looking on them would feel a mix of horror,dread and admiration. The powers these people had, had caused wars for all galactic history. Now she understood why. The power they could wield over reality itself to bend thought, action, space. These had all been abstract to read about but to see it with her own eyes had changed something in her.

Her companions, the cloaks began to trade with the blind figure, baiting him and showing their obvious distaste for his parlour trick. The Supreme Leader was a great man she thought, but still just a man. Under the circumstances she doubted if he cared if anyone called him a scum sucking slime. And no doubt he had bigger Omega shaped things on his mind.

With a slow realisation that had been nagging at her from the start of the mission she realised they had been in her thoughts. In her head. Perhaps they knew everything about her. Perhaps not. An emotional pain that emanated from her heart and spread to her skull erupted in fury and anger. Without a sound, she tore off her helmet and cast it aside. her hair flopped out and her face had the emotion clear for any to see. Her thoughts explicitly for the first time audible to the others.

I have a damn question. What madness in all of the galaxy makes weapons like Omega needed? And what does it have to do with this place?

Kierel Ortis was finished with being looked down as something lesser. Which was a strange feeling, considering the person whose eyes seemed to burn with disregard was blind. Something told her not to trust anything about this visage but the cloaks had made no move to silence him. The nagging feeling came back. she did not belong here. This wasn't a place for people like her. But something had replaced the dread and horror. Fierce determination. She could never understand this place the way the others could. She would make it her mission to destroy it and Omega. The galaxy needed less of these monstrosities.
Charlyra wished they had a plan, Elpsis laying down distractionary cover while she and Nima cut them down to size. Or perhaps a mix up of the three, Charlyra could provide a well enough distraction. Unfortunately, it wasn't an option any longer, "MASTER TANN!" She shouted before having the chance to change her trajectory. Charlyra had been force speeding to [member="[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT=georgia]Elpsis[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT=georgia] [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT=georgia]Elaris[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT=georgia]"] when she saw [member="Nima Tann"] give all of what she could, and suddenly it was down to the Fire Acolyte. She had a choice, bring back Elpsis and risk getting them both killed in the process or taking care of this walker and then waking both Elpsis and Nima. The latter was obviously more favorable to her, and so she planted a hand into the ground. Kneeling as she did so her aura shimmered as she focused directly on the remaining walker.

Slowly she rose to her feet and anchored them into the snow beside Elpsis' body. Pulling on the force she drew upon her electromagnetic energy and worked it toward the walker. Her hands rose and as she did this, the walker too rose from the ground higher and higher until it no longer touched the snow. She then slammed her hands into the snow, again, and again. From here she raced into force speed and then up into a force leap as she tossed one lightsabre out and struck straight down with the other that remained in her hand. Calling her second lightsabre back she cut into it and ripped the hull with her electromagnetic capabilities. Sheathing them both she was now focusing on the magnetic areas within the walker she ripped the metal up from the bottom killing the crew - well those that remained at any rate.

Overkill, maybe - but then she just witnessed two very close friends go down. From there she raced to Elpsis and pulled the young redhead into her arms and rushed, cradling Elpsis to Nima, setting the two side by side. Charlyra rubbed her hands together and put either one atop of their cheeks, giving them each a gentle jolt to wake them up.

Charlyra felt weakened after that - her force powers felt weaker. Her aura had gone down substantially, but it would come back again. Once she's had time to recharge her batteries as it were. Smoke rose from her robes, the light red robes were nearly singed away, only a few tatters remained. She was down to the under armor of orange. Her body was torn, ragged - but she looked better of the three or so it seemed, then again she still hadn't quite figured out what in her upper back was broken or why it hurt. But she was using this pain to convert into fury and rage... and for now it seemed to work, for now.

Allies: [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Nima Tann"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]
Objective: Break the Citadel // Get Inside.

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Location: Sith Chambers
Allies: None
Objective: Read datacubes and investigate Sith Chambers.

Rubbing my fingers across the raised bumps I collected the datacubes most of them seemed to apply to the whatever the Sith were growing, even the sessions gave the vague impression that it was all based around the plants. I saw the information as valuable as it could tell me of the special properties behind the plants. Perhaps they could even be used as medicine or even as a weapon. So I walked into the next room an armful of datacubes that I’d end up going through. Ugh, I always hated doing homework now here I was doing it. I was over five hundred years old doing homework. People always said you were never too old to learn but this was ridiculous.

The next room was pretty Spartan in its make up. Considering it was Sith quarters there was something off putting about the shocking lack of individuality. No trinkets, no sort of trophies. While I was one that didn’t display such things many Sith did and took pleasure from their belongings. More importantly there was a datapad, perfect. Picking up the tool I rubbed my fingers across the raised keys. It was starting to make sense, while I had never been blind I knew of the raised bumps. There had been witches in my own clan that suffered from blindness and used such writings and engravings to read. The Sith had made this datapad accessible to people who were blind.

Who would’ve thought that they could be so generous? Going in alphabetical order I slid the datacube labeled Botanical Research in. Setting the rest of the cubes onto the desk I walked with the datapad once the information was loaded I’d begin to read whatever information it contained on the plants. Splitting my concentration between reading I’d pace to the closet on the right side to open it and see what the Sith kept inside of it.
Claire Ouron said:
Location: Strip Mines
Objective: Free slaves.
Allies: @Joshua Dragonflame [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"] [member="Lark"] @Rylan Thatcher [member="Arisa Yune"]

"Good grief...People come and go so quickly around here..." Claire said quitely as she noticed the sudden influx of people wanting to help. She then heard [member="Lyth Meran"] ask if there was any sort of plan. She turned to the winged girl and shrugged. "Heck if I know? I think they're talking to a runaway slave about how he got out."

Dax Fyre said:
Location: Strip Mines
The New Republic and her allies
Nearby: [member="Zark"] [member="Raeya Papanoida"]

Dax heard the distinctive sound of blasters firing nearby, his head turning quickly towars the source of the saoud, a couple slaves falling, the Pantoran ducking behind cover and a series of guards firing. Cursing Dax cut his conversation short and sprinted towards the small fight. Yet by the time he arrived it was already over, the Pantoran walking away. Calling to her he informed her of his plan. "I'll go take out the control center. Release the slaves, start a riot, draw forces away from the target!"

Matsu Ike said:
Location: THe Strip Mines
Objective: Free the people
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"] [member="Lark"]

Matsu could see that they were all getting to work, her hope to disable and handle the slave collar going when she was fighting into another guard and let a blast of energy come from her hand to send him into the air. The sound of all the slaves in agony came to her when she was roaming over and looking at the collars she was moving within it. Focusing the force when she reached out for a quicker way to start deactivating and removing them when she came across a group of the slaves who were starting to try and rise back up to their feet. It would take a lot of work for them to do still. She was workign on the electronic manipulation of the collars to go after more of them when she was being alerted. "Give me protection where you can."

Matsu foused on it letting the force flow through her hands and her fingers when she was reaching out to feel the collars with the force and then she was going deeper to let Lyth figure out what she was doing but Claire and Joshua were here to protect her and them while they went about the different things. The others in the group and from the silver jedi here were able to do the same when she was focusing on the delicate electronics in the collars. Pushing deeper to work and to really start messing with them when she started to adjust and tamper with the small internal working through electronic manipulation. Talking to machines was just like people and you could alter them to... "Open open open." She heard the click and then another and another.

Kira Vaal said:
Location: The Strip Mines
Current Objective: All or Nothing (Heading to Remove the System Control)
Allies: [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Raeya Papanoida"] [member="Zark"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Solan Charr"]
For Reference: [member="Raziel"]

The Falcon had come in low before Kira and Alasdair had rushed out of the main hold into the cold wastes that surrounded the tower, both watching her ship slip off into the sky as it headed to where-ever it was that General Merrill was located.

“He’ll bring her back.” Alasdair said, placing a hand on Kira’s shoulder. He could clearly read the worry over the Jedi Knights face. “Charlwook knows that damn ship inside and out. He’ll bring it back.”
“I know.” Kira said as the Falcon twinkled on the horizon. “I just have this feeling like its the last time I’m ever going to see her.”
“We will see her again.” The determination in Alasdair’s voice was contagious and filled Kira with confidence.

The pair had moved quickly through the area around the tower, dark clouds of smoke twisted and flicked from where the ground had been torn away by the Sith’s never ending hunger for what lay beneath making the air tight and tough on the pair. Fortunately Alasdair had grabbed a pair of re-breathers from the Falcons maintenance kit, simple attire that attached themselves over one’s mouth and purified the air. It was a god send to be honest as the thick sulphate that concentrated heavily around the tower would have otherwise made the going very tough.
“You sure this is the main tower?” Kira asked as the passed over a connection bridge, a giant chasm beneath them scarred the planet from where the Sith had torn at it.
“I’m trying to work that out, It’s either this one or that one.” The Underground agent pointed towards a second semi-larger tower in the distance that was connected to this one by large metal pipes and wires. “Could all be for nothing if we try the wrong tower, maybe we should split up?”
Kira didn’t like the idea of separating, especially with such rumoured activity on the communication jammers. Alasdair however was right, it would be a short trip if they hit the wrong tower.
“Okay I’ll take the second tower, I can get across those pipes. Hopefully.” Kira said splitting from Alasdair who moved towards the blast door that was the access point to his tower. “Good luck.”
“Kira.” She stopped and looked back for a moment. “May the Force be with you.”
She nodded.
“And you.”


She had made easy work of the pipes, each being large enough to count as a bridge for a single person. Only having to duck down once into a crevice as two Sith Gunships had flown over her position heading for the power-units where [member="Bryce Bantam"] had done his own job well, she wished him silent luck before carrying on to where the pipes entered the tower and had found an entrance where the panelling had rusted away due to excessive exposure to the atmosphere.

The area she had entered was a small access corridor that ran adjacent to a large storage block, rare materials moved across great conveyer belts before being loaded into haulers to be transported to, Kira assumed, Omega. From her vantage point she was invisible to the ranks of slaves who were positioned on either side of the belts, hands busy sorting out the raw waste from the freshly mined dirt. Scattered around them were countless guards, overseers and droid enforcers. The general feeling in the air was one of dread and the Force did not like this place at all.

She carried on through the tunnel until she found a vent shaft that was large enough for her to slid into and begin working herself further into the station proper.

Climbing through the vents reminded her of Coruscant where recently she had been part of the strike team to climb through the old hatches of the Jedi Temple to infiltrate the Sith Controlled Valley during the invasion. The air was very similar here, still and dry and the anticipation was probably worse but she put that aside and continued onwards, at least she had more room here.
Another hatch gave her access to a corridor further up the tower, more open and industrial then the last.
She carried on down coming to a corner where two guards were positioned unseen to her in all but the Force.
She closed her eyes and reached out, touching their minds with her own. “Leave the door and retire for the day.” She exhaled as she felt her will begin to convince the pair. Both turned and began to walk away allowing Kira to quietly get to the door which turned out to be the Turbo-lift up to the main control station.

The main deck was dark and as smoggy as the rest of the tower, Kira emerging from the turbo-lift into the operational centre with her blaster held tight in her hand.
Faces turned to meet her but none made any moves of hostility.
Something was wrong…

The Foreman ([member="Raziel"]) stood in all his mechanical glory facing her, the knelt form of Alasdair before him, beaten and bruised. A malicious laugh was all that met Kira’s ears…

*DM notes:
Kira and Alasdair head to shut down the main tower, Alasdair gets captured after separating from his companion and Kira confronts the Foreman. Waiting on DM to decide Foreman’s actions and permission to use as NPC in next post.

Viktoria Kess said:
The Strip Mines
Current Objective: Make it to location alive
Allies: Any Light siders
~ [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] ~
When Xiarr came over, Viktoria turned around to see him and then Jakkor and him started a conversation, greeting each other. While they were talking, she was watching around watching for stragglers and other slaves who may have escaped. Once Jakkor had finished speaking, Viktoria looked back to Xiarr again and with an unfocused look and re-introduced herself.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Xiarr. It's been a while."
She said as Jakkor then turned to find a young man. She gasped and walked over with Jakkor, getting on the opposite side of Jakkor and the man, staying as support for him.She helped Jakkor walk him over to where they were heading.
​After Jakkor introduced himself to Master [member="Matsu Ike"], Viktoria bowed her head to her and introduced herself.
"Master. It's a pleasure to meet you. I wish we didn't have to meet in such conditions; My name is Viktoria Kess. Is there anything my Padawan and I can help with at this moment?"
she asked.

Matsu Ike said:
Location: THe Strip Mines
Objective: Free the people
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"] [member="Lark"]

Matsu continued to work on the collars as she was manipulating them and came out of it when another approached her. Looking at the woman as she bowed and could feel some sweat on her brow with a nod of her head. "Welcome and yeah, right now we are either working to stop the guards or free the slaves from the collars and buy time for the ones in the control facility to free all of them and disable the kill switch." She stayed with it getting her canteen and prepared to work on many of the things but she needed it and the small enhancer to th water that was there to refresh her with the vitamins and everything the body needed to recharge and go back into the process when the freed slaves she had were working with her to use the small devices to unlock more while she worked on other slave collars for herself. The small group was working on more of the things to grow and each one was freeing one person, then they would free one while the other was freeing another one and the process would keep repeating. Free one, learn one, teach one all pushed them forward.

Lyth Meran said:
[member="Matsu Ike"]

" Ive been looking at these things. keep the collars i need a few parts. lets just say it'll be usefull to keep. ie im making a bomb." Lyth said loking at the small ammounts of ionite.
" oooh im getting giddy thinking about it. " she squeed

Lark said:
Location: Strip Mines
Temporary Allies: The lightsiders I suppose.

Blaster fire surrounded Lark as he traversed the Strip Mines, following behind [member="Thoja Arlos"]. He'd said to follow close behind him, he didn't know that Lark had experience in firefights. Never one on this large a scale, granted, but he knew his way around a battlefield.

Elsewhere, slaves tried desperately to get the collars off. Lark ignored them. Besides, even if he wanted to help the slaves he didn't know how to remove the collars, and he wasn't properly trained in the force, not yet at least. Eventually, he'd need to find a way to ditch Thoja and the rest of the lightsiders. Allowing him to enter the Strip Mines was one thing, but the Omega was another beast entirely. He doubted they'd let him in so easily. Either he'd have to convince them to bring him along, or he'd have to sneak in.

Sparks scattered around Lark's head as blaster fire charred the wall behind him. He returned fire and fell the guard who had made the shots. Let's focus on staying alive for the moment. Can't discover what lies hidden in the Omega if I die pitifully in these mines.
It had all gone by so fast. Luckily, Josh was used to this. Freeing slaves from their imprisonment and removing their slave collars. Being able to remove the collars without harming the slaves had been a trick he had picked up a little while ago. It was one that required precision, but he'd learned to master it quite well. Josh had been providing covering blaster deflection for Ike while she used the trick for several, and he had to wonder where she had learned it. Of course, with her age, and experience... Well, maybe he shouldn't be so surprised, no?

But Josh wouldn't hesitate to begin removing collars himself once the blaster fire going their way had lessened. He knew the trick and the more slaves they could free, and the quicker they did, the better. Josh would quickly begin dispatching collar after collar, knowing that with how many there were, and the amount of enemies around, they didn't have a moment to lose, not a moment to take their time on this. At least he was used to this... One wrong move and those collars could blow up. An ally by the name of Kess would make themselves known as they did, and Josh had to say he was glad to see more allies coming about. The more covering fire they had, and the more people they had handling the slaves, the better... Getting the slaves out of here was his mission, after all.

Some crazy nut was talking about taking the parts and making a bomb, but while the Jedi Master ignored their words and didn't pay them an inch of attention apparently, he did toss the remains of the collars he disabled and removed toward them regardless. Whatever they could use to help, he supposed. The Jedi Master would continue disabling collars, though he could feel sweat beading down his forehead. He was getting tired, it was just go go go, compared to what he was used to. So many people, so many elements, so many slaves... It was a clusterduck, that's what it was. But he'd keep going... He had to keep going.

People were depending on them after all.
Location: The Strip Mines
Current Objective: Encounter evil
For Reference: [member="Raziel"]

For Kira the situation had just become very, very real. Alasdair was more than an Underground agent that happened to follow her around, he was a friend. The closest thing to family she possibly had. Yet here he was at the whim of a mechanical beast with death on its processor.

She had her blaster already in her hand, a tight grip on the weapon as her heart was torn between duty and affection. She could barely look towards Alasdair as he screamed in pain, pressure applied to his neck.

“IS THIS ONE WORTH MORE TO YOU THAN MY SLAVES?” His voice was evil, artificial and chilling to the soul. “YOU SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT MORE.”

“Kira DON’T” Alasdair tried to get across from his position. “REMEMBER THE MISSION!”

He was silenced by the Foreman, who stamped him hard into the ground. Causing Kira to scream out in panic, her blaster raised and aimed at the Foreman.

“These slaves mean everything.” She tried to remain calm amongst the chaos surrounding her in the Force. “More then you’ll ever understand.” The door behind her slid open to block her trail of thought, a dozen storm commandos charging into the room with blasters drawn.

“Stand down rebel scum.” One of them declared as they began to surround Kira from the rear, her direct path blocked by the Foreman and Alasdair who was looking up at her with a stoic face of resolution.

“May the Force be with you kid.” He mouthed. His fate already decided.

A series of explosions rocked the second tower through the view screen to their left, the structure crumpling through the impacts before falling into the pits beneath it. A shallow victory if their ever was one but enough to get the distraction necessary as the alarms and klaxons began to sound in the main command centre. The lighting turned red and flashing lights created an almost strobe effect as Kira turned and pushed a wave of Force energy through her hand to push over the direct line of Storm Commandos, a flick of her wrist saw her saber raised into her hand and thrown across the room into the command console behind the Foreman, sending the chaotic scene into more ruin as systems began to indicate being damaged and shut down.

Blaster fire carried through the room as the commandos attempted to stop the Jedi Knight who was already at the viewport window of the chamber. A last look back at Alasdair who was already trying to wrestle out of the Foreman’s grasp before she was threw the viewport and in the arid air of the tower. She turned in her fall, embrace the force and landed on one of the pipes that she had used to get across. Gas pipes. The Commandos had started to fire openly towards her and her open position, the only thing aiding her survival was her Lightsaber and its ability to deflect shots into the surrounding...

Gas pipes?

Looking back at the tower that had just collapsed she noticed the chain of similar smaller explosions rolling down the pipeline towards her and the taller control tower. Surely they would have a blocking system in place? Had her efforts done anything for the slaves? Had Alasdair just sacrificed himself for nothing?
LOCATION: Sith Academy - Secret Hangar
ALLIES: [member="Jude Falkrowe"]
ENEMIES: Rogue Sith & Friends

There had been more than a few times in her life where she’d taken stock of a situation and said to herself ‘maybe this is where I turn around’. However, she wasn’t a Sith Lord because she backed down from a challenge. Even still, she saw the use of pragmatism.

While they had access to things they never would have been able to find without the Warden’s memories, she couldn’t figure out if the guards beyond the door operated on a consistent schedule. She just knew they were there. She could feel Jay processing the information in front of them in his own way, a categorical analyzation that already seemed characteristic. He was guarded and while Matsu thought she could dig and find out more she had absolutely no inclination and even if she had - no time. She had no sense for the depth of her partner’s power in the Force, nor the way he used it, though she assumed he was at least neutral considering his willingness to control another being for their advantage. Whether he was hiding a much deeper well of control was a possibility she both hoped for and was made wary by for when - and if - this was all over.

But first they had to make sure some rogue Sith left them a galaxy to hash it out in.

Once more she saw their path forward as several diverging possibilities all with possible drastic consequences, the butterfly effect yawning wide in front of them. There was no way to attack head-on without inviting death and Matsu wasn’t entirely welcoming of that possibility just yet. They could send in the Warden to attack and start the job that they could then finish with reduced enemy numbers, but that would alert anyone in the surrounding area that their were intruders around. But…

“I think I have an idea,” she said in the time-honored tradition of long-gone heroes making possibly suicidal decisions. And with that she grasped firmly at the reins of the Warden, following him up the stairs but stopping in the shadow of the doorway, crouched low as the giant humanoid opened the slider and started out in to the hangar. Under her control he started to sway as if drunk, lobbing a massive hand up to hold his head as if it were about to burst. He careened towards the biggest gathering of sith patrolmen, clearly in immense pain.

When he was almost there his limbs started to twitch as if he were possessed. He swayed and he meandered as he drew closer to a set of guards far enough away from the door where he’d entered to draw attention more towards the center of the hangar. He stopped a few feet from some of the troopers, doubling over as if his stomach pained him. And then under Matsu’s command he raged, reaching for a crate filled up ship parts and hurling it with herculean strength towards the closest trooper. His face was contorted in the shape of screams and roars made silent by the Academy's spell, throwing his fists, oblivious to the pain of blaster bolts as he was so out of his mind. He kicked, knocking a trooper flat on his back and attempting to squash his head under a monstrous foot. Matsu could feel the vibration of his manic destruction under her feet as he pounded his fists against the floor, trying to crush another trooper that had fallen in his attempt to back away from the angry Warden.

As all of this was going on, Matsu looked to Jay and nodded her head forward as if to say ‘here goes nothing’ before crouching low and moving along the wall. She stuck to the shadows and behind as much cover as possible as the Warden wreaked distracting havoc.

The possibility of stealing one of the nearby ships was also real. They could probably get right up to Omega, maybe even find clearance codes if they were lucky. But Matsu craved to see with her own eyes whatever Sith was controlling that sense of dread, what creature was possessed of the power to pump out such choking apprehension. She wanted to behold that magnificent monster and then tear that power out of it with her own hands.

And so she searched for a door, feeling for Jay at her side.
Location: Castameer, Strip Mines Trench Near Air Base
Allies: Team Light Side, [member="Choli Vyn"], [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Raeya Papanoida"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Kira Vaal"], Others
DM: [member="Raziel"]
Objective: Distract Sith Hunters, Buy Allies Time

"Not enough of us made it," Arix whispered over the comms. Out of all of them he had fared the best in the near-toxic environment thanks to his life support suit's built in air filtration system, "There's an army over that ridge and we don't have the manpower to do anything about it."

They had lost sight of most of their companions somewhere along the way during their miserable march through the surface mines. Some had peeled off on missions of their own, some they had simply lost sight of in the clouds of dust and the receding press of bodies. Arix was right, they couldn't assault the air base defenses alone. His mind racing, Zark tried to think of ways they could at least do some damage, strike at the edge of their defenses or find some other way to sew havoc, when he felt the encroaching darkness. From their vantage he couldn't see any signs of a shuttle or transport landing, but from the feeling in the air around him he knew that reinforcements of a sort had just arrived. Things had just gone from bad to worse.

"Do you feel them?" the Captain asked, and Arix shook his head. The cyborg was too untrained and Force weak due to his condition, which as much as it pained him also gave Zark a better fix on their relative position, "Company of the crimson saber wielding and bad speech giving variety."

"Have they sensed us yet?" Arix asked, head swiveling as if they were just around the corner or over the lip of the trench.

"Not yet, but they're about to," Zark replied, grinning wolfishly. The beginnings of a terrible plan started to form in his head, and he turned to address the special forces detachment from the Rebel's Hope, "Stay in this area, stay out of sight, keep eyes on those Air Base defenses. Comm traffic is liable to be spotty, but see if you can relay the strength of the Air Base forces to the others. Master Raaf, the Silver Jedi, anyone in the area it might benefit."

"And what about us?" Arix asked as Zark shed his slave disguise and tried uselessly to pat the dust off from his hanging officer's tunic.

"We're gonna double back, find the nearest patrol, and make some noise," the Captain replied, "Everything depends now upon the work our allies are doing in the mines, and if the Sith interfere all could be lost."

The two sprinted back a ways towards the heart of the surface mines, not far away from the tower under assault by Dax Fyre and Kira Vaal though they couldn't know it, before they came upon one of the few scattered patrols the Rogue Sith had sent out more to assess the threat this disruption of operations posed to their interests than to provide any actual assistance to the mine's operators. Zark had never been in incredible lightsaber artist, and while he possessed the uncanny aim with a blaster of a Jedi gunplay was not where is true talent lie. As much as he tried to fight it, Zark Pulsar was strong with the Force. Gifted, his master had called him. Cursed, he now thought of it.

Nevertheless, drawing a lot of attention in the Force was a task for which he was uniquely suited. Centering himself with a serenity born of urgency and purpose, the Jedi Knight reached out and molded the universe to suit his purpose. The ground began to rumble, and the soil already ground loose by the massive mining excavators began to float up into the air, static electricity leaping off of them, before as one they began to pelt the storm commando patrol in a cloud of jagged rocks, disorienting distracting and even in some cases injuring the soldiers as particularly sharp pieces reached high enough speeds to puncture the seams in their armor. As they struggled to raise their blasters, Zark reached out with his thoughts and curling an invisible fist around several commandos and hurling them bodily into their comrades. And then Arix was among them, his own lightsaber slashing in deadly arcs as he made quick work of several others in close quarters.

Retreating with urgent haste, the remaining storm commandos fired their rifles over their shoulders, and the two Jedi slowed their pursuit just long enough to give them the opportunity to radio back to the Air Base that they had been attacked by enemies wielding lightsabers.

Let's just hope they're the type to take things personal.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu looked at the ones there and heard Lyth where if she could make a bomb they could use to stop and help free some of the slaves then she could get behind that... she could but she was not going to just blow people up. "Lyth be careful with that." Matsu continued to work on the collars letting the fall to the ground when she pushed the others to help free more of the slaves that they could but they had a whole lot of people that it was not going to be a very helpful or beneficial but she could see a number of the others and feel them before she stopped to breathed just a little but this was tiring and she spoke. "This is not going to be the most effective and is tiring. I need more masters who know electronic manipulation if we can't find a master control for the collars." She panted a little but several gulps of air and the jedi master perked herself back up while she gave it a nod of her head. Alright... we can do this. She thought it to herself before going back into it with a nod of her head that they were working on many more of the things here. She could see others fighting the guards.
Location: Castameer
Allies: Jedi, GA, GR, KO | [member="Kira Vaal"]
Objective: Strip Mines
[member="Kith Verloren"] | [member=Raziel]

Much to the Sephi's chagrin, he soon realized that while the district he'd been in might have appeared empty, it had only been devoid of slaves. The guards still made random inspections. It was a group of five that found him, armed with blasters. He obviously hadn't felt them coming, but somehow he also hadn't heard them. Possibly because of the ruckus of the mines and the announcements from the speakers. Fortunately for him, one of them had the idiocy to yell out before the shooting started. That gave a split-second of reaction that he wouldn't otherwise have had, and it saved his life; he caught some of the heat of blaster bolts, but that was it. His third step forward turned into a push off to one side, followed by a duck behind one of the ramshackle buildings used to housed slaves.

It became clear that the guards hadn't gotten a good look at him before shooting. Or rather, what he was carrying. If they had, the first two wouldn't have charged around the corner quite so nonchalantly. A barrage of blaster bolts from the carbine literally picked them apart from three meters down the alley. The next two had some forewarning - Audren's gun sounded very different than theirs had - but even they were too late to fully prepare themselves. The shots they got off were nowhere near aimed, and they too died quickly. The last one had all kinds of warning though, and didn't even both sticking his head around the corner to aim. He simply stuck the barrel of his gun around and swept the alley. But his target had already taken cover, meager though it was. So when the lone surviving guard poked his head around and saw no dead target, then stepped inside, three blaster bolts thudded into his torso in quick succession.

That interaction was what persuaded the Jedi to avoid the mines as much as he could. If he'd been caught flat-footed by a group of guards wandering through the empty shantytown, how bad would the mines be? The problem was simply the size of the place. The base was beyond the mines, which were themselves kilometers across. A speeder would make the detour possible, but simple circumnavigation around the mines would no doubt take far too long. It was possible that the control towers he'd spotted would have vehicles, but they would also have a higher concentration of guards. Yet he didn't exactly have much of a choice.

The Master began a jog into the mines, down the slope and into the guts of the place. The first tower was a mere half-kilometer away, but without the aid of the Force he had to rely on his other senses to avoid the guards. What would have been a matter of minutes was almost doubled as he had to stop behind cover for guards or stop those slaves who rushed him. Some did so hoping that he would free them, others did so in a misguided attempt to capture him, maybe win their freedom. Alas, his technical skills were somewhat lacking; he didn't know how to free them from the collars without using his lightsaber, and that would draw far more attention than he wanted. He had to knock two slaves out with vicious strikes when they became insistent, but for the most part he simply ran when approached.

Unfortunately for him, the first tower had no vehicles, not even mining vessels. Few guards as well, as a matter of fact. The one bright spot. Annoyed, the Sephi backed away from the tower and circled around it, heading for the next one. Again, what should have been travel time of a few minutes essentially doubled. This time he had a bit of a running lightfight with two guards. It was pure happenstance that he got out of it as quickly as he did: the first guard was hit with a blaster bolt and the second ran in front of a mining truck. He got squished real quick.

Unknown to Audren, the tower he was heading to was the main one. All he knew, as he got closer, was that there were indeed vehicles parked outside. As such, he took several long moments to observe the guards and figure out the best way to them. The opportunity was a mining truck that rumbled by the lone guard on the east side every few minutes. Rather than the bright flash of a blaster bolt, a silvery beam could barely be seen as the truck passed by. The modified paddle-beam from the pistol he carried instantly knocked the guard unconscious, and he was up and moving.

But a better opportunity presented itself.

Just as the Master was skidding to a stop next to a landspeeder, a Sith gunship came to a halt over the tower. Soldiers fast-roped down and in, clearly after something that Audren couldn't sense. But that left the ship open to him. The liquid-cable dispenser and grappling claw - standard equipment for most Jedi - made short work of the vertical distance and he was able to slip in the open door without issue. The first pilot took a nasty knock to the back of the neck, which alerted the second pilot. He received a vibroblade to the forehead. Both were unceremoniously dumped out of the ship. By the time he settled into the seat however, a third tower had exploded. The tower had lines of something running to this tower...and they too were going up in flames. But below him, someone ran through the viewport and barely caught themselves by the pipes that connected the two towers. Not the greatest place to be. With a mental shrug, Audren shifted his new ship around and lowered it somewhat to face that same viewport and pulled the triggers, sending bolts powering through the remains and aiming to cause more havoc. A few bolts would suffice...the oncoming explosions wouldn't be so nice to be a part of and he had a mission to complete.
Location: Voracion Citadel
Allies: @cole dagros
Enemies: Sith
Equipment listed in bio, plus stun grenades, and rifle picked up along the way

Arla crawled out from shell of what was once the shuttle, return fire had begun to dwindle she needed to get her eyes on the enemy. The trenches were empty the Sith troops had given up run off a few stragglers here and there popped up. They were quickly dealt with.

Arla jumped into the trench looking for weapons, supplies, and to see if she could get closer to the citadel. Behind the line sitting and waiting something she had never seen before her visor lit up with life signs.

She lifted her arm and triggered the missile launcher her armor was designed with the bells and whistles that Boba had once used, many mandalorians fashioned their armor in such a manner. The missile released leaving a tiny trail what kind had she loaded before they left a couple anti personnel but only one anti vehicle. She didn't often fight with tanks bearing down on her. When she looked at the readout it was the anti personnel that had gone, what damage it could do to this ship before them.

Maybe enough to disorient them, she followed up though she laid out across and began laying in the blaster fire needed to keep them busy. She took a breath looking towards the ship getting to a kneeling position she stared, she stood up and quickly bent her knees to keep low and began a move forward. If there were enough of them could they take the ship out?

She could tell there were others alive near by the heat signatures reflected in her buy'ce that was good they still had some numbers.


Event Account
Elpsis, Nima and Lyra

The walkers collapsed into shattered and flaming pieces before the onslaught of the Fire Order.

In the aftermath as Lyra knelt close to the two mistresses the clouds cleared. A weak sunlight shone down revealing what was happening so far above.

A Firemane medic came to join them, along with a detachment of soldiers to hold this position whilst the Fire Order pressed on.

Cadan Tazi

Cadan’s chopper hacked left and right, and soon he was once again clear of all resistance. He would soon be coming back towards the 5th Gate. He could continue to slaughter Sith or stop to take stock of the situation.

Arla Balor & Cole Dagos

The gunship took the rocket hard, blowing out the front repulsor engines so it slammed to the ground with a squealing and rending of metal. The vehicle is disable, and can be finished off with grenades or other attacks.


The Sith defending the trenches have been killed or driven away. However, as you recover and prepare, above you in space things are developing….

The Omega is visible above you, a mere inch long it seems from this distance. However, through the flashes and flares of the distant battle something is happening.

Lights, green and eldritch are shimmering and shining in the air. Something very strange is happening.


You are running out of time.

[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Rhan Komo"] [member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Korro Kenyu"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Nara Basaar"] [member="Werah Unon"] [member="Drogh"] [member="Cole Dagos"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Dean Letham"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="​Nima Tann"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Charlyra Araano"]
Area: Strip Mines
Allies: [member="Matsu Ike"] @Lyth Maren [member="Celiana"] (And others, I can't keep track of this many people.)

Claire had been doing her part by defending Lyth and using the force to remove the collars of those she could find nearby. However as she kept working she noticed something in the sky that worried her greatly. "Guys!" She shouted to everyone who could hear her as she pointed to the sky that was starting to turn green, "I have this horrible feeling in my gut telling me we need to hurry the heck up! What about you guys?"
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Castameer, the Strip Mines
Affiliation: The New Republic and her allies
Nearby: [member="Kira Vaal"]...well sorta

The building shook, people fell from chairs or stumbled into walls and consoles and suddenly a crash resounded through the room as the woman on the other side of the platform jumped through a viewport out into nothingness. Cursing Dax didn't wait around to find out what was going on. As the crew was generally distracted, Dax'd hands began to spark with electricity, Emerald Lightning coursing through them. Grabbing consoles on either side of him, he released the volatile energies into the metal, frying everything within the consoles. Turning Dax followed the woman's lead jumping out of nearest viewport.

Plummeting towards the fast approaching ground Dax cursed loudly. "I have got to stop jumping out of buildings!" directing a Force push at the ground he hoped to slow his body down enough that he could cushion the remainder of his fall in the same manner he would a Force leap. Barely coming within a safe threshold, Dax landed on his feet, tucked and then tumbled away. Stopping on his back he lay there panting. "Note to self...don't go anywhere above 1 meter from the ground..."
Location: Sith Academy
Allies: The First Order, Knights of Ren, [member="Mael Ren"] | [member="Thresh Sken"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kierel"] | [member="Vustia"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Doc"]

Wolf exhaled a breath of relief as they cleared the area of blaster fire, the guide flicking his hand to turn it off. In the hail of blaster fire and deep concentration necessary he had not noticed Samka and Thresh sustain injuries, but was glad they had a medic on hand to treat them. Their blind guide was not looking to attack them, or succeed where the blaster fire failed. It really did seem simply like a test for students entering the Academy. Did this blind man really think they were just here for training though, in these dire circumstances, as the ominous weapon hung above their heads? He seemed too cunning for that. Then why entertain them at all, if he knew they sought the secrets of the Omega? Something did not feel right, though perhaps they had simply been chosen to be the playthings of whoever was behind all of this.

They had now entered through a door, and ignored the doors that lay either side of them. Wolf was curious where they would take them, but there was no reason to stop following the guide now that they had gotten this far. They were led into a great hall, and Wolf studied the banquet table curiously, his eyes trailing up to the second story gallery that had more doors, and then further up to the windows, and the speck in the sky that was Omega peering down at them. Wolf watched as [member="Mael Ren"] came forward to ask a question, and Wolf stood behind along with the others in interest, Mael spearheading the group.

The guide's reply was amusing, though no doubt evasive. He knew what was really asked. The insult towards the Supreme Leader did not move Wolf, though he did wonder if whoever was behind all this knew of the Supreme Leader. Wolf watched as Mael questioned him further, his fingers running along the blaster. Mael Ren, callous and distant as he may be, was no thug, and Wolf did not think he seriously believed the guide could be threatened by violence. He watched with interest to see the guide's reaction, and whether he might let something slip. Wolf then turned his head to see [member="Thresh Sken"] ask a further question. All of these questions were good, though he pondered why this guide would want to give them any information, and whether this information could even be trusted in the first place.

Wolf's attention was then taken by the Sith who had joined their defensive circle through the corridor. [member="Vustia"] had moved to the corner of the room, and seemed to be doing something. What was she thinking? He would not probe her thoughts for risk of a backlash. Was she scheming, up to no good? No, that was not it. Wolf sighed, and returned his attention back to the guide. They had enough on their plate, and now they had to keep in mind this strange Sith in the corner? Wolf was suspicious, but he chose to ignore it for now, focussing instead on the task at hand.

He raised an eyebrow as one of the stormtroopers then lifted her helmet off, her face clearly betraying her anger. Wolf was further surprised at her natural grasp of her own mind as [member="Kierel"] then formed her thoughts and asked further questions of their guide. What audacity, for a common trooper. He too was once in the military, though never once would he have done such a thing. Such behaviour would usually be reprimanded, especially when in the presence of Force users engaged in a critical mission. Wolf felt no sense of superiority, but hierarchy and rank existed for a reason, as did the basic military etiquette that surrounded them, preventing disorderly and chaotic conduct on the field, all of these these things helping to build an orderly and disciplined society. Given the uniquely dire circumstances however, perhaps these things could be overlooked. It would no doubt cause a great deal of stress to anyone. But a stormtrooper, speaking out of turn, above their rank? Perhaps it really was the end of the galaxy.

Wolf thought to himself privately, his mind guarded from others. Well if everyone from the stormtrooper to your uncle is asking questions, I shall remain silent.

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
Location the strip mines ( mining strippers is a thing. who knew?)
allies oh god i lost count.
objective. show off.
enemy dammed if i know.

" aww dammit. " Lyth sighed " i need a saber battery. and i'll get these collars off quick. " Lyth sighed alas I1-2-B3 i knew yee. "
she joked." look these collars aren't shielded a big EMP blast will deactivate the b**tards. but my walker is the only thing able to make the pulse. it'll be dead. its its firepower or destroy the collars your choice?" Lyth asked.

[member="Claire Ouron"][member="Matsu Ike"] the only 2 i remamber
Location: Voracion Citadel
Allies: [member="Rhan Komo"]| Mandalorians | Commonwealth
Enemies: Sith OpFor
Equipment: MM99, MM110, SD-11 (2), SpecOp

[ T H E M E ]

"When the last war comes,
we will be the victors."

The MARV was carving up snow and mud, blazing a path through the battlefield. Until now they had been unnoticed, the Sith continuing their retreat to the former defenses, but just as soon as they hit No Mans Land the Sith Troopers had turned around in their trenches. Five hundred meters of land seperated the MARV, Dean and Rhan between the Sith trenches. For a vehicle of its power and speed it was a short time, but it would feel like an eternity.

They burned through No Mans Land, past ashen corpses and burnt trees. Gnarled metal of other vehicles already scattered across the landscape, homage to the defeated before them. Dean and Rhan were no longer the vanguard, getting the MARV back on its feet had put them behind. Dean was determined to catch up to the battle, but before he could catch up it was they who caught up first. Suddenly blaster fire as thick as a hail storm descended on the MARV peppering the hull.

Dean ducked down. He couldn't see now, and he couldn't hear the turret firing. Was Rhan dead? he wondered, his heartbeat thundering louder than a cannon. He was relying on the fact that between him and them was open flat ground and few objects in the way. Pure luck if he made it to the other side, that's all war ever was. You had to be lucky a hundred times, the enemy only had to be lucky once. There came a loud thud and the MARV bounced, Dean craned his neck long enough out the side door to see a corpse cartwheel out from the rear wheel.

He couldn't say if he hit them alive or dead, he was just glad it wasn't friendly. One of the Sith troopers, first time he had seen one up close. He laughed madly, hearty and ignorant, the type of laugh you heard from men who subconsciously were trying to escape the grim reality before them. Consciously, the Jaguar Commando had one sole goal; obtain victory at any cost. He buried his head into the steering wheel, his foot still holding the pedal to the floor, but he was decelerating.

Blaster fire had reduced, what felt like an eternity had finally ended. He was almost on the other side, he lifted his head just in time. He hit the raised compacted dirt before the trench and launched the MARV up and over the Sith lines, the MARV came thudding down with a crash. It bounced up and down but the wheels caught mud and came to a skidding halt, spinning in circles. Dean let go of the wheel, foot off the metal. He spun in his chair and brought rifle to kneel. The MARV halted, a heartbeat later he pumped the trigger, bang, bang. A body went down, then a second.

The Commando got out of the MARV, the Sith were pulling back again. He checked the vehicle, the front of the vehicle was almost a molten slag. The engine had been compromised just before the jump. The MARV wasn't going anywhere now, he would have to make it on foot from here on out. The Mandalorians from No Lands Man were catching up, and as they regrouped a glimpse of light caught Letham's eye, the Omega.

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
Location: Strip Mines
Objective: Free the Slaves
Equipment: Wraith Class Stealth Armour MK2,
Eclipse Assault Rifle, Obsidian Combat Knife, Oblivion Semi Automatic Pistol

The two of them moved further through the mines, probably further than they should have been. A couple of guards tried to take them down, but Arlos fired several shots into the attackers, ending them.

"You fight pretty well for someone who's been locked up in here for God knows how long." He remarked, before they reached a gate. Thoja stopped just in front of it, and ushered [member="Lark"] to do the same. "Need to get past this." He muttered, looking over the structure before hearing the noise of the gunship. "At least we're heading the right way, keep watch a moment." Arlos said, before tapping the on board computer on his arm.

//Cloaking Engaged//

Arlos disappeared from view, invisible to almost anyone or anything. The gate itself had a couple of slits in it, as well as bars across it, so Arlos began to climb. Upon reaching the top, he'd quietly kill the lone guard, stabbing him in the throat with his combat knife. He'd then move to the console, and, after pressing a couple of buttons, the gate would creek open.

"Go through and wait for me." He yelled down to Lark.

Location: Sith Academy - upper floor
Allies: [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Wolf"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Doc"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Vustia"]

Sam stood at the sidelines of the others as they quizzed the one who had led them here. It was not in her nature to stay quiet when others were talking, she had to show herself in a leading, authoritative role after all but her telepathic communication was still weak and she did not want to show this Sith an inch of weakness. Which made the medic's attention a mixture of pleasant for the pain relief and irritating for marking her as hit.

She couldn't help it, a ghost of a smile appeared on the edges of her lips as the guide retorted to [member="Mael Ren"]'s demand. Mael had looked down on her at every turn so she privately delighted in him being taken down a peg. In spite of that, a remark against the Supreme Leader could not stand unopposed. High above them, one of the window's shattered, a gesture to display her displeasure.

oops, she mouthed as shards of broken glass scattered over the floor. Now the snow began to creep in and the bitter wind found them once more.

Glancing out the now empty window space, something was wrong. Sam dismissed [member="Doc"] and gestured for him to attend to [member="Thresh Sken"] who had also had an injury and walked up to stand next to the Rattaki Sith [ @Darth Orphidia ]. The sky was changing, green splashed all over the the horizon. It was so distracting she barely acknowledged the Stormtrooper's outburst.

Something was very, very wrong.
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