Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Darkness (DMed Story)

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Location: The Strip Mines
Current Objective: Boss Fight. Foreman.
Allies: [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Raeya Papanoida"] [member="Zark"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Solan Charr"]
For Reference: [member="Raziel"]

A series of flaming torrents poured fourth from out of the piping before her, gasses concocted out of the mining beneath them erupting as they were caught between the destruction of the towers they connected. Kira found herself having to roll backwards to get out of the way of one particular flame, its heat making her flesh tingle in objection.
Her breathing was hard now as she tried to find a way to get off the pipeline.


The hair on the back of her neck stood up, or was it the Force warning her of impending doom? She wasn’t entirely sure, but for the young rebel there wasn’t much more to do then turn to face the mechanical structure that had pursued her down onto her escape. The screaming of metal beneath the great limbs of the Foreman sounded even over the high pitched wail of burning gas, his considerable heft leaving great wounds in the metal itself even as from within his own body the wiring of a generator began to fill the air. A great scarlet glow began to form beneath his plates adding the overly impressive imagery already on display.

Kira’s hand tightened around her lightsaber which had remained active through her escape, her blaster, the one she had carried with her for years was gone from its holster. The DH-44 having been dropped sometime within the tower before her jump. Not that it really mattered now.


From the Foreman’s arm sharp projectiles ravaged the pipe towards Kira, shards of shrapnel flying off with the pressure. One piece pierced through Kira’s left arm, just below her shoulder, her scream of pain sounding clearly as blood began to pool on her shirt, another caught her cheek creating a fresh gash just below her eye. The Foreman wouldn’t care, his pyrotechnics assuring that he probably hadn’t even noticed the injury.


The Foreman marched through the flames, unaffected by their heat.


There was a strange personal curiosity in his voice, still hidden by the mechanical staleness of previous comments but enough for Kira to catch it even as he closed the gap between them, forcing Kira towards the fire at her back.


He was so close now she could make out his details, the features of his mechanical face, the power-couplings that ran beneath his overly thick panels. She could smell the arid stench of grease and oil. He truly was a terrifying visage.

“If I have to.” She said as her stance lowered. She was no trained sword fighter, her saber techniques had been learnt through thirdhand ability and careful research done when she wasn’t active on the field, however she was still well versed in various forms of combat which she could bring to the table.
Her blue blade came sweeping upwards towards the closest arm of the Foreman, a sickening sensation rolling through her shoulder as unlike when a saber mostly met metal it met resistance. The pang of pain rolled through her collarbone and forced her backwards several paces. The metal panel work of the Foreman clearly designed to withstand heat and in that sense a Lightsaber’s blade.

“If there had been droid workers here then they would have been freed just like the living ones.” Kira shouted at the Foreman as he advanced further, her saber raised roughly in front of her to protect her more then anything. “They all matter! All of them. Even you.”
Location: Sith Academy
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Wolf"] [member="Doc"] [member="Kierel"]
Neutral: [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Vustia"]

I listened to the saddened, angry voice in my head. I did not have the power of telepathy yet, so I could only assume he was connecting all of us in the group, even the Stormtroopers, together in some way.

I almost pitied the man. His life, taken away from him. Without his consent. If anything, the injustice would only serve to strengthen my will to destroy this machine.

Speaking of the machine, I had not noticed it earlier when I had looked out the window in the Academy, but... it looked to be emanating a strong, sickly green glow. That did not bode well. Not at all.

I listened to my fellow Knights of Ren deliver the verdict for our group. The Supreme Leader wanted this machine destroyed. We were here to carry out his will. I held back my own thoughts. No reason to repeat what had already been said. Besides, I wasn't sure if I could reach out to deliver my thoughts to everyone anyways. Telepathy was something I would have to ask the Knights to teach me.

As Mael Ren extended the offer to help destroy the Omega, I turned my gaze on our blind guide, eyeing him with a measure of curiosity. Would he really help us? After all of... this, the Academy, had been his life for who knows how long? A tiny spark of hope flared in my chest, hidden from everyone but myself. This could be a huge turning point. With this man to guide us directly to the Omega... No more traps to be wary of, and no wandering around and getting lost. I believed this was truly our fastest way to the Omega, and I dearly hoped he would find our cause worth his while.

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Location: Sith Chambers
Allies: None
Objective: Read datacubes and investigate Sith Chambers.

While I considered myself every bit the environmentalist as any other what was recorded on the datacube made me want to rip my eyes out due to the boredom. It was an enlightening read, I had once been able to control plants through the force but never had I known the more scientific and analytical aspects behind it. Me like most other force users simply focused on using the force to accomplish our goals without looking deeper into how something truly worked. Perhaps if I ever regained the ability to alter plants the way I used to this knowledge would be useful and would amplify my control over them.

With a heavy sigh I popped the datacube out while the read was somewhat enlightening it wasn’t what I had been expecting to find. I had been looking for more clear notes on other possible plants contained within the academy. Instead I skipped the Chemical research datacube I couldn’t delve into yet another series of dry reading. These sciency typed never gave us pictures or diagrams to at least make things interesting. With all the technology at their disposal they could’ve at least added in a small video of their experimentations.

Instead I popped in the datacube labeled as Personal Notes. Perhaps that would be more useful and carry some information I could use. If it was anything as the first datacube I would personally hunt down whoever owned this lab and dunk their head in a tub of acid. Such a punishment was fitting of how they had just tortured me. Torture extended far past physical. Pinching the bridge of my nose one last time I took a deep breath and keyed up the storage device hoping that if this was more sciency notes it at least had video or some form of music.


Event Account
Elpsis, Nima & Lyra along with Ghorua and all others when they get close to the gate.

The gate of the Citadel itself was not easy to approach. Defenders inside it could look over the gate with e-webs and blasters. The gate itself was large and strong, though not unbreakable by any means.

The battlefield though had altered the picture somewhat. Despite being protected from shells by the shield, numerous strikes from tank rounds had knocked holes in the concrete and wreckage was scattered about.

There were numerous options to breach the gate.

  • Charging the gate was dangerous, but once at the gate one could not be directly attacked and could cut through the gate practically at will.
  • Taking out the upper level of defences would take more time and would require either explosives or a powerful Force strike, but would be a more certain means of attack.
  • Someone able to scale up the roof could cut down and drop into the midst of the defenders and then open the gate from the inside.

And doubtless other means.

However, the sky flashed above, no longer green.

Now it was red.

The Omega had been fired for the first time.

[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Rhan Komo"] [member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Korro Kenyu"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Nara Basaar"] [member="Werah Unon"] [member="Drogh"] [member="Cole Dagos"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Dean Letham"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="​Nima Tann"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Charlyra Araano"]

OOC: Alternatively you can choose to just fight random Sith NPCs and loot their stuff if you wish, but they lack anything too special.
Location: Secret Hangar, Sith Academy
Allies: The First Order; [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Enemies: Pesky Rogue Sith

The duo's control of the hulk continued even beyond the door while they followed him in stealth. It was a picture that demonstrated both's capabilities in mentalism. It was their weapon as much as a sword is a warrior's. Even more. It grew out of both of them like an extension, like a new limb. That is how Jude saw it in his mind. Dwelling together with Matsu in the warden's mind, he seemed to have a clearer vision of the woman that sneaked ahead of him. She was clouded by thoughts, most likely picking decisions.

As if a light bulb miraculously appeared out of nowhere or their shared mind had subconsciously built up a playing ground of thoughts all piled together in the head of the torturer, both Matsu and him had the same idea in their heads. At the same time. Mentalism seemed to always hold mysteries. As far as he had studied, not many have ever practiced that part of utilizing the Force during the history of the galaxy. Perhaps there were so many secrets to uncover, so many powers hidden in that aspect. Who knows, maybe both Matsu and Jude could stumble upon such mysteries during this whole...the end of the galaxy thing ?

Xiangu's domination upon the mind of the warden erupted in strength as she reigned the leashes of his will. Like a well tamed horse, the Warden obeyed. His will was no longer his but hers. It could not go without notice by the perceptive Jude that she had experience. His odd ally had the experience of bending the wills of others, she was masterful in a dreadful way in the control of the man. Just for a moment a cold shiver ran through his spine before he focused on entering the hangar and finding a way out of here amidst the chaos that Matsu had brought forth.

He loosened his connections with the mind of the Warden just after he had felt a rather craving feeling from Matsu. Jude did not ask questions as he followed her through the shadows. She demonstrated good skills in sneaking, something that was of absolute necessity to Jude who was a field agent.


It came out of nowhere, the perfect corridor, the perfect opportunity ahead of them to bypass and climb the ramp of a rather small ship within the hangar. He had no time to explain it to her, at least not verbally. It was a whole different story when it came to the perks of mentalism. So much information could be transferred in the time span of a moment. When he had simply 'spoken' one word to her telepathically it came with an overwhelming amount of information. Yet, information that she could decipher in less than a moment. As if she had first gathered and processed this information first. The perks of mentalism.

Jude darted ahead of her and onto the ship that was hopefully their ticket away from here and to where Omega was. Navigating carefully through the ship, checking for people, the agent finally reached the cockpit. There was no one on board. His fingers quickly tapped through on the terminal. Clearance codes, it seemed, were in.

"Life works in mysterious ways. We've got the clearance codes already put in." His smirk back again. "Let's go." The ramp pulled back in and the engines roared alive.
Location: Sith Academy
Allies: The First Order, Knights of Ren, [member="Mael Ren"] | [member="Thresh Sken"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kierel"] | [member="Vustia"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Doc"]

The only positive in Wolf's mind that Sith philosophy could potentially bring to the galaxy was when followed correctly, without in-fighting and discord, it could bring order and discipline with an iron fist, much like as the First Order would. But yet what he received from the blind guide did not speak of some ambitious Sith Lord. No, this was someone who thought themselves so much more above them. They were nothing to her, no more than a nuisance. A pestering fly that needed to be swatted. Wolf grit his teeth at his words, his opinions only becoming more concrete that the weapon and this fiend needed to be destroyed.

He listened to the guide's question, whether they wanted it destroyed or to control it. Wolf could not know the intentions of those Sith among them, but the First Order position was clear, to destroy it. He was glad to hear the one in the corner of the room not wish it for herself. The intentions of the hooded Rattataki remained unclear. There was no need for Wolf to say anything as Samka came forward and already put across their view. Wolf could only nod to the blind guide in Samka's direction, confirming whom he agreed with. Though the storyteller could not see him, perhaps he would sense Wolf's movements, and his position as he stood resolutely behind the girl, making his allegiance clear. Wolf could not deny that the potential power to be found in Omega was tempting, and indeed if they were to find any technology that could help the First Order build its own powerful starships and weapons, they would seize it or learn from it. However, this stopped short of acquiring an actual planet-destroying superweapon. Why? Because superweapons make for big galaxy-uniting targets. It would be a foolish thing for the First Order to gain such a weapon, and then face the wrath of a united galactic force coming for them. There would no way to fend off the rest of the galaxy. The Death Star, the Second Death Star, Starkiller Base. It would be unthinkably foolish to make the same mistake again.

Wolf watched and waited for the blind guide to respond to Samka and Mael Ren, though his gaze was stolen upwards as he noticed the natural light in the room changed from green to red, their guide's face now painted in a crimson hue. What on earth was happening up there? Had the weapon been fired? His jaws clenched, he wondered what sort of devastation the Omega could unleash with one blast. Perhaps it was simply used on the naval forces up there? His thoughts rested on the First Order Navy. He hoped they were alright, the Supreme Leader had sent his best, it would be a severe loss if they were to perish. Wolf's gaze came back down to rest on the guide in front of him. He did not know what had just happened up there, but his gut turned and told him that he needed to hurry. Wolf did not say anything telepathically, but there was a look of urgency upon his face as he looked at their guide. Not that he could see him.
[member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Zark"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Zonia Kalranoos"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Kira Vaal"] [member="Galen Adina"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Riven Black"] [member="Jaster Starfallen"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Raeya Papanoida"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Effie Duanna"] [member="Viktoria Kess"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Lucien Galtier"] [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Jatt Cath"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Raeya Papanoida

The Sith in question was a young, spirited corellian survivor. He had only been in training for four years but had thrown himself into the role. There was a great deal of anger and pain laced through his soul from the destruction of his home. An easy target for the Sith. With a wave of one hand he called on a squad of obsidian-clad storm commandos to join him on the hunt. He carried a double-bladed lightsabre. Because it looked cool. Rylon was skilled with the blade and telekinesis, but had yet to learn many of the special snowflake powers that often went with the territory.

Kira Vaal

“DO NOT LIE!” he cried. “YOU ALL WOULD HAVE MARCHED PAST THE MACHINERY TO THE AIRBASE.” The Foreman would hear nothing of the sort. The weak fleshlings had seen their own kind suffering and had diverted from their goal to save them. They wouldn’t have done the same for machines. This was incontrovertible fact as far as his processors were concerned. As was her impending sacrifice. He bounded across the pipe, leaping forth with one claw raised. The Foreman brought it down, claw open, to try and grasp her by the torso and pin her do

Dax Fyre

OOC/ The commandos can be killed off at your leisure. The gunship they came in might be more of a concern…


The commanders of the air base defence balked as their viewed the feed from the aerial drones. They had been prepared to handle a limited number in a disorganised assault. Not a full on slave revolt. How had they repurposed the mining vehicles so quickly?

Nevertheless, the base was for from undefended. The opening volleys of fire began from the weapon emplacements high up the mountainside, before the light arms fire of the dug in Stormtroopers joined for the chorus.
Location: Sith Academy, Great Hall.
Enemies/Allies: TBD.
People Nearby: [member="Wolf"] [member="Vustia"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Doc"] (Plus [member="Matsu Xiangu"] and [member="Jude Falkrowe"] because they're cool)

First, green like the hue of a plague victim's skin or mould chewing on the ancient tomes she loved so much. The feeling of the paper's texture and the smell of the dry pages whiffed through her mind as she, for a moment, considered the pros and cons of utter annihilation. The window burst, showering the room in the cold winds from outside. It stung her flesh, unprotected by hair as the Rattataki were. The familiar voice of a former overlord echoed in her head:

Burn it all.

But he was dead. She and [member="Darth Carnifex"] had sought to that.

To live - to die. Darth Ophidia, the Aspect of Death they had named her. She had no qualms with death or even the utter annihilation of life in the universe. She could in fact agree that the noise of sentient lifeforms was bothersome, irritating. However, there was one very big catch with this whole situation: She was not holding the trigger. She was not the active portender of this doom, nor held Ophidia the leash on the monster that was. As it happened, she too stood at the foot of the volcano, counting skulls in its pillar of ash. She was the insect in this one's eyes, and that did not sit well with someone of such pride as she.

Liar, betrayer, thief.

No, she would hold the weapon or see it cast into ruin. The light in the sky turned red, casting what was visible of her face in the crimson hue as she turned her eyes back down on the blind storyteller.

How would one best approach? The Knights of Ren no doubt wanted to attack it in force. They seemed to be the direct type. Useful as they were, the direct type had a sorry tendency to make a mess of things, and not always for the better. She, herself, would have preferred to infiltrate the organisation and strike at the heart from the best possible position. Swiftly, silently, as she had been trained to do.

She looked to the Knights, to her apprentice, Vustia, by the wall, to the trooper who spoke out of turn, their doctor, and then back to the blind man.

Seasoned in playing tricks of the mind, Ophidia made sure she did not leak the thoughts she wanted kept to herself, and she spoke clearly through her thoughts when she wanted them heard:

'Would you take us there? To her.'

His eyes bore into her and she stared back at the dead orbs with all the fibres of her being she allowed to be seen.

Location: Sith Academy
Allies: The First Order, Knights of Ren, Mael Ren | Thresh Sken | Samka Derith | Kierel | Vustia | Darth Ophidia

Doc knew all too well the argent, deceitful nature of the sith his mother had thought him about the sith up until the day he left to the join the first order. ~Sith are not to be trusted to anything beyond what is in their self-interest, they are manipulators, and puppet masters.~ he thought unaware that place amplifies his force abilities, that thought was telepathically broadcast to everyone in the room.

Leos Palle

Location: Strip Mine Outskirts
Objective: Face a Sith
Allies: [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Zark"], [member="Kira Vaal"], [member="Tiland Kortun"]
Enemies: [member="Raziel"]

After a moment of breather, she stood and glanced through a window. In the distance, she could see troops crossing the battlefield. Dark clad, and with them, as she reached out to feel, was indeed the Sith. Good. His overeager ambition would lead him to abandon his post, weakening the defenses of the port, which people like [member="Karen Roberts"] could take advantage of. Even though all of this time it might have appeared that she'd just been running off on her own, she really was trying to help the cause, and that cause was stopping the Rogue Sith from carrying out their destructive plans with the Omega.

Outside a bunch of shouts went up. She ran out to see what it was, and noted everyone looking upward. Turning her eyes to the sky, she stared at the red lances of light that were plainly visible on the ground below. She'd never seen anything like it in her life. Clearly the Omega had fired.

"Too late... Everyone was too focused on the slaves."

She turned back to the coming battle and drew out her lightsaber again. Going out to meet them was a bad idea, and she knew that, but she wanted them to come for her. She activated the lightsaber and moved to where they were sure to see her, and she stared at them before pointing her blade directly at the Sith. Yes, she was calling him out directly. Probably foolish on her part, but Raeya wasn't known to be subtle. Lancaster even less so. She wanted him, and she wanted him to know it. Once she was sure she had his attention, she deactivated her blade and stepped back into the crowd of people that were still looking up. From there, she maneuvered between the buildings and concealed her presence. She'd wait for them with the intent of taking out some of his troopers first.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Castameer, near the Control Tower
The New Republic and her allies
Nearby: None

The troops grew closer as Dax fended off the spears of light that aimed to end his life. With no cover in sight he was left exposed. Sticking to defense was not woking. And suddenly, with a clap of thunder, the sky turned red, lightning streaking across it, full of malice, the air itself becoming full of the pain and suffering of the Darkness. With a pause Dax couldn't stop himself from gazing at what most certainly was the Omega firing.

The brief pause had left a hole in Dax's defenses, allowing the troopers to slip a shot past Dax's defenses, grazing his arm, a searing, burning sensation passed through him as his arm jerked backwards. A flash of anger pierced his mind. The same arm that had just been injured shot forward, releasing a power Force Push at the Storm Commandoes, jostling some, knocking others off their feet. Rushing forward Dax swatted away the incoming blaster bolts, suddenly leaping into the air, there was a moment in which the troopers could not see him. And that was their downfall. Raining down upon them came streaks of Force Lightning, losing its distinction of Emerald Lightning, it was simply the energy that had built up with in Dax's soul. Writhing in pain below him Dax fell upon them, landing atop one, the orange blade of his saber piercing his back, taking the man's life. Several of the troopers had regained their senses at the sound of their friends screams and brought their guns to bear, releasing the bolts at their target. Dax blocked the first, and the second, then reflected the third into the chest of another trooper. Moving forward quickly Dax cut open the chest of another trooper, pulled one close to him with the Force, using him as a shield, then flinging the man at two of his companions. Rushing forward he ended their lives too. 7 of the original 12 troopers remained. Dax slashed at one, then another, the barrels of their guns hitting the ground just before their bodies. Throwing his saber at one, the spinning pinwheel of death took the first and then the second down. Turning to look at the final lone Commando he could feels the man's nerve waning. Reaching out with the Force he pulled the man close, impaling him on the glowing saber.

Panting Dax observed the destruction which he had just wrought. There was nothing for him to feel. As he stood for a moment resting engines roared to life, and a craft flew over him, circling him, a gunship.
Voracion Citadel
The 5th Gate
Sith outer trench line

Allies: [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Dean Letham"] [member="Rhan Komo"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Arla Balor"]

Enemy: [member="Kith Verloren"]

Cole looked up at the sky as it turned red. He cursed..........then he turned and spirited. His goal the section of wall just to the side of the gate. The way he saw it they had two choices...........destroy the gate and charge in...........or try and get over the wall.

Charging the gate would force them to funnel into a smaller area making taking them out in mass much easier to do. Unfortunately however scaling the wall was going be a no go for Cole. He didn't have the gear to do it. He could only hope Arla did.

He scanned the group looking for her.


Once his eyes met her he motioned her to him waiting for her to get there.

"Bout time you got here." "Though you mandos were supposed to be in peak physical shape."

He winked at her with a smirk clearly just teasing her.

"You got any tech to get you over the wall?" "Charging the gate without taking care or at least knowing what is on the other side is suicide."

He then pointed up skyward.

"Plus we are out of time...........whatever that thing was.................they have started using it and it doesn't look good."

Cole really did not want to charge the was a fething miracle he was still intact. Kaia was going kill him if she found out what her older brother had been doing.
ALLIES (?) NEARBY: [member="Thraxis"], [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], [member="Cadan Tazi"], [member="Cole Dagos"], [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Elpsis Elaris"], [member="Charlyra Araano"]
ENEMIES: ROGUE SITH, THE [member="Omega"]
Ghorua the Shark was glad for his genetically-modified reflexes. Without them, he would've been dead a few times over as he ducked low under a cascade of E-Web fire. The Shark didn't particularly appreciate almost being almost blasted by heavy blaster weapons. It showed as he launched a thermal detonator up into one of the foxholes above the tower. His only solace was hearing the explosion above him, a quick and painful death.

Feeling yet another round of rifle shots along his shoulder, the Shark made it below the wall, thirty feet from the gate. He put his back against the sturdy construction, debating his next move. He could climb it, but that would leave him far too open. He could go for the gate, but the Mandalorians seemed to be gunning for it. The Herglic had no idea how they would react to a being like him among them. No, there had to be another option here.

With a start, Ghorua noticed a small gap in the concrete beside him, most likely created by a stray cannon shot. Ghorua smiled, a plan formulating in his head. With a flourish, Ghorua pulled a small tube from his bandolier, and extended it into a long phrik pole. Trident had no crystal, but in the hands of the Shark, was a dangerous weapon nonetheless. Grasping it in both of his massive hands, he stabbed the sharp phrik point into the gap in the wall, widening it further with his gargantuan strength. A few stabs later, Ghorua was happy with his incision.

The Herglic then pulled up three small orbs from a pocket on his belt. He placed the thermal detonators into the cranny, and ran along the side of the wall, to a safe distance. From there, he pressed a button on his wrist.

The explosion would be glorious. Whether it succeeded in opening up a path through the wall, the Shark didn't know.
“Your strength is just an accident
arising from the weakness of others.”
-Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
The Omega

"They are coming."

"Excuse me, my lady?"

But she didn't repeat herself. The aide looked at her nervously, the unease spreading slowly, like a ripple. The elated atmosphere from a moment ago, as the crimson light had filled their vision, dissipated.

Absently, her hand strayed down. Not to the saber on her right hip, that featureless silver cylinder. But to the saber on the left- the ancient curved hilt- a Jedi's secondary saber. One particular Jedi's secondary saber, to be exact. She had kept it all these years.

He wouldn't have approved of any of this.


The Sith Academy

The Blind Storyteller
[member="Vustia"] [member="Samka Derith"] @Wolf @Mael Ren [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Doc"]

White, blind eyes weighed each of them. Measuring. Judging.

There is every reason to destroy it, came the reply to Vustia's speech. There was no anger, no rancor in the reply. Merely a statement of fact.

Blind eyes turned to Samaka, and after the barest of hesitation, he nodded. Yes. I will die. Everyone will. It was clear he didn't mean in the cosmic sense. He was not being glib. There was something deeply personal about his answer, but what, exactly, wasn't clear.

But when Mael spoke, he closed his eyes. Ophidia's question echoed a moment later.

I have already failed to break the silence. I do not have the power to accomplish that end.

When his milky eyes opened again, his jaw was set.

But perhaps you do. I will show you how to reach Omega and answer what questions I can. After that, it will be in your hands.

The green light flashed- the entire room was bathed in red.

Even though he couldn't see it, Jareth could feel it. And it filled his soul with dread.

Doc's unintended statement snapped him out of it however. His eyes flashed and he stood up straight, tall, his voice hard and unyielding.

This is the galaxy we live in. We only get one. We are Sith, yes, but we are not fools to think that the wanton destruction of life furthers our goals by it's simple fact. This is what we have. And she would destroy that. Every life she silences- we lose.

Jareth was ready to answer their questions, if he could. He would lead them to the upper hangars at the same time.

Busy Busy

Keying up the data cube-

The death toll is catastrophic. Hundreds of acolytes, knights, even masters have died, fallen to the hands of this devil woman and her followers. Despite all of our preparations, we were ill prepared for the cold savagery exhibited here. Only those of us willing to pledge to her goals were spared. And that was few enough.

I am a coward. I was as eager to save my skin as any newly minted novice.

I hide here in my study, allowed by her disinterest to continue my experiments. She is not all knowing, all seeing. But she did destroy certain specimens, ones that would be the most likely to affect her I believe. With that I am given more clues, but I suspect I already know her secret.


Back to the drawing board. I do not suspect that the hallucinogens in the Angel's Blood flowers will affect our new friend. Perhaps something that will work on more physical levels? It's a shame, the specimen is a good one. I am pleased with the outcome, regardless.

Gods, would it be possible to take less joy in success than this? What a wretched creature I've become.


The Lady has instituted a rule of silence. At first she expected us to self regulate. When that proved fruitless, she resorted to other measures. None of us can explain where it comes from, or how it works- we didn't think such things possible through the Force. But she does things that I have no explanation for.

So now Silence has fallen. I believe it will drive me mad. The question is merely will I be the first?

They are the Beast
[member="Jude Falkrowe"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Their ship would have coordinates from the last trip up to the Omega on them. It gave specific instructions for which landing pad to utilize. It would not be difficult to change the chosen heading of course, but would it be prudent?

The great hangar doors slid open above them. White snow, bathed in sky fire, fell onto the pad as the ship took off. Outside, the entire world was awash in sanguine light.
Location: At the Citadel walls
Allies / Others nearby [member="Thraxis"], [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Cole Dagos"] [member="Nima Tann"] @elipsis elaris [member="Charlyra Araano"] @[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Equipment in bio

The sky had shifted in color and the Omega had been fired what would happen next, and how would it change things around them. Arla felt for a moment the cold of fear running down her spine. Thank the Manda that no one could see her face right now.

She shook her head at Cole, "I am in real good shape, the armor hides it well." She looked up there were cracks in the wall and in the shielding it seemed. There were guards still up on the rampart, one thing her armor didn't have rope. And she doubted there would be any just lingering around up there. She looked around, then she looked at Cole, ok he didn't look like he weighed a lot and she had enough lift to her jet pack for this short distance.

She could see others on the other side looking for their way in, if they could get in they could provide some cover and may get the gate open.

"Cole" She smiled even though he couldn't see it, she hoped he felt it her sarcasm, "Have you ever flown before?" This might burn out her pack but it would get them in. She made a mental note upgrade armor when you get home.

The T of her visor settled on him, "Come give us a hug." She opened her arms took a step towards him, hoping he understood.

Little did she know that there was soon to be an explosion on the other side of the gate, opposite from where she and Cole stood.
Voracion Citadel
The 5th Gate
Sith outer trench line

Allies: [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Dean Letham"] [member="Rhan Komo"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Arla Balor"]

Enemy: [member="Kith Verloren"]

Cole looked at her for a moment and then up before he turned back to her and chuckled.

"Do you think we have time?" "More importantly don't you think we should wait until there are not people trying to kill us?"

He laughed and stepped into her holstering his weapons and wrapping his arms around her. He was not 100% sure what she had in mind but he was sure it involved getting them up the wall. More importantly she would be able to feel the Battle Armor he had on answering the question about how prepared he had been for this battle.

"Careful if you drop me I am going to be very unhappy."
Location - Ally ooop Citadel wall
Allies: [member="Cole Dagos"] [member="Thraxis"], [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Nima Tann"] @elipsis elaris [member="Charlyra Araano"] @[member="Ghorua the Shark"]

"What? You couldn't handle it hon, I'd curl your hair and your toes." She wrapped her arms around him, "Don't let go, and keep your arms on my shoulders, or you could get a really bad burn."

Arla looked up judging the distance, I can do this, I can do this. She triggered the pack at first it was having a difficulty with the weight then she pushed it again this time they went upwards they were gaining speed, oh oh...she needed to be careful.

She could see the warning flashes already on the HUD, they were almost there, just a little more...they fell from the air onto the rampart for a moment Arla looked up at Cole, "I get to be on top next time" Then she pulled her pistol and shot at the guards headed their way, then pushed Cole to the side and covering him. The three coming from their right she picked off, but there were three coming from behind and they were shooting at them like ducks in a barrel.

Arla wanted to dart them all but opted for shooting instead, she was breathing as though out of breath...she prayed Cole was shooting too..
Location: The Strip Mines
Current Objective: Boss Fight Pt 2. The Foreman
Allies: [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Raeya Papanoida"] [member="Zark"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Solan Charr"]
For Reference: [member="Raziel"]

Above them the sky had gone red, a sickening blooded colour that blotted out any natural light from the systems true light source. Thick beams carried through the atmosphere as a stark reminder as to why they were all truly here. This was beyond a slave revolt, beyond the petty exchanges of words between her and the Foreman. This was about Omega and the threat it exposed an entire galaxy to.

The Foreman’s claw came down towards Kira in an attempt to pin her to the ground, her own weapon raised in a rush to attempt to at least slow the advance of the attack. The blade caught against the metal, energy screaming as it was transferred against the claw above her. Seconds passed by quicker then usual before with a unnatural sound the lightsaber cut through the claw of the arm and removed it clean off with a burning smell. This left the attack free to continue onwards but Kira managed to roll clear of the stamping motion.

Again the attack came, each time Kira forcing a parry or a block to give her longer to live. She finally did manage to make some headway against the beast as she swept the blade across where the Foreman’s collar joint would be. A great hiss sounded as something was pierced within by the lightsaber and a great bout of steam escaped much to the frustration of the droid.

The renewed attack against Kira after this was hard and furious, an arm coming quickly across her connecting with strength and sending her flying down the pipeline. She hit the metal with a thud, slid and felt the sudden departure of hard ground. With one hand determined not to release her saber her spare hand came up and grabbed an access run on the pipe. Leaving her dangling beneath as the Foreman slowly advanced towards her exposed location as she tried to get some form of leverage to get back up on the pipe.

“BB, Charlwook…” She spoke hoping her ear piece would pick up the mutter and send it through to her crew wherever they were. “I need you…now.”

Unseen to the Foreman or indeed Kira was the dark shape of a beaten down Underground agent who had began to come up behind the behemoth…
Voracion Citadel
The 5th Gate
Sith outer trench line

Allies: [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Dean Letham"] [member="Rhan Komo"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Arla Balor"]

Enemy: [member="Kith Verloren"]

Cole laughed moving his arms to her shoulders as they were lifted up into the air. When she made the comment about being on top he laughed cocking an eyebrow as if to call her bluff.


Cole ducked and spun pulling his blaster when she went to move in front of him. He stood back to back with her firing at the Troopers on the top of the wall and the ones below. He suddenly jerked partially slamming into Arla as one of the Troopers got a lucky shot off right through his shoulder. Cole cursed putting a round right through the guys head. He turned back to Arla.

"We need to get to the gate...........and get it open for the others." "Race you to the Citadel."

Cole looked down taking a deep breath holstering his blaster...............

"This is a really bad idea."

.............then he jumped aiming to tuck and roll at the bottom. Afterwards assuming he hadn't broken every bone in his body he moved to open the gate from the other side.
Location: Charging towards some big old building.
Allies Nearby: [member="Cadan Tazi"], [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"], Mandolorians?
Enemies Nearby: Sith Manning the Wall
Equipment: In Character Sheet
Thraxis pressed on, an arm flailing as he tossed off the tent with difficulty before continuing on, the sound of the engine roaring as slithers of dirt flew behind him, a towering wall in front of him as the light of blasters become progressively stronger and more oppressive. He slid the speeder left to right, in hopes of avoiding it just to get to the wall, only for a few stray shots to throw the ting of balance, Thraxis body arched up, trying to pull it back and regain balance only for the undercarriage to be taken advantage of and crashing the speeder into the ground with a groan, Thraxis body rolling and flecks of dirt sticking onto the flecks of blood that covered his armor.

His body laid limp for a few minutes, his head raising up as he saw the light start to soar towards him, quickly his boots flared up, the rockets igniting a stream of energy behind him as he cascaded towards the crashed speeder, his hands rushing to his Pistolas as he flew behind the cover, looking behind him all he saw was the flashes of light from the blasters, attempting to raise his head his sight was blurred suddenly by blaster fire, the blaster fire knocking his body back with an arc before dragging himself back behind the cover with haste, in one hand he tried to return fire, a single bullet released before his hadn darted back down followed by the fire of Blasters, "Yo, anyone near the walls I need support, Pinned down by a bunch of pansies who don't have the guts to fight a man in glorious melee combat." he said with a cocky tone, the fear of death completly absent in his voice as he released another stray bullet, his blind shot hoping for a lucky hit.
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