Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for apprentices!

Marek Starchaser


Do we get a wicked rad whip too?

Can I make the hilt out of something prettier?

What kind of toys are in the armor?

what's your opinion of drinking on missions?

Is there good sick pay? Vacation time?

Molly Rieux said:

Do we get a wicked rad whip too?

We don't make judgements on your personal life.

Can I make the hilt out of something prettier?

You are always free to make/customise your own lightsaber! :)

What kind of toys are in the armor?

Click the sub link and have a look!

what's your opinion of drinking on missions?

As long as you're not operating heavy machinery or signing legal documents!

Is there good sick pay? Vacation time?

The Techno Union funds the Obsidian Order and so we provide exceptional emoluments and bonuses.
Sick Pay and Vacation time? What is this? Communism? Go join the hippies in the Silver Jedi!

@Vi'kas Mirtis

Brilliant, we'll catch up on our boards about what you need to work on. I feel a group training thread coming on!

(busy this weekend, but will catch up asap!)

Percy Imura

Imura with a Table Knife
Know what, this order may be a good opportunity for Percy. She's an old school bow-and-arrow, simple technology type person. Technology based force users might be good for her xD Percy already has a lightsaber (copied from SW Rebel's Inquisitor's spinning double bladed madness) but what's wrong with a spare with awesome colors?? She's mainly a dark sider, but not the crazy psycho hate you kind. Some neutral ground would be great for her! Especially since I've actually been looking for an opportunity for this (

Aaaaaaand she's an Imura... with a table knife! ;)

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