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Sea of Thieves! - Dom of Nar Kreeta [SJO]

Silver Arrow

Sea of Thieves - SJO Dom of Nar Kreeta!

A distress call has reached the Silver Jedi Order, a ship was attacked and people taken hostage from the ship. Silver Shadows located the pirates to Nar Kreeta, and informed the SJO that the hostages, a number of Quiglings, are soon to be transported as slaves. With this knowledge, the SJO has dispatched ships to Nar Kreeta to taken down the pirates, rescue the hostages and ensure that the Quiglings are brought safely back to their home world. There was word sent to the local Hutts of Nar Kreeta of this crime and they have offered SJO access to the Nar Kreeta trade routes and allowed SJO to visit the world and explore the shops and local culture, in order to keep the peace.

[SIZE=11pt]Objective 1: Go, go Silvers! [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]The Quiglings are being held prisoners on a base underwater. A team has been dispatched through the pirate blockade and will meet up in the base. From there, you will need to find the Quiglings, dispose of any pirates and threats before rescuing the hostages from the base so that we can safely return them home.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Objective 2: Blockade, blast away! [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pirates have created a blockade over their base threatening to target the base and blow it up, this is so that they can make a quick escape and avoid capture from SJO or the Hutts. Several ships have been dispatched in order to distract the pirates from the base and engage them in some good old space combat. Pilots get ready for some space shooting![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Objective 3: Nar Kreeta has goods if you have coin! [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Hutts have welcomed us to their main station, it is filled with traders, cantinas to have a drink, casinos to spend your coin and other activities. So, have a look around and enjoy your time, just make sure to be aware of pickpockets![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]BYOO [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Bring your own objectives, whether that be exploring outside of the main station, spying on some Hutts or whatnot. Have fun folks![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Please give a big thanks to Soniee for coming up with the ideal for this Dom and the first two objectives! Thanks Soniee![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Drystan Marakos"] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Asaraa Vaashe"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Yuroic Xeraic"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Reggie Faayare"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Jasper Candos"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Varindar Asyt"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Jessica Med-Beq"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Matsu Ike"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Ostdern Mastogar"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Cyrus Nova"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Alyisa Mithel"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Josh Dragonsflame"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Gherron Dragonsflame"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Tara Creel"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]@Thalo Molidias[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]@Zak Dymo[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Tyluko Dubykee"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Rick Kaloo"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Valae Heavenshield"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Stephanie Swail"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Celeste Rigel"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Samara Raine"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Katarine Ryiah"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Pash Tafo"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Kiran Arlos"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Dagos Terrek"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Kei Amadis"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Mariya Fleischer"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Tom Taff"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Rachel Taff"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Kobi Fesser"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Briar Sulvi"] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Jake Daniels"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Cassius Droma"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Nida Perl"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Veiere Arenais"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Dusaro Dresari"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Aida Aquila"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Sabine Galen"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]@Milla Ordo[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Sigyn Vanir"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Kahlil Zambrano"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Allya Vi'Dreya"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Tyrell Caphey"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Nesota Kynnovan"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Horus Arseneau"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Calithea Taff"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Caedyn Arenais"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Amon Vizsla"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Ador Horn"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Eenia Vahn"][/SIZE]

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Location: Underwater slaver's base
Objective BYOO: Infiltrate slaver's base
Allies: SJO
The underwater base was very large, but the layout was simple yet effective.

Being located near the bottom of one of the oceans on the planet Nar Kreeta, it was pressurized and sealed. The corridors were numerous, perhaps more rundown than they should have been with dripping and rust, but otherwise well-lit and stable. The complex was large, having multiple population hubs connected by smaller passage tubes, and docking bays within containment fields that kept the water and pressure out, as well as internal areas for various use. Mess halls, storage halls, containment halls filled with slave cells, as well as armories and sleeping quarters.

The pirates had certainly spent a pretty credit getting the place in order, expanding from the original smaller base with circular passages and extensions. It was almost like a catacomb of durasteel walkways between larger square structures, not too dissimilar to habitat domes on poisonous or unterraformed planets. Moving around was simple enough, though the consistent ocean pressure outside made fighting within the base a dangerous prospect. One puncture and it could flood an entire passage tube or square hub... and that could ruin everyone's day.

Standing outside the holding cell hub, Thol eyed the numerous innocents within with narrowed eyes. The pirates were almost at capacity, which meant a shipment was due. And the Silver Shadow hoped the Jedi meant for the rescue effort were on time, because the pirate crew was beginning to grow more excited. They could probably smell the credits about to roll their way with delivery of their slaves. Time was running out, and from his undercover position within the pirates, Thol had heard a transmission of the slave ship being en route.

One of the guards looked at the disguised Jedi, nodding his head in greeting.

"Not long now," The Zabrak said with a cruel grin. "This lot will get us a nice stack of credits... about time, too. I hate holding onto the merchandise too long."

"Yes. Longer we keep them, the more we have to feed them," Thol said, his Ubese helmet and clothing concealing his face and body. "Takes more out of our pockets."

"Fethin' right. Anyway, move it."

Thol nodded, moving on. He walked toward one of the nearby passage tubes, passing a number of pirates moving supplies through the base on hoversleds. It was definitely time for a shipment, the countdown was on. Reaching into his clothing folds, the young Kiffar pulled out a comlink from a hidden pocket. He thumbed on the encryption, before he spoke in a low voice and sent a tight-beam transmission to the surface - and hopefully the waiting Jedi task force...

"Diver, in position," He said, as he recalled the layout of the base. "Bay seven ready for arrival."

And with a quick flick of the thumb, Thol deactivated the comlink and slipped it back into the pocket. He continued on his way, his heading the docking ring in bay seven...
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Sea of Thieves
Location: Underwater Base
Objective: Stay alive
Allies: None

Well, you could say that being captured by pirates, with the smuggler that took you off your home world, was not the best opening to the Galaxy at large. We had settled down on Nar Kreeta for a small pitstop. Grabbing new clothes, might even grab a blaster for me to defend myself with, and if I worked it off with the Smuggler, then I could go out on my own. However, as we were now being tied up with rope, some kinds of liquid that turned into cables, and or just held at gunpoint.

I was currently tied up with the smuggler Garron, a girl who was helping me decide on what kind of weapon I would like to hold onto, as well as a weird alien creature. Stocky and shorter, I could only tell the gender due to the longer hair. However, the pirate who was currently trying to unstrap the alien from us, so they could be transported somewhere else.

"Next time, I get to choose the planet we stop off at."
"Just as long as you get out of here. Sure."

I didn't even see the guy to my left as the yelling was promptly followed by the barrel of a pistol being slammed into my temple. My head hurt, and I was feeling the effects of a concussion. This other alien was much larger and clearly not fond of me speaking. As soon as I came back up to my sitting position, the pirate put the barrel of the weapon at the base of my chin, pushing into the fleshy recess where it was pushing up into my mouth and the underbelly of my tongue. Painful as it was, I grimaced at the pirate and gave him a scowl that I was not fond of what he was doing.

"Leave the kid alone. He's not worth your time. Look at him."

The pirate looked me up and down. Wearing clothes that were not flattering of my position. A simple torn jacket, with clothes that were dirtier than a mud farmers boot. The guy then spat in my face with a large lob of it hitting my cheek. Rubbing it onto my shoulder, I had a feeling that we would not be coming out of this without a few scars and a story to tell, or with me coming out on a medical stretcher no longer breathing.
Jump the chasm between ships in space or leap between ledges on a mountain, the young Jedi had done it all, would be happy to do it again at any time the situation called for it. A Journey under the sea though? That was something totally out of her experience, and not necessarily something that she'd ever thought she might end up doing. The pink-haired Jedi loved the water, but to swim or bathe in, but this was a little different, this was heading down to the undersea, down under all that pressure where the slightest bit of damage could bring the water rushing into the habitat, dooming them really not all that different from space now she thought about it. Perhaps it was just premission nerves, it was a problem she dealt with before every mission, one she never seemed to be able to get over. Blue eyes flicked open as Asaraa leaned forwards, her head twisting to stare at the cockpit moments before she heard the crackle of the radio and a pilot clearing his throat.

"Alright Ladies and Gents, we've go the word, and the word is go so hold onto your hats cause we're going to see if this baby is really waterproof like they claim."

She knew the pilot was joking as the gunboat skimmed across the the surface of the water, the sunlight catching the waves, almost turning them golden as they touched the surface of the water, a wake of white water flowing out behind them as the sunk under the waves as Asaraa grasped her harness, her breath catching in her throat as the water flowed up past the windows. least it wasn't leaking.

[member="Josh Dragonsflame"] | [member="Sabine Galen"] | [member="Hyonu Ye"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Tika"] | [member="Sigyn Vanir"] | [member="Thol Amroth"] | [member="Kaleleon Seleare"]
On Station
Objectives 3&4

Ahh Nar Kreeta, it really had been to long since she'd last visited. The cool air of the station was rich the smells of oil and too many people with an air system not maintained to the best of conditions. But the people would be okay and Domino was sure they appreciated it better than the hot and dusty air of the desert below. She certainly did.

There was more than one blue Twi'lek in the galaxy but Domino still garnered a few curious stares or startled reactions from the more seniored residents, being the exact image of the former Black Sun's Vigo and former ruler of the system warranted as much. Of course, she had been those things and as such she was flanked by a pair of her personal bodyguards in their white ceramic armor. Others had left the Sangromancer ahead of her in more concealable armor to clear the way and yet more of her people had been docking with the station in their own unmarked shuttles or freighters for the past two days. The largest had signaled her less than half an hour ago upon their own embarkation, the signal that her security precautions were all in place.

Now Domino made her way to one of the many bars dotting the station for a drink. The hutts had opened the station to the Silvers to shop on one of the busiest trade lanes in hutt space and she felt like having herself a sunset before taking advantage the invitation.

Sabine Galen

Objective 1: Under the Sea

Sabine drew a breath, there was just something slightly unsettling about going under the waves. She had to say, a slaver base at the bottom of the sea... it was a good hiding spot. She imagined that there were few willing to venture there, but they had obviously not accounted for the likes of the Silver Jedi.

Her gaze shifted about the hull of their craft, listening as their pilot spoke.

Okay, it was time to do this. There were others packed into the ship, too. Sabine's eyes lingered on the pink-haired girl, [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]. She'd seen the other woman around the temple, but the two had never really met. And, she thought that Asaraa was too cool, she was dating a prince or something. But, she was most excited to have [member="Sigyn Vanir"] and [member="Tika"] here today.

Her two padawans.

Sabine was still very much testing the waters. She was new to teaching others, but if she could get the two learners out on missions together on occasion, maybe it could work. She was worried that she would end up letting them both down, so she was determined to try her best. And, she knew that Tika had a personal tie to the mission today – they had heard that many of the prisoners were Quigling.

“Alright, then, you two?” Sabine asked, glancing from the flame-haired Sigyn to the snowy-haired Quigling. “Looks like we'll be there soon.”
Objective 3: Swimming meet

Having followed the trail of Selkath criminals after a hotel guest tipped her off about it in one of her training swims, Varindar spent some weeks' worth of time away from the hotel and kitchen for that new sting operation. Pretending to just be a swimmer without the Selkath suspecting she was, in fact, a hotelier, or a Jedi shadow for that matter, was harder than it would look to an outsider looking in. But she didn't come there with any merchandise that would be of interest to those Selkath, just herself as an athlete. Here the Selkath pool was just a much longer hippodrome pool compared to the one in the Cronw Nebula on Trandosha: it was 50m. Once she arrived at the designated coordinates, she was preparing to go to the dressing room after she checked in for registering for one of those races. Of course, longer races usually had fewer entrants so if she was going to be taking part in a race, she would be more likely be running a longer one. Good luck, and may the Force be with me for this operation, the playing field seem to be pretty strong, she thought.
Objective 1: Under the sea

The young Quigling anxiously played with her harness as she tried to focus on anything but the worry building up in her. This was her first real mission with the Silver Jedi, and it was an important one for her. They were on their way to rescue a group of slaves, Quigling slaves.

She was worried that something would happen to them before the rescue team arrived. Worst of all, the pirates had one of her brothers. He was trapped somewhere in that underwater base with all those terrible pirates and who knows what. That thought alone made Tika even more anxious to get this mission underway.

Her bright lavender eyes watched as the gunship sank below the waves, causing her to clench her harness a little tighter. The voice of [member="Sabine Galen"] drew her attention from the cockpit. She gave her Master a nervous smile, totally aware that both her eyes and emotions in the force gave away her true feelings.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Sea of Thieves
Location: Underwater Base
Objective: Stay alive
Allies: None
Lets just say that the situation didn't get any better. Pirates all seemed sort of without a leader. Bickering with one another. While most of them were huddled up with one another. Smoking on some kind of stick, others roamed the captives with various firearms. I knew nothing of what these guys were carrying, how dangerous these guns were, or even if they could actually kill someone with them. Maybe they were just stun blasters, or empty. However, one could not bank on that idea alone. Even if half of these guys were empty, I doubt all of them were.

Garron was back to back with me and he was shifting around a bit. Turning around, I clicked my cheek to grab his attention. He stopped and then began to whisper.

"Trying to find my knife."

I knew what he was going to do. However, I doubt we had anyone coming to our rescue any time soon. Either all of the captives had to fight back against these pirates, or we would all be taken somewhere else. However, if one or two of us could escape, mostly myself and Garron, then we could try.

"I got this."

I shifted myself ever so little, Moving my legs to be under me. Kneeling down instead of sitting on my rump. One of the guards looked at me and started to level his weapon at my head. I shook my head and gave him a sorry look.

"My rear hurts. Just shifting."

A roll of the eyes was given to me and he moved on. Slowly I reached down while bound. Finding the hilt of my knife with my fingers. Slowly pulling it out of the sheath and trying to not drop it. I began to cut at the cords holding Garron, He jolted a bit with the sudden cold steel against his hands. He then realized what it was. Helping me with his hands on the blade, and mine on the grip, we cut his bindings, where then we traded. Pressing the knife up against our backs, and he grabbed the grip. I then used my hands on the blade to keep it away from my skin, but also against my own bindings. Staying still, Once I had the blade, I moved ever so lightly to the girl who was with us. She looked to me with a concerned expression.

Shushing her silently with only lip movements, I shook my head at her. Mouthing to not move unless I say so. She nodded her head. Cutting her binds as well, We were now slightly prepared. Garron then got back to back with me and pressed cold steel against my own hands. Good. He had his back up hold out pistols. God I love idiots.

One of the pirates came over and was starting to check us with so much movement. I silently cursed myself in my head. However, suddenly there was a guy who ran up to him.

"Hey, there are ships and counts of people coming down here."
"Small readings. It could be just some damn fish but I don't know."

Looks like we had someone coming for our rescue after all.
Location: Underwater slaver's base
Objective BYOO: Infiltrate slaver's base
Allies: SJO [member="Thol Amroth"]
Silver Shadows? A myth to say the least. Kahlil was none the wiser to the fact he was working on their mission as he fitted his rebreather. The young man was here only to help the innocent people these pirates had kidnapped. After what had happened on Umbara he was determined to never let another innocent die. It took some time for him to come to terms with that incident, so now was his first time working along the Jedi in several months.

Bay Seven.

The orders came through the com, and the various Jedi alongside the taller figure all readied themselves for the swim. Hopefully they'd go undetected enough to reach the bay, but as ever things were unpredictable. Of course, that wasn't the case. Too much technology, too many readings. Perhaps they would have believed the swimming Jedi to be a school of fish if they hadn't gone directly to the dock. Even if they hadn't, the pirates probably would of guessed something was off when their signal changed from in the water to on their base.

Kahlil emerged from the waters, pulling off his rebreather to place on his hip. In the same movement he grasped the smooth cylinder of his lightsaber, and smiled at the large Gamorian pirate that was currently pointing a blaster rifle down at him.

"I've uh.. Come to negotiate?" He laughed, nervously, as he glanced around the dock. More pirates, all with their guns pointed at the incoming Jedi. This wasn't a good start.



The crew of the frigate Vherdun, pinnacle of the Humbarine Naval Intelligence, gathered round the war terminal of the ship's war room. Holographic tactical view of the situation over Nar Kreeta projected from the middle of the table with the data a courtesy of preliminary intelligence. One of the pirate ships part of the blockade had stolen a hefty cargo of incredibly powerful weapons and equipment essential to the Humbarine Admiralty's war efforts against the Corellian Confederation.

"...using the Silver's fleet as a distraction we will drive with full speed right through the blockade all guns blazing. The Vherdun's combat capability should be sufficient to carry us through it and right behind the blockade at their flank." Julius elaborated gesturing at the holographic projections.

"And my piloting skills." Wes interrupted. Eyebrows were raised at him. "The Vherdun's combat capability and my piloting skills."


"Right." Julius gave him a peculiar look before turning to focus once more on the end of his brief. "So-"

::: And my cyberwarfare skills. ::: the AI Juno cut the LT Commander off.

"Yes, that too. Now shut up and let me finish." Julius gave each one of the crew a stern look. He continued right on when he knew there would be no interruptions. "Three boarding pods are immediately ejected as soon as we get behind their back using the window of time for them to react as cover. Three teams of three. A team on each deck. We make our way as fast and as deadly as possible to the bridge. Collateral damage is acceptable as long as it doesn't blow the ship up. Best case scenario- no. Only case scenario is we commandeer the ship before the Silvers turn it to dust like they will with the rest of the pirate fleet, slave circuit its nav to the Vherdun's and bolt into hyperspace."


Heads shook.


The Vherdun reverted back to realspace somewhere on the edge of the Silvers' fleet. Throttle up to the maximum, shields powered near their limit and scramblers made it a hard target to get a lock on. Boarding parties already loaded on the pods shook with each explosion of turbolaser that scratched the surface of the frigate.


"Not now, Sir!"

Things got pretty heated with each second that passed to the point the LT Commander was certain this was doom's day for all of them. It all suddenly stopped. A grave silence, except for the humming of the engines.

No warning came when the boarding parties were ejected towards the pirate ship the Plunderer.

"See you on the other side, LT Commander!" Wes yelled out through the comms. "Maneuvering the Vherdun away from this mess!"

The free fall of the pods ceased when steel met steel. Automated torches came to work cutting a hole open in the hull of the Plunderer. The huge chunk of spherical durasteel came down and a green bulb lighted up signalling that pressurizing was complete. Julius took point slamming the pod's hatch open and hopped down on the metal floor of the pirate ship all guns blazing.

"Team 2, boarding success, no casualties!"

"Team 3, boarding success, no casualties!"

"Kill and move!" Julius barked back at the reports from the other teams. His own team followed the command too.

Location: Underwater Slavers Base
Objective: Infiltrate Slavers Base
Tag: [member="Thol Amroth"] [member="Kaleleon Seleare"] [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]

She popped off her helmet, giving way to her golden locks bounding off her shoulders as they fell -- well it was technically someone else's helmet...that she stole for this very purpose. It was time to be a spy, and she hadn't filled these shoes in quite awhile really. The light wrapped around the upper portion of her in at just the right angle. She was up on the next level overlooking the bay below...

She spied lone figures slinking away, scurrying their way from durasteel square to durasteel square; whereas they been seemingly prepping for something seemed they were all now on edge --- she could feel the tension overarching everything; it was there but not in grandiose amounts.

So we're securing this place for the squads arrival huh?

Glancing over...

Kahlil Zambrano said:
Kahlil emerged from the waters, pulling off his rebreather to place on his hip. In the same movement he grasped the smooth cylinder of his lightsaber, and smiled at the large Gamorian pirate that was currently pointing a blaster rifle down at him. "I've uh.. Come to negotiate?" He laughed, nervously, as he glanced around the dock. More pirates, all with their guns pointed at the incoming Jedi. This wasn't a good start.

She pulled her grappling spike launcher from her belt. Leaning over the railing, she released and guided the spike to wrap around a grunts neck. Yet, before he could claw at his person Romi used the physical momentum of her retreat to vault the balustrade to drop to the next level below. She floated down, gracefully and slowly, landing several meters below using his weight as an anchor.

Having knocked out enough beings to be certain this one wasn't faking his unconsciousness, Romi collected her Jedi tool from around his neck and broke his fall.

She'd made a solid drive at the center of the next formation, running with the stealth of an executor. Propelling herself upward and through a front flip. She came out of her acrobatic maneuver interlocking the Weequay' head between her thighs, whipping her body through the air, she'd knock him off balance before digging her fist into his windpipe.


Her head shot up from her crouched position, she snapped up her foot sideways, catching the woman at the base of the chin . She felt the sharp crackle of shattering jawbones, and the woman flew backward off her feet. She caught the desperate lunge of the woman's backup in the lace of her grappling line -- she turned it into some sort of melee weapon. Driving her heel into his shin to throw him off balance, before twirling under his arm and leveraging his weight to throw him over her shoulder.


Romi dove, sliding along the floor on her right knee pad, she used her left leg to anchor and direct her body to swing around in a circular arc. She swept the Twi'lek off his feet before sprang backwards horizontally from a crouch and cannoned into his throat with the back of her boot.

On station
Objective 4

Sipping at her mixed drink in her booth, Domino propped up her datapad and couldn't help but occasionally hum along to the ancient march playing in her head. It was only a few notes in a dozen and rather quite but she couldn't resist the temptation or the smile that pulled at her lips. Most of the Silvers had already landed on the planet in an effort not to waste any time on that hostage rescue and from the reports her allies had sent her, most of the fighting ships brought in were engaging that blockade. It had perplexed her for awhile, one meant they were expected (a likely event considering the Hutts were involved, if one hadn't betrayed them a spy was easily as likely), yet it also was in position to destroy their own base, personal, and any stored valuables or vehicles. This puzzle still hadn't dissuaded her however, and Domino was more than willing to take advantage of the opportunity provided to her today.

After draining her drink and having a stretch that pulled her thin armor against her midriff and flaunting her figure, she rose from the booth to sashay her way towards the wealthier districts where she knew the Hutts kept their manors. They were on a time table and she would have hated to keep her hosts waiting.


Outside the entrance to the administration center responsible for running the station and its operations, two groups of six ducked into backrooms to change. Heavy armor and weaponry were pulled from duffel bags and donned with practiced precision before tight-beam comm clicks signaled their readiness and the countdown. At its end the woman leading the men revealed their presence by launching a grenade into the security booth. The explosion rocked nearby buildings and the reverberations of the concussion echoed down the streets soon to be followed by the klaxon of an alarm. Yet before the ringing of the grenade had even a chance to settle, the others were out and rushing the building, barreling their way in before blast doors could close or defenders could organize.

Throughout the station similar scenes were occurring, men and women with suits over their blast vests were producing automatic weapons and assaulting locations known to be hard points belonging to the local crime families without warning or remorse. Several sections below, the bay doors of the cargo freighter which had previously signaled that all was in place for her arrival slid open to reveal its deadly cargo. First out was the blaring of a heavy metal power ballad as the doors cracked that was soon fighting with the heavy rumble of starting engines. "HUTT SPACE!" Boomed a voice eager for excitement over a PA system as the first walker disembarked into the bay. "HUTT SPACE! FINALLY! After twenty years we've returned!" Following it were five more of three different types and two tanks slowly hovering their way out.


This was not what Zotra the Hutt had intended when he'd invited the Silver Jedi to the station, Domino was sure it was the last thing he'd expected when she'd entered his villa just moments prior to discuss new trade with the Jedi and Outer Rim Resources, but along with the sudden recognition of just whom he'd invited to his home had come that incredibly heartless smile that never reached the eyes of his old Vigo. The one she wore when meting out cruel justice. "Yes, I have returned Zotra, and so have the Twin Lotus." Her earlier jovial mood had turned predatory as she stalked towards the crimelord, her bodyguards' machine gun fire sweeping through his court serving as backdrop to her intent as she closed the distance between them.

These were not good beings, if they weren't behind, or at least getting paid by the slavers the Jedi now fought, they'd at least willingly turned a blind eye to it. Acquiescing to their continued existence might have been the peaceful option, but it wasn't the one a Jedi should take. Not in Domino's estimation of what a Jedi should be. But that was an ideal she knew she'd never achieve, she'd tainted herself long ago and had done so willingly for what she thought was the greater good. So she sacrificed herself again, leading an attack that the leaders of the Silver Jedi wouldn't approve of in order to force them to stand by their own moral code. They couldn't be allowed to lower themselves to her level.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] Josh Dragonsflame
Location: Slaver Base
Objective: Kill
Adjacent Allies: [member="Romi Jade"] l [member="Kahlil Zambrano"] l [member="Thol Amroth"] l [member="Sabine Galen"]


He only brought two other Razor team soldiers with him. They were quiet, astute professionals in the art of taking people's lives. The swim here was quick, once they got the green light and the proper location. The Razor team, compared to the Jedi accompanying them- were dead silent on their approach. Only hand signals underwater, hands always on their rifles. The]RS16[/url] was a mean beast- and, it being a slugthrower, had no problems with going underwater. It could cycle maybe two or three shots when submerged, but as far as transporting it went-

Just fine.

A blaster? Hell in a hand basket the moment you got it dirty. Part of the reason Setter never used them.

Their suppressors came out of the water first, then their hollow, empty eyes poked through. The wrapped suppressors scanned the docks before the trio surfaced, each securing a sector in front of them. The pirates were too focused on [member="Romi Jade"] to notice the small outlines in the water to their base. They caught the tail end of Romi's acrobatic display. The Razor team members dropped their diving gear on the side of the dock, and climbed aboard, dropping their wetsuits. Compared to the Jedi, they were in black utilities, head to toe with gear, tourniquets, grenades- things that didn't exactly look the nicest.

Razor Team wasn't here to do anything else but kill the Slavers. The Silvers were turning them loose, and that's what they intended to do. Setter and his team fanned out, while Setter crouched near Romi, speaking quietly.

"We'll secure the western area of the facility, and try to get some information about who these guys are selling and buying from whatever we can find." He deliberately left out the part of intelligence gathered from the people. Because Razor wasn't intent on leaving anyone on their side of the facility alive. There was no telling what was where- after all, they had a location, not a map of the area. Setter and the two Razors could run into the prisoners- or the Jedi. Preferably, the Jedi would- after all, they were more humanitarian than Setter was in that instance.

Reap what you sow, and all that.

"I know you won't have a problem in the dark, so we're gonna try and cut the lights out."

He stood up, joining the other two Razor team operators, and tapped the nightvision on top of their heads. Quickly, each member of the team checked if their gear was still working after the underwater incursion. All good. Black and white night vision popped up over his eyes. He flipped them up- not intent on burning out the tubes in them with the bright-light. He walked away from the Jedi- eerily making no noise as his footsteps. Rifles at the ready, Razor team disappeared down deeper into the facility, leaving Romi and friends to deal with whatever they wanted- but then again, a Jedi going with Razor might....

Stay their hand, if only slightly.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Sea of Thieves
Location: Underwater Base
Objective: Stay alive
Allies: Rescuers?
Garron stayed still. Our heads turned to each other and kind of nodded to one another. If there were people coming to our rescue, then we would likely be better suited to spring into action when there was a distraction. The Girl looked at us. Shaking my head, she understood not to move. The Pirates started to huddle up. It seemed like they were starting to figure out what was going on. I could hear over the radios as people were attempting to contact one another.

"Donnie? You guys good?"
"Donnie, answer you god damn cur."

This was going to hell in a hand-basket. Their other groups of friends were not responding Which meant that some of our rescuers were already here. Good, and bad. I took this moment to slowly make a very stupid decision. Freeing others from their bonds. Moving towards the next group, I sat down next to them. Their faces brightly lighting up as they realized that someone was doing something about our situation. Kneeling down and keeping my head switching from cutting bands, and the pirates that were hunkered around one another.

As I saw some of them were moving more, I turned around and held my hands behind my back and kept my back up against one of the other alien people. A girl with no hair, but tails sticking out from her head. A couple of the pirates started to leave the area and head down towards Bay 7.

"Get to Bay 7. Donnie isn't responding. Find out what the Mongrel is up to."

The man then said something under his breath as the troops were leaving. From there, they started to roam around again. Keeping an eye on us and making sure we weren't doing anything stupid. Too bad I was already being stupid. One of the guards from earlier that had attempted to beat the chit out of me found me somewhere else. He did a quick double take.

"Hey, The hell you doing over here?"

He quickly came over and lifted me up. Clearly the gig was up.

The finality of my attempt to free people was closed with a fist being shoved into my stomach hard enough to make me lose my breath.

[member="Setter Ryburn"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Julius Rhein"], [member="Thol Amroth"],

Lynette Lykova

Ocean Battle
Nar Kreeta
Objective 02. Post 01. Attn: [member="Julius Rhein"]

The Silver Fleet stood in high orbit. Numbering four star defenders, two frigate escorts, and a rag-tag group of golden-hearted misfits. Naturally, these rogue misfits were made up of unconventional vessels, custom freighters, and strangely built starfighters. Providing the perfect bait-and-switch for any pirate-crashing mission.

The idea was simple.

Send in the misfits to dislodge the pirate blockade and harass them into picking a real fight in high orbit. Which... Had worked marvelously, honestly. The pirates had sent nearly all of their small craft and starfighters after the bait group. Which let the Silver's misfit gang lure them away from the base so the fighter squadrons from the star defenders could intercept them over the open ocean.

Lynette watched the burning blue holographic display from the command center of the SS Baroque Defiant. Listening as the bridge crew belayed their orders.

"Commander. Misfits are reporting they've joined with the other squadrons and are beginning the rout of the pirate squadrons over the southern sea. Pirates are heavily outnumbered and seem to be panicking."

"Good. Fell right into our little trap. Just like amateurs. Mm. Let's move the star defenders into position to block their other ships on the surface. Can't have our friends getting away, now can we."

Lynette looked up at the map display and noticed the larger pirate vessels had started moving away from their sea-side base location. They probably noticed that all their starfighters were about to get rick-rolled like a mon cal battlecruiser at a Heartbeat karaoke night. Ha. Suckers.


"Yep. Stupid stupid stupid." He smiled at the glowing display, "Just the way I like it. Helm, take us down. I want all our capital ships between them and that base. Then we'll hit em' in the back. And notify the squadrons over the southern sea. Their larger vessels are moving to assist and we'll be right behind them."

Lynette wasn't quite sure if you could call it a pincer maneuver. But it was definitely enough to ruffle the pirates. That was for sure.

The star defenders broke atmo and started firing at the larger pirate vessels. Their big ships were already trying to escape back into the relative safety of threatening their own underwater base and the hostages within. Alas. The Silver Fleet now stood between them and their human shields. And, with their smaller fighters engaged over the southern sea? This had just become a slugging match they really, really shouldn't have picked in the first place.

"Commander. Response from the ocean base has been negative. No guns or missiles yet."

"Alright well. They'll probably have something down there. Let's finish off their big ships before that underwater base starts shooting missiles or something. Gunnery?"

"Vectors are good sir. Computers are showing accurate fire. They'll surrender in no time."

"Excellent." He smiled and leaned over the holo-display, "I'd like to have this whole mess cleaned up before lunch, anyway."

Lynette stood up straight and looked over the map one more time. She had to admit. Numbers being what they are? Man. These pirates looked pretty darn doomed to her. Then she noticed the blank little blip on the map that was an approaching unknown vessel.

"Well. Somebodies crazy." She scoffed and folded her arms.

The Vherdun scooted right past the Silver fleet and smashed head long into the barrage between the bombarding armada's. Then jumped a bit on-screen here and there, and then started pulling out of the battle altogether. What?

"What the heck was that?" Lynette asked.

The Fleet Commander shrugged, "Heck if I know. Guess they really, really wanted to make a play date with that pirate cruiser."

Lynette seemed baffled. "So. Should we do something?"

The Commander just laughed, "Ha. Let em' fight it out. What's a little pirate-on-pirate action anyway?"


The deck master called from the pit.

"What is it Commander?"

"Sir. We've just pulled the scan from that interloper who just skimmed us. You'll, probably want to see this."

Lynette and the Fleet Commander both gave each other a look of surprise. Oh? Well then. I guess their little mystery frigate had just gotten a bit more, interesting.

* * *

Meanwhile, as the capital ships slugged it out with turbolasers over-top the underwater pirate base. The Silver starfighter squadrons and their merry band of misfit accomplices were busy having a hay-day. Dislodging the smoking and buzzing pirate fighters all across the southern oceanic expanse. Hunting season was officially, open.

* * *

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Location: Underwater slaver's base
Objective BYOO: Infiltrate slaver's base
Nearby Allies:
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Sabine Galen"] | [member=Tika] | [member="Kahlil Zambrano"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Setter Ryburn"]​
The jig was up. The pirates were alerted to the presence of the approaching Jedi, even if they probably didn't realize they were Jedi. Still, Thol had expected a little more time before sensors picked up anything, judging by the communications being shared across the pirate network. That meant the young Jedi would be late to the docking bay, since he was several population hubs across. With any luck, the guards would still be unprepared for the arrival of the rescue force, and bay seven would be taken quickly without losses.

If I can't make it to bay seven before the other Jedi arrive, Thol thought to himself, as he quickened his pace through the connecting tube walkway. I can prepare the way, at least.

Ahead, pirates were rushing about, grabbing weapons and armor in preparation, preparing defensive positions to oppose invaders. Being in his disguise, Thol was in a perfect position to take advantage of his unassuming placement, as he jogged over to a small trio of pirates. They were crouched behind makeshift cover, an upturned table, and were talking to themselves quietly as they waited...

"Sounds like enemies near bay seven!"

"You sure? Comms just said enemies were already moving through the passage tubes."

"Think they'll head this way?"

"Naw, not with the turret we got setup ready for them! They're dead, for sure."

"Ohhhh, yeah, that turret is goin' to chew them up, hah."

"Hope so... anyone crazy enough to attack this base is crazy enough to run at a turret..."

"Sorry, guys," Thol looked down at the three, listening to the conversation. It seemed an ambush was up ahead, complete with blaster turret. That didn't bode well. "Ambushes aren't very sporting. Excuse the irony."

Typically the Jedi might have sought non-lethal options, but since these were pirates who dealt in slaving, Thol took an exception. The last thing he wanted was to have to raid the base again later, after the pirates had woken up and started kidnapping civilians all over again. There were very few things Thol couldn't tolerate in life, and being a slaver was one of them. As the three surprised humanoids turned to look up at the 'Ubese', a snap-hiss sounded and blue light illuminated the area - there was a single quick swipe, followed by burning ozone and flesh - and another snap-hiss, with the blue light disappearing.

Thol stepped around the cover, as the three pirates slumped and hit the floor, dead. The young Jedi reached into his pocket, pulling out the comlink.

"Amroth here, be advised there is an ambush with a blaster turret waiting ahead," He said quickly, jogging as he hid his lightsaber hilt again, falling in with some pirates that entered the hub and started toward bay seven. "I'm flanking. Don't shoot the Ubese in the helmet... I definitely won't be happy if you do."

Tucking the comlink away, Thol kept pace with the next group of pirates, ready to support his fellow Jedi if they sprung the ambush...
Objective 1 - Under the sea
Location: ship to underwater base

"Okay, deep breaths now. Everything will be fine." This is what Sigyn thought to herself on the ship that took them to the underwater base, as it began submerging. Going under water was something she had never done before. Never. Being in water in general wasn't her strpongest suit. She had never had the chance to become a good swimmer, since it wasn't the best conditions to become that where she was from. And the few times she had had the chance, she didn't think it nescessary. When would she need to be in water anyway? Well, now would obviously be the answer. She sat in her seat, trying not to look out the window. The anxiety was gnawing at her.

But she knew this was important. After all, she had wanted to come along for it, even before her master had said she would join. An acquaintance of her, [member="Tika"] , who now shared Sigyn's master, was of the species which had been captured. So of course she wanted to help free the Quiglings. She had just noy known she would become this anxious about it.

The voice of her master, [member="Sabine Galen"] drew her attention away from her thoughts. It was good having someone she knew on this ship. She could also see the familiar face of [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] there. And neither of them wpould let anything bad happen. "I hope so, master," she replied, her voice a bit shakey. "I can't wait to get off this ship." Or this Whole planet in general. When this mission was over, she wante to find a Nice, Cold Place to lie Down and relax, cleansing her head of everything.
TAGS: [member="Lynette Lykova"]

The ship shook heavily and lights flashed and sparks showered Julius' team as they made their way further through the deck blasting everything in their path. They relied on their armor and energy shields rather than cover to survive as time was of the essence.

"There's a heck ton of doors between us and the bridge." Rix observed as he moved to a panel attempting to unseal the locked door.

"More than we expected." Lena agreed.

"Focus. Juno, can you do something about this?" Julius called out at the AI.

::: Breaching security protocols at the moment, Commander. :::

"Good. Make sure we don't have to breach yet another door all the way to the bridge."

::: Yes, Sir. I will have to warn you, though, I am detecting heavy activity towards the escape pods and towards the cargo. :::

"Can you decrypt their comms?"

::: Yes, Sir. :::


::: They will be priming the armament we are here for and eject from the vessel. :::

"You've got to- Team 2, plan B or C. Whatever. Change of plans, get to the cargo ASAP. Juno will have every door open for you and deal with anything she can to make your path easier. Double time or we're toast."

"These boarding operations always go sideways with us, don't they?" Lena shook her head clearly reminding herself of their operation against the Givin during the Confederacy's invasion.

Objective 3: Swimming meet

"I would like more information about the Selkath organizers that may be relevant to a procurement deal"

"Swim 3 races back-to-back and then we'll talk. In fact, the next 3 races in the meet program"

That didn't daunt Varindar in the slightest: she was used to swimming 3 races back-to-back before she ran the hotel. So she began to get ready, wearing her "speed suit", her swimming cap and goggles and then she was ready to go. And the playing field in that race was partially alien to her: Selkath, Quiglings, to name a few of the races of the swimmers that were swimming against her. But she knew the pre-race drill: she needed to get into position on the starting block, unless it was backstroke, in which case she would be in the water, against the pool's deep end wall. And the first of these three races was precisely that: a backstroke race, for which she was in lane 8 and the Selkath and Quigling were in lanes 4 and 5 respectively, the lanes she knew were highly sought-after. And then the race began: even though she swam the first of 3 races in backstroke, she realized that the Quigling was falling behind her, while the Selkath was somewhat ahead of her. By the end of the first 50-meter lap, she was coming in pretty fast, second only to the Selkath in lane 4.

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