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Sidon Eshe

Chance Bonaventure

Character art originally from Brad Allen on ArtStation | Edited by Sidon Eshe
"Don't mistake my patience for weakness; you're coming with me, and if you can still walk is up to you."

  • Name: Sidon Eshe (pronounced 'Sigh-don' 'Ee-shh')
  • Occupation: Bounty Hunter
  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Residence: Nar Shaddaa
  • Species: Unknown
  • Relatives: Unknown
  • Languages Known: Anzat, Basic (Galactic), Durese, Echani, Firrerreo, Sy Bisti, Twi'leki, Zabraki, Huttese [literate], Jawa Trade Talk [literate], Dosh [literate], Shyriiwook [literate]


  • Appearance:
  • Age: Unknown
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6'2" (1.88m)
  • Weight: 85kg (187 lbs)
  • Eye Color: Unknown
  • Hair Color: Unknown
  • Body: Muscled, lean, physically strong and fast
  • Marks & Scars: Unknown


  • Force Sensitive: No
  • Affiliation: The Bounty Hunters' Guild
  • Rank: Guild Leader (Master Hunter)
  • Trainees: N/A


  • [+] Weapons Expert: Given his profession, it's probably not a surprised Sidon is a weapons expert. He has very high capabilities with most forms of weaponry, from long-range sniper rifles, to mid-range assault blasters, to close-quarters combat (see 'Echani Fighting' below). If the item was made to kill, maim or harm, Sidon is more than capable of using it to a very high degree, being both an accomplished marksman and martial artist.
  • [+] Eidetic Memory: Sidon has perfect memory recall. He is able to see, hear or otherwise witness sensations or scenes or people, and remember every detail with incredible accuracy. This particular genetic boon has resulted in most of his success as a Bounty Hunter, as he can memorize all the information available about a target, as well as learn combat and other lessons rapidly through repetition.
  • [+] Survivalist: Due to training, potentially military, Sidon has keen skills in survivalist training; he is capable of staying alive in a range of hostile environments.
  • [+] Strategic: Sidon is very skilled at strategic planning and reaction. Often he will utilize cunning to maneuver opponents into positions advantageous to himself. He is well-versed in traps, ambushes and out-maneuvering opponents, and always knows where the exits are. With the addition of his equipment, it can prove difficult to catch Sidon flat-footed.
  • [+] 3rd Tier Echani Fighter: Sidon has trained and mastered the martial art of the Echani, both physically and mentally, and as a result has a deep understanding of hand-to-hand combat, reading one's opponent, and gaining intuition about an opponent through confrontation. Additionally, using fists or bladed weapons comes naturally to Sidon, and he is able to overcome most opponents in close-quarters with sheer skill, speed and calm detachment. His capability in hand-to-hand combat is such that - despite the Echani typically fighting with light clothing - Sidon is still capable of full martial form in his combat armor.
    [+] Fast & Strong: Due to his Echani training, and despite his lithe build, Sidon is pure muscle and coiled tendons. He is very physically fit, has impressive stamina, and is naturally fast on his feet.
  • [+] Quick Reflexes: Sidon's Echani training has developed a naturally fast response time, which is heightened even more so by his equipment; you don't last long as a Hunter dragging behind.

  • [+/-] Tech-Savvy: Sidon is a very tech-savvy individual, able to use most modern forms of technology with very little learning curve. His entire career is based on buying, upgrading or otherwise replacing his equipment with the best available. As a result, Sidon has become very dependent on his equipment, and this could prove a weakness if he was separated from it, as it would almost be like missing an eye, or a thumb on the hand - it would be jarring and feel unnatural. And while it wouldn't affect his natural combat prowess, he would certainly miss tech that he relied on for certain tasks.
  • [+/-] Leadership: Sidon has a good capacity for leadership. He is fair, loyal and treats others with respect. But in the heat of battle, his Echani training can cause him to focus on himself, on his own fight, and this can leave companions who need detailed commands a little high and dry. However, Sidon's attention can be regained with prompting, causing him to revert back into his role as a leader for any group he's involved with.
  • [-] Traumatic Past: Sidon suffered a great trauma in earlier life, and hasn't managed to overcome it. As a result, he has a form of PTSD, and finds sleeping difficult without waking to nightmares of the past. While he hasn't spoken to anyone about what happened, or to whom, those relatively close to the Hunter are aware of a family no longer here.
  • [-] Dead Inside: From his past, and his occupation, Sidon has become very detached. He still has the capacity for caring, but finds that switching off his emotions or morals has started becoming a little too easy lately. This can leave him appearing cold and uncaring to those around, especially those close to him.
  • [-] Fond of Drink: Sidon can be prone to having too much alcohol, especially during quiet periods between contracts. While he is never under the influence 'when on the job', the same can't be said about his personal time. And while he's been able to manage it, as he puts it, there's no denying the drinking is getting worse.
  • [-] Not Much of A Pilot: Given his skills in combat, something had to give, and as a result Sidon is an acceptable pilot; but he certainly couldn't defeat an ace, not unless his ship was considerably more powerful and better equipped. Instead, he prefers to leave the piloting to his HRD companion.


  • Weapons:
- Inferos Class Disruptor Rifle
- HG-54 "The Vora" Class Verpine Hand Cannon + RB-02 "Salt" Rounds
- Sonic Disruptor Pistol
- BR-212 "Jackal" ACR
- Vornskr Mark 8 Scattergun
- VT-SI-19 Stealth Sniper Rifle
- Dar'yaim Cannon
- MandalArms XSR-47 "Seraph" LMG
- ACS-203 Hellfire Autocannon
- Lance Missile Launcher [x10 missiles]
- MG-966 "Hellfire" Class Verpine Shatter Gun [Gatling]
- C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife
- Tir Stunner
  • Armor:
- Jaeger Class Combat Armor
- VT-Neural Band
- MV-18 "Force" Class Vambraces
- B-11 "Greitis" Class Combat Boots
- Sidon Eshe's Scarf
  • Grenades:
- Box of Eaters x2 [total of 20]
- Anti-Force Grenade [Incindiary] x5
- Anti-Force Grenade [Gas] x5
- Directed Charges [x3]
  • Miscellaneous:
- SG-1001 "Vishnu" Military Shield
- VT-Syra Slug [x3]
  • Personal Ships:
- The Crossfire [Kryss Industries]
- The Vorantikus [Clan Rekali, Inc]
- A/Y-92 "Aquila" Starfighter [House Verd, Inc.]
  • Personal Droid/s:
- Xayinas-Class Slicer Droid
- Southstar-Class Battle Droid [with XSR-100 Autocannon mount] - Modules: Military tactics, heavy weapons training, advanced strategy and field support; security training, ship weapons systems and area patrol training
- CS 2-1B Surgical Droid


  • Claimed Bounties:
- Jorus Merrill - Contract - Claim - 250,000Cr
- Aurai Horaen (aka Jairdain Ismet) - Contract - Claim - Custom Ship [Clan Rekali Inc.]
- Darth Ronan - Contract - Claim - Custom Ship [Clan Rekali Inc.]

  • Confirmed Kills:
- ...


  • Security Software update to all personal systems, ship systems, droid systems and communication systems

  • Purchase Information:
- Aegis Systems: [x]
- ArmaTech Industries: [x]
- Cornerstone Scientific: [x]
- Firemane Industries & Technology: [x]
- Hellhound Strategic: [x]
- House Verd, Inc.: [x]
- Jaeger Solutions: [x]
- MandalArms: [x]
- MandalMotors Co.: [x]
- Vanir Technologies: [x]

Chance Bonaventure




  • Vela Kryss | Kryss Industries - A Vilosorian enterpreneur and industrialist, Velathri Kryss is renowned for her armament designs and clever commercial moves. Often striking up deals with either governments, groups, associations or individual parties, Kryss Industries distributes their merchandise to a wide range of clients, all under the careful watch and planning of one Velathri Kryss.
  • The Slave | Jaeger Solutions - A company run and operated by some unique individuals, both of whom have greatly impressed Sidon and have become his preferred suppliers of arms and armament as a Bounty Hunter. In fact, Sidon looks forward to seeing what the next invention will be, which says a lot for a man who rarely gets excitement out of anything.
  • Cip'muviz (NPC) | Bounty Hunters' Guild - A paranoid, mysterious, highly skilled slicer known as Cip, who operates the Guild's ShadowNet operations for members in need of information, whether prior to or during a contract.
  • ... | ... - ...

Chance Bonaventure


  1. Picking Up The Pieces - Having taken over as Bounty Hunters' Guild leader, it falls on Sidon Eshe to clean things up and prepare. [COMPLETE]
  2. The End Of The Galaxy - Sidon travels to the Outer Rim, to Tatooine, to bring in a bounty for a man named Jorus Merrill. [BHG] [COMPLETE]
  3. The Hunter Gathering - Sending out a call across the Holonet, Sidon reaches out to fellow Bounty Hunters, with an offer and a call to gather [BHG] [COMPLETE]
  4. Into The Nightmare Lands - An open bounty on Sith, and recent Sith activity on Voss, takes Sidon to a dark wasteland in search of his acquisition [BHG] [COMPLETE]
  5. Hook, Line and Sinker - Sidon accepts a contract to hunt down a thief for the Red Ravens, leading him on a chase through Coruscant [BHG]
  6. The Village of Sacrifice - When reports of Sith come from a village on Eriadu, Sidon arrives with Koda Fett to claim some lightsaber bounties [BHG] [COMPLETE]
  7. Future Of Justice - Sidon gets a call to meet the head honcho of KDY, Ferron Troste, and takes up the offer not sure what to expect. [BHG] [COMPLETE]
  8. ... - ...

Chance Bonaventure


Standard Gear:
  • Weaponry:
- BR-212 "Jackal" ACR
- HG-54 "The Vora" Class Verpine Hand Cannon + RB-02 "Salt" Rounds
- Sonic Disruptor Pistol
- C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife
- Tir Stunner
  • Armor:
- Jaeger Class Combat Armor
- VT-Neural Band
- MV-18 "Force" Class Vambraces
- B-11 "Greitis" Class Combat Boots
- Sidon Eshe's Scarf

- SG-1001 "Vishnu" Military Shield
  • Grenades:
- Box of Eaters [total of 10]
- Anti-Force Grenade [Incindiary] x1
- Anti-Force Grenade [Gas] x1
  • Other:
- Xayinas-Class Slicer Droid
- VT-Syra Slug

Force Hunting gear:
  • Weaponry:
- Vornskr Mark 8 Scattergun or Inferos Class Disruptor Rifle
- HG-54 "The Vora" Class Verpine Hand Cannon + RB-02 "Salt" Rounds
- Sonic Disruptor Pistol
- C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife
- Tir Stunner
  • Armor:
- Jaeger Class Combat Armor
- VT-Neural Band
- MV-18 "Force" Class Vambraces
- B-11 "Greitis" Class Combat Boots
- Sidon Eshe's Scarf

- SG-1001 "Vishnu" Military Shield
  • Grenades:
- Box of Eaters [total of 10]
- Anti-Force Grenade [Incindiary] x1
- Anti-Force Grenade [Gas] x1
  • Other:
- Xayinas-Class Slicer Droid
- VT-Syra Slug
- Southstar-Class Battle Droid [with XSR-100 Autocannon mount] + MG-966 "Hellfire" Class Verpine Shatter Gun [Gatling] or Lance Missile Launcher [10x missiles]

Multiple Target Gear:
  • Weaponry:
- MandalArms XSR-47 "Seraph" LMG
- HG-54 "The Vora" Class Verpine Hand Cannon + RB-02 "Salt" Rounds
- Sonic Disruptor Pistol
- C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife
- Tir Stunner
  • Armor:
- Jaeger Class Combat Armor
- VT-Neural Band
- MV-18 "Force" Class Vambraces
- B-11 "Greitis" Class Combat Boots
- Sidon Eshe's Scarf

- SG-1001 "Vishnu" Military Shield
  • Grenades:
- Box of Eaters [total of 10]
- Anti-Force Grenade [Incindiary] x1
- Anti-Force Grenade [Gas] x1
  • Other:
- Xayinas-Class Slicer Droid
- VT-Syra Slug
- Southstar-Class Battle Droid [with XSR-100 Autocannon mount] + MG-966 "Hellfire" Class Verpine Shatter Gun [Gatling] or Lance Missile Launcher [10x missiles]

Chance Bonaventure

[member="Katria Vekarr"]

Jaeger Solutions offer a large range of solutions to many problems, it's true.

And my trade isn't greedy. I do a job, I get paid. How is that any different to any other occupation? My rates are high because, unlike a diplomat sitting at a desk, my version of a paper cut or incorrectly filed legislation is a blaster bolt through the neck. And I am simply compensated for that danger.

Also, contracts are only taken on legal merit within the Bounty Hunter's Guild. We are doing a service by chasing those who fell between the cracks of law enforcement, and believed they could get away with it.

But you're right - the job does get done.

Speaking of, do you require Bounty Hunting services? I offer fair rates.

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