Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome New Members!

This is a space for new members to come and introduce themselves.​
If you are new to the Je'daii, be sure to post here! You can choose to do this just once, or for every character you bring to the Order if you choose to add more than one to the Faction.​
Please keep all questions to the Help Desk. If you need further assistance, be sure to contact a Faction Administrator.​
I suppose I ought to go first.

Hello, I'm your friendly Faction Owner! I currently write three Je'daii in the Faction (Well, two and one hopeful), [member='Asha Hex'], [member='Jyn Sol'], and [member='Kyra Sol'].

Feel free to PM me if you want to plot, write, or have any questions :)

Sobaan Palle

Hi! I'm Sobaan! My father's a Sith, my mother's a traveling Rogue, I think. At present I am 10 years old!

My writer, however, is 30, and also writes Ignus. :p

Stephanie Swail

Stephanie Swail. Former Republic solder turned Jedi-wannabe. Eager to learn, explore, develop and be a beacon of Light in these dark times.

You may know me also as Connor Harrison or Joon around these boards. :)
[member="Charlotte Homura"] [member="Jala Rekab"]

Welcome to the Je'daii

Feel free to jump into either of the current threads, which can be found on our Homepage (Sanctuary and A New Hope), join our Discord (I can give you the link, or again it's on our Homepage), or request a one on one thread to join the Order.

If there's anything we can do to make you feel more comfortable, please let us know :)
[member="Jade The Rogue"]

Welcome again; as I mentioned in the PM you're free to jump into the Aurum thread we recently set up if you like. Otherwise we can sort something else out.

We have a Discord Server if you use the app, it's a good way of keeping up to date on threads and current activities within the Order. If you would like a link to the Server, you can find it on the Faction Homepage or you can ask for it directly and I'll throw you it :)
Greetings, I'm Ryiah. Former slave teetering on the point between Light and Dark with a little bit of mental damage added into the mix. Eager to hopefully find a sense of sanity and balance before my mind cracks.

You may also know me on Chaos as Darth Lykos.
[member="Ryiah Tenriem"]

Hello there and welcome,

I'll set up our thread shortly. If you would like it set before Aurum we can do so, that way Ryiah can join in that faction thread. If you want it after that's fine too.

If you have any questions or need any help please don't hesitate to ask.
Jade Whisperwind

Some of you may know me as many characters. Most notably the many Raxis Alts running around. I'm here to write a straight Old School Jedi with a merger of Jed'aii philosophy.

I like pretty much any thread or story. This is my first attempt at writing a strict Jedi without all kinds of austere powers and odd crossovers from Witches and stuff.

Goal for this character is make her an Old School Master.

[member="Jade Whisperwind"]

Hello and welcome to the Je'daii. Curious to see a Jedi within our midst but if you're willing to open your mind a little to other possibilities then we're happy to have you.

You've already joined the Aurum thread, so we can use that as a spring board to bring you into our fold. You don't have to be a staunch neutral/Je'daii, as I say just keep an open mind.

Since we're on Aurum, which has always been a Je'daii world even when the likes of the Horde and Moross came to take it over, to help heal it now that we've witnessed the devastation, no doubt we can use that as a way to bring our two sides together. I'm sure Jade would love to see the world healed too.

We have a Discord chat if you would like to join it, its a quick way to keep tabs on what's happening, who's posting, etc. Be sure to check out the lore found on our Faction Homepage for a better understanding of who we are, too.

Welcome again, and enjoy your stay.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or issues, be sure to let us know.

You can keep up to date with ongoing threads on our Homepage, through the News section. Naturally only threads taking place after Aurum will be available to you, but going forward you can join any you wish or even plan your own.

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