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- Kalantha -
"Fifteen minutes until arrival, your Excellency. Theed Palace has been updated."
"Thirteen," the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance mumbled absently to himself, too quiet for the Captain to hear.
Alicio frowned thoughtfully, staring out the...
Alicio Organa Lady Sylvia Organa
Princess Lysandra Organa braced herself as the shuttle descended into the atmosphere of Alderaan. The landing itself was smooth and uninterrupted; her anxiety had little to do with fear of a transporter malfunction or shoddy piloting...
anodyne organa
awkward family reunion
julien organa
leio organa
lysandra organa
royal palace
sylvia organa
Image Source: Brightly Woven: The Graphic Novel (art by Kit Seaton)
As a gift for helping the people of Necropolis (and to ensure he would return the original to Byron), Thelma Goth made a duplicate of the Cloak of Many Colors for Alicio Organa . Similar to the original, it is...
Grand Assembly, Fondor
Office of the Chancellor
- Amani Serys -
Alicio hadn't seen Amani or the kids in weeks.
It was by far the longest time he'd been without them, ever since he'd been marooned with Kai on Zaathru. All of his time was eaten up by meetings with heads of state, hopping around...
General Ministry Canton, Fondor
Office of the Chancellor, Evening
There was no tea waiting for Jenn, this time.
The Chancellor's office was sparsely decorated. By now, Alicio would have preferred to make the space his own, add some decorations beside the portable burner in the corner, the...
Thelma's Tailoring was a little shop with a quaint painted sign hanging above the door. Inside the recently repaired display window, a droid was changing the clothes on a pair of pale, faceless mannequins, swapping them for the latest fall fashions.
The surrounding businesses were in worse...
Aldera, Alderaan
Royal Palace, Office of the King
- Lady Sylvia Organa -
There was another Organa.
The Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance paced around his Alderaanian office, smart boots clicking as they passed over hardwood, and producing dull thuds as his path took him over sparse blue...
Alliance General Ministry Canton, Fondor
Office of the Chancellor
- Amelia von Sorenn - Lupa Visz - Valery Noble - Kahlil Noble -
In the public eye, it would be impossible to notice if Alicio was beginning to wear himself thin. But behind closed doors, it was becoming all too obvious.
HNN Studios, Fondor City, 23:00 Local time, Fondor
The lights blare, beaming there white light onto the minimalistic glossy white stage with Jysell front and centre she gives a small to the camera before taping her cue cards on the desk
"Good evening, friends from across the cosmos. I am your...
Force-imbued songsteel
Internal rebreather/respirator (30 minutes of air). Easily adapted to vacuum.
Encrypted internal commlink
Slight Voice Modulator/Amplifier
Force Imbuement: When it was forged, Alicio Organa tuned this helmet to his signature in the Force...
Intent: A personal helmet for Alicio Organa.
Image Source:
Original Commission
Pinterest, Heavily Edited by Me
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Dev Thread with Jenn Kryze here
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Jenn Kryze , Alicio Organa...
There were few bodies of water in the galaxy as clear as the sea off the Sanctuary Coast.
For centuries- millenia if you didn't consider the planet's reconstruction after the Yuuzhan Vong wars- the people of Alderaan have worked hard to maintain the health...
Thelma’s Tailoring, Dahrtag
Shortly after the events of "Respect the Crossroads"...
“... Senator Laveaux remains in critical condition following what is believed to have been an assassination attempt at Oridin City Hospital on Fondor…”
Thelma blinked, pulled from the intense focus she’d had on...
The Unwavering Hope, a diplomatic vessel bound for Myrkyr, was carrying various political figures to what would prove to be an abortive summit with the Mandalorians. Their new Alor would soon be dead under mysterious circumstances, leaving whatever progress made by the diplomats lost to the...
Alicio spent a lot of time at Thranta Park, when he first arrived on Alderaan all those years ago.
Back when he wasn't a Senator, or a King, but the Crown Liason of Sanctuary City. It was his job to steward the city's growth in it's final stages of...
The gem is made of a mysterious, shining crystalline structure. It drips with a black, water-like liquid, which evaporates as soon as it hits solid matter. Scans have been unable to identify the molecular structure of both the crystal, and the fluid.
To those with sensing...
In his first act as King, Alicio Organa had mustered an army.
That was what they would say about him in the history books. In his relatively short time as holder of the Chalcedony Star, he'd reinstated the Alderaanian Knights, and continued his...
It was the middle of a weekday. The halls of Oridin City Hospital on Fondor were bustling as usual, with doctors and nurses hurriedly moving from room to room.
A blond man dressed in scrubs walked with purpose down the corridor, carrying a tray of syringes. He deftly sidestepped a cleaning...
"...And... you are certain you don't need an armed escort?"
"I'm sure. Lady Kryze is a friend." Alicio let his muted eyes turn on Captain da Silva, before continuing to stare out the viewport of the bridge of the Gift of Peace. The sparse, craggy hillside of the Onderon...
Jedi Temple Hangar
Tension grew within the command structures of the Alliance.
Alicio could practically taste it in the air, the bonds between worlds growing taut and strained. With some dark successor to the Maw growing within it's borders, it seemed all it would take was the...