Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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alicio organa

  1. Amani Serys

    Private  Once and Future

    Alicio Organa For how transformative this stage of Amani's life had been, she found herself surprise that nine months went by as quick as they did. Then again, it was technically closer to eight months, when those telltale signs of labor thrust the Organas into panic one early morning. Twins...
  2. Amani Serys

    Private  Upsizing

    When Alicio woke up this morning, he would find the space beside him to be empty. Work tended to make them both early risers, but unless there was an emergency, it was rare Amani was up and gone before her husband was even out of bed. But out in the main room, he would also find that she...
  3. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Equilibrium

    Before Exegol Kai kept his head down as he stood alongside Alicio and the rest of the Count's retinue. Disguised as just another member of the typical Alderaanian escort force, he waited with them to receive a proper welcome from the local government. This planet was strange. The architecture...
  4. Inanna Harth

    Private  A Match Made in Maranatha

    Maranatha, Alderaan Outsiders might be a bit surprised at how informal and unstructured Shi'ido weddings seemed to be. The outdoor venue, a forest grove in which tables and chairs had been set up in a broad circle, had no central altar or podium where an officiant might stand. In fact, there...
  5. Alicio Organa

    Private  What a Relief

    Montitia Alicio hadn't realized how much he missed the simplicity of refugee work. Not that it was technically uncomplicated. The logistics of moving displaced peoples to livable situations would always be an incomprehensible puzzle, one that he and those working with him would try their best...
  6. Alicio Organa

    Private  Abloom

    LAKE CABIN NABOO fa-play fa-pause Amani and Alicio had once talked about, if they had no responsibilities, no limitations, where they would want to live. Alicio had chosen Alderaan, to no one's surprise. Somewhere with autumnal weather, a warm home with a fireplace, to snuggle up with the...
  7. D

    Private  Zealots, Martyrs, and False Prophets

    Galahad was fairly certain he couldn’t just waltz into the office of an Alliance Senator. Scheduling a meeting was also out of the question—a simple security scan would blow his cover—and showing up at Count Organa’s private residence would be too risky. He wound up sending Alicio an encoded...
  8. T

    Private  A Casual Dinner: The Path Back

    LOCATION: Coruscant, WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman TAGS: Amani Serys Alicio Organa His first errand of the day had been leaving a message for Amani, and by extension Al, that he would like to have dinner with them. The strange glances sent his way by being present in the office and...
  9. Alicio Organa

    Private  A Sturdy Foundation

    AMANI AND ALICIO'S APARTMENT, EVENING CORUSCANT He and Amani Serys ' apartment had gotten cramped since the wedding. They had gotten more gifts than Alicio had anticipated. Not only from their friends within the Alliance, but also from Alderaanian nobles attempting to curry favor with the...
  10. Amani Serys

    Faction  Across the Stars: The Wedding of Alicio Organa and Amani Serys (GA, NJO, Friends)

    SANCTUARY CITY, ALDERAAN TYTHON MEMORIAL HOLOGRAPHIC GARDEN The vows have been made. The rings exchanged. And now, Count Alicio Organa and Countess Amani Serys-Organa are newly wed. Sanctuary City was a unique location, with a lot of history to their relationship. It was a haven for the...
  11. Alicio Organa

    Private  Three little letters, two little words

    TYTHON MEMORIAL HOLOGRAPHIC GARDEN SANCTUARY CITY, ALDERAAN - Amani Serys - He was nervous. Why was he nervous? This day was a long time coming. He and Amani had taken things slow, together. Ever since he had invited her to Alderaan, ever since they shared their first kiss in this exact spot...
  12. Sonya Provost

    Private  Late Nights

    Coruscant Senate Building Alicio Organa "Ms. Provost?" … "Ms. Provost." "Hm? Yes, sorry. What is it?" "It's ah, getting late. Don't you think you ought to retire for the evening?" "Oh… N-no, just a few more things to wrap up, is all. You go on, I've kept you long enough." "The work isn't...
  13. Alicio Organa

    Private  Welcoming Party

    SENATE BUILDING, CORUSCANT SENATE OFFICES The moving company had left a pile of Tiresh's furniture outside her office. As was protocol, the door to her personal area was locked, to keep out any uninvited guests. But instead of asking for access so the newly-reinstated senator's things could be...
  14. Amani Serys

    Private  Creature Comforts

    Generally, Amani had never been one to recreationally partake in the imbibing of alcohol. But she would be lying if she said that Alicio's taste in wine hadn't rubbed off on her. The occasional drink for the sake or it, or (debatably) as a prop in some sought-after personal aesthetic to convey...
  15. Alicio Organa

    Private  The Mind Electric

    ALICIO'S WAREHOUSE, LEVEL 3797 CORUSCANT, EVENING The space had been a steal of a purchase. At one point, the long, squat building, 1,330 levels below the surface, had been a warehouse, shipping imported machinery products across Coruscant, until the organization that built it ran dry. The...
  16. Inanna Harth

    Private  The Last Hand

    In an attempt at preserving absolute secrecy, Inanna didn't bother to contact Cato before showing up on Nar Shaddaa with Alicio in tow. There was always a chance that her comms were being monitored, and besides, what the hell was she going to tell him? That she was bringing her ex over for...
  17. Alicio Organa

    Private  Proposals

    AMANI AND ALICIO'S APARTMENT, CORUSCANT LATE AFTERNOON Residing only a few minutes from the Senate Building, the Serys/Organa apartment was a small affair. While it had once housed only the sparsest of living arrangements, all themed in dull greys and blacks, the space had sprouted a bit more...
  18. Alicio Organa

    Private  Can I Have This Dance?

    Amani and Alicio's Apartment, Coruscant Two Days before the Ball The lilting tone of a soft waltz leaked through the open balcony window of a cozy Coruscanti apartment. Alicio held Amani close to himself, barely-concealed joy threatening to break his face apart into a stupid smile. One hand...
  19. Alicio Organa

    Private  A Lamp Unto My Feet

    DROMUND FELS ABANDONED OUBLIETTE The last time Alicio had given himself to the Force's call, it had been a tempting voice, beckoning him with the promise of power. Whether that was ever the Force itself, or the long-dead spirit of a Sith Lord, Alicio never truly knew. Back then, Alicio had felt...
  20. Inanna Harth

    Private  Wicked Game

    Despite the cooler climate the planet was best known for, an Alderaanian rainforest in summer could feel as sweltering as the jungles of Dxun. By human standards, anyway—the Shi'ido crammed into the Maranatha customs office all seemed quite comfortable with the hot and humid weather. Well, all...
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