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The festival had been Alicio's idea.
As a steward of Sanctuary City, Count Organa spent hours of every day meeting with the populace, listening to their woes, and thinking about how to alleviate them. The people of his city were predominantly...
Nezamiyeh, Chaldea
Of all the things that could've drawn her back home, it was the funeral of a friend.
Not that she and Arlo Renard had ever really been that friendly toward one another. They got to know each other out of necessity, thrown together by circumstance, and butted heads more often...
Alicio didn't often make the trip from Sanctuary City to New Aldera.
It wasn't out of a lack of desire, he genuinely loved the atmosphere of the capital of Alderaan. There was no other place in the galaxy where a planet and it's people were in harmony like...
Sanctuary Coast, Alderaan
Globe Gardens
It was an impossible task to make every refugee in the city feel at home.
They came from a multitude of places across the galaxy; from families fleeing the front lines of the Second Great Hyperspace War, to entire communities trying to find normalcy...
Honeyrose Estate
There were few buildings that could simultaneously hold charm and royalty in equal parts like Honeyrose could. A large property of open woodland and fields a short speeder-ride from New Aldera, Honeyrose Estate was a collection of mansions maintained by Alderaan's...
Honeyrose Estate, 20 minutes outside New Aldera
"And furthermore... Ah..."
In the main entrance chamber of the Honeyrose Estate, there was the sound of hard rubber boots tapping against marble floor. The constant, fevered cadence was interrupted when said boots passed over carpet...
Alicio Organa
"No one person will save the galaxy. People will."
NAME: Alicio Organa
ALIASES: Alicio Treadway // Hope // Moroz, God of Winter
FACTION: Great Houses of Alderaan, Galactic Alliance
King of Alderaan
Senator of Alderaan
Duke of House Organa
Chairman of SELCORE...