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In the months following the Mandalorian invasion, Ukatis has begun to rebuild itself. A generous outpouring of aid had their work progressing at a rapid pace - and though some of the ancient architecture in the capital remained as cordoned-off rubble, several of the largest refugee camps had...
As much as Alicio had tried to brood on his way to Alderaan, the children had other ideas.
He tried not to show his poor mood around them- they didn't need to share in their father's worry, his sadness. But they picked up on it regardless...
Intent: To create a squad of elite warriors to accompany members of House Organa into dangerous situations, and to give positive consequence to a series of threads in Alicio's past.
Image Credit
"Blue and Gold Beautiful Art Deco Woman" by DakotaInspired
Intent: To create a squad of elite warriors to accompany members of House Organa into dangerous situations, and to give positive consequence to a series of threads in Alicio's past.
Image Credit
"Blue and Gold Beautiful Art Deco Woman" by DakotaInspired
Senate Hill, Senate District
Senate Hill was often overlooked when one looked to tour the Coruscant sights.
It was small and unassuming, a collection of old monuments, dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers, and overshadowed by the Umate's summit only a few blocks away. It was a...
Natasi Fortan had returned to Coruscant only a day and a half, and she already felt as though she could count on one hand the days of good grace she had left in the Federal Assembly. True, she might have been imagining things -- might have been letting her paranoia get the better of her -- but...
From her starship in orbit around Ukatis, Sycorax viewed the trail of destruction the Mandalorians had left behind. The planetary capital, Axilla, had been all but annihilated by bombs, but the countryside had been left relatively untouched. The von Ascanias, one of the more prominent noble...
Jedi Temple Hangar
- Vera Noble -
Alicio had been politely requested by his senate guard, and the Great Houses of Alderaan, to have a Jedi escort for his mission to Vandelhelm.
He realized it was probably a smart call. The shipwright planet was between the Alliance and Enclave space...
fa-play fa-pause
| Location | B'yaaim Haar Cabur
| Objective | Bring a guest home
The Enduring Flame did not wait long to head on out of the agreed meeting point. As soon as the dropship returned within the hangar, the Mandalorians left, keen on returning to the safety of Kestri...
Lamont, Necropolis
No custom was more important to the Necropolitan than those rites related to the dead. People on other planets were whisked away as quickly as possible after death, to be burned and their ashes scattered. The Necropolitans buried their dead in the ground with great reverence...
Alicio Organa
Energy at the Organa apartment was uncommonly still this evening. The holo was off, the jungle outside was just a distant hum behind the windows, and the kids were playing quietly. Only the occasional rummage of kitchen accoutrements disrupted an otherwise placid hour...
"The tyrant dies and his rule is over
The martyr dies and his rule begins."
- Soren Kierkegaard
Intent: To codify a piece of lore for RP purposes and finally allow Alicio Organa to see that Shi'ido opera.
Image Credit: Michael McRae | lorlandchain
Canon: N/A...
Intent: Personal Armor for Alicio Organa
Image Source: "Olde Republic: Count Dooku" by Jake Bartok. Edited by myself
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Great Houses of Alderaan
Affiliation: Alicio Organa...
Amani's Corellian 1500
Over Balmorra
Despite the babbling little boy bouncing on his lap, Alicio's face seemed nearly like stone.
August was determined to change this. The little boy kicked his legs, waggled his arms, and made silly faces at his father. Every once in a while, the older Organa...
The late Kai Bamarri, once a larger than life figure, was reduced to a doll-sized hologram hovering above a projector. The file from which the projection had originated was small, indicative of a brief message. But clearly whatever it said was important, since it was, essentially, his will.
From the moment the senate shuttle had appeared over the twinkling blue and green gem of Naboo, Alicio's eyes hadn't left his window.
The senator from Alderaan had good memories of the planet. He and his wife had decided to go on honeymoon there, after all, taking over a...
Intent: To finally codify another important refugee city on Alderaan.
Image Credit:
Adrian Virlan | flaviobella | Masashi Kageyama | Fyreant | Ferdinand Ladera | Y Seul. Jeon
Canon: No
Permissions: N/A
Wicked Game | A Match Made in Maranatha
Calabiyau, Chaldea
Chaldea’s sun was rising, its rays slowly spreading across the grand cathedral door. When Alicio had last visited Calabiyau, the beautiful building had been empty and abandoned. The refugees had fixed it up, but the end result was not a house of worship—it...
Amani's Corellian 1500
Over Tython
It felt odd, not having the children with them.
For weeks on end, Alicio and Amani hadn't had a moment alone with each other. Either they were together, caring for August and Liana, or one of them was away at work, and the other had their hands full with...
“Tell them that if they won’t do as I say, I’ll kill their firstborn,” Rhi said, rubbing her belly. “Oh, and while you’re up, would you mind getting me some sorbet? Uh, shuura flavored.”
The messenger departed, leaving her alone in her private suite. Well, she wasn’t alone for long. The High...