Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Alana Calloway

    Approved Melee Weapon  Beskar Flat Blade

    Link: From Reddit SPECIAL FEATURES Made of Beskar for the internal aspects, this club is a simple weapon that Alana acquired years ago from her time as a bounty hunter. She uses it for sparing on occasion. STRENGTHS Durable: Made from beskar, it is rather durable. Multi-Use: The flat blade...
  2. Jonyna Si

    Approved Location  Club Retro, Corsucant's Grooviest Disco Club

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a running joke I have with Jonyna, that the OT era is the late 70s. Image Credit: Image Source Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Club Retro Classification: Nightclub Location: Coruscant, Entertaiment...
  3. Jonyna Si

    Work In Progress  Club Retro, Coruscant's Grooviest Disco Club

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a running joke I have with Jonyna, that the OT era is the late 70s. Image Credit: Image Source Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Club Retro Classification: Nightclub Location: Coruscant, Level 3...
  4. Kitter Bitters

    LOA  Joining the Hurricane LOA Club

    See you on the other side!
  5. L

    Approved Melee Weapon  MK IV Stun Club

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A Stun weapon component for the Omega Squad Mk VI armor. Image Source: Here Canon Link: Here Permissions: My subs Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. Affiliation: Galactic Alliance Market Status: Closed-Market...
  6. Jonyna Si

    Public  Club Retro, the Grand Reopening

    Welcome, to the Grand Reopening of Coruscant's Grooviest Nightclub. Deep within the Entertainment district, a club sits that specializes in Rebel Era aesthetic, so those who yearn for a day when Coruscant was hip and fresh can boogie down. Encounter those with a nostalgia for the days of danger...
  7. Jonyna Si

    Private  In Da Club

    TAG: Remiera Venetia-braska Zeltros was...not usually where Jonyna was go to find a good time. She preferred the familiar, the clubs of Coruscant that she could keep as her stomping ground. Those were currently being rebuilt after the Imperials bombarded them into rubble. So, she decided to...
  8. Kloshi

    Private  Shunned Hutts Club

    Objective: Test out a potential alliance Location: Keg'rala's Throne Room, Nar Vaadu Tags: Keg'rala the Hutt The first meeting of the potential new Hutt Ruling Council ended. Not much had been cemented, but getting six Hutts (one dubbed “The Weak” and not the true head of her Kajidic) to come...
  9. D

    First Reply  Shake Your Bounty

    Disclaimer: Adult Themes Clubs, Spice, Scum, Slave Girl Outfit Dancers, and Villiany Location: Nar Shadda Underworld In a Catina of the lower levels of Nar Shadda, a Bar known as The Dancing Zeltron, a woman in black leather, firery red skin, adorned with curling ram horns on her head ad curly...
  10. Mairéad Solus

    Private  The first rule of fight club

    Location: Castella Matrisca gym Objective: Fight Tags: Ragos Terrek Mairéad had been staying at the Castella for a few nights now and was getting settled in to a routine already here, and her first task of the day was to work out, weights, cardio and today boxing. She was a mandalorian, so...
  11. R

    Private  Bright Lights Club Nights

    Location: Coruscant Character: Ryala Serona Tags: Ragos Terrek It wasn't often Ryala was anywhere near the core worlds. Let alone anything past the colonies as those planets had too much law.. too much.. Activity to make a successful, let alone safe living as a bounty hunter. Anyone hiding...
  12. Darth Empyrean

    Public  Yacht Club [Sith Order and Friends]

    Jewel of Panatha Terminus System 876 ABY The room was filled with the righteous choir of numerous singers, instruments playing away in celebration of their conquests. Dozens of systems, nigh on a hundred worlds had fallen into their grasp in a fortnite. They were conquering at an astonishing...
  13. Ort Orike

    Public  THE CLUB

    I deign to make a stop on Tatooine to drop off the blaster shipment to my contact, when I finish I see that in the citadel I find an unknown club where I enter to order a drink * you give me the best drink you can have right now here * the atmosphere inside didn't seem very reliable but anything...
  14. Kai Bamarri

    Duel  Padawan Fight Club

    Thesh-Mart Roof, The Works, Coruscant When Kai had challenged Silas to a duel, he had expected it to be a quiet affair. But once Corin Trenor got involved, offering to be the referee, it seemed like suddenly everyone else wanted a piece of the action. By the time he arrived at the appointed...
  15. T

    Character  Tycho Rond

    Name: Tycho Rond Affiliation: Death Riders SC (Swoop Club) Height: 5’7 Weight: 160 lbs Species: Human Home planet: Exocron (Kathol Sector) Appearance: /stocky/athletic.Blue eyes. Tycho wears several Club rings and Swoop Cut with the emblem on the backside, a small patch in front, and the...
  16. Chris Flynn

    EXOCRON: Birth of the Club

    “Spice.When refined… Smoked..Inhaled..And snorted…Originally from the mines of Kessel, where slaves were taken to do the labor. Ryloth is a popular place to start. Or Naboo. But it’s popping up everywhere. Even in the health clinics. They extract it’s chemical makeup and use what is safe for...
  17. A

    Private  Finding fun

    Belasco capital senta Cantina Dress and looks Amalia had just spent the last 4 hours dealing with government officials and tradesmen. To get shipments to belasco and to build a shipping center to go through silver jedi territories. Not to mention having to deal with the jedi government itself...
  18. Kyra Perl

    Public  When No One's Looking || Club Thread

    What do you do when no one's looking? Kyra put on her best bra, fluffed up her hair, and commandeered her mother's night club as her own. No one seemed to notice that the daughter was pretending to be the mother. No one dared questioned why there was suddenly a cover required to get in. 1000...
  19. Mi'la Undari

    Private  Book Club

    Book Club Location: Voss, Archives of the Three Mi'la Undari was a jedi that didn't give up on her studies that easily. For several months, the jedi knight had been tracking down traces of the ancient Jedi order, back when they called themselves Ashla. Her Master Sakadi Marathi Sinvala had...
  20. Evelynn Ostium

    Public  Evening at the Rudy Nexu

    Location: The Ruby Nexu Places of interest: The Bar (ground floor), VIP rooms for private meetings and conversations, Performance Stage to watch staff preform various dances and entertainment displays and The Auction Room (staff only, unless event in active) Building Music (epilepsy warning on...
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