Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Okkeus Dainlei

    Approved Location  The Corellian Curve

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Chaos needs more custom Hyperlanes Image Credit: Top Image: Where I found it: (x) Creator’s page where the image no long exists: (x) Middle Image: Chaos Map, edited by me Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Corellian Run The Aquavit Zigzag HYPERLANE...
  2. Arcturus Dinn

    LFG  Bender Down The Corellian Run

    I'm looking for a few threads to flesh out the weeks Arcturus lost partying his way down the Corellian Run. He will not be in his usual state of mind, this won't be Sith oriented roleplay, etc, though I suppose a couple of action packed moments could make it in. Mostly slice of life type things...
  3. Julius Sedaire

    Private  Through muddy waters, one last time...

    Location: Socorran Jedi Enclave, Socorro Music Theme It wasn't every day you reached out to your retired friend to tell him you wrecked the masterpiece of a vehicle he had made you. But after Dromund Kaas, Julius had little choice. Over the years he had grown used to the old boat, so when he...
  4. Okkeus Dainlei

    Ready For Judge  The Corellian Curve (Has Been Submitted)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Chaos needs more custom Hyperlanes Image Credit: Top Image: Where I found it: (x) Creator’s page where the image no long exists: (x) Middle Image: Chaos Map, edited by me Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Corellain Run The Aquavit Zigzag HYPERLANE...
  5. A

    Character  Atsushi Ono

    22 - Corellian - Yōkai - 5'10"
  6. Yularen Nova

    Corellian Art Resources

    Corellian Confederation Symbols and Banners Green Jedi/Old Confederation Symbols Corellian Defense Force Dividers Credit Where Credit is Due: Lucien Dooku Josephine Halscott Waddles Templin Institute FraggerMT With Perms
  7. Dracken Pryce

    Work In Progress  Kyprin Renegades - Alliance Common Soldier Corps.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ] Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist...
  8. Raona Cadera

    Work In Progress  The Corellian Dare - Alliance Common Soldier Corps.

    Please Delete Allyson Locke
  9. Christina Locke

    Character  Christina Locke

    Christina Locke Birthplace Corellia Age Early 30's Rank Heavy Equipment Operator, Test Pilot Faction The Confederacy of Independent Systems, The Galactic Alliance Home Stewjon Species K'paur/Corellian Gender Female Force Sensitive Yes Height 1.6891m - 5'6½" Weight 67.59 Kg -...
  10. Erich Kreutz

    Private  Corellian Nights

    C O R O N E T - C I T Y, C O R E L L I A The sun began to set upon the iconic capital city of Corellia. Erich stood at the window of a seedy hotel near the inner district of the city, sipping a glass of cognac as he watched the sun set. While the majority of accommodations in this section of...
  11. Pan Markus

    Approved Starship  Triumvirate Hawk - Modified Corellian YT-1300f

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a ship for Pan Markus Image Source: Here Canon Link: Here and Here Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Affiliation: Pan...
  12. Briana Sal-Soren

    Character  Briana Sal-Soren

    SOCIETAL Name: Briana Sal-Soren Alias: Bri [ Everyone ] Bri-utiful [ By Vizion Trozky ] Titles: Duchess Homeworld: Naboo Current Home: Hapes Faction: New Jedi Order Force Sensitivity: High Force Rank: Jedi Knight Force Alignment: Light APPEARANCE Race: Hapan/Human Hybrid...
  13. Yularen Nova

    Approved Starship  Damocles-Class Corellian Star Defender

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To update Corellia's warships Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: CDF Resurgent-Class Battlecruiser PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Various Corellian Shipwrights Commission and Design: Corellian Confederation...
  14. Yularen Nova

    Military: The Corellian Defense Force {U/C}

    Corellian Defense Force: Breakdown The Corellian Defense Force was the primary defense arm of the Corellian Confederation, a collection of star systems within the Corellian Sector. As one of the larger sectors within the Galactic Alliance and one of its founding members, the Confederation has...
  15. Liam Sedaire

    Character  Liam Sedaire - Young Gun

    Liam Sedaire On wings of wax and hope do I soar... NAME: Liam Sedaire FACTION: N/A RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Human(Corellian/Firrerreo) AGE: 25 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'1" WEIGHT: 190lbs EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes ---------------------------------- STRENGTHS...
  16. Kayla Luspark

    Character  Kayla Luspark

    ((NOTE: This is a work in progress)) Lieutenant Kayla Luspark NAME: Kayla Luspark ALIAS: Red 5, "Sparky", FACTION: Galactic Alliance | Silver Jedi Conclave RANK: Lieutenant BIOMETRIC DATA SPECIES: Human (Corellian) AGE: 27 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5' 7" (1.7m) WEIGHT: 165 lbs (74.8kg) EYES...
  17. AMCO

    Character  Darth Prospero, Lord of Progress

    "Lord Prospero is unhinged. Insane even. But he’s downright brilliant. The man could talk an Angel out of its halo." - Darth Prazutis, Dark Lord of the Sith General Information: Name: Adrian Terassi Vandiir Aliases: Darth Prospero & Dex Ereni Homeworld: Corellia and Serenno Affiliation: The...
  18. Rik Perris

    Character  Andrik Orin Perris

    Andrik Perris Social Information Name Andrik Orin Perris Alias(es) Rik Title(s) N/A Homeworld Corellia Ancestry Corellian Sexuality Heterosexual Gender Masculine Marital Status Single Force Sensitive Yes Force Rank Jedi Knight Force Alignment Light Physical Information Species Human...
  19. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  CR-10 Corellian Transport

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a light transport for the open market and Corellian Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Affiliation:Open-Market Model...
  20. V

    Valerie Lera Copper

    Criminal Database Inquiry... Your search returned the following results ---> Subject's Name: Valerie Lera Copper Subject's Species: Human (Corellian) Subject's Sex: Female Subject's Age: 27 standard years old Subject's Height: 1.76 meters Subject's Weight: 62 kilograms Subject's Hair Color...
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