Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valen Thale

    Valen Thale

    Criminal Database Inquiry... Your search returned the following results---> Subject's Name: Valen Thale Subject's Species: Human (Corellian) Subject's Sex: Male Subject's Age: 33 standard years old Subject's Height: 1.95 meters Subject's Weight: 94 kilograms Subject's Hair Color: Brown...
  2. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Correl-Class Destroyer

    Intent: To create more open-market vessels this time with a Corellian aesthetic Image Source: LINK; Banners made by [member="Scherezade deWinter"]; LINK 2 Canon Link: Consular-Class; Mentioned Salon Pod; Mentioned Primary Source: Donnager-Class; Mentioned Strident-Class; Mentioned...
  3. J

    Jenica Belos

    ~Pictured at the academy~ NAME: Jenica Belos ALIAS/NICKNAME: Jen, Stargazer FACTION/DIVISION: GADF; formerly Corellian Confederation/Corellian Defense Force BRANCH OF SERVICE Navy RANK: Junior Fleet Officer - 2LT upon graduation from the Gilad Pallaeon Naval Academy AGE: Early twenties...
  4. Dracken Pryce

    Approved Starship  CT-34 Interstellar Tug

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The galaxy needs more utility ships Image Source: EC Henry, Edited by [member="Darth Carnifex"] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Affiliation: Open-Market Model: CT-34 Interstellar...
  5. Jegy Sesara

    Approved Starship  YT-1210 "Amaterasu

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide Jegy Sesara a freighter from his past. Image Source: (x) Canon Link: (x) Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation (x) (Creator), Shamans Workshop (x) (Modifier and Maintainer) Affiliation: Jegy...
  6. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Starship  FT-90 Corellian Light Tanker

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide the Galaxy with a tanker Image Source: EC Henry's Restoration project video, Edited by [member="Darth Carnifex"] Gif edited by me Canon Link: No Canon link, technically Canon[ish?] Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian...
  7. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Marathon-Class Heavy Assault Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a flexible transport cruiser for the Corellian Confederation Image Source: "Vaulters" by Ronan Berlese Canon Link: None Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Starbound Industries Affiliation: Corellian Confederation...
  8. Maou

    Approved Tech  ONI D.V.M.N.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a suit of armor to hide Kaito's identity and supplement his abilities Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary...
  9. Maou

    Kaito Kyoshi

  10. A

    Aderoy Biljol

    Commander Aderoy Biljol NAME: Aderoy Biljol FACTION: Corellian Confederation, Corellian Defense Force (CDEF RANK: Commander SPECIES: Human (Corellian) AGE: 30 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'9 WEIGHT: 167 EYES: Brown HAIR: dark brown SKIN: fair FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  11. T

    Corellian Delights

    Valad Yar leaned back in the chair of his private booth, situated on the third floor of the Nadariga, the bar and tavern he owned in one of the nicer areas of Corellia. A large central ring dominated the center of the massive structure, with the bottom dedicated to a full circle bar, and on...
  12. R

    Rimateen Riverwolf

    NAME: Rimateen Riverwolf FACTION: The Corellian Confederation RANK: Corsec SPECIES: Human, Corellian AGE: 20 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 1.7 meters WEIGHT: 58 kilograms EYES: Brown HAIR: Blonde with brown streaks SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: Unknown, hasn’t show any tendencies.
  13. Dhalinar Greystar

    The Chimera

    "Steel your mind you must, or fall will you." The words came out light heatedly from the small green, Green Jedi master as he spoke to his padawan. The floating stone walkway the pair stood on hovered some distance from the ground below. So high were they that clouds surrounded his padawan's...
  14. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Galleon-Class Star Defender

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a cheaper alternative to the Strident-Class for Corellian fleets Image Source: "CEC Freedom-Class Star Defender" by AdamKop Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Strident-Class Star Defender [Mentioned] PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Starbound...
  15. Raona Cadera

    Approved Tech  B-Series Colossus Battle Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a droid support unit to Corellian Ground Forces Image Source: Gifs: Cut from Halo Wars Trailer; "Halo Wars 2 Concept part Art 1" and "Halo Wars 2 concept art part 2" by Ignacio Bazan-Lazcano; Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION...
  16. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Bulwark-Class Battlecruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a battlecruiser for the Corellian Confederation Image Source: Ansel Hsiao, Edits done by [member="Darth Carnifex"] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Affiliation: Corellian...
  17. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Emerald Promise - Emerald Praxium

    "You know us Corellian Jedi—notoriously contrary and bent on going our own way." ―Corran Horn OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide the Green Jedi with a large Praxeum vessel Image Source: Star Citizen Canon Link: Praxeum Ship Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  18. Marz Antur

    Marz Antur

    NAME: Marz Wes Antur FACTION: Corellian Federation/Freelancer RANK: N/A SPECIES: Hybrid (Human/Twi'lek) CULTURE: Corellian HOME: Corellia AGE: 19 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'11" WEIGHT: 180lbs EYES: Hazel HAIR: Green SKIN: Light FORCE SENSITIVE: No CHARACTER STRENGTHS: Natural Technical aptitude...
  19. Amz

    Elsabetta 'Elsie' Perris

    ↘↘ Details At A Glance __________________________________________________________ ▷▷ ▷ Name: Elsabetta Nalra Perris ▷▷ ▷ Age: Fourteen ▷▷ ▷ Nationality: Corellian ▷▷ ▷ Homeworld: Corellia ▷▷ ▷ Current Residence: Corellia ▷▷ ▷ Loyalties: The Corellian Confederacy ▷▷ ▷ Function: TBD ▷▷ ▷ Force...
  20. L

    Kulton Skirae

    NAME: Kulton Skirae. FACTION: Corellian Confederation RANK: Admiral in the Corellian Navy SPECIES: Human Corellian AGE: Mid 50’s SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5’ 11” WEIGHT: 200kg EYES: Gray Blue HAIR: Graying brown SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: Nope...
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