Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Defiance-Class Assault Carrier

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dedicated invasion vessel for the Corellian Confederation Image Source: "Sins of the Prophets: UNSC Spirit of Fire Hero ship" by Jared Harris; GIF edited by me from Halo Wars 2 Cutscenes Canon Link: None Primary Source: None PRODUCTION...
  2. H3xle

    Bran Alder

    FREELANCE PILOT PROFILE [hr] NAME: Bran Alder FACTION: Freelancer RANK: Pilot CALLSIGN: Tuskcat BIOLOGICAL DATA SPECIES: Human (Corellian) AGE: 27 GSY SEX: Male HEIGHT: 183cm BUILD: Athletic HAIR: Light Brown EYES: Blue FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes BIOGRAPHICAL DATA ATTRIBUTES: + Ace Pilot: Born and...
  3. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  CDF Resurgent-Class Battlecruiser

    "Though few in number, the high tech Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer represents one of the deadliest warships of its time, outclassing the more numerous vessels of the New Republic by a wide margin...Any engagement with a vessel of the Resurgent-Class should be approached with the utmost caution...
  4. Raona Cadera

    Approved Lore  Corellian Shock Trooper Corps

    'Bhiq tyll bhiq Mini mol. Fho Corellia alen Mini fel. Mini Chu vil veli uhl Seh. Mini Namirhai vil eko vra Oblivyn.' (engl.: Back to back we stand. For Corellia alone we fall. Our blood shall fill the sea. Our names shall echo through oblivion.) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a...
  5. Raona Cadera

    Approved Location  Fort Derik'hur

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide the Corellia System with more than one military target and provide a location for future military submissions. Image Credit: Link; Gifs from Star Wars the Force Awakens, Star Wars: Rogue One, and Halo: Forward Unto Dawn Canon: No Links: Corellia...
  6. H3xle

    Fayn Alby

  7. Matt the Radar Tech

    Andan Solo

    ANDAN SOLO [hr] BASIC INFORMATION Name: Andan Solo Homeworld: Talus Residence: Wherever his head touches down Species: Human (Corellian) Relatives: Joras Solo (Father), Laurella Solo (Mother), Camm Solo (Brother; younger) Languages Known: Binary, Galactic Basic Sign Language, Galactic Basic...
  8. Raona Cadera

    Approved Lore  Corellian Darksabers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give Corellian Naval Intelligence a means to defend its sensitive assets and create a potentially divisive analogue to the First Order's Death Troopers. Image Credit: "Battle Prep" by JamesPaick Links: WESTAR Blaster Carbine Voxyn-Class Armor GENERAL...
  9. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  DP-Series Corellian Gunship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dedicated gunship for public use and sale. Image Source: "DP-20 Corellian Gunship" by Alexander Ivanov Canon Link: DP20 Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corp. Affiliation: Anyone...
  10. Raona Cadera

    Approved Tech  CBU-01

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide CorSec and CorSec Troopers with an adequate armor for combat. Image Source: "Halo 3 Marine Iterations" by, Isaac Hannaford Canon Link: None Primary Source: None PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Confederation Affiliation...
  11. Raona Cadera

    Approved Tech  Dalrayke-Class Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide Corellian Marines with an armor for combat operations Image Source: Gif from "Take Earth Back" trailer made by me, Art from Deviant Art Canon Link: None Primary Source: Galactic Alliance Trooper Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  12. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Ire-Class Patrol Corvette

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a support vessel to the Corellian Confederation, New Republic, and any other groups. Image Source: Gifs from Halo 2 anniversary video made by me; "In Amber Clad" by Davide Di Giannantonio Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: ​Unyielding-class Command...
  13. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Colony II-Class Supercarrier

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an updated version of the Colony-Class battlecruiser Image Source: 343 Studios Halo 4; GIF edited by me Canon Link: None Restricted Missions: None Primary Source: Colony-Class Battlecruiser ANV Starchild CDF Ascendant Justice PRODUCTION...
  14. Yularen Nova

    Approved Starship  CDF Ascendant Justice

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Re-Fit of a Colony-Class Battlecruiser Image Source: "Boundary Apocalypse™ Championship" by Drock Nicotine Canon Link: Colony-Class Battlecruiser Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)...
  15. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Strident-Class Star Defender

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a symbol of Corellian Sovereignty and a stalwart defender of Corellian Justice and Ideals Image Source: "Star Wars CEC Guile-class Battlecruiser Commission", by AdamKop; Edited by [member="[/FONT]Fiolette Raaf"] Canon Link: Named after THIS Primary...
  16. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Vehicle  Corellian Engineering Corporation CS-401 Armored Speeder Bike

    Corellian Engineering Corporation CS-401 Armored Speeder Bike OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Armored Speeder for sale to Governments & other suitable buyers Image Source: HERE Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: If Needed Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  17. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  The Green Sword - Lightsaber of Julius Sedaire

    The Green Sword OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a standard unique lightsaber. Image Source: HERE Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber , Kandosii’beskad,Naast’beskad PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Julius Sedaire Affiliation: Julius Sedaire Model: N/A...
  18. Raona Cadera

    Starbound Industries

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Original Image - SEGA, Amplitude Studios "Endless Space 2 Logo"; Manipulated by [member="Yasha Mantis"] Canon Link: None Development Thread: None Primary Source: None CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Starbound Industries Headquarters...
  19. AMCO

    Adrian Vandiir (v2.0)

    Tik is Akuyi buti antai tiesa Midwan, tiesa Azinimas. Visa kitur buti kad sunya negu tave Asimi. «Only in the Force is there true Power, true Knowledge. All else is but dust before the Storm.» General Information: Full Name: Adrian Terassi Vandiir Homeworld: Corellia Faction: The Sith Empire...
  20. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Planet  [CANON] Socorro

    Socorro OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a Canon Planet to the Codex Image Credit: HERE Canon: Yes. Socorro Wookie Links: The Black Sands of Socorro Be it Ever So Humble They Say The Soul Don’t Die, But Mine’s Been Dead For My Whole Life Iron Tides Shifting...
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