Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. V

    Character  Victor Carmine

    CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATE VICTOR CARMINE NAME: Carmine, Victor. FACTION: To be added. RANK: Criminal. SPECIES: Corellian. AGE: 32 GSY. SEX: Male. EYES: Pale blue. HAIR: Unknown. SKIN: Caucasian. FORCE SENSITIVE: Negative. STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: Describe in moderate detail the...
  2. K

    Character  Kael Syddi

    KAEL Theme Right Now Full Name Kael Syddi Alias(es) N/A Character Class(es) Mercenary/War Monger Homeworld TBD Age Early Twenties Personality Traits Greedy, Brash Education Traits TBD Lifestyle Traits TBD Rank(s) TBD Faction(s) Slice Syndicate - Eclipse Species...
  3. T

    Codex Denied  The Arachne Syndicate

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Pirate Organization that will provide the opposition for The Rimward Trade League. Image Credit: Click here. Canon: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Links: The Rimward Trade League. GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: The Arachne Syndicate...
  4. Alia Stryker

    Character  Alia Stryker | The Jade Swindler

  5. K'uret Nehso

    Character  K'uret Nehso, Ebon Troupe Master

    K'URET NEHSO MusicLiquid Negrocity Title(s)Troupe Master Madman of Mygeeto ClassGangster BirthplaceMygeeto(?) Age29 Virtue(s)Freedom Perseverance Fear AffiliationsThe Ebon Troupe (Leader) HomeMygeeto SpeciesChiss Language(s)Galactic Basic Muun Occupation(s)Smuggler...
  6. Kolyri Dace

    Character  Kolyri Dace

    NAME: Kolyri "Kol" Dace FACTION: RANK: SPECIES: Human / Hynestian AGE: 26 GSY SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'2" WEIGHT: Approx. 120lbs EYES: Green HAIR: Red SKIN / COMPLEXION: Fair / Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Sensitivity, unrealised. LANGUAGES: Galactic Standard, High Hynestian (dead), Lynnesse...
  7. T

    LFG  Slicer in Need of Work

    It's been a hot minute since I've roleplayed as anything but a droid, or as anything at all, so I want to get back into the swing of things with a nice, calm slicer. Is anyone looking for a criminal of that specific skill set for roleplay, or want to create one in which that skillset would be...
  8. T

    Character  Tonor Dragir

    Tonor Dragir; Slicer, Information Broker, Coward NAME: Tonor Dragir FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: Human AGE: 34 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'6" WEIGHT: 175 lbs. EYES: Brown HAIR: Lighter brown, thick but short. SKIN: On the paler side of caucasian/white, though if that is due to genetics...
  9. U

    Character  Umedara Zaar

    [Big Thanks to Amea Virou for PSD]
  10. Ilwynog Cysgod

    Ilwynog Cysgod - Spy/Criminal Lord

    NAME: Ilwynog Cysgod, suspected alias and not a real name. FACTION: Will work for any faction that hires him RANK: Spy, hunter, crime lord SPECIES: Supposedly human AGE: Unknown SEX: Unknown due to a voice changer but guessed to be male. HEIGHT: 6'6 in armour WEIGHT: 17 stone in armour...
  11. Bal'Falan Hasati

    Bal'Falan Hasati

    MUSICAL THEME - Dangerous Introductions MUSICAL THEME #2 - Happy to be a Monster Combat Preference: Given a choice in the matter, Bal'Falan Hasati opts for an up close and personal engagement rather than the disappointing whisper of a long range rifle, there is little satisfaction...
  12. Malicar

    Approved Lore  Black Sun Cartels

    Intent: This organization was designed to be a home for criminal organization RP as well as being able to play with the "big boys" as a Major Faction down the road. This organization is the result of multiple discussions about criminal organizations and their place in Star Wars: CHAOS. We...
  13. Jorco Czeku

    Approved NPC  Gagsters SC

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: To flesh out a violent sub-group for a larger organization. Image Credit: I made this Role: Violent Raiders Links: Sarlacc Syndicate GENERAL INFORMATIONUnit Name: Gagsters SC (Swoop Club) Affiliation: Sarlacc Syndicate Jorco Czeku Classification: Gangsters...
  14. Isadora Lycinius

    Isadora Lycinius

  15. Chloe Santhe

    Character  Chloe Santhe

    Chloe Santhe – The Lost NAME: Chloe Santhe FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: Human (Liann) AGE: 14 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'1'' (155 cm) WEIGHT: 105 lbs (47.5 KG) EYES: Sky Blue HAIR: Blonde/Dirty blonde, depending on how much sunlight she has gotten SKIN: Porcelain white, sometimes a...
  16. Uiaua the Hutt

    Uiawa Jsitic Tuar

    Name: Uiawa jsitic tuar Age: 489 Species: Hutt Gender: Hermaphrodite (Masculine personality) Height: 4.1 Meters Weight: 307.56 Kg Eye Color: Yellow-Orange Skin Color: Green Rank: Loan Shark Crime Boss Enforcer Faction: Uiawa’s Fiends Hutt Cartel Force Sensitivity: Unable to use the...
  17. Mauda

    Arms Dealing, Skin Peeling and Assorted Activities

    What Do We Do? DEAD is essentially a Black Market Arms Dealer. We dabble in such niceties as: Blasters Drugs Cybernetics Armour and Equipment Your Grandmother's Broken Legs Why Do We Do It? Haha, Money. Everyone wants money, we're just a collective of sophisticated individuals riddled...
  18. Mauda

    Feeding the Bear

    Transport Dock Alpha (DTDA) A Day Of Major Stock Movement The quiet breeze that blew under my feet was dominated by the shouts and footfalls of the men of Transport Dock Alpha. Men and Women who were formerly useless addicts, fumbling and staggering while Spice coursed their veins were now...
  19. Mauda

    Approved Tech  DT/ZK-11

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To mass produce a standard issue blaster rifle for REDACTED Image Source: ZK-11 Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: D.E.A.D Arms Factories Affiliation: D.E.AD/DEAD/Closed-Market Model: ZK-11 Modularity: No Production...
  20. Mauda

    Approved Tech  DT/CSA-05

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To produce a reliable and affordable submachine gun blaster (What are they actually called?) Image Source: DT/CSA-05 Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: DEAD Arms Factories Affiliation: D.E.A.D/D.E.A.D/Open-Market Model...
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