Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Nor'baal Durga Bareesh

    Nor'baal Durga Bareesh

    Name: Nor’baal Durga Bareesh Faction: Bareesh Family Rank: Fence Species: Hutt Age: 120 Sex: Hermaphrodite (Male Personality) Height: Stout Weight: Overweight Eyes: Blue Hair: N/A Skin: Dullish Green/Brown Force Sensitive: No...
  2. Aver Brand

    Black Collar Gala

    Above the sea of smog, the spires of the Red Tower glimmered with artificial lightning. The purified air rushed past the speeders, repulsor limousines, and personal shuttles. Creatures of every manner, dress, and stature milled on the platforms. Stern Houk security checked every guest before...
  3. N

    Wanted: Noviac Caligo

    //A heavy WIP - likely to be revised constantly ...// //Feedback is greatly appreciated!...// //Art will be added eventually, when I can get around to it ...// • Body: Well-built Musculature • Height: 5'11" ft. // 1.83 m. • Weight: 186 lbs. // 84.37 kg. • Hair Color: White Blonde • Eye...
  4. M

    The Laughing Jester, Floor 1313, Coruscant [Open to All]

    (Floor 1313, by Bruno Werneck) The Laughing Jester Comedy Club and Cantina, one of the few places on floor 1313 that a man could grab a drink and not feel like another was going to try to steal it from him. It's owner, a gangster by the name of Manic ran the place, with no actual gang to back...
  5. Herr Vanderhing

    Mafia life

    I'm just bored and looking for some criminals who are interested in the mob life, or maybe you're a goody-two-shoes looking to take me out?...... Idk I'm just bored anything will probably do
  6. Herr Vanderhing

    Approved Location  Valorum Asylum

    Name: Finis Valorum Institute for the criminally Insane A.K.A Valorum Asylum Image Source: Classification: Prison/ Psychiatric Hospital Location: Coruscant, near the Grand Medical Facility. There are...
  7. Aver Brand

    Approved Location  Point Nadir

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Establish a base for criminal roleplay and expand on an awesome canon location. ​Image Credit: Me | [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Canon: Point Nadir, Resh 9376 Links: Vengeance is a dish best served… We Put the Grr in Guerrilla Warfare These...
  8. Ria Misrani

    Zelthim Orentho

    Zlethi'osim'rentho NAME: Zelthi'osim'rentho CORE NAME: Thiosimre ALIAS: Zethim Orentho FACTION: First Order RANK: Special Agent BOSS: [member="Sentiri"] SPECIES: Chiss AGE: 44 GENDER: Cis-Male RACE: Spacer EYES: Red HAIR: Black SKIN: Blue HEIGHT: 6'0" / 1.82 m WEIGHT: 203 lb / 92.0 kg...
  9. Abelain Narv'uk

    One Sith Dominion of Bassadro

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Paladin slowly and gracefully hovered about in the eternal void of space just outside of the planet Bassadro. Within it's command bridge stood an...
  10. A

    Looking for work

    Hello, all! My Character, Silas Miu, is currently stranded on Tattooine and is looking for any kind of work available in order to get enough credits to leave that hellish rock. He's a Kaminoan Slicer, highly skilled in computer engineering and slicing. Anyone interested in hosting an adventure...
  11. Abelain Narv'uk

    Mercenaries, Smugglers, Criminals Needed!

    Good Greetings everyone, The One Sith are requesting the services of members of the criminal element for an up and coming Dominion upon the world of Bassadro. There are a variety of tasks necessary to complete, and that means that there are many roles that people might fill. All included...
  12. X

    Xzara Vox

    NAME: Xzara Vox FACTION: None yet. SPECIES: Human AGE: 23 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'5" WEIGHT: 120lbs EYES: Light blue HAIR: Red SKIN: Ivory FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  13. Dunames Lopez

    Dunames Lopez - money laundromat

    Dunames' so-called "standard form" Image source: NAME: Dunames Lopez FACTION: First Order RANK: CEO, Star Tours SPECIES: Polydroxol AGE: 28 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 200 kg (but that's a function of Polydroxols being much...
  14. Aela Talith

    Inmate 339

    Moniker: Kyrie SPECIES: Yaka GENDER: Male AGE: Young Adult HEIGHT: 1.86m WEIGHT: 68kg EYE COLOR: Light Blue HAIR COLOR: Blonde SKIN COLOR: White Intelligent: Kyrie, as he goes by, can only be described as extremely intelligent and perceptive. Though he is extremely young by the standards of...
  15. Lev Surrel

    Lev Surrel

    Lev Surrel, Crime Boss of the Guavian Death Gang Name: Levaine Antillia Surrel Species: Human Gender: Female Age: 35 Standard Years Height: 5'9" (1.75m) Weight: 161 lbs (73kg) Force-Sensitive: No
  16. Tanith Alde

    Chilling like a Villain

    The Pale haired man was leaning back on a couch inside the VIP Lounge of the spectrum club. It was reserved for him, him and his assosciated. Slowly he was amassing a shadow empire, with plans to one day rival the Hutt's. In his dreams, he would rule the universe. He was clothed fancily, a fur...
  17. Tanith Alde

    Vincente Zann "The Noose"

    Listen to this While Reading: NAME: Vincente Zann, "The Noose" FACTION: Hutt Cartel/Zann Consortium RANK: Crime Lord SPECIES: Human AGE: 26 SEX: Male PREFERENCES: Can Go Both Ways, leans toward male HEIGHT: 205 CM WEIGHT: 90...
  18. Sempra the Hutt

    The Hutt Cartel is recruiting!

    How far we have fallen... How could this happen... We have lost our home world, We have lost our precious moon, We have lost our Empire... We have dissapointed our ancestors... We urge for the rise of our Clans, We urge for the combined Power, strength and wisdom of our past, We are not...
  19. Malforen Leuron

    Approved NPC  Shamuu Komar

    Name: Shamuu Komar Loyalties: The undercity street hunters - Role: Leader of the undercity street hunters Development threads: (Making him before the thread) Age: 32 years of age Species: Herglic Force Sensitive: No Appearance: His...
  20. Malforen Leuron

    Approved NPC  The Undercity street hunters

    Name: The undercity street hunters Intent: To make an antagonist for a thread i intend to make on Nar Shaddaa. Affiliation: Themselves, the gang. Availability: Common Type: Infantry Strength: 18 in total Description: Raised in the poverty stricken undercity of Nar Shaddaa, this gang of many...
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