Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mauda

    Feeding the Bear (NC)

    Transport Dock Alpha (DTDA) A Day Of Major Stock Movement The quiet breeze that blew under my feet was dominated by the shouts and footfalls of the men of Transport Dock Alpha. Men and Women who were formerly useless addicts, fumbling and staggering while Spice coursed their veins were now...
  2. Mauda

    Approved Tech  DT/HB - 475

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To mass produce a Heavy Blaster for general use Image Source: DT/HB - 475 Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: DEAD - Arms Factories Affiliation: Company Name: DEAD / Faction Name: DEAD / Open-Market Model: DT/HB - 475...
  3. Mauda

    Money, Networking and Illegality

    DEAD has so far been quite alone on Coruscant. Basically, any Coruscant-Based Criminal Organisations fancy networking with an arms and drugs manufacturer? Mutually beneficial I can assure.
  4. Mauda

    Approved Location  DEAD Transport Dock Alpha

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Focal point of future threads and visible expansion of DEAD Image Credit: No images currently Canon: N/A Links: Acquisition Thread SETTING INFORMATION Military Base Name: DEAD Transport Dock Alpha (DTDA) Classification: Militarised Transport Dock Location...
  5. Mauda

    Criminals, Crime Fighters etc. wanted

    Hello There DEAD is engaging in some cheeky criminal activity, namely transporting our weapons across the lower levels of Coruscant. Basically looking for people to either help in transportation or, if you're a do-gooder, intercept and deliver sweet, sweet justice to a growing black market...
  6. Mauda

    Decentralised Equipment and Arms Dispersal

    OOC Info: Posting the Logo wasn't working. Will try to update soon Corp Info: Corp Name: Decentralised Equipment and Arms Dispersal (DEAD) Headquarters: Coruscant Location: Primarily Coruscant but some goods are shipped off-world Operations: Untraceable Weapons and Equipment/Civilian use...
  7. Mauda

    Return to the Lower Levels

    For two years i've been carving myself a fortune. In the first few months of business, i made more money than my parents had made in 30 years. But i didn't think about them, they were dead. Or at least they were as good as dead to me, I hadn't seen them in 12 years. Other than business, i'd been...
  8. Darth Vyrassu

    Looking for Criminal Factions

    The Jen'ari Empire is looking for minor criminal factions to further flesh out a custom planet being made. The planet is a mixture of Byss and Mustafar. Only has one civilized location, a massive metropolitan city. The city has a lower and upper city. The upper city is enforced with Imperial...
  9. Jorco Czeku

    Approved NPC  Steal Team Six

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To assist as a specialized criminal combat unit for future roleplays. Image Credit: Edited from here, Role: Criminal SWAT Team/Heist Gang Links...
  10. Tava Del Nove

    Tava Del Nove

  11. H3xle

    Karn Taivos

    NAME: Karn Taivos FACTION: The Republic Remnant | The Underworld RANK: Senator of Nak Shimor SPECIES: Near-Human AGE: Prime SEX: Male HEIGHT: 186 cm BUILD: Athletic EYES: Dark Blue HAIR: Pale SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  12. Lycaon


    LYCAON (music) Character Basics Name: Lycaon Nicknames: Subject 17 (bravo), Red Claw, Gentleman Jack Age: 46 (chronological) 30 (biological) Sex: Male Species: Unknown (Presumed Shistavanen genetic hybrid) Size: 2.4m Eyes: Red Skin: Black Fur Force Sensitive: Yes Faction: The Family...
  13. Jax Vandal

    Jax Vandal

    Jax Vandal NAME: Jax Vandal FACTION: Deadzone Raiders RANK: Kingpin SPECIES: Human AGE: 23 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'2 WEIGHT: 180 EYES: Amber HAIR: Black SKIN: Light Brown FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  14. Zyrias Pax

    Zyrias Pax

    *****//~Loading Connection: ... ... ... ... ready. //>Accessing encrypted message //>x61DwVFmp6uNTg31HTP5n FOCpyPBqqrC9dDg1lQs>enter //>Message reads: Canto Bight Police Headquarters Bulletin Wanted by the CBPD Aggravated identity theft, conspiracy to commit bank fraud, kidnapping...
  15. Nadir

    Approved Location  Shadowrun

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand the reach of Nadir and create a new hyperlane for the underworld and criminals to use in trafficking their illegal goods across the galaxy. Image Credit: Chaos map Canon: / Links: Beyond the Black, Nadir, Point Nadir, Cabal, GUIDE HYPERLANE...
  16. Kurt Meyer

    Approved NPC  Alistair Fenn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub Kurt's old friend ​Image Credit: Valentina Remenar Role: Kurt's Friend, Smuggler, Scumbag Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 25 Force Sensitivity: N/A Species: Human Appearance: Though many would consider Alistair to be traditionally 'handsome'...
  17. Vigil

    Keen-Eye Electronics

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: Evidence of Metal Lord support justifying starting teir Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Keen-Eye Electronics Headquarters: Talfaglio Locations: Dorsis, Ord Mantell, Operations...
  18. Nyseth


    Nyseth, a cyborg male, was a criminal in the galaxy. Just as other criminals, Nyseth's origins remained a mystery to the public. He became active in the criminal scene near 850 ABY as a freelance mercenary. His various skills with weaponry and hacking gave him plenty of opportunities for work...
  19. Adder

    Shisa ‘Eagle Eyes’ Thalvi

    NAME: Shisa ‘Eagle Eyes’ Thalvi FACTION: Underworld RANK: Enforcer | Bodyguard SPECIES: Human AGE: Mid thirties SEX: Female HEIGHT: Average WEIGHT: Average EYES: Green HAIR: Red SKIN: Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: Like a rock STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: + Crack shot: Can pick the wings off a fly at a...
  20. 4ND-R0

    Xiann Syndulla

    Image Credit .:: XIANN : SYNDULLA ::. .:: FACTION ::. Independent .:: RANK ::. Criminal .:: SPECIES ::. Twi’lek (Rutian-Lethan Mix) .:: AGE ::. 26 Standard Years .:: SEX ::. Female .:: HEIGHT ::. 1.7 Meters .:: WEIGHT ::. 54 Kilograms (~120 lbs) .:: EYES ::. Yellow .:: HAIR...
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