Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Minerva Vessia

    Minerva Vessia 2.0

    Name: Minerva Vessia Faction: Witches of Dathomir / CIS Rank: Witch Elder Species: Human (Mostly Dathomiri) Age: 18 Height:(5ft 6in) Weight: (106lb) Eyes: Hazel Hair: Raven Black Skin: Light Tan-ish Bronze Physical Appearance: (Click here to View) Strengths & Weakness: {+} Arcane...
  2. Minerva Vessia

    The Blushing Boots

    Here be the pre-factory Madness of Minerva Vessia. This will be her personal ongoing saga of drafting up subs. It will be a mutable collection of subs for people, some will be for this faction, and some will be for Minerva’s company The Blushing boots. *Drafts are soon to come*
  3. La'Ca Cavataio

    Family: Well You’re New

    Knowing that their deity was going to awaken soon, La’Ca was getting things in line. The signs where happening to reaffirm the awakening. One easy pick up was the stronghold experiencing quakes. They were not bad ones that damaged anything but they were still easy to notice. Power surges were...
  4. Petra Cavataio

    Family: Ties to the Vessia

    After dealing with a witch that she viewed missed informed, Petra went back to her home in Morte Mountains. There was no need to focus on what transpired. Everything was out of her system, and old Petra was in full swing now. The voice was there. It was just her without the other. One voice, one...
  5. Petra Cavataio

    Family Business

    [member="Celestine deWinter"] Somewhat touching that the girl had said she missed him. Petra wish she could enjoy the moment; however, the voice in her head had to surface now. Of course, it would, it exists to ruin everything until she centered herself. Dark, cold voice whispered in the ears...
  6. Jantar Keltainen

    The Nightsisters are their Sith

    “Never serve the Nightsisters, children. They’ll treat you badly, as if you were mere slaves. Their taste is foul, so it is best to crush them. If you cannot crush them, then escape from them, for you can continue to serve the good Witches, and hope to crush the Nightsisters another day.” ―The...
  7. Minerva Vessia

    Approved Tech  Minerva's Invisibility Potion

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Dathomiri invisibility potion Image Source: None Restricted Missions: None Primary Source: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3 episode 12 Nightsisters vs Count Dooku PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Cloak of Invisibility Manufacturer: The...
  8. La'Ca Cavataio

    Lauda'Caelum (La'Ca) Cavataio

    "We all have voices telling us what to do, and I always do what mine say cause Mistress is always right." Lauda'Caelum Cavataio Aliases: La'Ca, and La La Former Aliases: Dharma DeCuir Alffiliates: - Cultum Viventium Dea - Witches of Dathomir, The Morte Clan - Mandragora - The Confederacy of...
  9. Mira Cavataio

    Mira Cavataio

    (( Social Information )): NAME: Mira Alexandria Cavataio ALIAS: Mira Hi’jia NICKNAMES: Mistress Mira (by [member="La'Ca Cavataio"] ) TITLES: Optivus Res, Siren of the Void SPECIES: Purified Force altered Near-Human (Dathomirian Human/Sith Pureblood) SEXUALITY: Xenophile Pansexual MARITAL...
  10. Minerva Vessia

    Approved Tech  Minerva's Blackroot Potion

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Dathomiri healing potion. Image Source: None Restricted Missions: None Primary Source: Wookieepedia Blackroot Potion PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Minerva’s Blackroot Potion Manufacturer: The Blushing Boots, Minerva Homeworld (optional): Is not...
  11. Minerva Vessia

    The Blushing Boots

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image SourceNone Canon Link: None Development Thread: Original source is based on a site we do not link here. Primary Source: None Corporation Name: The Blushing Boots Headquarters: Morte Mountains (Morte Clan Stronghold), Dathomir Locations: 1st location is...
  12. Scherezade deWinter

    Appetite for Destruction (invite + Dathomiri Witches)

    Location: Aboard the Giggledust Wielding: 5 Glitter Bullets, 12 Czerka Knives Wearing: Cape, combat boots, jeans, pink t-shirt Allies: [member="Minerva Vessia"] [member="Bundori"] [member="Gerwald Lechner"] Enemies: [member="Shia Kryze"] [member="Rex Taff"] [member="Ambrose Mantis"]...
  13. Zhai'ellev


    Social Information Name: Zhai'ellev Alias: None Homeworld: Dathomir Current Locale: Ryloth Sexuality: Pansexual Gender: Female Marital Status: Single Force Sensitive: Yes Force Alignment: Dark Physical Information Species: Human Sex: Female Age: 23 Height: 5' 6''...
  14. Curupira Hawk

    Curupira D'Arr Hawk

    {{ General Information }} FULL NAME: Curupira D'Arr Hawk KNOWN ALIASES: Curupira Draclau (as per adoption), Curupira Van-Derveld NICKNAMES: Ruu (by Ti'Cira), Cura (by Seth), Curu and Cu (by others), Morsel (by Ket), Aunty Ruu (by Dominique) SPECIES: Human RACE: Dathomirian AGE: Thirty-four (GST)...
  15. Celeste Cavataio

    Celeste Cavataio

    Celeste Cavataio STATS NAME: Celeste Cavataio FACTION: n/a RANK: Witch Elder SPECIES: Near-Human Hybrid (Dathomirian Human DNA dominant with lesser % of Sith Pureblood, Kiffar, Epicanthix and Mirallukan) AGE: timeless (cloned) SEX: cisfemale HEIGHT: 5"8 WEIGHT: 130lbs EYES: pale blue HAIR...
  16. Celestine deWinter

    Maybe a Different Breed

    Her hand reached for the fierce animal, letting it take in her scent as she had approached. Six months had passed since Celestine deWinter had come to Dathomir, the birthplace of her father and the, for all intents and purpose, the homeworld of the Cavataio. It had become so, just as the Cosa...
  17. Celestine deWinter

    Celestine deWinter

    (( Social Information )) NAME: Celestine Shery Artemia deWinter KNOWN ALIASES: Celestine Cavataio, Celestine Hi’jia NICKNAME: Cellie (given by her Aunt Nessa) TITLES: Scion of Family of Darkness Royal Princess of Endelaan SPECIES: Near-Human Hybrid (Human, Kiffar, Epicanthix, Morellian...
  18. 4ND-R0

    The "Grand Coven" (name still WIP), Dathomiri faction - Interest Check

    Greetings, all. So this idea has been in the back of my mind ever sense a certain empire of certain bucketheads began to commit genocide on Dathomir. The gist of this idea is a bunch of holdouts that survive for any number of reasons, mostly being off-world when it occurred. Through these...
  19. Brood Mother

    Witch and a Warrior

    The day was still with an ominous feeling on the planet. The winds were minor, the trees have a burnt look, and the sky was an orange color. Nala was meditating outside with her ship somewhat close to her. She loved to soak up the sun and ingest the spirit of Dathomir. She was wearing her...
  20. Yasha Cadera

    To Pass Through The Fire: Mandalorian Dominion of Dathomir

    To Pass Through the Fire Mandalorian Dominion of Dathomir “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an enchanter, or a witch.” Deuteronomy 18:10 The Warlock Gate. A plinth of stone writ with...
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