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It had been a few years since Petra felt the dirty of Dathomir against her bare feet, but that was just a moment to the old witch. Toes dug in to the ground like she was on a beach. Taking a deep breath, her eyes looked out to trees that started the forest meters away from her. Then exhaling...
Gabriel is a Dathomirian Zabrak who was raised as a youth on Dathomir in Nightsister culture, before he was "saved" (taken) by the Jedi and Galactic Alliance. Since finding his own way, leaving Coruscant (where he grew up) and the Galactic Alliance (unwritten except in bio), and starting his...
Birth Name: Haven
Lineage: House Verd
Residence: Southern Systems
Affiliation: Mandragora (Loosely)
Species Human
Homeworld: Koratas
Age: Twenties
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: Cruiserweight
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Tanned
Force Sensitive: Yes...
Some had risen at the customary hour the morning after the boisterous festival. Others could scarcely move be it from what was imbibed or perhaps a sleepless night. It was not a normal morn on the dark shores of Dathomir. The entire Clan could not go without rising, however, no...
The cold embrace of night embraced much of Dathomir as the sun disappeared upon the horizon and it's two moons were beginning to illuminate the world from the Great Canyon to the Frenzied River. Just the calls of the native creatures filled the air as night fell. Within the darkness, however...
Near Neko Ilnayia Kanyon
"No matter how far you go, how lost you feel, how uncertain things may seem, you will always be able to find your way home, little one." -Elani's mother
The black frame of the Emberwing descended upon the surface of the planet Dathomir swiftly and...
Intent: To create the future home for the Murakami witches.
Image Credit: Destinypedia
Canon: N/A
Links: N/A
Landmark Name: Neko Ilnayia Kanyon ('Black Orchid Canyon' in Zabraki)
Classification: Canyon
Location: Dathomir
Affiliation: None
It was an interesting world, to say the least. Just looking upon the massive valley before him, it was like gazing upon a hellscape - red rock covered with dark foliage, bathed in an eerie light from an obscured sun. He wouldn't have wanted to be here, among the other creatures of the dark side...
Le Carnaval Rouge
Welcome to Château Noir,
This evening we play host to the Sith Empire's annual Carnaval Rouge. An extravagant celebration, with dances and delights with an offering to the dark side to be had later in the night. So come one, come all, bring your masques, bring your dates and...
Location: The Sanctuary
Mira sat on the edge of the cliff, staring off into the purple horizon, lost in thought. Her blinks were slow and almost forced as she reminisced about the days of old, the days when the Sanctuary was filled with family and friends. An exaggerated sigh escaped her lips...
Intent: To create a villain for an upcoming thread, to be killed off or spared by the end at the player's discretion.
Image Credit: MAROK-ART on devientart
Role: Witch, Marauder and general villain of the story.
Links: N\A
Age: 28
Intent: To flesh out Curtis Learchin's background
Image Credit: Dragon T-Shirt, Design by mozarellatees
Canon: N/A
Links: Dathomir, Curtis Learchin, Nightsisters, Nightbrothers
Organisation Name: The Children of Talzin
Rorschach often very seldom traveled throughout the galaxy, having never been deep into the Outer Rim territories, only going as far as Coruscant. Yet for someone like him, a Chiss far from his home, he had often studied and was very curious of the galaxy that existed outside of the now budding...
Intent: To create the Grimoire of Umai’s mother, Eliariah.
Image Source: DarkForestWorkshop on Etsy [x]
Canon Link: Not Applicable.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles., Force Crystal [x.]
Name: The Tome of Dathomir
Manufacturer: Eliariah
Affiliation: Umai
Scherezade hadn't planned on coming here so soon. She thought she would go, plan things out, do some things, and at some point remember that she had to go to Dathomir and talk to Angelo.
Instead, she left Tatooine and headed to the planet of the Witches immediately, still covered in...
[member=Strider Garon]
Awakening and dealing with haters, Petra was pleased that she got to visit her great so on granddaughters, and even her boy Angelo’s daughter Celestine. She even got to tease him before sending him out on a murder fest. Now it was time to get updates about the world since...
Twenty Years Ago
Lights from candle flooded his fleshly opened eyes. Everything was blurry, but there was a figure in view. Angelo reached up to rub his eyes. Another odd sensation of having limbs again. ‘Oh… chit, I’m back.’ He knew who the figure was now. Only one person he seen bring the...
Michelangelo Cavataio
Aliases: Angelo Cavataio
Major Affiliations:
- Witches of Dathomir
Minor Affiliations:
- Cult of Petra
Location Description
Place of Birth: Morte Clan Stronghold, Dathomir
Current Home-World: Dathomir
Home-Town: Morte Clan Stronghold
Frequently Visited Planet:
It was simple. Petra’s path cross with a smuggler named Jorge a few times. Those times were a little less than friend for the man. Of course, they were not all the best of times. Last time she really saw him. He pulled her head out of chocolate and sang to her because of a Sith curse.
The witch...
Kyrel Ren would receive an encrypted message during his time on Virgillia reforming the Knights of Ren. No words were in the contents of the missive. Only a lone sigil.
No one but those of the secretive Force sect would be able to recognize it, and perhaps the one left...