Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tegan Starfall

    Evil Is Born from Love Part 2

    Evil Is Born from Love Part 1 The circumstances of one's birth in their exact genetic composition has near impossible odds. I have tried to calculate it time and time again but it the one equation that has always eluded me. Yet here I am and here you are. There are quadrillions of people of...
  2. Samara

    LFG  Looking to explore Dathomir

    The Nightsisters of Dathomir heavily interest me, and so does the planet. I would assume that places of high dark side energy would interest a power-hungry apprentice looking to learn more knowledge or even abilities! Sooo any witches looking to get witchy with Sam? We can talk about things in...
  3. Onith

    Private  Dathomir Nights

    ~Sir, are they still following us,~ The robotic voice whispered. The response came a moment later, as the pureblooded Sith felt out through the Force, ~No, they've stopped behind those statues we passed. I think they are waiting for something.~ ~Should we be worried? I think this is a matter...
  4. Naivia Neryn

    Private  Lost within Dathomir

    Dathomir, one of those places that was not originally in Neryn's plans, but after learning more about the geography and topography of the planet and moreover its history, her interest increased several times over. If she couldn't meet the Night Sisters in person, which she really wanted to, at...
  5. Darth Solipsis

    Private  Tell Me Again, How You Killed Them

    DARK LORD OF THE SITH | VOICE OF THE MAW Thalia Senn Dathomir “You’re afraid.” The voice echoed softly from the shrouded figure standing tall against the arid backdrop of the harsh Dathomiri crags. Wrapped in tattered robes and dark garments, the Dark Lord of the Sith looked on with his...
  6. R

    LFG  Witches of Dathomir [Interest Check]

    Hello Chaos, I am I'm Ryn Starfall also known as Cord Starfall to the CIS and Enclave Crowd, Tegan Starfall to the Brotherhood of the Maw, NIO, and GA Crowds. Pluss a few other names. I'm working on a small project with a few of my oldest and dearest writing friends Santeria Decuir and Vanya...
  7. Darth Carnifex

    Faction  The Witching Hour [Kainate]

    -: Dark Theme :- A shuttle descended through the blood-red stratosphere, approaching a landscape enriched with bramble forests and sharp angular mountains. Few settlements dotted the landscape, those that did were deeply entwined within the harsh and unforgiving forests and mountains. The...

    Dominion  Vinum Sabbathi | The Scourging of Dathomir | NIO

    SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE A Second Hyperspace War Story New Imperial Order vs The Brotherhood of The Maw D A T H O M I R 868 ABY VINUM SABBATHI A world shrouded in darkness. Dathomir had long been a planet of mystery and lingering malfeasance for thousands of years. It has been no different in...
  9. Seilasi

    Character  Seilasi of Dathomir [WIP]

    (Biggest WIP under the sun) Seilesi of Dathomir NAME: Seilasi of Dathomir. FACTION: Witches of Dathomir (Nightsister). RANK: Spellweaver. SPECIES: Dathomirian. AGE: Thirty. SEX: Female. HEIGHT: Six feet. WEIGHT: Approximately one hundred and forty pounds. EYES: White. HAIR: Dark...
  10. Dolor Cordis

    Private  A Dead Ship?

    Walker Location: Deep Space in the Gricho Sector of the Tingel Arm. Above the Planet of Dathomir. Deep in the reaches of space, many ships tend to pass each other, some engaging in battle, trades or even simple pleasantries. But, the space around the dark planet of Dathomir, it is told that...
  11. Nezira Viresh

    Private  Fear of the Unknown

    Tag: Cas Tynen Theme: Ambience Location: Dathomir Nezira had been pacing back and forth in front of the entrance of an ancient Dathomirian temple, built long before her time or much of the Dathomirian people as a whole. The pale girl looked worried, hugging herself around the waist, waiting...
  12. Kyrel Ren

    Public  Holocron Hunt: Mission to Dathomir

    A red planet entered into the view of the ships’s cockpit. Kyrel had finally returned to the red world, for he had not been back in three years since leaving to fight the Third Imperial Civil War. Even as it still raged this very day, he had arrived to the world in search of something that...
  13. Rahvin Draze

    Public  Nowhere to Run

    In the red mists of his home surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of what is Dathomir, Rahvin had only managed to limp his way back home following the Battle of Bastion. It had been months of keeping his head down within the Sith Empire. All the while he had been trying to hide from New...
  14. Lauda Cavataio

    Character  Lauda Cavataio

    { Social Information } NAME: Lauda Cavataio ALIAS: Lauda Hi’ja TITLES: Priestess Lauda, of Morte Clan SPECIES: Force Altered Humanoid / Clone RACE: Near-Human Hybrid (Dathomirian Human DNA with a lesser percentage of Sith Pureblood, Kiffar, Epicanthix, Morellian, Miralukan (8/16 Human, 4/16...
  15. Petra Cavataio

    Public  Dathomir: I'm Back

    It had been a few years since Petra felt the dirty of Dathomir against her bare feet, but that was just a moment to the old witch. Toes dug in to the ground like she was on a beach. Taking a deep breath, her eyes looked out to trees that started the forest meters away from her. Then exhaling...
  16. Gabriel Satra

    Public  Return to Dathomir (Calling Night sistren and brethren)

    Gabriel is a Dathomirian Zabrak who was raised as a youth on Dathomir in Nightsister culture, before he was "saved" (taken) by the Jedi and Galactic Alliance. Since finding his own way, leaving Coruscant (where he grew up) and the Galactic Alliance (unwritten except in bio), and starting his...
  17. H

    Character  Haven

    H A V E N Introduction Birth Name: Haven Lineage: House Verd Residence: Southern Systems Affiliation: Mandragora (Loosely) Species Human Homeworld: Koratas Age: Twenties Sex: Male Height: 6'2" Weight: Cruiserweight Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Skin Tone: Tanned Force Sensitive: Yes...
  18. Vytal Noctura

    Private  Sisterly Trials and Devotion

    D A T H O M I R Some had risen at the customary hour the morning after the boisterous festival. Others could scarcely move be it from what was imbibed or perhaps a sleepless night. It was not a normal morn on the dark shores of Dathomir. The entire Clan could not go without rising, however, no...
  19. Elani Zambrano

    Faction  The Hex Trials

    The cold embrace of night embraced much of Dathomir as the sun disappeared upon the horizon and it's two moons were beginning to illuminate the world from the Great Canyon to the Frenzied River. Just the calls of the native creatures filled the air as night fell. Within the darkness, however...
  20. Elani Zambrano

    Zambrano: Homecoming

    Dathomir Near Neko Ilnayia Kanyon "No matter how far you go, how lost you feel, how uncertain things may seem, you will always be able to find your way home, little one." -Elani's mother The black frame of the Emberwing descended upon the surface of the planet Dathomir swiftly and...
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