Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vargr

    Dominion  An Enclave Life Day | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Zaadja Hex

    LIFE DAY IN THE ENCLAVE Every year, the unnerving speed of the Galaxy seems to simultaneously slow down, and pick up. It's been this way since long before most can remember, and shows no signs of stopping any time soon. Wars come and go, the Stars fade and glow, the Force ebbs and flows, and...
  2. Darth Empyrean

    Dominion  The Veil of Elrood | SO Dominion of Elrood

    Elrood Final Siege of the Elrood Sector 876 ABY The war effort into Elrood had gone extremely well, lead by the Eternalist military in conjunction with the Tsis'kaar agents and Kainite axillary forces. From Coyn, to Bodrin, to Osirrag and Berea - no planet had thus far put up more than a few...
  3. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  Luxury and Usury (SO Dominion of Eliad)

    Dominion of Eliad 878 ABY As the reach of the Sith expands into the Kathol Sector many new opportunities have arisen that are ripe for the taking. Eliad is one such planet now within the gaze of the Sith Order, a planet of luxury items and noble lineages that make the world valuable for the...
  4. Matsu Ike

    Dominion  Wobani I'm in fear for my Life fromt he long arm of the Law: Silver Concord Dominion of Ingo and Wobani Hex

    Ingo and its neighboring system of Wobani were largely unknown to the galaxy. THe one being used as a prison planet off the grid. The research into the Medara and the ghost prison had led some fo the teams to discover it n older records but it was only used by the local systems themselves as a...
  5. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  Politics in Polis (SO Dominion of Polis Massa)

    Dominion of Polis Massa 878 ABY At the surface it was just another pile of shattered rock in the middle of space, easily overlooked and underestimated. Once a grand planet it was shattered in times less recorded, and the asteroid field left behind was now the home of mining operations...
  6. Hansen

    Ready For Judge  Grutter Norr Ryk ("Greater Norr Realm")

    Great Norr Realm Flag (x) OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create the government for the largest community of Homo Sapiens Augeus in the Galaxy. Image Credit: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3. Canon: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Links: Kabal IV - Frysk, Nórrmen | Homo Sapiens Augeus. GENERAL...
  7. S

    Dominion  Raised by wolves - AC dominion of Lothal

    Raised by wolves Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Lothal Lothal is a backwater planet to many but seeped in galactic history to other. Many years ago it was one of the birthplaces of a great fight against the then Dark Lord of the Sith. Those times are long gone but the spirit of freedom on Lothal...
  8. Spirit of Knowledge

    Dominion  Altierior Motives | Galactic Alliance Dominion of Altier

    The junk world of Altier was meant to be an easy acquisition; while it was far from empty, extraction of all profit before "introduction" to the Alliance's markets should have been smooth for the veteran business-people of HayataCorp. Deploy security forces, throw some weight, reach some deals...
  9. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  Dread Wall (SO Dominion of Hand of the Makers)

    Dominion of Hand of the Makers 878 ABY Deep in the confines of an artificial nebula, lies the ancient False Celestial Dreadnaught known now simply as the ‘Hand of the Makers’. It is, in its own right, a celestial object on par with a moon - far beyond the size and capability of something meager...
  10. Alora Vizsla

    Dominion  Dark Thoughts of Late | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Mon Gazza

    OVERSOUL PART I WHAT WAS, WHAT IS, WHAT MIGHT NEVER BE… There was an ill voice on the wind. It swept over the lands. Carried over the mountains. Ripped from the skies and shot into the void. It's dark counsel touched much, but never enough to draw attention to itself. As time passed, its...
  11. Matsu Ike

    Dominion  Lost Children: Silver Concord Dominion of Krant

    THe world of Krant was largely forested and remote... a backwater world if there ever was one but the jedi had come here... reports from the villages were asking for help when several dozen children had gone missing... more villagers near an older part of the forest and even most of the jedi...
  12. Orn'om

    Dominion  Beltrix and the Beast [GA Dominion of Beltrix III]

    A Battle for Democracy Beltrix and the Beast fa-play fa-pause All Eyes on Beltrix Suggested for: Members of the GADF and SIA All eyes on Beltrix as Civil War rages in the “Six Local Systems”. Beltrix has become a battleground for Democracy as Imperial sympathizers fight to keep the...
  13. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  Guns and Butter (SO Dominion of Pergitor and Karideph)

    Dominion of Pergitor and Karideph 876 ABY It is said a nation must often choose between guns or butter - a simplification of spending on military and consumer goods. As an upstart state, the Sith Order has invested entirely in its guns - to conquer planets, to push their military-industrial...
  14. Caraxes Xargrodon

    Dominion  Identity Crisis | BOTM Dominion of Altiria/Anarris

    Identity Crisis | BotM Dominion of Altiria/Anarris For millennia, the Planet of Alteria/Anarris has been torn apart by infighting between it's two native species, the Altiri and the Anarrans. In recent time such fighting had come to a temporary end thanks to the diplomatic efforts of the...
  15. Kranak Vizsla

    Dominion  Dark Harvest: Containment | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Christophsis

    DARK HARVEST PART III IT JUST KEEPS SPREADING... Spread like wildfire, the Fireflash’s onslaught continues despite The Enclave’s best efforts of containment of the virus and the infected. Reason is swept away by a strong wind of panic -just as dangerous as the virus itself- as civil unrest is...
  16. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  First Strike (SO Dominion of Rutan)

    Dominion of Rutan 876 ABY The one element most vitally important to the survival of the Sith Order was their secrecy. The blackouts, which had cut off communications to many worlds in their line of conquest, was essential to their uninterrupted growth; a growing corruption taking root before any...
  17. Valery Noble

    Dominion  Cubed | GA Dominion of Janara III

    A SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR STORY THE ERA OF RECLAMATION Janara III Despite the war with the Empire escalating greatly with the Battle on Ilum, the Era of Reclamation remains a priority to the Galactic Alliance. New plans have been set in motion to not only prepare for the liberation of lost...
  18. Sorr Kortu

    Dominion  A Desperate Rescue!: RTL Dominion of Dagobah

    "Mayday! Mayday! This is Captain Gass Soss of the Winged Beast! Our engines are shut down and we're losing altitude!" That was the last call from the Freighter: The Winged Beast. The crew was tasked with exploring Dagobah and retrieving a lost artifact that was hidden in the swamp before the...
  19. A

    Dominion  Mining My Own Business (SO Dominion of Subterrel)

    Dominion of Subterrel The Subterrel system does not look like much at first glance. It is not a planet of grand cities, legendary exploits or immaculate culture; it is not a world that is renowned for its political power nor its beauty. But, to those plotting to supply an army, the mineral-rich...
  20. Orn'om

    Dominion  Bacta the Future [Galactic Alliance Dominion of Thyferra Hex]

    Bacta the Future The breakout success as a result of the Southern Interplantary Linkages Act, Thyferra has been flourishing despite the Alliance’s heavy use of cheaper synthetic alternatives and the ever-present competition from its Core world rival Protobranch. Either due to fear of the...
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