Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. O

    Dominion  New Dawn | TSE Dominion of Concord Dawn

    The Sith Empire Dominion of Concord Dawn Concord Dawn, an agricultural frontier world under the ward of the Mandalorian Union. They whose claim across the neighbouring regions of space has declined to such a state that their instability threatens to allow the Empire’s enemies to close in upon...
  2. Highmoon

    Dominion  Growing Pains | SJC Dominion of Chokan

    Background: For centuries the sleepy planet of Chokan has served as little more than a pit stop for traders and travelers passing between Hutt Space and the Core regions of the galaxy. Aside from the rise of a single population center around a space port, development of the world has been...
  3. Highmoon

    Dominion  From A Certain Perspective... | SJC Dominion of Emberlene

    Background: Once a hostile expansionist power, during the Clone Wars, Emberlene's imperialist designs for its neighbors were thwarted and homeworld sacked. After the crippling defeat, Emberlene became isolationist in poverty, ruled by oligarchs known as the Eleven Elders. While it had been the...
  4. H

    Dominion  On the Rox | GA Dominion of Roxuli

    At the Edge of the Frontier... After the failure of the Stygian Campaign and rumors of rogue Jedi on the battlefield, the people of the Alliance were loath to trust the Jedi. Yet, the ever stalwart supporter of the nascent Order, Chancellor Adhira Chandra, agreed that a push into the Unknown...
  5. Aspect of Passion

    Dominion  The Smog │ SE Dominion of Chandaar

    Chandaar Cronese Mandate 865ABY The Graug war machine marches forward after its conquest of Ossus - bent on subjugating more worlds, more land for their teeming masses, backed by the will of the Sith'ari. Hoping to form an autonomous buffer zone with the Bryn'adul, the Graug and the newly...
  6. Eternal Spirit

    Dominion  The Generational Seeds of Reslian | Dominion of Lorta | CIS

    LORTA Lortans every day felt the remnants of history that plagued their home world. Some felt ashamed of the battle that had laid siege to the home and killed many innocent lives. Others, like the remnants of a couple of religious fanatics, felt angered by the failure of the Reslian Purge. It...
  7. A

    Dominion  The Truth in Pain | SE Dominion of Ossus

    The light has faded on Ossus. Now and forever. The planet burns following the Sith Eternal strike at the world, it's surface pulsing with the darkness left behind. Yet the plan to taint the surface of the world had failed, the obelisk being purified and shattered during the Red Dragon's plummet...
  8. Spirit of Faith

    Dominion  Strength in Unity | GA Dominion of Bilbringi

    Galactic City, Coruscant - Unity Day It was a time for mourning, and a time for celebration. Five years have passed since the birth of the Galactic Alliance. In our early days, it was a time of prosperity. The Starbird's light shined throughout the entirety of the core, uniting it under one...
  9. Kascalion Giedfield

    Dominion  Helfrost | Dominion of Helgard | Warlords of the Sith

    //CHAPTER THREE// LOCATION: X STORY SET-UP: Once more, WAR has come to the frozen grave-world of Helgard. The great devastation known as the Warlords of the Sith have long sought to reclaim the world of Helgard under the Sith banner and add its people to their ranks. Such mighty warriors are...
  10. S

    Dominion  Slither Onto the Grill | TSE Dominion of Trian

    Slither Onto the Grill It is an age of order among chaos for the Sith Empire. Sieged on all fronts save for one, the attention turned inward. Rooting out traitors, solidifying their hold on the worlds they still held. Regrouping and preparing for the eventual return of the war. But traitors...
  11. Cara Dorniarn

    Dominion  All These Messes | TSE Dominion of Cadomai

    Things Are Rarely Simple "Hello citizen! It's marvelous you've joined us today. Cadomai Prime is wonderful this time of year-- well, it's really the same throughout, but don't let that get you down! These days it is certainly best enjoyed with the removal of the Sith Empire's influence. Yes...
  12. R

    Dominion  Honey in Leone | First Order Dominion of Absit

    Absit’s a little out of the way place, with plains, deserts, canyons, mountains, and just a little bit of everything. A collection of people have arrived here, on top of the already pre-existing Imperials from when the First Order had last been here. Trains and shuttles connect towns to each...
  13. R

    Dominion  Fallen World | First Order Dominion of Najarka

    Renata Westaway and Frieda stood in the hushed command center of FIV Promise, the Chandrilan Class I Corvette that the Refugee Council had purchased at auction from a shipbreakers outfit in the mid-rim. The First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers had set about retrofitting her to suit her new...
  14. R

    Dominion  Balance Rest Ye Merry Imperials | FO Dominion of Crytal Nest

    What a crazy and hectic year it has been for everyone in the First Order. As 862 winds down, the normally shy and apprehensive Shashay have agreed to allow their gorgeous Crytal Nest to be annexed into the First Order. The agreement was done by Foreign Secretary Ariel Yvarro and the Chime of...
  15. Primeval Architect

    Dominion  Sacrilege on Cophrigin (Bryn'adul Dominion of Cophrigin V)

    Cophrigin V stood as a testament to the despicable weakness that the Draelvasier sought to annihilate in their great Crusade. Even as the pair of mighty Phedrak Carriers drew closer to the indefensible humanoid habitation, members of its spiritualist cabal gathered to pray to whichever deities...
  16. Lefthander Narrator

    ZU dominion of Crustai| Celwis - It takes two to tango

    It takes two to tango Celwis and Crustai, planets which had once been peaceful, vrdant worlds, had been swept up by the old chiss ascendancy and had garnered a strong military might under the rule of the Chiss. Yet as the days of the Chiss ascendancy waned, when the brutal rule of the Iron...
  17. E

    Dominion  Festival of the Lost | CIS Dominion of Fennesa

    F E N N E S A Fennesa was a mountainous, rocky world inhabited by herders, living in their villages as they tended their flocks of mountain nerfs. The humans and their nerfs lived in a symbiotic relationship; the nerfs would give their caretakers their meat, fur, hides, and milk to sustain...
  18. Lefthander Narrator

    Dominion  Zu Dominion of The Redoubt - Live or Let Die

    Live or Let Die The Galaxy is disorderly, chaotic and without any semblance of control, no place signifies this more than The Redoubt cluster, which filled with various planetoids, dwarf planets and several astroid belts is a literal depiction of the chaos in space. It was here that the Chiss...
  19. S

    Dominion  Guv'nor | GA Dominion of Lialic

    “Sith-Imperial star destroyers once hung low over this Plaza, and many of these structures have burned to the ground twice over. Yet, despite it all, here we are again, willing to fight for our freedom. I often find myself wondering how many terrible men have stood in this very spot, looking out...
  20. Spirit of Unity

    Dominion  Crossroads | GA Dominion of Kuat

    A state of emergency has been declared in the Kuati Sector. Like many other star systems that fill the ever-turbulent Core region, Kuat -- an industrial titan of great renown -- has suffered unprecedented devastation and strife since the Gulag Plague ravaged the galaxy. From the near total...
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