Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Quartermaster

    Dominion  The Frontier War: No Mandalorian's Sky | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Lyran IV

    F R O N T I E R W A R The message of the Iron Declaration had rung loud across the galaxy. In the darkest recesses of wild space, the Mandalorian Enclave's proclamation had been heard loud and clear. The tyranny of pirates, slavers, smugglers and criminals would no longer be suffered. The time...
  2. The Quartermaster

    Dominion  The Frontier War: Iron Dawn | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Kaddak

    F R O N T I E R W A R For too long, it had been thought that the spark of the Mandalorians had been extinguished throughout the galaxy. Ever since the genocide that nearly destroyed their people, all the Mando'ade had known had been fractures and failures. But they had been stuck in the past...
  3. Rebirth

    Dominion  Dire Consequences | BotM Dominion of Copero / Sarvchi

    Path of the Houses, Chiss Space For a time, the Brotherhood of the Maw turned away from the Chiss Ascendancy. After the vicious decapitating strike at Csilla, utterly destroying the Chiss capital, the Mawites made no further inroads into the region east of their core territories. Although...
  4. Willan Tal

    Dominion  In the Lions Den| NIO Dominion of Galidraan

    In_The_Lions_Den New_Imperial_Order DOMINION OF GALIDRAAN GALIDRAAN 70' OBJ1- The day has come, and with it, Galidraan is no longer under Sith hegemony. With only minor resistance encountered by both the NIO and Galidraani free-state forces, the predicted bloodbath that would've followed was...
  5. The Faceless

    Dominion  Frostbite | NIO Dominion of Stygeon Prime

    MARCH TO GALIDRAAN New Imperial Order S T Y G E O N _ P R I M E KILL FOR PEACE After the fall of the Sith Empire, high command has targeted many systems that is imperative for us to conquer and absorb in our growing Empire. Galidraan is high on the list. As expected many Sith-Loyalists...
  6. Noel Strasza

    Dominion  Lord and Master | Dominion of Lorrd | NIO

    LORD AND MASTER THE SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR New Imperial Order L O R R D 867 ABY Forced to sharpen the Iron javelin for war once more, the New Imperials set their sights beyond their restless territories, seeking assets to bolster their strength and ensure their conquest continues its...
  7. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Dominion  Disaster relief mission | AC dominion of Ruuria hex

    Ashlan Disaster relief on Reelin - dominion of the Ruuria Hex Following the collapse of The Sith Empire, planets have returned to mostly autonomous rule, whilst the freedom from Sith oppression is by and large, very welcome, lack of contact with the wider galaxy has its downsides when a planet...
  8. Eternal Spring

    Dominion  Vive la Revolution: CIS Dominion of Rothana

    ROTHANA Innocents caught, freedom endangered! Refugees fleeing from the front lines of the war against the Bryn'adul crash-landed on the pirate-infested planet of Rothana, and soon are captured by a band of those same brigands! In a desperate attempt to survive, a member of the ragged group of...
  9. S

    Dominion  Cormitting To Helping Others | GA Dominion Of Cormit/Ornfra Hex

    Ever since the destruction of the planet Csilla, nearly a year ago, the galaxy has never been the same. Whether it has been from people suffering from losses, or planets taking in Chiss refugees, the Galactic Alliance has been at the forefront of the operation. Moving their support to nearby...
  10. S

    Dominion  What Once Was Lost | SJC Dominion of Azure

    Azure was an unimportant planet in the galactic scene. The blue world was largely believed to be uninhabited with most information on the Azur'i who lived there being lost to history. There was no reason not to allow it to remain untouched until a distress signal was received from a ship that...
  11. Mithrad

    Dominion  Foundations | Dominion of Artorias-Shusugaunt | NIO

    NEO-CSILLAN INITIATIVE PART 1 | FOUNDATIONS New Imperial Order A R T O R I A S | S H U S U G A U N T 867 ABY With progress being made on the Dantooine and Genesis fronts, more and more of the Atrivis and Lahara Sectors are falling under the lawful eye and authority of the New Imperial Order...
  12. Spirit of Prosperity

    Dominion  Foot in the Door | GA Dominion of Kril'Dor

    Kril’Dor The Mid Rim With large swathes of the galaxy now freed from the yoke of Sith servitude, the Galactic Alliance turns its attention to their next great venture - the exploration and colonisation of the Unknown Region. With emergency stocks depleted from the drawn-out conflict, resource...
  13. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Dominion  Thawing out the truth | AC dominion of Cadomai and Lur

    Thawing out the truth As The Sith Empire collapsed, several safe routes began to open into their former territories, and once suppressed communications started happening from the planets closest to the Ashlan border, they called for heroes to save them from the suffering that the Sith had...
  14. Spirit of Prosperity

    Dominion  The Blind World There Beneath | GA Dominion of the Plain of Terror Netherworld Hex

    While the destination of the mysterious hypergates has been revealed as Omni’s Netherworld domain of Oblivion, innumerable questions remain. Unable to shut down the devices, the Galactic Alliance scrambles to understand their purpose, and whether anything can be done to defend the realm of the...
  15. C

    Dominion  Crucifixion | Dominion of Generis | NIO

    PENTASTAR OPERATION PART 2 | CRUCIFIXION New Imperial Order G E N E R I S 867 ABY The Sith-Imperial Remnant's retreat from Dantooine was not a mere rout but a carefully devised plan to lure the New Imperials to Generis where the Sith spring their trap. In the midst of the fighting for the...
  16. Spirit of Prosperity

    Dominion  Ye Who Enter Here | GA Dominion of Netherworld Hex south-east of Hypergate Velusia

    It started on Byss. Occupying soldiers conducting routine patrols of Sularenopolis have encountered a mysterious active portal in a long-abandoned factory deep beneath the city. Initial scans returned a startling result - the device is a hypergate, a long lost technology capable of opening a...
  17. Ascendant Resolve

    Dominion  Into the Void: CIS Dominion of Gate-Adjacent Hex

    Across the galaxy, strange structures have appeared. The Knights Obsidian, ever vigilant in the wake of THE CATACLYSM, convened an emergency council to determine their course of action. Leaders from across the Confederacy have been invited to attend to share their insights, and to plan for what...
  18. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Dominion  Through the gates of hell - AC dominion of first new nether hex

    The Ashlans felt the calling like everyone else. The darkness of the nether had breached the material realm and threatened life itself. The main crusade must remain a priority, but what was the point of fighting for a universe that would be torn asunder from another dimension. At the very least...
  19. Kadan Scipora

    Dominion  Do You Hear the People Sing? [SJC Dominion of Sarko IV]

    Do You Hear the People Sing? The world below resembled something more akin to a wasteland than a civilized world, yet Sarako IV is still considered to be ‘settled’ world. There were lush and populated cityscapes dotting the world, with decrepit old settlements line for kilometers outside of...
  20. IMPCOM

    Dominion  Run to the Hills | Dominion of Sharb | NIO

    EMPIRE RISING New Imperial Order S H A R B 865 ABY Csilla changed everything. With the Chiss homeworld destroyed at the hands of the Brotherhood of the Maw, the Chiss Diaspora crisis has spread across the surrounding systems. Due to its proximity, the New Imperial Order has begun to take a...
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