Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Dak

    CORE Automata

    [ CORE AUTOMATA ] "Making Better Makers" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Original Content Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: Sunspot (Planet) The Grayson Imperium (Major Faction) InterGalactic Banking Clan (Minor Faction) DAC-1.P028 ("Dak") (Character)...
  2. Kamyrin Gyvolis

    White Raven Industries

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Creator Edited by myself Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: N/A ​ CORPORATION INFORMATION Owner: Kamyrin 'Rin' Gyvolis Corporation Name: White Raven Industries Headquarters: Hapes Locations: Hapes Cluster(Public), Inner...
  3. Jayce Pryde

    Pryde Labs

    Company Motto When you just need it to die screaming.. And die now, We can help with that Company Policy : At Pryde Labs we strive to create what you need to be a better killer. Everything from Weapons and Droids... To Pharmaceutical stimulants to give you that extra edge on the fields of...
  4. UBD-028

    Private  The Pursuit

    The midnight sky among the planet, clouds plagued the sky, soon going to burst with rain to paint the ground with water. It was a cold night for anyone traveling alone among their own travels. A cold that would nip at your skin and signal you that you should be at home enjoying a warm cup of...
  5. WolfMortum

    The SJO Requisitions Manifest (Faction Inventory)

    The Order of the Silver Jedi Requisitions Manifest Index (Click on the Links Below to Automatically Jump to that Section) Armor/Wearables. Consumables. Droids/Biots. Force Imbued Items. Small Arms/Ammunition. Starships/Stations. Tools. Vehicles...
  6. 9-LOM

    Directive: Prove Yourself

    Golbah, the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, held safely under the thick atmosphere of Geonosis. Like a diamond in the desert, it sits in great contrast to its surroundings. On the outskirts of this great city, where the gleaming glass and metal is a mere twinkle on...
  7. Credius Nargath

    Catalog  N&Z Umbrella Corporation Catalogue | Storefront

    Our Promise, Our Premise. Experience, Excellence, Exemplary Monthly Deals For this month [February], the N&Z is offering possibly one of the most tantalizing deals you will be able to get on the market. With the new Dictator III - class Super Battle Cruiser in production, the N&Z will be...
  8. SciFiHombre

    Catalog  Zeralith Defense Technologies

    "Accept Nothing Short of Genius..." ABOUT US Zeralith Defense Technologies (ZDT) is the brainchild of its owner, Zentripoli. The brilliant Columi engineer started ZDT from scratch spurring from his love of designing droids of all sorts. The Columi needed droids for most tasks, so it was a...
  9. C

    Arakyd Industries

    ARAKYD INDUSTRIES OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Wookieepedia Canon Link: Arakyd Industries Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Arakyd Industries Headquarters: Vulpter Locations: Coruscant, Denon, Kelada & Mechis III Operations: Major manufacturer of...
  10. Paragon of Virtue

    [ Manifest ] CIS Droids & Vehicles

    Welcome, welcome, Confederates! Here you will find the complete list of droids and artifacts for our beloved faction! The submissions linked here are all available to characters who are part of the CIS. If you've created something that can be added to the list, please fill out the form below...
  11. Mig Gred

    Open Market  Concord Specialized Technologies

    Concord Specialized Technologies Concord Specialized Technologies is a modification, customization, starship, droid, and weapons company that was originally based on Concord Dawn and mostly run by Clan Gred. The company was started to modify the many bounty hunting craft that the clans would...
  12. Valdus Bral

    Bral Metal & Engineering

    Bral Metal & Engineering All items are closed market. I reserve the right to deny a sale to anyone for any reason. Palisade Shield Emitter ......... 3,500 Credits (Minor) [Max order: 50] In Circulation: 50 Cabur Deflector Shield ......... 50,000 Credits (Limited) [Max Order: 2] In...
  13. Jaccer Ramirez

    AutoTech Robotics

    AutoTech Robotics Out of Character Information: Image Source: N/a Canon Link: N/a Development Thread: N/a Primary Source: N/a Corporation Information: Corporation Name: AutoTech Robotics Headquarters: Mechis III Locations: Foundry [Factory] Balmorra [Factory] Olanet [Factory] Operations...
  14. Ravenfire

    Approved Tech  The Pit Pumpkins

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create something Halloween styled for the SJO Auction Event Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Mirdirmorut...
  15. Ithnan Cryo

    Approved Tech  Hyper Accelerated Lifeform Obliterator(H-A-L-O) Commando Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create the first line of Droids released by CryTech ImageSource: Here Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Honorary mentions: [member="Khonsu Amon"] was nice enough to help me early on. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: CryTech Affiliation...
  16. Ravenfire

    Approved Tech  Death Adder's Assassins

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a line of droids who will carry out assassinations for the crime lord known as the Death Adder. Image Source: (Recoloured by [member="Bambi"] ) Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Assassin...
  17. Ravenfire

    Auction  The Taffing Workshop Auction

    Hey guys, I have decided to make a workshop so I can continue doing unique subs in Factory. So what I have to get it started is a little auction for some subs that I am willing to make for people. The link to the workshop main page is here the-taffing-workshop. Lot A: Unique Droid -...
  18. Ravenfire

    The Taffing Workshop

    Under Reconstruction Please Come back Later
  19. Saga Runfridh

    Saga's Runeworks

    The Runeworks are open for business! Located aboard the Pactolus, a veritable intergalactic cruise ship owned and inhabited by one Saga Runfridh, the Runeworks are now offering it's services to the galaxy at large. If you have the credits, a world of possibilities is open to you...
  20. Darth Athora

    Merr Mechanica

    Storefront coming soon.
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