Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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empire of the lost

  1. Karl Von Strauss

    Faction  Defense Initiative | Empire of the Lost

    Location: Above Pammant, onboard The Nucleus Objective: Get ready for the demonstration. Tags: Teckla Tane | Open to more EOTL members It was a supreme opportunity for the randomized route of The Nucleus to take them through the Pammant system of Moff Tane's domain. While Karl invited the other...
  2. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Tech  NCE-SC01, Planetary Defense Shield Complex "Yggdrasil"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Shield Gate, Generator Permissions: Aurora Industries (Permission) AI-T5 "Ifrit" Turbolaser AI-IC4 "Shiva" Ion Cannon AI-PD4 "Leviathan" Point Defense System Starscourge Reactor System First United Astral Engineering (See Special Permissions)...
  3. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  NCE-DS02, "Avril" Defense Platform

    (Source) OOC INFORMATION Permissions: Olympian Armorsmiths (Faction Permission) Reductor Concussion Cannons Terminus Megamaser Batteries Turbo Plasma Disruptor Aurora Industries (Permission) AI-T5 "Ifrit" Turbolaser AI-IC4 "Shiva" Ion Cannon AI-PD4 "Leviathan" Point Defense System...
  4. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  NCE-DS01, "Hawk" Defense Satellite

    (Link) OOC INFORMATION Permissions: First United Astral Engineering (See Special Permissions) FAE/WH-04 Universal Missile Platform v1.0.1 Phase II "Divine Eyes" Sensor and Electronics System Phase II "Force Avenger" Energy Shield FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix FAE/S-07 Offensive Retention...
  5. Dieter Kovasch

    Character  Dieter "Breaker" Kovasch

    Dieter "Breaker" Kovasch Age 46 Species Atoan Gender Male Height 2.08 meters (6 ft. 10 in.) {not in armor} Weight 140 kg (310 lbs) Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Dieter is muscular, he is buff in all the right places. This is furthered by the fact that he is Atoan...
  6. Illithor Du'thra

    Approved Starship  Du-HC-2145E "Impetum"

    Image Source DIMENSIONS Length: 877m Width: 530m Height: 233m STANDARD FEATURES Hanger Space: Very High 7 Hanger Allocations: 7 Squadrons of Support craft STANDARD FEATURES Class 1.5 Hyper Drive with a Class 11 backup All standard features ADVANCED SYSTEMS Ai system to help run the...
  7. Teckla Tane

    Approved Lore  Imperial Crusader Strike Fleet Aurek

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Offensive fleet to serve the Imperial Crusaders Image Credit: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Empire of the Lost, Imperial Crusaders, Teckla Tane GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Imperial Crusader Strike Force Aurek Classification: Offensive Fleet Affiliation...
  8. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  NCE-418/i, Paralyzer-Class Interdiction Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: ME Permissions: HPI Consortium HAPU | Hybrid Antimatter Power Unit (Open-Market) First United Astral Engineering (Blanket Permission in Spoiler) Phase II "Divine Eyes" Sensor and Electronics System FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network FAE/S-03...
  9. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  NCE-131/c Heavy Dropship "Stork"

    (Image Source) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Squadron Count: Very Low - 4 Hyperdrive: No STANDARD FEATURES Thick three-meter quadanium armor Standard Communications Array Standard Sensor Suit Lower Hold (Modular Options Below) Two Large Walkers/Vehicles One Very Large Walker/Vehicles Four Smaller...
  10. Teckla Tane

    Approved Starship  QDC-79 - Quarren Corvette

    Image credited to Angelos Karderinis and EC Henry from Artstation STANDARD FEATURES Armament: High Durasteel hull Weapons Package Standard Sensor Array Military Shields System Hangar Space: Low: 0 Hangar Allocations: N/A Single Craft Hangar: Yes Hyperdrive: 2.0 + 12.0 backup ADVANCED SYSTEMS...
  11. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  NCE-101b "Jagdhund" Elite Superiority Fighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Giovanni Bianchin Canon Link: Superiority Fighter Permissions: Breshig War Forge - (Permission) AC-07 Verpine Shatter Autocannon HPI Consortium HAPU | Hybrid Antimatter Power Unit (Open-Market) ECSAI-class "Sérhannaðar" Artificial Intelligence...
  12. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Duchess II-Class Heavy Star Destroyer

    (I used the same picture that I drew in 2018) OOC INFORMATION Permissions: First United Astral Engineering (Blanket Permission in Spoiler) FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix FAE/WH-04-S6 Universal Missile Platform Phase II "Divine Eyes" Sensor and...
  13. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  NCE-100a "Hund"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to create a superiority fighter that is based on a great pic and is not a TIE model Image Source: Giovanni Bianchin Canon Link: Superiority Fighter Permissions: Breshig War Forge - (Permission) AC-07 Verpine Shatter Autocannon HPI Consortium HAPU |...
  14. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Imperial-X MkVI Star Destroyer ("Imperial Ten-Six")

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To update one of Karl's older designs using newer technology. Image Source: Fractal Sponge Canon Link: Imperial II Star Destroyer Permissions: First United Astral Engineering (Blanket Permission in Spoiler) FAE/WH-04 Universal Missile Platform Phase II...
  15. Karl Von Strauss

    Private  Project Institution

    Location: Outside the office of the Emperor of All Imperial Kind, Lianna Tags: Velran Kilran Objective: Explain the Project Karl sat outside the office of the Emperor himself. He didn't think he would have gotten an appointment this soon, but was surprised when it was accepted and a scheduled...
  16. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  "The Nucleus" Institution-Class Science Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mobile bastion for the EOTL's scientists Image Source: Fractal Sponge Canon Link: Arc Hammer (just the design, nothing else) Permissions: Mellifluous Magenta FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix FAE/WH-04-S6...
  17. Cardtiger

    LFG  The Call of the Inqusitorius

    Hello to everyone, I’m making this thread as a check for anyone looking to make an Inquisitor character. I represent the Empire of the Lost, and recently we have been working on building up our Inquisitor stuff for upcoming stories. Currently, as an inquisitor, your role will be to investigate...
  18. Vyllia Santhe

    Approved Starship  Star Courier II

    Image Source:Wookieepedia STANDARD FEATURES Dual Ion Engines Dual Front-mounted Laser Cannons Medical equipment Hypercomm array Squadron Count: None: 1 Hyperdrive: Class 3.0 ADVANCED SYSTEMS SSDS_11-A Hyperdrive System STRENGTHS Easily modified to the usage of the owner Quick and...
  19. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  TIE/DL Defender of the Lost

    Image Source (It wasn't letting me put it in the section below) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Length: 9.2 meters Width: 10 meters Height: 8.7 meters Armament: High Squadron Count: Low | 8 STANDARD FEATURES All Standard TIE/D Features ADVANCED SYSTEMS ECSAI-class "Sérhannaðar" Artificial...
  20. Karl Von Strauss

      "The Nucleus" Institution-Class Science Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mobile bastion for the EOTL's scientists Image Source: Fractal Sponge Canon Link: Arc Hammer (just the design, nothing else) Permissions: Mellifluous Magenta FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix FAE/WH-04-S6...
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