Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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empire of the lost

  1. Augustus Von Strauss

    Character  Augustus Von Strauss

    Augustus Von Strauss Age 30 Species Half-Pantoran, Human Father and Pantoran Mother Gender Male Height 1.8 meters (6 ft.) Weight 89 kilograms (196 lbs) Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Augustus Von Strauss, at first glance, is usually mistaken for Chiss, until people...
  2. Teckla Tane

    Approved NPC  Baik Rimmer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a commanding Admiral for the strike fleet of the Imperial Crusaders Image Credit:Created by me using Gencraft AI Role: Naval coordinator and advisor for Grand Master Teckla Tane Permissions: N/A Links: Empire of the Lost, Imperial Crusaders, Teckla...
  3. Vyllia Santhe

    Factory  Santhe/Sienar Technologies

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Wookieepedia Canon Link: Santhe/Sienar Technologies Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Santhe-Sienar Technologies Headquarters: Lianna City, Lianna Locations: Lianna Tion Corulag Omar Byblos Dennaskar Operations...
  4. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Vehicle  FAE/D-01 “Mirage” Semi-Autonomous Stealth Attack Drone

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a deadly stealth attack drone that is just as much a weapon of war as it is a weapon of terror. Image Source: Open Beta weekend, starting on Friday, 12 noon EDT until Sunday! - Sky Link Drone Strike Force - Maximiliano Dajtscher Canon Link...
  5. Cerria Desyk

    Approved NPC  287th Imperial Dragoons

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out Cerria's regiment Image Credit: Main Image [Wookieepdia] Role: A highly mobile infantry unit with the support of light vehicles to rapidly move into positions to take and hold objectives until other units can relieve or reinforce them...
  6. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Starship  FAE/TIE Series “Aetherstrike” Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a sniper TIE. Image Source: TIE Blaser - MarcusStarkiller Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Solarium Glasteel (Open-Market) Hexaplast / Hexalloy (Open-Market) SLAM MK. II (Open-Market) FAE/SW-12 Sniper Laser Cannon (N/A) FAE/SW-11 Hybrid Beam Cannon -...
  7. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Tech  FAE/A-12 Imperial Army Trooper Combat Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create armor for Imperial Army Troopers in the Empire of the Lost. Image Source: Imperial Army Overhaul - Deggial Nox ScottDalrymple Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Integrum (Open-Market) Kaldrweave (Open-Market) BACS-X89i | Breytast Adaptive Camouflage...
  8. Alicia Drey


    Drey Out of Character Information Image Source: [Link] (I created the above logo) Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Corporation Information Corporation Name: Drey Incorporated Headquarters: Lianna, Lianna City Locations: Lianna, Lothal, Ruisto, Obredaan, Kegan. Operations: Manufacture...
  9. DarthLord

    Character  Elidan Reirick

    Elidan Reirick Age 35 Species Human Gender Male Height 1.87 Meters (6'2") Weight 90.71 Kilograms (200 LBS) Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Drawing from the Empire of old, Elidan has taken to the dark armor and cloak of the Inqisitorious quite well. Tall and muscular...
  10. Katherin DuPorcelen

    Iron Legion Ultranauts

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document the Ultranauts of the Iron Legion in greater detail. Image Credit: Kyle Martin on ArtStation Role: This unit is a heavily armored, and heavily armed, elite ground unit for the DuPorcelen Iron Legion. Permissions: Eternal Empire given HERE...
  11. Datacron

    Public  Imperial Passport: Centares

    Centares, a planet known for centuries as the last civilized world before reaching the wilds of space. It had long fallen within the grasp of major interstellar civilizations that rose, and fell, throughout its inhabitance. The warlords of the Empire of the Lost now laid claim to the Centares...
  12. Nimian Totan

    Dominion  To rule the waves | EotL Dominion of Mon Cala/Pammant

    The Siege of Dac After months of delegation betwen the Mon Calamarians, the Quarren, and The Empire, tragedy struck. Koni Xoo, a beloved Quarren politician, was assasinated while on a press tour in a Mon Calimarian city. This high profile assassination was enough to spark a massive revolt all...
  13. Darth Imperius

    Approved Starship  Octarius-class Destroyer

    OCTARIUS-CLASS DESTROYER OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an escort frigate for the line of battle. Image Source: Fractalsponge Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Roble Primary Source: Escort Ship, Screen Ships PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Aresian Naval Engineering...
  14. Darth Imperius

    Approved Starship  Vastator-class Corvette

    VASTATOR-CLASS CORVETTE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a general purpose Corvette for the Imperial Navy. Image Source: Wookie Canon Link: Raider-class Corvette Permissions: Roble Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Aresian Naval Engineering Affiliation...
  15. A

    Character  Argen Vance

    Captain Argen Vance ___________________________ Imperial Naval Intelligence Liaison to the ISB Special Operations Division Age: 28 Species: Human Gender: Male Height: 1.83 meters Weight:84 kg Force Sensitive: Not Force Sensitive PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Tall, athletic man with brown hair that...
  16. Owlen Carver

    Area 14

    Area 14 OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Bing AI Image Generator. Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Area 14 Headquarters: Lianna Locations: Belderone, Rhen Var Operations: Empire of the Lost Military Research Workgroup Parent Corporation...
  17. Katherin DuPorcelen

    Approved Tech  DuPorcelen Iron Legion (IL-mk213) Standard Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document the standardized armor equipped by the soldiers of the DuPorcelen Iron Legion Image Source: Warhammer Article on the History of the Death Korps of Krieg Fandom Article on the Death Korps of Krieg Used as a Profile Image on Soundcloud for a Death...
  18. Katherin DuPorcelen

    Approved Lore  DuPorcelen Iron Legion (Organization Summary)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document the existence of the privately operated army under DuPorcelen Logistics Corporation on behalf of the Empire of the Lost. This submission specifically is meant to summarize the overall structure and existence of the DuProcelen Iron Legion. Future...
  19. Katherin DuPorcelen

    Work In Progress  DuPorcelen Iron Legion

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document the existence of the privately operated army under DuPorcelen Logistics Corporation on behalf of the Empire of the Lost. This submission specifically is meant to summarize the overall structure and existence of the DuProcelen Iron Legion. Future...
  20. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Tech  FAE/P-02 "Phoenix" Winged Jetpack

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an advanced, spacey jetpack for Imperial jet and space troopers, while also refreshing an obscure canon design. Image Source: Winged Jet Backpack Canon Link: Permissions: Sleg Ultracapacitor (Open-Market) KIIR-27 ‘Starmace’ Plasma Rocket Launcher...
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