Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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galactic alliance

All threads involving the Galactic Alliance
  1. Damian du Couteau

    Faction  A Royal Mess of Tangled Lanes

    Damian Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta Location: Fondor, Senate Meeting Room Legislation Pre-Codex Entry Outfit Damian kept both his hands behind his back, a new calming technique to fight back his proclivities to fidget with his hands. Being anxious isn’t an issue I’ve been told, just...
  2. Minuteman75

      A character’s career change(answered)

    Given the new reorganization of the GADF that requires troops to wear the standard armor or variants of it I’m considering to have Minerva step down from her command of Strike Force Talon(a commando company). IClly it will happen at the conclusion of the Tython Battle as she hands over command...
  3. Rara Gowisi

    Si Tech Catalog/Pre-factory archive

    Si Tech Catalog Si Tech is a privately owned GA affiliate, hoping to arm the good guys with the biggest guns, so that when evil comes knocking, we can hit them back with tooth and claw. Starships: GACASB Tornado Class - Minor - Close Air Support Bomber - Small Craft GAASC Tenacity Class - Minor...
  4. P

    Character  Veli'ae Ashai

    Veli'ae Ashai Music ... Aliases N/A Class(es) Jedi Guardian Assignment N/A Flagship N/A Birthplace Coruscant Age 18 Personality Traits Education Traits Lifestyle Traits Rank(s) Padawan Learner Faction(s) Galactic Alliance Species Yuuzhan Vong Languages Vong &...
  5. Brun Rostu

    Character  Brun Rotsu

    Brun Rotsu Music Click Here...PUNK! Aliases ... Class(es) ... Assignment ... Flagship Why? Birthplace Haruun Kal, Pelek Baw Age 48 Personality Traits Education Traits Lifestyle Traits Rank(s) Ambassador Faction(s) Galactic Alliance Species Korunnai Languages...
  6. Rara Gowisi

    Approved Starship  GAAAS-76 SkyViper Assault Airspeeder

    Image Source: Polycount PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Original: Rothana Heavy Engineering Current Manufactuerer: Si Tech Affiliation: Galactic Alliance Market Status: Closed Market Model: Galactic Alliance Low Altitude Assault Transport Model 30 Ziio Modularity: Yes. Weapon Loadouts...
  7. Festerruman Sachiel

    Skirmish  Kriselistian Krisis | GA. vs SO. Skirmish on Kriselistia

    Discussion Thread Kriselist, one of the many crown jewels of the Wornal sector, was one of the few oases in this accursed Galaxy that death and conflict had not yet reached. There had been times of tribulations but those had been few and far between. Now was the time for prosperity. Massive...
  8. Rara Gowisi

    Approved Vehicle  GAMAP-42 Ocelot

    Image Source: Here PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Si Tech Affiliation: Galactic Alliance Market Status: Closed Market Model: Galactic Alliance Infantry Fighting Vehicle Model 14 "Puma" Modularity: Yes External Appearance: Paint Scheme, Outward Attachments, External Armor: Additional...
  9. Avery Vaaki

    LFG  Rookie GA Pilot Looking for Threads!

    Hello members of Chaos! I am hoping to get Avery, into some threads! Preferably with other members of the Galactic Alliance, especially fellow pilots. As she is a recent graduate from the Academy, I am hoping to get her involved with meeting the more experienced and seasoned people of the GA...
  10. Avery Vaaki

    Character  Avery Vaaki: Rookie Galactic Alliance Pilot

    Avery Vaaki Age 18 GSY Species Gender Female Height 170 cm Weight 65.7kg Force Sensitive No Avery is not force sensitive and has no connection at all. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Glancing at Avery, you can tell she came from the upper echelons of...
  11. Arla Rodarch

    Faction  Borderlands Diplomacy - MP and GA

    Myrkr Hyllyard Hotel Planet Myrkr in Galactic Alliance space, a green world covered in forests. The globe was sparsely populated with the old city of Hyllyard the main point of civilization among the wild lands. Centrally located in the city is the Hyllyard Hotel, which has been booked out for...
  12. AMCO

    Approved Ranged Weapon  MPMS-AEM1 | 'The Blarth' Missile Launcher

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A reliable man-portable missile launcher for the Galactic Alliance. Image Source: EvoTag: Lock-On Rocket Launcher by Wouter Kroon Primary Source: GADF Commission ~ Missile Launcher | KIIR-27 'Starmace' Plasma Rocket Launcher PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  13. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Lore  Galactic Alliance 5th Reactionary Fleet - Codename "Vanguard"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To explain the full and designed layout of the 5th Reactionary Fleet - Codenamed "Vanguard" Image Credit: US 5th Marine Division (Ironic, I know ;-)) Role: Where other fleets and carrier groups are assigned specific sectors, the 5th has standing orders to...
  14. Phineas Karr

    Faction  Been Caught Stealing [ Misfits ]

    Angel Arms | Dorsis | Thread Theme Most of the Misfit Squadron had traveled to Dorsis, home of the massive Angel Arms shipyards. Months of research went into the best place to strike and unfortunately for the company, their number was up. The squadron was going to walk away with a massive haul...
  15. Spirit of Tenacity

    How to GADF 2.0

    GALACTIC ALLIANCE DEFENSE FORCES HOW-TO START If you’re reading this, you’ve decided you want to write a grunt. Magic and lightsabers aren’t for you. Instead, you want your rifle, your water canteen and to be pointed at the nearest hill to take. Fair enough! Below is a bulleted list. Go through...
  16. Credit Wizard

    Approved Ranged Weapon  E-60R Ordinance Launcher

    |:| E-60R Ordinance Launcher |:| SPECIAL FEATURES Marked-Target Firing Lock - also known simply as a firing lock, was a type of ranged weapon attachment that mitigated the chances of unintended casualties. It prevented its user from firing the weapon it was attached to unless the firing lock's...
  17. Rens Ahim

    Private  Reaching Out

    Fondor City, Fondor, Colonies Within the hallway Rens Ahim strolled through. Flanking him on the left was Zin Doye, his young human assistant and on the right side was Representative Caen Tez. Behind them was the towering bodyguard Jahn Briggs. Caen, middle aged and red bearded, wearing navy...
  18. Spirit of Tenacity

    Faction  NJO/GA | Brick By Brick

    Brick By Brick The Battle of Coruscant was won, but at what cost? For the New Jedi Order, it was the partial destruction of the Jedi Temple. Many consider it home, and those who stayed behind to fight have made it their mission to rebuild in the face of adversity. While work began almost...
  19. Das Hydia

    Approved Ranged Weapon  Valik Pulse-Wave Rifle

    Source SPECIAL FEATURES Electronic Scope Cautionary Pulser Stun Setting STRENGTHS Point Blank Disruptor Minimal Kickback WEAKNESSES Damage Falloff Longarm DESCRIPTION Standard issue for Duro's Spacetrooper Corps. Effective boarding weapon due to its close quarters ferocity and lesser...
  20. Das Hydia

    Approved Armor  Viridux Spacetrooper Armor

    Source DESCRIPTION Standard issue shock armor for the Duro Defense Force's Spacetrooper Corps. Maintaining system security over the vast Duro Arcology has placed unique demands upon the durese military yet it also provides a unique resource: countless spaceborne recruits with an innate aptitude...
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