Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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galactic alliance

All threads involving the Galactic Alliance
  1. Bernard

    Private  Blades That Bind; Blades That Divide

    Atrisia, Ashina Estate Headquarters of the Lightsworn Outskirts The mild scent of cherryblossoms filled the air atop a hill overlooking the Ashina estate's courtyard. Sunlight danced between branches and leaves that cast a wide shadow around the lone, ancient tree. Its crown reached toward...
  2. Rara Gowisi

    Approved Ranged Weapon  GSIA-83 Stinger

    Image Source: Blade Runner SPECIAL FEATURES Refined Tibanna: The blaster bolts fired from the Stinger are entirely invisible to the naked eye. This allows for stealthy kills, while also allowing for a much higher ammo count than a slugthrower would allow. The Crude Option: The Stinger also has...
  3. Jasper Kai'el

    Faction  Once Boy, Now Man | Jasper Kai'el NJO Departure

    Once Boy, Now Man Coruscant, Jedi Temple Steps Tags: Valery Noble, Open to NJO A crowd had gathered on the war-torn steps of the Jedi Temple. It was not a sizable one, given the destruction that had befallen the planet, but it was just enough Jedi to give the impression that something of...
  4. Talsin Lota

    Public  Assault on the Turbid Star (Open to All)

    BETWEEN CORUSCANT AND BRENTAAL IV The war between the Dark Empire and the Galactic Alliance was in full swing. Fog of war meant that it would be days if not more before it was clear if Coruscant had fallen or if the Alliance managed to push back the invaders past their borders. In the meantime...
  5. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Triumph Class A-602 Compact Battle Cruiser

    Triumph Class A-602 Compact Battle Cruiser OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Wookieepedia - New Republic Cruiser Permissions: Gat Tambor Permissions PRODUCTION INFORMATION Model: The Triumph Class II Compact Battle Cruiser Material: Quadanium, Durasteel, and Impervium Armor Plating...
  6. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Lore  Galactic Alliance 10th Sector Armada - Dawnflower Star

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify the main Naval Command of the Galactic Alliance commanded by the current Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander Image Source(s): Here Here Permission(s): Not Applicable Canon Link(s): Not Applicable Primary Link(s): Galactic Alliance Hapes...
  7. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Lore  Battlegroup Mothma

    BATTLEGROUP MOTHMA OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent To codify the main Galactic Alliance Battlegroup that Amelia von Sorenn commanded at Tython Image Source [HERE] [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Not Applicable Primary Link(s) Amelia von Sorenn...
  8. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Lore  Obsidian Skirmish Line

    OBSIDIAN SKIRMISH LINE OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent To further flesh out Theselon Squadron Image Source [HERE] [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Not Applicable Primary Link(s) Amelia von Sorenn Galactic Alliance Operation Shadow Hand...
  9. Efret Farr

    Approved Location  Deep Well

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a location for roleplay on Fondor and to enter the Paradigm Shift Codex Contest Image Credits: Julien Gauthier for The Rings of Power | Jeremy Fenske for Elder Scrolls Online | Sara Han Recolors and frames via Canva Canon: Not applicable...
  10. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Lore  Ascendancy Squadron

    ASCENDANCY SQUADRON OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent To codify the main Squadron of Chiss Vessels that Amelia von Sorenn commanded at Tython Image Source [HERE] [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Not Applicable Primary Link(s) Amelia von Sorenn...
  11. Kel Se'Taav

    Approved Location  Alliance General Ministry Canton, Fondor [GA]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a new location for the Galactic Alliance Senate Image Credit: Senate Defense Council from Wookieepedia All edits made by Kel Se'Taav Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Galactic Alliance Dark Empire Paradigm Shift (GA Diplomacy) Fondor...
  12. Alicio Organa

    Approved Location  Sanctuary City, Alderaan

    "True strength is being crushed underfoot, and finding the will to stand again." - Alicio Organa OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally codify an important refugee city on Alderaan. Image Credit: Cross Fate city concept by Adam Varga Shan Sui City 1 by MAD Architects Spaceport City...
  13. Briana Sal-Soren

    Approved Tech  Coruscant Defensive Shield - CDS

    Theed Power Generator, with several smaller back up generators to provide substantial energy reserves Heavily guarded by Galactic Alliance Marines and Jedi Sentinels Preemptive warning systems Ray Shielding Particle Shielding Molecular Shielding to help conserve power and redistribute energy...
  14. Efret Farr

    Deep Well

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a location for roleplay on Fondor and to enter the Paradigm Shift Codex Contest Image Credits: Julien Gauthier for The Rings of Power | Jeremy Fenske for Elder Scrolls Online | Sara Han Recolors and frames via Canva Canon: Not applicable...
  15. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Cuirassier-class Countermeasures Ship

    CUIRASSIER-CLASS COUNTERMEASURES SHIP OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent Countermeasure and Anti-Cloaking Device Capital Ship for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Not Applicable Primary Link(s) Not...
  16. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Type-107 Repurposed Imperial Star Destroyer

    Type-104 Repurposed Imperial Star Destroyer [T-104 RISD] "To effectively confront this New Empire, we need to use their own doctrine against them. We need to produce a new type of ISD that merges cutting-edge Alliance Engineering with the shear firepower of the New Imperial Order's former war...
  17. Spirit of Diligence

    Dominion  Ambitious Minds | GA Dominion of Gholondreine-β Hex

    AMBITIOUS MINDS A planet of Scholars and Philosophers; the residents of Gholondreine-β have long since taught that all sentient beings held their highest loyalty to truth, rather than an individual, creed, or ideal regardless of the temporal consequences. It was this loyalty to truth that...
  18. Gene Kenobi

    LFG  A wandering soul

    Moving on. This here is Gene Typherius Kenobi and he is a character that I migrated over from a site I used to write on. No, he is not directly descended from General Kenobi, though his likeness might suggest as much, but he does have ties to the Kenobi family line. Gene here is a wandering...
  19. Big Nick

    Approved Tech  Z-M0 55 Tactical Droid

    Z-M0 55 TACTICAL DROID BACKPACK TACTICIAN OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a tactical droid for the Galactic Alliance Image Source: Drawn by me in Photoshop Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Cybot Galactica Affiliation...
  20. Chi Chuchi

    Approved Tech  HRM-01 Spitfire, 'The Beast'

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To produce a heavy repeating maser for the GA. Image Source: Halo Wiki Canon Link: Maser, Repeating Blaster Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Che Chuchi Boutique Affiliation: Galactic Alliance Market Status...
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