Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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galactic alliance

All threads involving the Galactic Alliance
  1. Kel Se'Taav

    Work In Progress  Alliance General Ministry Canton [GA Senate]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a new location for the Galactic Alliance Senate Image Credit: Senate Defense Council from Wookieepedia All edits made by Kel Se'Taav Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Galactic Alliance Dark Empire Paradigm Shift (GA Diplomacy) Fondor Fondor...
  2. Casca Pryce

    Diplomacy  Paradigm Shift [GA/NJO] [Coruscant to Fondor]

    The galaxy stands on the precipice of an era-defining conflict as the Dark Empire emerges from the shadows, bringing with it a wave of fear and uncertainty that has not been felt in ages. This sudden threat has sent the Galactic Alliance into a scramble for solutions, with its leaders convening...
  3. C

    Approved NPC  Galactic Alliance | Marine Special Reconnaissance Detachments

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Special Operations/Commando unit based on the RCs and ARCs for the GADF Marines Image Credit: n/A Role: The Obsidian dagger of the GADF Marine Corps - striking from the shadows for the good of the Alliance Permissions: n/a Links: n/A GENERAL...
  4. Minerva Fhirdiad

    LFG  Moving forward

    After some thought I have decided that soon Minerva will leave the Alliance military(honorable discharge)to join up with the Mandalorian Protectors. Before she does that I want to roleplay some new stories that lead up to it. I have a few possible ideas if anyone is interested. Blood of...
  5. Mya Windu

    Character  Mya Windu

    MYA WINDU Age 26 Species Human Gender Female Height 5'4 Weight 127 Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Mya is a younger woman of strong and fit stature. A bit on the slimmer side, she has an athletic build. She has dark hazel eyes, and log flowing black hair. Her skin is...
  6. Kelora Priestly

    Faction  Caldera Crisis: Expedition to Mephout

    Sula Skirata | Shev Skirata | Arla Rodarch | Valery Noble | Danger Arceneau | Daesyn Rodarch [Open to Mandalorian Protectors, Galactic Alliance, and Arceanu Trade Company] New Laveau, Mephout - The Commonwealth Doctor Irynelle Galeway, a Deputy General with the Commonwealth Medical Service...
  7. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Republic-class Star Destroyer

    REPUBLIC-CLASS STAR DESTROYER OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Republic-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Republic-class Star Destroyer Primary Link(s) Not Applicable...
  8. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Belarus-class Medium Cruiser

    BELARUS-CLASS MEDIUM CRUISER OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Belarus-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Belarus-class Medium Cruiser Primary Link(s) Not Applicable...
  9. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Corona-class Frigate

    CORONA-CLASS FRIGATE OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Corona-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Corona-class Frigate Primary Link(s) Not Applicable PRODUCTION...
  10. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser

    MAJESTIC-CLASS HEAVY CRUISER OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Majestic-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser Primary Link(s) Not Applicable...
  11. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Defender-class Assault Carrier

    DEFENDER-CLASS ASSAULT CARRIER OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Defender-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Defender-class Assault Cruiser Primary Link(s) Not...
  12. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Hajen-class Fleet Tender

    HAJEN-CLASS FLEET TENDER OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Hajen-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Hajen-class Fleet Tender Primary Link(s) Not Applicable...
  13. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Sacheen-class Light Escort

    SACHEEN-CLASS LIGHT ESCORT OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Sacheen-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Sacheen-class Light Escort Primary Link(s) Not Applicable...
  14. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Warrior-class Gunship

    WARRIOR-CLASS GUNSHIP OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Warrior-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Warrior-class Gunship Primary Link(s) Not Applicable...
  15. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Starship  Agave-class Picket Ship

    AGAVE-CLASS PICKET SHIP OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent An updated variant of the Agave-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Image Source [HERE] Permission(s) Not Applicable Canon Link(s) Agave-class Picket Ship Primary Link(s) Not Applicable...
  16. Das Hydia

    Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Used with permission from Khuroq. Canon Link: Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems Primary Source: Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems Headquarters: Duro Arcology Locations: Duro...
  17. Das Hydia


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Created with LogoPony Canon Link: DuroTech Primary Source: / CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: DuroTech Headquarters: Duro Arcology Locations: Duro Operations: Starship & Vehicle Manufacturing, Data Systems, Military Hardware, Cybernetics...
  18. Darth Solipsis

    Invasion  Operation Shadow Hand | DE Invasion of GA held Tython, Empress Teta, & Prakith

    Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Dark Empire Staff Galactic Alliance Staff Darth Solipsis Valery Noble Ignacious Korvan Auteme Ibaris Varanin Jasper Kai'el Jin Kyrel Kahlil Noble Natasi Fortan The Dark Times Begin.. On March 14th - 28th the DARK EMPIRE will invade the...
  19. Sycorax Laveaux

    Faction  The Equal Rights Act | GA Senate

    The times were a-changing, and somehow Sycorax Laveaux, Senator of Dahrtag, was at the heart of it. She was about the last person you would expect to engage in progressive activism—and indeed, no one was more surprised to see her leading the charge than Sycorax herself. An Isolationist Shepherd...
  20. Minerva Fhirdiad

    Private  Warriors and Allies

    Taris, Ojoster Sector, Outer Rim Territories Tag: Aloy Vizsla A Tsrotzhu gunship sped off the surface of Taris. Within the cockpit Minerva without wearing her helmet maintains a steady course. Beside her in the co-pilot's was Irini the Sullustan sniper and Gakot the Klatooinian brawler, her...
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