Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. L

    LFG  Character Introduction!

    Hey! So, meet Lymsleia whose name I didn't steal from a JRPG who's a young Force Adept. Nomadic, drifting around the Outer Rim, looking for people to help and maybe some things to help progress her training. Her adopted 'Nana' was a former Jedi who helped train her. I was looking to explore...
  2. Kira Ardwen

    LFG  Character Introduction

    How do you feel about headstrong teenagers with opinions and a Type-A personality? If you're thinking hell yeah then I'd really love to thread with you! If you're thinking oh hell naw then I'd really love to thread with you! I am thinking that I'd rather slowly ease into everything with a...
  3. Bella Drayson

    Private  Glitter & Gold [Denon]

    Location: Denon [Library/Archive] Tag: Shai Arvelis "I want you to investigate, immediately. My suits are disappearing and I need to know who, where, when, and why. Surveillance only.", she breathed into the encrypted holo-comm without glancing away from the city-scape that sped by from the...
  4. Nyaeli

    LFG  Sith introduction threads

    Hey! I just set up this new Sith Character and posted her "intro" into Chaos stuff with this article: Massacre on Aruza So now it's time for some threads, and with Spindle reaching out to her in the aftermath on Aruza, I figured I could set up more RP around that. Maybe more heard about what...
  5. M

    Faction  The Lion's Order, Introductions

    The old man rubbed his forehead, wincing as he did. That court session had been long, and although he barely remembered the majority of it, he'd been told that he made quite the fool of himself. So what? It's not his fault that everything he said about Brodan Dobson was true, the boy had it...
  6. B

    Public  Mercy of the Faithful [Character Introduction]

    MERCY OF THE FAITHFUL CITY OF ELBURN: HAST "Crack....Bang...Boom!" Those were the sounds heard by the Ashlan Assembled Militia as another round of motors slammed into the walls of the upper courtyard. The walls held after such a deadly assault upon them only due to the blessings of ashla...
  7. R

    Private  Master & Apprentice: Introduction - Eyes on the Past

    The Eye of Ashlanae - Knossa, Ossus The Eye of Ashlanae, the heart of Knossa, and a nexus point for the Force. It had also been the center of Rinoi's life for that week. Everyday he spent on Ossus was spent meditating and reflecting at the Eye of Ashlanae. He needed answers as many religious...
  8. N

    LFG  Looking for Introduction and Path, Some to All!

    Created this character after waiting for at least eight years since the start of last year. Wanted this character to be a bit more liberally free on who I am and what I wanted to do differently. While most of my characters are dark sided, I am more than willing to be more light sided than before...
  9. TheWater125

    Public  CHARACTER INTRODUCTION|-| "Just Some Good Ol' Talking"

    [ROLEPLAY]: "Just Some Good Ol' Talking" [IMPORTANT LINKS]: [LFG THREAD] [TAGS]: Cord [OBJECTIVE]: [Conversate with each other, make new contacts, and potentially commit to business transaction while enjoying some beverages.] [ROLEPLA REQUIREMENTS]: [NONE, OPEN TO ANYONE. HOP IN IF YOU WANT]...
  10. C

    Faction Introduction

    The Ancient Galactic Empire has fallen. Imperial domination of the stars has collapsed into different factions. The Unity & Stability of the galaxy is at stake as several factions carve up sectors like hungry rancors. The Imperial Concordat of Powers will stand firm and rebuild the galaxy...
  11. Ares Atrius


    The Eternal Empire is gone. The Order of Zildrog defeated. The Galaxy has moved on and only brief chapters in history books state about the Empire which came, conquered and disappeared. An antagonist the Will of the Force disagreed with and got therefore crushed by the most unlikely of...
  12. Konrad Harrsk

    Narrative Introduction | Second Great Hyperspace War

    N E W _ I M P E R I A L _ O R D E R SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR STORY HOOKS IMPERIAL VANGUARD "We are beyond. Dreamers. Destroyers. All of Reality. Our Whim. Who dares stand before us?" "I. Rurik." —The Sith's first witness of Rurik Fel The Imperial Vanguard oversees the forces of the Empire...
  13. Darth Marras

    A Late Introduction

    Hi all, Darth Marras here. I also answer to "Judge_M0rt1s", and went by that handle on here when I first arrived, and started to call my character "Darth Mortis" only to find that someone already beat me to the punch and made a character with that name XD Anyways, I actually didn't realize...
  14. Finnea Virlee


    Hi! New to this site - not new to RP's! I love to write but I am damn shy when it comes to finding a partner to write with/to, so please, go ahead and write to me if my upcoming OC seems like an interesting one. I am an Norwegian girl who has been a closet-fan of SW for several years and...
  15. Samuel Exel

    New Forum RPer's introduction.

    Hello! I've read the forums for a long time (especially the tech channel), but never worked up the courage to submit my character or make an introduction in general. I'm not sure if I will ever be able to actively participate in this - it all seems a bit daunting given I don't think I can type...
  16. K

    Private  The New Girl [Taiia Mataan // Laneya Wexler]

    THE NEW GIRL Naboo, Knights Obsidian Academy. Kristyl Arenais meets her new Master and fellow Apprentice. Starring: Taiia Mataan & Laneya Wexler. Today was a very special day for Kristyl Arenais, one that both her Mom Asaraa Vaashe, and her "Big Sister" Dreidi Xeraic had made sure to stress...
  17. M

    Public  Arsonist's Lullabye (Character Introduction)

    Somewhere deep in Coruscant's underbelly... McGill approached what looked like an abandoned building, stepping over piles of scattered trash and debris. Metal gleamed as he impatiently darted the lighter in his right hand between his fingers. The air smelled foul, reeking of garbage and urban...
  18. L

    Admins, please delete.

  19. Credit Wizard

    Public  The Chance for Opportunity & a Drink (Character Introduction)

    Porta Fortuna, Nal Hutta If one was going to describe the system of Nal Hutta in only two simple words; it would be disgusting and beyond revolting. To the hutt families and cartels that occupied the planet itself; it was a paradise after the destruction of their original home world of Varl in...
  20. Yed'Iami'Sabosen

    Public  Enjoying the View (Character Introduction)

    SETTING: Frundle's Cantina, Keren, Naboo Diamis sat back in a small booth, allowing her normally perfect posture to relax. She took a tiny sip of her drink. She wasn't a drinker by any means, always wanting to keep her faculties about her, but knew that a person sitting alone in a cantina...
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