Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi order

  1. Jannik Morlandt

    At the Edge of Firelight

    THE WANDERING PROPHET THE TEMPLE OF POMOJEMA MIMBAN Sometime prior to Shatterpoint It was ideal, in a way, that the amplification site known as the Temple of Pomojema was deep in the jungles of Mimban, rather than anywhere else more comfortable. The humidity could wear down all but the most...
  2. Mother Askani

    Approved Lore  The Burning Truth: A Force Vision

    The Burning Truth General Information Established By Jedi prophecy Organization Jedi Order Duties To provide both a critique of the Jedi Order's failings and a roadmap for its renewal "You are unworthy, yet you are chosen. The Force weeps for your kind, Jedi. And it sees...
  3. Matsu Ike

    Approved NPC  Jedi Master Wandering Mountain

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an npc master for the council Image Credit: Frozen Worldbearer Role: Council placeholder Permissions: N/A Links: Ancilla PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: Unknown Force Sensitivity: Master Species: Giant of Living Stone Appearance: Titanic in size, the...
  4. J

    Jedi Order

    I hope you all take intrest and enjoy training in the ways of the force
  5. Sen Kai

    LFG  Seeking a Jedi Order or Enclave

    So my character is a Mando Jedi who follows Tuskan customns. Hard to relate to enough lol. I have a backstory in mind for his Tuskan season of life. What I do not know is what Jedi to affiliate him with. I know there is GA, Silver, some Enclaves. Just not sure where he’d fit. I could go Ronin...
  6. Nulgath Zardai

    Approved Armor  Nulgaths Robes of Atonement

    DESCRIPTION The white robes received by Nulgath from the Jedi Order symbolize his journey towards atonement and redemption. Crafted from Synthsilk, Synthcloth, and Norris root, these elegant garments are tailored to his spindly frame and feature elements of his own artistic design, reflecting a...
  7. Kitanwarr

    Character  Akeela Garval

    AKEELA GARVAL Age 15 GSY Species Shistavanen Gender Male Height 1.57 Meters Weight 40 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice Kid Trunks (Laura Bailey) INVENTORY Equipment A teal-bladed lightsaber A set of Shistavanen-modified padawan robes P3-P1, his PIP-series utility droid...
  8. Bernard

    Public  A Monument To Your Sins

    „Never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep..." - John Milton, Paradise Lost Come one morning, the Jedi would find, nailed to the entrance of the Jedi Order's Coruscant Temple, an edict. It was both a call to action for servants of the Light and a...
  9. The Lightsworn

    The Lightsworn

    Losing Tython was unforgivable. We do a lil' writing. Our Discord.
  10. Gatz Derrevar

    First Reply  The Virtues of Self-Care

    Ship: The Red Night Weapons: Lightsaber Tag: Open to a Jedi It was late in the evening when Gatz stepped off the ramp of his ship, and onto the hangar deck of The Vonnuvi's Enclave. He was battered and bruised, yellow and purple coloration dotting his features as bruises settled in. Rough...
  11. Amani Serys

    Faction  Necessary Precautions [Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave, New Jedi Order]

    The Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave Open to members of the Vonnuvi Enclave and/or the New Jedi Order Times were changing for the Jedi. The Dark Empire has sent the Alliance reeling, and forced its members to reevaluate their approach to the growing threat. For the Jedi, part of that decision meant...
  12. Mara Palpatine

    LFG  Looking for Jedi Order

    Hi! I know.. I know name recognition is frowned upon. But I really wanted to explore The Palpatine Blood Line in nuanced way. I will not have Sheev appearing as a ghost or anything like that. “Somehow Palpatine appeared.” Lol I am looking for Jedi Order, so Mara could be part of Jedi...
  13. Gatz Derrevar

    First Reply  Flunking [Open to New Jedi Order]

    Ship: The Red Night Weapons: Training Saber Tag: Open to a Jedi/Member of the NJO The Jedi Archives were quiet this late at night. That was because most Jedi were smart enough to have been getting a good night's sleep. Gatz would have loved to have been doing that himself. But the simple truth...
  14. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Guardian Protocols

    The Guardian Protocols General Information Creator(s) Jedi High Council (High Republic Era) Romi Jade (rediscovered) Date created 229 BBY First employed Many Generations before the Nihil conflict Affiliation(s) The Jedi Order "In the hallowed whispers of our history, I...
  15. The Ashlanti Elysium

    The Ashlanti Elysium

    n/a this text has been removed
  16. Romi Jade

    Approved Tech  The Archive Nexus, Digital Jedi Archive

    The Archive Nexus General Information Constructed 900s ABY Type Jedi Archive Location Kiva System, Kiva Copy/back up server on Nar Shaddaa Culture Jedi Order Builder(s) Romi Jade Kassogtha Cthylla Monitored By Council of First Knowledge Chief Archivist Jedi Librarians...
  17. Gatz Derrevar

    LFG  Looking to start expanding into the Jedi Order.

    Gatz here again. Over the past few months, I've been writing Gatz as a repentant smuggler, trying to do good, but often failing. In his youth he was a Jedi youngling, but he left the Order before he could progress to Padawan. Recently, I've been writing threads where he's been picking his...
  18. Rara Gowisi

    Approved Tech  New Jedi Order Utility Belt

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a standard issue utility belt for the NJO Image Source: here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Si Tech Affiliation: Galactic Alliance (NJO) Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity...
  19. Darth Nwul

    LFG  The Cleansing of Thule [Sith Order v Jedi Order]

    Resurgence! The Dark Side spreads it's shadow across the galaxy once more. Deep in the outer rim, outside of Sith Holy Space, a world decimated by eons of battle between the forces of light and dark has once more become the stage for newfound conflict. A shadowy presence reaches out across the...
  20. Romi Jade

    Approved Tech  Runes of Kathmandu

    Runes of Kathmandu Product Information Culture Jedi Order Creator(s) Romi Jade Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Date created 900 ABY Owner(s) Jedi Council, New Jedi Order Markings Runes and symbols on each side Purpose Capture, contain, and neutralize the dark energies unleashed by...
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