Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi order

  1. Avalore Eden

    Pad-a-wans. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a- what?

    Ossus Jedi Temple [member="Darius Olar"] [member="Johnny Diamonds"] [member="Hal Terrano"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] [member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Trenchcoat Man"] If I've tagged you it's because I love you and...
  2. T

    False Prophets (PM for Invite)

    The sounds of muffled screams and bones breaking echoed through the corridors of the darkened prison, blaster shots followed up by a lightsaber igniting. More screams, hard thuds against durasteel, armor being crushed and penetrated by energy beams of wicked intent. Only the Dark Lord knew what...
  3. Ayden Cater

    Approved Starship  Kenobi-class Praxeum Ships

    Image Credit: Here Intent: To fulfill a contractual obligation to create two Jedi Praxeum ships Development Thread: Jedi Auction (Bid Here) Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Kenobi-class Praxeum Ships Affiliation: Jedi Order Modularity: Minor Production: Semi-Unique (2)...
  4. P

    Wartime Production (Republic, Senate, Others PM for Invite)

    Popo the Hutt, Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, sat behind his podium in the Senate Chambers. With the One Sith baying for blood on one border and the Mandalorians just having declared a state of war on the other side, the situation was bleak enough without considering the poor state of the...
  5. P

    A State of War (Republic, Open to Spectators)

    The Senate chambers were quiet. Deathly quiet. Were one to look upon those in the room without knowing who they were or what they did, one could only think that perhaps a great and wonderful being had suddenly passed on. To an extent, this was true. Coruscant, the capital planet of the Republic...
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