Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi order

  1. Spirit of Faith

    Major Faction  Orientation | The New Jedi Order

    Ryv Karis, Sword of the Jedi So you wanna join the New Jedi Order, huh? I feel like I should start by saying we aren't the traditional types. Don't get me wrong, we like robes and meditation as much as the next guy, just uh, not as much as something more practical. You only wear a bathrobe to...
  2. Bernard

    Approved Lore  Jedi Tricks for Dummies

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a somewhat humorous addition to the site lore based on non-canon content. Image Credit: Jedi Mind Tricks for Dummies article on Wookieepedia, Tag & Bink: Revenge of the Clone Menace Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Jedi Tricks for Dummies GENERAL...
  3. Romi Jade

    Minor Faction  Reimagining the Jedi

    - C U R R I C U L U M With an emphasis placed on learning-by-doing and mentorship, students are taught the ways of Lightsaber combat, Force techniques, meditation, and diplomacy, but were also encouraged to establish their own training programs, developing their own individual approaches to...
  4. Tiland Kortun

    Faction  We Are the Light of the Force (Jedi)

    TAKODANA Tiland traveled. While he lived mostly out of Qi-all these days, he wasn’t about to spread the information of its existence and location beyond a small number of people he trusted. The rest? The Force would have to call them there when it willed. So, he had been nudged by the Force...
  5. Gir Quee

    Approved Tech  Gundark II-class Power Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide power armor to equal the playing field for characters facing the Bryn'adul Image Source: HALO armor pieces mis-mashed together through "Vanity" application and then modified by your's truly Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A...
  6. Gir Quee

    Approved Tech  LPD-38 QuietNeedle Dartcaster

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a small dart launcher in Lucerne Personal Defense's line-up Image Source: here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source:N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lucerne Personal Defense Affiliation: Directorate, Silver Jedi, Jedi Order...
  7. Irveric Tavlar

    Bounty  Sith Empire Open Bounty | The Jedi Order

    The Sith Empire issues an open bounty on the entirety of the reformed Jedi Order as well as all Jedi affiliated or not. 250,000 Sith-Imperial credits to valid evidence of any slain Jedi Knight. Reward for live capture will be negotiable. -- PRIORITY TARGETS -- (To be continued) Wyatt Morga...
  8. Maron Zanak

    Character  Maron Zanak

    NAME: Maron Zanak FACTION: The Republic RANK: Jedi Knight SPECIES: Chiss AGE: 26 years old SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6' 7" WEIGHT: 216 lbs EYES: Red HAIR: Dark Blue/Blackish SKIN: Blue colored FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, he's a Jedi knight, and well experienced with the force STRENGTHS AND...
  9. Elani Demaris

    Character  Danae Navarris

    ... D A N A E . N A V A R R I S W A N D E R I N G . S C H O L A R Oh, sing me a song of a lass that is gone Say, could that lass be I? [ D E T A I L S ] GENERAL INFORMATION NAME: Danae Navarris ALIAS: Dany, Note, That Blasted Girl TITLES: Jedi Knight AGE: Young Adult HOMEWORLD: Weik; Wild...
  10. Republic Engineering

    The Virtue of Temperance

    In Response to the Long Overdue Skirmish. EIRA PECHAL // JEDI PRAXEUM Early Morning. I found myself stunned by the knowledge of what my kindred had done in my absence. For little reason other than satiating their desire for action and violence, several Jedi struck out at the Sith Library on...
  11. Tobias Dracks

    Renovating with a Couch

    Planet: Carida Locations: Republic City, Senate Building Vice Chancellor Office The movers had left now, and Tobias just looked at the new Couch he had received as a gift from someone. They had not added a name, but he liked the style that it was and decided to have it instailed in...
  12. Tobias Dracks

    Thee Meeting

    The votes were in, and the senate decided to vote into the position of Vice Chancellor of the New Republic. Standing in his knew office he looked through his new office window and down at the prosperous city that was the Capital of the New Republic. What were they calling it now, Capital City? A...
  13. Giddean Kuat

    Jedi Arkania Praxeum

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Training Academy for the Jedi Order ​Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Links: SETTING INFORMATION Space Station Name: Jedi Praxeum Station Station Model: Orbital Security Station Classification: Restricted Civilian Station Location: Orbit above Arkania...
  14. Alexandra Feanor

    The Jedi Order of the Republic - Faction Ad

    HOLONET ANNOUNCEMENT FOR JEDI AND FORCE SENSITIVES The Jedi Order of the Republic has recently extended its hand to the Jedi and Force Sensitive individuals of the Galaxy, offering a place for them to learn, understand, and control their powers without being a militarist arm as they have...
  15. Cenric Marus

    Cenric Marus

    NAME: Cenric Marus FACTION: Jedi, Unaligned RANK: Jedi Knight SPECIES: Lorrdian AGE: 23 EYES: Amber Height: 1.89m HAIR: Blonde FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: [+]Quick Learner: Cenric has always been an incredibly fast learner when it comes to many things. Though not...
  16. Republic Engineering

    Never the Last, but First of the New.

    Begin Recording, Master Sunstrider... They say every adventure begins with a happy accident. This one began whilst I was helping repair the legendary Millenium Falcon, yes - the very same vessel that made the Kessel run in twelve parsecs and fought against the Ancient Empire in ages past. I’m...
  17. Coren Starchaser

    Chasing the path

    More and more as the dark side was encroaching on the galaxy were the Jedi needed. In all of their orders. What was needed were people to safeguard the Light Side, and its tenants, lest the Sith, and other dark side orders move to wipe them from the galaxy. Following clues was one thing that had...
  18. Progflaw99

    Trade Council Order | Mara-Perlemian Trade Council

    Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect. Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training. ~ Luke Skywalker's...
  19. Kahne Porte


    The rain had kept most of the Jedi inside the complex today. The Jedi Master woke up around seven in the morning to find the sky darkened and a roll of thunder could be heard in the distance. It didn't take him that long to get ready for the day. While his time wasn't spent going about his daily...
  20. Rhen Qel-Droma

    Building Foundations - Embassy Construction on Coruscul

    || Coruscul || Coruscul, a little known Galactic Core world. Small and circumspect. it lay hidden within a nebula, shrouding it with natural protection unless one was able to navigate its path. Here, among the jagged peaks and ragged cliffsides, lay a bountiful world that the New Jedi Order...
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