Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi order

  1. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Jedi Overload Techniques

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify and document a Jedi overload techniques created by Romi Jade. Image Credit: Comic Vine, quote directly from Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen Canon: Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen, New Jedi Order Training Philosophy Permissions: N/A Links: Romi Jade...
  2. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Blackest Night: Raid on the Jakku Jedi Enclave

    "This world was special to them, ripping the skeletal remains of the super star destroyer "Ravager" from the depths, the Brotherhood found the foundations of what would become the "Fatalis" here. They would also encounter for the first time the heroes of the light, the defenders of truth and...
  3. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Jedi Practicum

    "Despite the harsh conditions, Briana felt a thrill of both exhilaration and nostalgia course through her veins. Having trained with Romi during her own Padawan days on Ossus, she had a vague notion of the trials that lay ahead. The journey would undoubtedly test them both, pushing them to their...
  4. Romi Jade

    Approved Tech  Nexu Mending Balm: A Recipe

    "In the farthest reaches of the galaxy, where aid is scarce, this Balm is handy. A remedy woven from nature's fabric, designed to mend the scrapes and stings that mark a Jedi's journey. Sometimes we find ourselves in need, and something like this can be a swift solace, a reminder that even in...
  5. Dracken Pryce

    Approved Tech  Jedi Securitron

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make the NPC Guards TRUE NPCs with DROIDS Image Source: LINK Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Jedi Page Droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Valkeri Enterprises Affiliation: Various Jedi Orders Market Status: Closed-Market...
  6. Vulpesen

    LFG  Wilder Teaching Threads(GA, New Jedi Order)

    So, Vulpesen ahs decided to start teaching at the Galactic Alliance as a consultant force user. All that remains is to decide what his first lesson will be. So, I've made a poll to decide what that first thread is gonna be. Once I've got a significant number of responses, I'll throw it up! So...
  7. Lothar Skyreaver

    Character  Lothar Skyreaver

    ‎ ‎LOTHAR SKYREAVER‎ ‎ Theme Alias(es) Boy-Wonder (Elijath Vos) Remnant (Darth Malvox) Class(es) Jedi Consular Jedi Shadow House Skyreaver Homeworld Corellia Residence Coruscant Age Eighteen Personality Traits Calm Just Ambitious Gregarious Education Traits Charismatic...
  8. Romi Jade

    Character  Romi Jade

    ROMI JADE Full Name Romi Jade-Inkari Birthplace Corellia Age Middle-aged Adult Rank(s) Jedi Master, Wayseeker, Headmaster Grandmaster (Formerly) Jedi Councilor (Formerly) Affiliation(s) House of Jade New Jedi Order Galactic Alliance Order of the Selab (Secretly) Species...
  9. Kassogtha Cthylla

    LFG  New Jedi Order Archivist

    Kassogtha is a Jedi Master who recently came to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, having been called to serve as the NJO's new archivist. She's a Pylantian, a species whose females are writhing masses of tentacles. But don't be fooled by her monstrous appearance - she's actually super nice and just...
  10. Jand Talo

    Mission  I Spy With My Jedi Eye | GA

    WHISPERS OF THE SITH I SPY WITH MY JEDI EYE The end of the Second Great Hyperspace war has brought peace to the Galactic Alliance. Yet, rumors persist of the dark side, as influence and power seemingly grow, in the far southern galaxy. A small team of Jedi, working with an Alliance agent...
  11. Loomi

    Faction  The Deep | Jedi Padawans

    The Deep Coruscant, Level 1022 Sewers Tags: Mago Leomax, Kuzon Lu’ten, Amelia Amadis, Open... The sewers of Coruscant were a location that was far removed from the public consciousness for one reason or another. Perhaps it was simply beyond the comprehension of those living high on the top...
  12. Jand Talo

    Private  Much Ado About Jedi

    JEDI TEMPLE GARDENS The gardens were calming, flora neat and maintained and clearly cared for. Jand found it hard to recall a place similar, which he could say was as filled with life, as the temple gardens. Every tree and plant and flower seemed to bristle with the utmost of growth. It was...
  13. Wyatt Morga

    Death of a Grandmaster

    The air was hot, it burned his lungs, and every ounce of exhaustion layered into every muscle felt like steel in his veins. It was the cuts on his arms, the cuts on his legs, the scar bleeding and burnt up the side of his head. Everything that could disarm his mind tried, from the pain to the...
  14. G

    Character  Jedi Master Goto

  15. Jedi Outcasts

    Jedi Outcasts

    We are a new faction and hoping to use this to assist uncertain force users in the path ahead.
  16. Ihsan Varad

    Approved Lore  The Knights of the Sunlit Temple

    Intent: To further flesh out the Knightly Orders of Ashla. Image Credit: Headers and page dividers by Ingrid L'lerim, symbol made by me. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Sun Guard, Knightly Orders of Ashla, New Imperial Order Organization Name: The Knights of the Sunlit Temple...
  17. Darth Solipsis

    Major Faction Road to Tython: ONLY THE STRONG

    Join the attack on Asog!
  18. Beric Layne

    Private  Wayward Winds

    F R O S T H A L L Frosthall, Vandor The moon shone brightly over the quiet the capital of Vandor as its citizens rested before another hard, cold day of winter began. Guardsmen patrolled the walls, standing next to blazing fires, trying to draw as much heat -- any heat -- as possible to ward...
  19. Romi Jade

    Private  The Quiet Conclave

    Location: Aca's Funnel, Auratera Objective: Establish The Quiet Council ------ This shrouded figured slinked through the metaphysical veil; she stopped just at the tip of the winding stairway. The well of power was a powerful current here, possibly the strongest she'd ever felt tugged by --...
  20. Darth Solipsis

    Bounty  Bring Me Your Jedi

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To inspire fun intrigue on the board and add fluff to the Broadcast from Exegol. To make it more dire for the Jedi. Compensation: 1 Unique Item - Alchemically made by yours truly, 1 Unique State-Of-The-Art Stealth Craft made by myself with all the...
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