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|| Corsucal ||
With the convocation ongoing, I have been given permission to invite Jedi and Lightside affiliated Orders an invitation to build an embassy for their Orders on the Galactic Alliance planet of Coruscul.
It would be a nice way to open up more relations and a place...
Approaching the Deneba Enclave
It was a most oppressive heat which struck the fair-skinned Umbaran on her journey toward redemption. A far cry from the snowy tundra of her home, the drifting dunes of Deneba threatened to engulf her with each step, feet sinking deeper until it took all...
En Route To Ilum
A long journey that was ahead of the duo, Master and apprentice. A cold one at that. The Jedi Master had not been to Ilum in a very long time. He was well aware that it was Iron Empire space, however he would breach that barrier when they came to it. They were not...
Intent: To create another location for the Jedi Order, and to add more places for others to visit with more lore and story that is otherwise tied to Chaos Canon.
Image Credit: Pintrest - Temple
The Jedi Order
Commenor System Alliance
The Jedi Order: Praxeum/Academic Vessel.
Intent: To create a starship for the Jedi Order that will serve as a mobile establishment of training for the reformed Jedi. This vessel is to exhibit the pacifist nature of the Order...
Thoughts stirred in his mind as his meditation stretched on. Impulses, fleeting impressions. Corellia had been liberated, freed from the yoke of the One Sith. And he had turned over the governance to elders who remembered the world as it had once been. Members of the League had been hailed as...
(Not my image, just the basis for it)
The Onyx Nexu is a larger take on the Charger c70 retrofit of the Consular-class Republic Cruiser. It was intended to be a larger due to the needs of the purchaser, a Jedi Seer, as such it was created to have several features not seen in the smaller...
I've begun a thread with a fellow writer chronically the beginnings of the new Republic Jedi Enclave/Academy.
Here's the thread:
Anyone is free to get involved, please read my first post there to familiarize yourself with...
Intent: To expand Sasori's array of stations
Image Source: Exis Station, wookiepedia
Canon Link: Exis Station
Permissions: My Subs
Primary Source: Mobile space stations
Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry
Affiliation: Company Name (Sasori)
They had been betrayed from within by someone they had trusted enough to be their Grandmaster. Barrien had even trusted the man to uphold the ideals of the Jedi Order. But what did they all get for that trust? They got a man who insisted that they disband and join the New Jedi Order...
Obligatory theme
"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is…is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any...
The room was not a large one. It held a simple low table, a silver surface carrying two simple looking closed cases.
On each side of the table two cushions to sit on had been placed. Their green color seemed off to the setting.
Otherwise there was nothing but white walls, white ceiling and white...
The ship touched down on the platform giving of steam with a hissing sound. A few seconds later the space ships ramp lowered itself down to reveal two men following it down to the ground.
Mantic held his robe tight around him to shield himself from the chilly night wind of Kashyyk.
He was...
Open Space (outside Lothal system)
Captain Ricochet stared out from one of the starboard observatory balconies that lined the side hull of the Retribution Class First Order Star Destroyer Vindicator. Her geometric and sleek white captain's First Order Stormtrooper armor was reflected in the...
Anyone who has been following the fortune of the Galactic Republic recently will have seen this coming, but if you haven’t had a chance to read it then here’s the executive summary…
In a story arc that will be played out over the coming months, the Jedi Order have take the loss of so many...
Aboard the Praxeum ship the meditation room held a different atmosphere. Mantic could not help but feel the loss and longing for the hallways of the jedi temple on Ossus. But he also knew that these were just thoughts of the material world. It mattered little in comparison to what was important...
He pressed his steps slightly as he walked through the hallways of the jedi temple on Ossus. This was the heart of his life these days. This was where he found peace at mind, calmness and safety from the darkness that had been surrounding them all for such a long time.
Yet, he felt a sting of...
The Jedi temple on Ossus
The Temple corridors were beginning to feel more vibrant as of late. It brought hope to the many scarred warriors who had remained despite the great bleeding of jedi recent times had carried with it. Perhaps it was the tide of time that constantly shifted. some called...