Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi order

  1. Mantic Dorn

    When is peace a lie? [Gr Jedi Order training]

    The dome of the mediation chamber held a certain air to it by itself and the statues holding watch in the alcoves further increased a sense of mystery to the ancient chamber. The deeds that had been accomplished here traveled the course of the many paintings and sculptures on the walls. Because...
  2. Mantic Dorn

    A master returns...

    The halls of the Jedi temple were slowly regaining some of its former vibrant life. While no way close to the days of old when all force users were drawn into the order recent times had at least maanged to keep a small but solid group of force users in the orders care and because of that the two...
  3. Mantic Dorn

    To climb the rain

    The rain was light on this day. It fell despite very few clouds over the jedi temple on Ossus. Mantic felt the air being refreshed by the water but also acknowledged that to most this also meant a cold. He wraped his robe around him and raised his face letting the drops find his face over and...
  4. Mantic Dorn

    On the jedi order perspective (Open to Jedi Order)

    Scene The Jedi temple on Ossus The lecture room was starting to fill up as Mantic strode in himself. He was not very accustomed to giving lectures but this was part of his duties as a knight of the order and he did feel the need to help wherever he could. He found no pride in being a...
  5. Mantic Dorn

    Health is important

    The morning carried a slight chill to it. The grass still wet and the drops form last nights rain still clinging to the autumn-colored leafs outside. The jedi stood still, his robes closed around him and his hood up covering most of his features. The entrance of the jedi temple on Ossus was...
  6. Mantic Dorn

    There are always two...

    The jedi temple on Ossus. It was home to many jedi of the order. Even though their numbers were dwindling, many lost to ways unsanctioned but still allowed by the order. Such were the state of things at present time and the thought troubled a very stern looking jedi walking through the temple...
  7. Mantic Dorn

    Meeting the shadow

    The great jedi temple on Ossus. It had been some time since last he'd set foot in the inner chambers of the jedi temple on Ossus. Last time he'd been here he had been admitted to the order as a whole. a ritualistic procedure all padawans went through. the temple had at that time been a...
  8. Mantic Dorn

    Jedi gathering?

    Just a thought, but I think the jedi order of the GR should try and organize some sort of get to gather. I dunno - Perhaps the grand master hold a session to empower the minds of all jedi to remain strong in this dark time when force users are disconnecting with the order to the left and right...
  9. Taeli Raaf

    Approved Tech  AI-A01 "Stream" Hacking Platform

    Image: Couldn't find a good one that fit what the submission is Intent: To develop an advanced hacking instrument for the Jedi Order Development Thread: If necessary Manufacturer: Aurora Industries Model: Livewire Armband Affiliation: The Jedi Order Modularity: Memory chips can be switched out...
  10. Taeli Raaf

    Renew What Once Was

    Planet: Ruusan Taeli sighed as she surveyed the ruins of the old Jedi Academy here. The raid by the One Sith upon it had taken its toll and now only a shattered husk was left. Work crews and all sorts of other beings were starting to arrive though. Jedi, officials and soldiers from the...
  11. C

    Approved Tech  The Holocron of Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Image Source: Intent: The discovery of an implied Canon artefact created by the Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi Development Threads...
  12. C

    Shoot the things that don’t move, just to be sure…

    Dxun was the largest of four moons that orbited the Inner Rim world of Onderon – which just happened to be the capital of the Galactic Republic. The mission brief was simple. A group of farmers had bought some indentured servants but refused to pay the agreed price on delivery. As negotiations...
  13. Travot Ravenna

    Approved Tech  Travot Ravenna's Tabard

    (Caption Note: This submission is just the "vest"-like garment and the belt, not the rest of the outfit) Image Source: here Intent: To provide Travot with some protection besides his cloth robes Development Thread: Running Loose in Paradise(acquisition of phrik) Manufacturer: Travot Ravenna /...
  14. Travot Ravenna

    Approved Tech  Travot Ravenna's Lightsaber

    Image Source: here Intent: To flesh out Travot Ravenna's lightsaber Development Thread: If needed Manufacturer: Jedi Master Wurth (originally) / Travot Ravenna (modifications) Model: N / A Affiliation: Travot Ravenna Modularity: None Production: Unique Material: Trimantium hilt, Spunplast grip...
  15. Alyona Volkovna (Алёна)

    Corvus Raaf is going to be MY Master!?

    Alyona finished laying out the last of her clothes on the bed she'd been given at the small Jedi Enclave on Onderon, the more or less "new" capital of the Republic. She glanced down at her handiwork, her clothing all nice and neatly pressed for inspection, should there be one of any kind. Truly...
  16. Travot Ravenna

    Approved Tech  Travot Ravenna's Lanvorok

    Image Source: here Intent: To provide Travot with a ranged weapon / piece of armor Development Thread: Upon the rocks of paradise Manufacturer: Travot Ravenna / Jedi Academy technicians Model: N / A Affiliation: Travot Ravenna Modularity: None Production: Unique Material: Cortosis, durasteel...
  17. Taeli Raaf

    Approved Tech  Jedi "Shade" Robes

    Image Source: (female variant) variant) Intent: To develop next-generation Jedi Shadow...
  18. Vivienne Zambrano

    Vivienne Nevera-Zambrano: The Devil's Daughter

  19. Avalore Eden

    During War One Must Learn On Their Feet [TJO - PM for invite]

    [member="Branimir"] [member="Cadmus Fontaine"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Uri Aureleos"] [member="Oukaze Ryuu"] [member="Krafurk Maris"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Adele Adonai"] Commenor Chasin City Hospital It had been two weeks since Avalore left this place immediately...
  20. Dessh Ekwesh

    The Party Crashers [PM to join]

    Location and time: The Jedi Academy on Ossus, the middle of the night. Diego Ticon, former gang member turned Jedi padawan had only meant to sneak out of the Academy for a few nights at the most, and simply to get a break from the suffocating atmosphere of the place and have a little fun. He'd...
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