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Hey there, just fired up this character, and I'd like to do a little skirmish with some pirate or Sith navy characters. Nothing major just some starfigher combat, with one of us forcing the other to retreat
Who we are:
Ke'Cholo's crew (duh)
Where we are:
Ke'Cholo's crew currently resides on Tek-1
Other locations:
None, none in the works
Qualifications to join:
To get high rank: Be a master of some sort of field, and be wiling to take orders.
Low rank: be willing to do grunt work and get me...
Unknown Space
Major Plot - Act I
The void of space was her domain, darkling womb, dank and clandestine. It was where The Awoken walked and survived, depths she would retreat to in her time of solitude. When she closed her eyes and lifted chin, the dense emptiness could be mistaken for a...
Location: Outer Rim
Members: Chi'Yun Xhao'li, Thalia Kaia
Cruising along the outer rim was a corvette ship, no more peculiar than the rest, only unalike the rest this one carried dangerous and equally precious cargo. The person responsible for this cargo's shipment was none other than...
The Brethren Court is at your service.
If you are a faction looking to hire pirates or smugglers feel free to contact us.
If you want to RP being attacked by PC pirates or robbed by PC smugglers/ chasing them.
You can either post here or PM myself or [member="James Justice"] with jobs and we...
[member="Mishka Tu'ru"]
[member="Jartani Ponds"]
P.R.I.M.U.S. sat at a table in the back of the bar. Droids tended not to be welcome in such establishments, since they tended to only take up space and not drink or eat anything and had little desire for "companionship" PRIMUS, however had money...
I have a few different things that need a dev thread and I see this as an opportunity to generate some RP. A list of what needs to be done:
Passive stealth for the revised TM808 Terminus Starfighter
Image Source:
Manufacturer: MandalMotors in cooperation with MandalTech
Model: Tu5k-Class Assault Corvette
Modularity: Difficult, but possible
Production: Limited
Tier III and up Company Security Fleets that have done a contract thread and or...
Incom Corporation Local Office
City of Elroodeen
0830hrs Local Time
In the wake of Eriadu, and the slow but steady, ongoing recovery thereof, business marched on in much the same manner as time itself, waiting for no-one. In receiving the corporation from Lessa, Perris had received all...
Trade Station Three One One Nine Eight, or as it was affectionately called by many; The Boot.
The Boot, as it was named by so many smugglers, merchants, and freighter operators was a space station that had been around since the days of the Old Republic. The station had originally been built as...
Name: The Sons
Intent: To further document the development of a Unit that is close to my heart
Affiliation: Themselves
Availability: Unique
Quality: A
Type: Special Forces
Strength: 213
The Sons were once part of Titan Industries Elite Special forces unit called the Sons of...
It was supposed to be an easy job but nothing is ever easy when you're a spy.
Sinistra has gone undercover as her civilian alias, Kuati merchant Kira Corsai, in order to secure an experimental prototype of a new drive system for a small fighter. So far so good. She just has to escort it to...
Location: Club Tranquility, Balosar
"C'mere Bellatrix, I have a job for you," said Mot from his normal table, swerving his antennapalps in her direction before the rest of him turned to face her. Without missing a beat, he...
The faint wheeze of the airlock doors was a mere whisper against the uproar that awaited beyond. The wily patrons of the lone port were well-used to their revelry. A den it was to every manner of smuggler, scoundrel, scavenger, runaway and well-mannered pirate as was allowed by the newly...
unlucky streak again for the cyborg captain.
The festering scumhole that was Nal Hutta was just the same as the good captain had remembered: a breeding swamp of villainy, deceit and unrest. How fortunate was it, finding herself there again among the rabble that submitted to Hutt rule? Xyl...
She coughed.
Pain spiked through her stomach, and she felt red trickle down the side of her mouth. Her eyes shut in pain, and her entire body shook as she felt pure agony pouring through her. Hands clutched across her stomach, bright red covering both of them.
Silver and black garments lay...
Her hand tightened at her side.
The room smelled of smoke, unwashed bodies, and a stench that could only a a mix of bantha poodoo and well cooked nerf steaks. Her nose was permanently crinkled and the hair on the back of her neck stood up like razors. Her eyes were half hidden by heavy lids...
What now?
What should she do?
Train? There was only so much of that she could do. The lightsabers on her side burned slightly, itching to be used in combat, itching to cut and kill. Her hands curled, fingers grazing against her own palm. She didn't know what to do with herself. The past few...
This is a gambling den and it does have guards, the location is unknown as only specific shuttles will allow access to the station and it's location. Feel free to join.
Scattered throughout the seedy dens and other areas of the galaxy there have been sent a Jackals, not the canine kind...
So I've come up with the little plot to get Black Sun out with the galactic community.
There's an old Fortress on Ruusan called Fort Nowhere. It got wrecked up back in the day but 800 or so years is a long time. Long enough for it to have been re-purposed and maybe fixed up a bit. If you've...