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This is the Black Suns space oriented mission board. Here you can find missions that cater to pirates, pilots, spacefarers, etc. The missions are self explanatory and list the objectives, difficulty, rewards, bonus parameters, and bonus rewards (where applicable) for mission completion. These...
[member="Micheal"] [member="Faye Terrik"] [member="Valiah Narati"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
Location: Ord Mantell
Objective: Find a crew, steal a ship, hightail.
Ord Mantell. A world known for its ships; home of the Blockade Runners' Derby and amongst the most famous breeding grounds for...
[member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Juliette Molière"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Leea Pandac"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kharen Promethien"] [member="Mirta Kar"]
It was truly an incredible sight to behold!
out in empty space where no one should bother traveling, a number of...
[member="Ana Saraya"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Slate Estrada"]
With the Republic Military completely reorganized into different assault groups, Camellia felt rather flattered and honored she had some been selected and put into the position of commanding officer for the 1st Assault...
I've noticed that a whole bunch of threads I've been in have either died, finished, or just screwed with my brain so much I leapt off of them like the Lone Ranger jumping off a burning train.
Pick one of my alts, and maybe tell me what you want. I'm also using this as an excuse to dust off...
So I could use a few faction tags. These are only to be used by people in my faction upon attaining a certain rank.
I need these all to be in a more times new roman type font
1. Words- Pirate King. Background- Gold Coins
2. Words- Pirate Lord. Background- Skulls
3. Words- Raider...
Good afternoon folks!
Now that I've actually gotten the ball rolling on Curtain Call's starting plot, I'd like to make this thread to simultaneously invite any remaining mercs/scoundrels/smugglers/etc. who might want to work with a questionably sane team of hired guns to come check us out, and...
[[ Pirates and Death Watch only, please. If you're one of those two, but not tagged below, you are still free to join. ]]
@[member="Fayde"] | @[member="Gobar Nass"] | @[member="Asari Morin"] | @[member="Xar Barka"] | @[member="Kelsey Shadow"] | @[member="Ironwolf"] | @RC 212 | @[member="Jack...
Remember that pilot's club I was talking about? Well I made the thread! Here:
and this is the OOC!!
Remember guys, its public Pilots and pirates are just the regulars ;P
The Azure. Once a drifting Super Star Destroyer on the fringes of the Outer Rim, The Azure was now a haven for pilots and pirates from around the galaxy. It was a bar of sorts, a place to rest a weary head or restock on vital supplies. The Chiss couple that found the space station were probably...
Hello there, I'm looking for some gritty mercenaries to assist in a mission of utmost importance. Mandalorians, Republic Soldiers, Sith Warriors, and other Soldiers of Nations need not apply. We are only looking for the nation-less bounty hunters, pirates, and security forces. Objectives include...