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Blue Haven Space Station
Collecting blue-collar traffic from the inner-rim made Blue Haven a veritable luxury destination. It's designation primarily mercantile, merchants, high-end shopping for the well-to-do's. This is where one went to get the latest in fashion from...
Brooklyn needed a source of income and she finally came up with one. She would sit in the cockpit of The Princess Angel She would gaze out into the infinite abyss that was space, she thought of what could be easy money. She thought and thought and then it hit her. She could pirate other ships...
[member="Taheera Sollo"]
Val walked through the emptied out streets of a backwater village, an unconscious woman sprawled in his arms, three dead men lying in the alleys behind him. There was blood steadily dripping down her forehead, cuts on her forearms, bruises splashed across her alabaster...
(OOC: Causstik is not in the thread yet. For now just get acquainted aboard the refugee ship. You will be enslaved shortly)
The S.S. Broken Bow sailed through hyperspace, it's destination, Galactic Alliance territory. The Captain had begun making a killing off the Refugees fleeing the fallout...
Name: Bone City
"Live for the gods, kill for the gods, die for the gods,"
Image Source:
Classification: Metropolis
Location: Mugg Fallow
Affiliation: Causstik Rahn
Population: Metropolis...
[Asteroid Z5, Orbiting Geonosis]
Werah sat in the control of his personal starfighter, checking the display by his shoulder. 6 Pirate Fighters, closing in on him. Werah flicked the controls, and flipped the ship, firing at the pirates while doing so. 2 of the closer ships exploded in a gulf of...
"Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates." -Mark Twain
Criminal Organization Name:
The Crimson Resurgent
Pirate Crew
Chaotic Neutral
Pirating- ships and goods. Smuggling...
Hoist the Colours
Saede is aiming to start pirating again in earnest, but she needs a ship to start that's better than the pleasure yacht she already stole from Sicarii's estate. She also, needs a crew. Hoist the Colours is the first thread of a long series of pirating adventures across the...
Hoist the Colours
Only the very rich or the very scary could live on Vjun and thrive. The dark, cold rock was redolent with the dark side. Very little food grew there, making everything necessary to run a household very costly to ship in. It was a historical haven for rich Sith, and the owner...
Name: Stiletto “Sect Slashers”
Intent: NPC group to add depth to “The Kathol Outback”
Affiliation: All, this is an NPC group playable by anyone.
Availability: Common
Quality: D - Untrained
Type: Pirates
Strength: Depends on the size of the ship they crew. Their strength can vary from as few as...
Name: Stiletto's “Sect Slashers”
Intent: NPC group to add depth to “The Kathol Outback”
Affiliation: All, this is an NPC group playable by anyone.
Availability: Common
Quality:D - Untrained
Type: Pirates
Strength: Depends on the size of the ship they crew. Their strength can vary from as few as...
The Underworld is not a government. It is not an organization, syndicate, or any structured group. There is no one leader of the Underworld, there is no ruling council, and there is no one goal or vision, save survival.
The Underworld is a loose affiliation of criminals, scoundrels, scum, and...
Location: Just South of Nal Hutta
Jackdaw station. It was a major thorn in her side. The problem with Jackdaw was that it was a haven for Pirates. Pirates Hala could stomach but these ones were of the savage variety. They'd been responsible for so many dropped shipments and lost runs she...
Ardgal Raxis pulled his Matrix armor breast plate tight before dawning his helmet. Tonight would be his first raid as the Commander of the Raxis Alpha Company. The aliit here were strong, the faith they had in him was enough to fill his sails--and still enough to make him doubt if it was well...
So I’ve been missing having an oddball character doing fun and non-faction things.
So, time for pirates! :D
My aim is to recruit a group of writers to join in a pirate crew. The idea is that we’ll start out small, gather tech and eventually sub a bigger ship for us to use.
We have the Flying...
Royal Palace
Taeli sat in the conference room she had commandeered from Solan in his palace on Kesh, her foot tapping as she read over her datapad. The disbelief she felt at the fact that ten kilometers of ships from the Galactic Republic had been stolen was bad enough, but to hear that...
[member="Agent Darkstar"] [member="Erran Lanith"] [member="Symara Tarriq"] [member="Nom Gunnar"] [member="Caelag Vass"]
The stars blurring past the viewport slowly faded away as the Republic Frigate gradually dropped from Hyperspace over a seemingly serene looking world. However, in reality the...
[member="Nick Sept"] has started a thread expressing to me his interest in saving the planet Cartao. I love this idea. I'd love even more if I could use my position as Chancellor to draw on some of our resources to help him. Army? Navy? Jedi? Unaffiliated people with access to large-scale...