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Intent: To create a unique shield for Hawthorn that will serve as both an important character element as well as a battle item
Image Source: Tim Paauwe
Restricted Missions: Scrapping Krag's Prosthetic Leg
Primary Source: Krag's...
Intent: A shield and symbol of status for the Knight-Captains of Zakuul and to expand upon the canon item.
Image Source: Artstation, Elliot Sharp.
Development Thread: If Necessary.
Manufacturer: Valkori Technologies
Model: N/A
Image Source:
Intent: Create a unique shield system for Gallofree Yards inc
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Gallofree Yards Inc
Model: GR- MWA - Wedge Shielding System
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass produced
Image Source: Here
Intent: To create a Shield for Clan Ordo's Rank and File
Development Thread:
As needed
Manufacturer: Mandalorian Clans
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: Clan Ordo
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass
Material: Mandalorian Steel...
Image Source: Here
Intent: To provide a shield to be used in combat and riots
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: WESTAR
Model: N/A
Affiliation: WESTAR, RID, Raxian Empire
Modularity: Limited- 2 variants
Production: Minor production
Image Source: N/A
Intent: A specialized alternative to standard deflector shields
Development Thread: if necessary
Manufacturer: Limited Armaments
Model: Vector 4
Affiliation: open market
Modularity: no
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel and deflector shield components
Strengths: Low power...
Image Source: N/A
Intent: A specialized alternative to standard deflector shields
Development Thread: if necessary
Manufacturer: Limited Armaments (
Model: Vector 4
Affiliation: open market
Modularity: no
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel...
Intent: As a blunt weapon and means of personal protection.
Development Thread: (If necessary)
Manufacturer: Thresco Jorr
Model: Tyatr'Aran (dubbed "Triskelion")
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
- Carbonized Mandalorian Iron Core
- Ultrachrome Exterior
Praesidium-class Shield
Image Source: [x]
Intent: A personal shield for my character and her affiliates; major project development for future tier advancement
Development Thread:
Project Praesidium
Manufacturer: Chandrila DataTech
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Order of the Sith Lords...
Image Source: Halo
Intent: A set of personal tools for the people of Hellyni to use in battle though mainly used by the Makrosian's. Along with creating a lightsaber variant that I though should've already been created.
Development Thread: Here
Manufacturer: Hellyni (Kingdom of Makrosia)
Image Source: Link
Intent: To create a personal forearm shield for Barrien to use in fighting in ways reminiscent of that which is done on his homeworld.
Development Thread: A Visit to Alderaan
Manufacturer: Barrien Siegfried
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Barrien Siegfried
Modularity: No
Image Source: Here
Intent: A mass produced personal energy shield distributed by Aurora Industries to provide protection against the 2 main causes of damage.
Development Thread: If Needed
Manufacturer: Orphen Sathariel // Aurora Industries
Model: Æ pattern personal shield Generator.
Howdy! I've had this idea in my backpocket for a long time, and with some time jumps and character changes, the time is now!
Name: Asylum
Age: February 25th, 2015
Purpose: Be the Refuge, the Sanctuary, the Shelter. Build up the Wall, defend with the Shield, wrap the galaxy in the arms of...
Image Source: Found here
Intent: To create a basic combat/riot shield for Black Sun soldiers.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing
Model: CS-01
Affiliation: Black Suns, limited market
Modularity: Can be painted or use customized grips.
Production: Mass-Produced.
Image Credit: Mass Effect
Intent: To create a new generation of personal body armor for sale on the open market.
Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Hyperion Combat Armor
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Limited
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel...