Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tan'yill Vizsla

    Smugglers and other outlaws

    I've been slowly thinking about getting Tan into some sort of loose connected smugglers or other outlaw group, not too big and not too tight as I want it to fit with her torned background and personality as mostly a lone-wolf. It might be a challenge but I realy want her more active than she is...
  2. RC 212

    The Great Salvage Op

    Void Station Outer Stars Cantina Another day another cred. Cept cred were running low for Danni and Drake, whom had been on the outs after screwing up their last job with a local crime-boss. Who it was wasn't the issue. His biggest concern was 500 meters of Jast Reclaimer 1, and just about no...
  3. R

    Rook Lokar

    Aspiration is the strongest of convictions. GENERAL INFORMATION _______________________________________________________________________ Name: Rook Lokar Alias(es): N/A Rank: Smuggler Age: 22 GSY Homeworld: Corellia Citizenship: N/A Affiliation: Independent Occupation: Smuggler Force...
  4. V

    Velana Accendo

    Social Information Name: Velana Kherist Divina Accendo Homeworld: Soterios (Melantha Province, Tapani Sector) Current Locale: Aboard her ship, Luxury's Gambit Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Female Marital Status: Single Force Sensitive: No Physical Information Species: Human Sex: Female Age...
  5. Jack Australis

    Jack Australis

    NAME Jack Australis FACTION: Mandalorian Empire RANK: No rank SPECIES: Human AGE: 27 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 180cm WEIGHT: 80 kgs EYES: Hazel brown HAIR: Dark brown, slicked back, short back and sides SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (Unaware) Abilities : Very basic Force sense Very...
  6. Jax Vandal

    Jax Vandal

    Jax Vandal NAME: Jax Vandal FACTION: Deadzone Raiders RANK: Kingpin SPECIES: Human AGE: 23 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'2 WEIGHT: 180 EYES: Amber HAIR: Black SKIN: Light Brown FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  7. Kait Holden

    Kait Holden

    Theme Basics Name: Kait Holden Faction: None Rank: Outlaw Species: Human (Coruscanti) Age: 25 Sex: Female Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m) Weight: ~140 lbs (63.5 kg) Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Skin: White Force Sensitive: Yep Strengths and...
  8. C

    Illeana Croft

    BASIC INFORMATION Name: Illeana Croft Faction: None Occupation: Smuggler Species: Human Sex: Female Age: 26 Height: 5ft 7in Weight: 131lbs Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Red Force Sensitive: Yes Voice & Playby: Catherine Bérubé (voice) | Élise de la Serre (fictional playby) STRENGTHS AND...
  9. Lief

    Adiara Drelas

    Adiara Drelas, Cynical Optimist ♫ ♪ "Don't pretend you know me, Sweetheart" BASIC INFORMATION Name: I was born Adiara Drelas, and no... Adi will not do. Alias: Adiara will do just fine, thank you. Alignment: The human condition is simply too complicated for me to fit into such classifications...
  10. Adilene Gallier

    Adilene Gallier

    Adilene Gallier Name: Adilene Ellis Gallier Faction: Republic Remnant Rank: Republic Remnant Senator of Makeb Species: Human Age: 31 Sex: Female Height: 5'9 | 1.75 m Weight: 148 lbs | 67 kg Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: Pale Force Sensitivity: No Strengths √ Adaptable: Adilene is a very...
  11. Nicholas Covosi

    He Who Wanders In The Shadow Of The Dead

    It was a dark night on Coruscant, not that any could see it given the constant bombardment of neon- none save for Nicholas. He didn't see the neon or the people, nor listen to the bombardment of advertisements and solicitations; all he could see, hear and feel was the looming darkness. He could...
  12. Tan'yill Vizsla


    NAME: Tan'yill ALIAS: Tan, Blue FACTION: The Black Fleet RANK: Warrior, bounty hunter, former smuggler and mechanic SPECIES: Twi'lek (rutian) AGE: 32 GSY SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5' 9''/1.76 m WEIGHT: Athletic EYES: Hazel, able to shift in an intense green-yellowish color SKIN: Blue...
  13. Myrian Zara

    Myrian Zara

    NAME: Myrian Zara FACTION: None RANK: None SPECIES: Human (Genetically enhanced) AGE: 27 ACCENTED: Loose-Imperial (Equivalent to Australian) SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5 feet 6 inches (167.64 cm) WEIGHT: 91 lbs. EYES: Aqua HAIR: White, straight SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE (?)...
  14. Alistair Fenn

    Alistair Fenn

    SPECIES: Human AGE: 25 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.91m EYES: Hazel, Red HAIR: Black SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: No. [+]Scoundrel: Alistair is a scoundrel through and through, and his skillset reflects that. He's not particularly booksmart, he's not really a soldier, and he's by no means as wise as a...
  15. Kurt Meyer

    Approved NPC  Alistair Fenn

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub Kurt's old friend ​Image Credit: Valentina Remenar Role: Kurt's Friend, Smuggler, Scumbag Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 25 Force Sensitivity: N/A Species: Human Appearance: Though many would consider Alistair to be traditionally 'handsome'...
  16. Lyla Quinn

    Captain Lyla Quinn

    Official Name: Rylana Tualin Earned Titles: Captain; Thorn of the Outer Rim; Liberator Alias / / Preferred / / Known Name: Lyla Quinn Homeworld: Ryloth Faction:(Formerly CIS) Occupation / / Job / / Profession: + Captain of a YZ-775 smuggling vessel known as 'The Areta' + (Former) Viceroy of...
  17. Gaen Rhade

    Gaen Rhade

    NAME: Gaen Kell Rhade FACTION: Freelance Spacer RANK: Ruggedly handsome badass SPECIES: Human (Corellian) HOME: Corellia LANGUAGES: Basic, Huttese, Ryl, Binary {Scottish Accent} VOICE: Sample AGE: 29 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 200lbs BODY: Athletic and muscular EYES: Dark Blue HAIR...
  18. Rankar Gorio

    Rankar Gorio

    NAME: Rankar Gorio FACTION: No Affiliation RANK: Smuggler/ 'Antique' trader SPECIES: Neimodian AGE: 62 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: 126 Lbs. EYES: Red HAIR: N/A SKIN: Green FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  19. Ponyoblue

    Looking for a crew of Vigilantes, Smugglers and Smillilar things

    Hello maties, I be lookin' for some crew members for... less than legal buisness. We ain't evil, but we be runnin' from the law. We'll sell you the ilegal goods, but good luck getin' us to assasinate an honest senetor. We'll help stop yer town being torn to peices by monsters. Money, people...
  20. Tin'tinag

    Jedi or smuggler rp, I don't care which

    Any one interesting in rping with a former Ren who has just escaped the FO and now has no place to really go?
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