Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Diarch Reign

    LFG  Some more small scale stuff

    Reign has been in A LOT of big stuff lately, I’m hoping to supplement that with more personal stories. Get some more nitty gritty in with him. He’s open to pretty much anything. Fight Jedi? Fight Sith? Work with either?? High society event? All the things. Let’s write!
  2. Alana Calloway

    LFG  Looking for Force Training/ Force Stuff

    I'm just looking for people who are interested in training or going over basic information on the force. Long story short, Alana needs a bit more practice with the Force before she can start using it, so learning and dabbling with it would be great! She has some internal things to work through...
  3. Lycus Merita

    Work In Progress  GA-Related Workshop and Other Stuff

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Task Force for Fleet Captain Spruance Image Credit: N/A Permissions: Republic Engineering War Manifest Links: The Galactic Alliance GADF Operation Shadow Hand Hope Never Dies Isoroku Spruance GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Task Force...
  4. Tirin Raene

    Discussion  Jedi Academy / Jedi Schools

    I'm in the process of reworking my Jedi Academy concept to transform it into a more open-ended educational network. The goal is to create a collaborative and accessible system for training and knowledge-sharing across the galaxy, rather than focusing on a single centralized location. To that...
  5. Ova Ziss

    Work In Progress  UTA Black Projects Thread [Pre-Codex and Pre-Factory Stuff]

  6. Bellum Spiritus

    Approved Starship  'Planet Carver' Structor-Class Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a planet carving and dueling destroyer. Image Source: Source | Source | Source | Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Legio Fortitudinis Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Legio Fortitudinis Armory Naval Division Affiliation...
  7. Sorrel

    Testing stuff

    YOUR CHARACTER NAME Theme knowledge Full Name TBD Alias(es) TBD Character Class(es) TBD Homeworld TBD Age TBD Personality Traits TBD Education Traits TBD Lifestyle Traits TBD Rank(s) TBD Faction(s) TBD Species TBD Language(s) TBD Gender TBD Force...
  8. Kiwa Kiles

    Work In Progress  WIP stuff

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An easy to use map that you have right at your fingertips! Image Source: and Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  9. Judah Lesan

    Artist  Dizzy's Stuff and Things

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut. Morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed. Rhoncus mattis...
  10. Kaaba and Mi

    First Reply  Totally Legal Stuff for Sale

    Location: Phaseera A strange mass of sand darted through the trees with as an angry Rodian tried to catch it. Sand however wasn't easy to keep a grip of, and just seemed to flow out of reach every time. She just couldn't catch the blasted thief.... Well technically thieves. but no way she'd...
  11. Magic.

    LFG  Lookin for Stuff for Various OCs

    Sup. While I’m knocking out replies to threads, I figured I’d see what interest looked like for new ones. These are my boys and the bare minimum of what their deals are. Valerian Calore - Mandalorian Kalon Sal - Recently unfrozen Jedi Knight Kellan Gray - Mute Sith Acolyte I’m open for...
  12. Elise of House Marr

    Casual sith knight looking for casual sith stuff.

    Elise is a member of the House of Marr. And likely the least ambitious of the lot. She finds all their politics and philosophy to be not only boring for her, but doesn't even see it as a way of the dark side. Not necessarily opposed, but not inherently it's way at least. But, as she lacks any...
  13. Uriel Rykard

    LFG  New Character Connections and Threads

    Hey there! I’m looking to get Uriel up and running and do some threads for him. Rivals, friends, foes, teachers, it doesn’t really matter, I’m just looking to write some cool stories. Uriel isn’t terribly ambitious as far as Sith go, so he could probably slot into a Maul under Sidious type role...
  14. Orson Thorm

    LFG  Foundational Stuff (general thread stuff)

    I'm just looking to give my generic muscle some RP before I chuck him into a bigger adventure. Any sort of thread will do; he's a mercenary with pretty much no real scruples doing anything so long as it pays, so if you want to be the one paying or the one he's being paid to go after, we can work...
  15. Gatz Derrevar

    LFG  Looking for Jedi Stuff... Again

    Looking for more Jedi Interactions on Gatz. Padawan in his mid-twenties, used to be a smuggler, struggling with most aspects of his training. Looking for Knights and Masters to lend him a hand with his struggles. Interactions with other Padawans are also welcome. Mission ideas wouldn't be...
  16. Kahlil Noble

    Div Stuff

    Katarine Ryiah Full Name Katarine Alysabeth Ryiah Pronunciation Kat-Ah-Ren | |R-Eye-Ah Alias Kat Age Young Adult Rank Jedi Master Faction New Jedi Order / Jakku Jedi Enclave Birthplace Aviprine Species Human Gender Female Force Sensitive...
  17. Ali Kare

    Work In Progress  Testing random stuff

    Fleet Composition: LEAD SHIP: The Equalizer Frigates: Springer Bastion Electric Punisher Hidden Glory Cruisers: Ravager Menace Destroyers: All-Vision Disciple Cloudburst Gladiator Civil Brute Avenger Serpent Thunderbolt M'haeli's Defender Aurora Carriers: Swarm Queen...
  18. Saria Rae

    LFG  Jedi stuff

    Been getting into the swing of things here with Saria, getting a handle on her over analytical personality and all, so I wanna get her interacting with fellow Jedi and stuff. Peers, rivals, mentors, that sorta thing. So yeah, idk, that's my pitch or whatever.
  19. Zori Kapshan

    Catalog  Ask me if you want my stuff

    Zori's one stop pop shop only Droids may apply i actually hate organics for real And shards too if you a rock boi
  20. G

    WIP Stuff

    Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic') Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: (Please link the canon link...
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