Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Taji Nelson II

    Work In Progress  Taji's Stuff

    Intent: To submit armor that will be used by Taji for cloned soldiers. Image Source: Canon Link: Duraplast Duranex Leather Mandalorian Vambraces Permissions: Primary Source: Duraplast Duranex Leather Mandalorian...
  2. Taji Nelson II

    Work In Progress  Taji's Stuff

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a standard Medium Armor Image Source: N/A, No image Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Medium Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Salus Corporation Affiliation: Salus Corporation Market Status: Open-Market Model: LM-103 Trooper...
  3. Jay Williams

    Work In Progress  Jay's Stuff

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To upgrade the Sasori Field Pistol. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Sasori Field Pistol. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Closed Market Model: Sasori - Field Pistol MK II Modularity...
  4. Darth Strosius

    Discussion  Hive Minds/Weird Alien Stuff

    Okay, I have been replaying Starcraft 2 in my spare time and I'm currently knee-deep in Heart of the Swarm. And, obviously me being the edge lord that I am, I really love a good hive mind/creepy species that's a little too sentient to be as beastly as it is. So I decided to drop this here and...
  5. Amani Serys

    LFG  More Threads - Adventures, Jedi stuff, etc.

    Heya, I'm back on the hunt for more stuff to do. Last time I posted an LFG, Amani was pregante so I had to nix the more danger-filled plot lines for the sake of being a responsible fictional parent. But, those kids have since been born, meaning adventure is back on the menu. So if any of you...
  6. W

    Work In Progress  William's Stuff

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To creature the Neural Control System William uses. Image Source: Midjourney Canon Link: Permissions: Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: William Tyris Affiliation: William Tyris Market Status: Closed Market Model: (Example...
  7. Taji Nelson II

    Taji's WIP Stuff

    Intent: Create the vehicle Taji will use for his return to Denon and fight against Corpos. Image Source: Here Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.) Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions...
  8. Darth Vyle

    LFG  Witchy Stuff

    Looking for a fellow Sith or a dark-side aligned witch character to seek out some arcane secrets. Thinking about setting it on Dromund Kaas as Darth Vyle hunts down the secrets of the Force-walking ritual. Might become part of a series of threads where she also ventures to Voss to seek out the...
  9. Cale Gunderson

    LFG  Friends, Foes, the Works

    Figured Cale should make some more connections, and write some cool stories. He's a Jedi Master (reluctantly) and tends to float around wherever but he's firmly GA-aligned. I'd love to do some writing with other GA and Jedi types but I'm down for whatever.
  10. Maran

    LFG  Padawan Stuff And Adventurers. Which is really just hanging around.

    I've made another Padawan, but the goal with this one is to get some light hearted Jedi Padawan adventures and such. Been a lot of doom and gloom with Iris given all the things she went through, so why not? Hang outs at the Temple, touring some other temples, generally not getting into too much...
  11. Jasper Kai'el

    Artist  Banners and stuff

    Made a whole bunch of banners to use as the headers for my various threads, so I figured I'd catalogue them here for all of you lovely people to take advantage of as well. So yeah, enjoy or whatever. Peace. BANNERS:
  12. Jake Ateris

      Jake's Stuff

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create the signature weapon of Jake, as he adapts to the modern era. Image Source: Here Canon Link: Force Weapon Permissions: Primary Source: Force Weapon Jal'Shey Techniques PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jake Ateris Affiliation: Jake...
  13. Dezik Agorr

    Templates 'n Stuff

    Kizar Okins Factory Templates Okins Industries - GPL 2307
  14. Taji Nelson II

    Work In Progress  Taji's Stuff

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create some backup for Taji when he starts to bother Corpos. Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each...
  15. Surea

    LFG  Become The Rot Queen And Sith Stuff

    Same deal, really. Surea here is all about that Rot, if that wasn't obvious. And she's a Sith with aspirations to grow and get stronger on her own, as well as make herself a powerbase and such. Classic Sith stuff. Lookin for folks interested in that kinda stuff. Rivals, potential followers...
  16. Braxton Holst


    Logos: By me Headers: Credit to Avelion Dividers: Credit to Avelion and Ingrid L'lerim Flair: Credit to Avelion Banners: Credit to Avelion General template:
  17. Vrahni Suncatcher

    Looking For Jedi to Do Jedi Stuff

    As the title says, I'm looking for Jedi interactions. Could be anything from master/apprentice training to meeting other padawans. Or an adventure, I like those.
  18. Krae

    LFG  Fractured mind needs stuff

    So this was Nexus Krae. For a number of reasons, nerfing, and avoiding a person of his rank, among them, I got some help to get Nexus's mind fractured and his connection to the force weakened/screwed up a bit. His Vo (that does his shapeshifting) is much stronger, but his actual connection...
  19. R

    LFG  Jedi looking for Jedi stuff (or maybe something else)

    Hello Chaos, I humbly request threads for my new Jedi Padawan character. Rhys is a kid who has only just ascended to his padawanship. He is currently without a master, though I'm not sure I'll do anything about that just yet. I'm mostly looking to start with light and easy RP like private...
  20. Kyrel Ren

    LFG  Bad guy seeking Bad Guy stuff!

    Hello there! Been a while since I had Kyrel do other things outside of the SGHW. In the mood to seek out more enemies, and of course stir up more trouble. Hell, could even gain more allies or unexpected friends or anything. Who knows possibilities are endless I think! Kyrel as you all know is...
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