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Planet: Taanab Grid coordinates: O-8 City: Pandath (Capital of Taanab) Location: The Iba cantina
She sat at a corner table with a large ice bag on her head, nestled between her horns, a reminder of the fun she had, had the night before. A night she couldn't remember for the life of her...
I'm currently looking for existing NFUs or perhaps newly created or soon-to-be-created NFUs to serve in the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order, which is the current indoctrination service, secret police, and the organization that creates and spreads propaganda within the Empire...
The Primeval and the Shadow Dynasty will be fighting over control of Helska. The world in question is unclaimed and we have the unique opportunity -- per OOC agreement -- to set up terms and plan an invasion where we both attempt to take the world.
Feel free to make a new character or join...
So, remember how Mr. Ash died on Barab and merged with an AI?
Well, I'm the product of that merger. Same Player, new identity. Now, if people dont' mind the "new" me staying on as Vigo, I'm down. However, if you want someone else to step in IC (I'll still do the OOC leadership stuff), I fully...
Image Source: minimally photoshopped by myself to sponsor the Dragon Palace logo instead of theirs.
Intent: Expensive cigarettes for all to smoke. Especially directed at the visitors of The Dragon Palace.
Development Thread: None...