Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jerec Asyr

    Question  SURVEY - Which of the new Star Wars stuff have you watched?

    There's a TON of new Star Wars thingies on Disney+, and I'm wondering which ones attract how much viewership among this eminent sample of Star Wars fans.
  2. D

    Request  Anyone want to make Sprite Cranberry themed stuff?

    Title explains it all. I need some help in making stuff like Sprite Cranberry art and such such as avatars, signatures, divs, and anything else you can think of! Let's get into the holiday spirit!
  3. Yaha-Kui ZaShunina Kitsune

    Question  BB-coding about oc background stuff

    is there a way to add more background information about such as (Appearance, Skills, Role) where you can click on it each of them leading to a different page?
  4. Connie Copal

    First Reply  You Can't Fix Boredom

    Location: Copal Repair Yard, Coronet City Connie do this. Connie do that. Connie, fly to Coruscant and bring me back the Chancellor's riches. Connie Copal was officially fed up. Stuck outside, tending to a busted speeder bike that someone had dropped off earlier that day. Her folks had...
  5. Jayce Pryde

    testing art stuff

    O B J E C T I V E Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Dui id ornare arcu odio ut sem nulla. Ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean et tortor at. Lacus vel facilisis volutpat est. Dignissim enim sit amet...
  6. Kitter Bitters

    Interest Check: Hapans, Force Academies and Crime Oh My!

    I’ve got a bit of time and wanted to put it to use with a series of stories. Could be a minor faction or a campaign. Idea # 1 Hapan Stories - The last faction left off with the queens death due to illness. We could build a new monarchy and build out some of the worlds in the Hapes Cluster...
  7. Desmundor Alcademon

    Request  Setting up a Faction Page... among other stuff...

    Ok, here it goes :( I have been working on the BB codes to set up the page for my faction as well as a faction-specific-ish template for posting. As anyone's guess can be, this endeavour went as south as Antarctica. Although I can get around with art and stuff, I am really REEEEALLY terrible in...
  8. L

    Crown of Sorrow | Nominations!

    Something that hasn't been done in a while, but for some of the Old School folks they may remember the OS handing out tags like "Best Ally" and "Best Duel" and that hasn't been a thing I've seen in a while. OS did "Best Whale" and "Most Evil" at one point, which were fun even though they were a...
  9. Ria Misrani

    Tarriq's Tow Yard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Resubmit Halifax's Howlers on modern codex templates and bring them up to date for the CIS. Image Credit: N/A Role: Light Infantry / Recon Squad Links: Halifax's Howlers GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Halifax's Howlers Affiliation: Symara Tarriq, Lavali...
  10. Gaia Sunaris Cadera

    Cassicake Labs

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a place of educational learning for young adults in the Mandalorian Empire. Also, to create dynamic RP with research, potential jobs for player characters, etc. Image Credit: Image 1 (William Koh), Image 2 (Jiangnan Photography and Jonathan...
  11. Huxy

    Of Narshadda Days

    [member="Xiarr Sair"] Of Narshadda Days Large swaths of rain fell from the thick grey clouds circling above, dumping pounds upon pounds of rain onto the unsuspecting city below. The thick rain splattered onto the metal rooftops below, before slipping off and falling onto either metal...
  12. Zef Halo

    BOUNTY: Information on 'The Butcher of Mirial'

  13. Darth Carnifex

    Wrong Place, Wrong Time

    Hutt Space Nar Shaddaa It wasn't often that the Dark Lord of the Sith sullied himself by mingling amidst the rabble and dregs of society, but recent events had driven him to take drastic measures to ensure that an age old enemy wasn't about to come knocking on his door. Back when the Black Sun...
  14. Aela Talith

    Seeing The Galaxy

    Hello folks! I'm looking to do some more RP's with Aela. Up until recently she's been rather focused on destroying all darksiders everywhere and has only recently mellowed out to be a bit more understanding and accepting. Though she used to fight for the Alliance she has since retired and now...
  15. Subject 37

    Those Left Behind

    Dromund Kaas - Orbit [member="Yidhra"] A frown slowly pulled at his lips, his eyes fixed on the world below. The Empire had fallen into pieces. After their victory on Serenno Lord Niril of the Council had decided the time was ripe for him take over, he'd used his fleets to assault Korriban...
  16. Vrak Nashar

    The Direction of TRE

    So, Serenno is ending tomorrow, and weeks back I talked about in our Discord chat about how this would decide the future of the faction. I've been pretty open and honest that TRE was created for story purposes and my own drive was based on that story. For me and those involved with Vrak, that...
  17. Darth Carnifex

    The Infernal Congress Othrys The Pacanth Reach Othrys had fallen deathly silent in the weeks after the triumph held for Supreme Leader Sieger Ren, the cheering crowds had all gone home and the war machines arrayed upon the moon's smoothed surface had been sent to the...
  18. Vrak Nashar

    Secrets In Red

    Korriz [member="Aria Vale"] The Sith Caldera had for some centuries been an anomaly of it's own. The small sector of space that was mostly marked by it's association with the Sith Empire had long since been called a mystery. Almost every world within the Caldera contained some Remnant of his...
  19. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Tech  VT-Disruption Cutter

    Image Source: Here Intent: Create a Disruptor that is not for Killing Development Thread: Karking Cold Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies Model: Vanir Technologies Disruption Cutter Affiliation: Open-Market Modularity: No Production: Limited Material: Dallorian Alloy, Fiberplast, Powercell...
  20. Kami Meran

    Approved Tech  VV7-0QZ's Lightcleavers

    the first one in the picture. Image Source: Intent: A personal weapon for @VV7-0QZ Development Thread: If needed Manufacturer: Lyth Meran Model: na Affiliation: @VV7-0QZ Modularity: no Production: Unique Material: durasteel and lightsaber...
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