Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. FN-999 (restored)

    Character  FN-999 (restored thread)

    [PHOTOSHOOT OF FN-999, STORMTROOPER CORPS REGISTRAR] [PHOTOSHOOT OF FN-999 UNARMORED, STORMTROOPER CORPS REGISTRAR] The following information is accurate as of: 900 ABY OFFICIAL NAME: FN-999 NICKNAMES: Nines (affectionate), Baron, Beast of Borosk (colloquial) BIRTH NAME: Lucas Eilo Hilstar...
  2. Darro Carden

    LFG  Looking for Rebels or GA members for thread

    I'd like to do a small thread where Darro joins up with the Galactic Alliance and gets introduced to people who can help him joining up with the organization.
  3. Darth Empyrean

    Invasion  Technologic | SO Invasion of GA Held Woostri (OOC Thread)

    The Galactic Alliance has fought a desperate war to hold control of the Ado Sector, but with its supply lines cut off, it has begun to struggle under the logistical weight of war. While the Jedi Strike Force meant to cripple the Sith’s own infrastructure had been broken in their vain attempt at...
  4. Aspect of Victory

    Faction  The Populares | Tsis'Kaar and SO Faction Thread

    After the mixed if passionate reaction to the speech, many filtered out of the Dorvallan mines, most out of protest for the words of a figure that was as much hated as he was beloved. Yet, most still remained in the cavernous heart of the world, after the speech the drinks still liberally...
  5. Salty Warren

    Request  Bad posting character thread ?

    hello, i hope you're good! I did the stupid thing of posting with the wrong character on this thread, would it be possible to transfer this to salty warren's subaccount? Thank you! sorry, I had so many tabs open I made a mistake. Thanks you! And sorry the post concerned is this : dance...
  6. Ova Ziss

    Work In Progress  UTA Black Projects Thread [Pre-Codex and Pre-Factory Stuff]

  7. Aris Noble

      The Why Not Feedback Thread

    I love these things. Always have, always will, yada yada if you've read these from me before you know the drill. I make them usually at least once a month but I've been slacking more recently. Saw a couple thrown up, so, here we go. How's my writing? How are my characters? What can I improve...
  8. Jonyna Si

      2,300 Post Feedback thread

    It's that time again! Jonyna has gone through a significant journey since I've started her on Chaos, and an even longer journey since I started her on my TTRPG game. I've always made her to be a bit of a counterculture character, not sticking to the tradtional way of being a jedi, or even a...
  9. Darth Malum of House Marr

      1,500 Posts Feedback+Criticism Thread!

    Sooooo, been about... seven months since the last one of these... which wow, my pace has really dropped, and I need to get back on the wagon clearly. This should have happened a few days ago, but the muse has not been musing, but now hopefully has returned, sorry to all those who have been...
  10. Darth Caedes

    Populate  [OOC Sign Up Thread & Coordination] Darth Dance Revolution

    OOC COORDINATION THREAD FOR: Darth Dance Revolution! Event begins Friday, Dec. 6th, at 12pm (PST)! Celebrate the season in true Sith fashion with an evening of breathtaking performances and high-stakes sabacc! One thing's for sure, it'll be a night to remember! DARTH DANCE REVOLUTION. In...
  11. Liin Terallo

    Story Thread List

    I would love a list of our faction stories here please so that when new ones come up, I can be notified of them. Otherwise without being tagged, I am completely unaware of them. Unless Liin is not required for them, of course. I'm sure that she isn't needed for every single one. :)
  12. Briana Sal-Soren

    The Order of Shiraya (Information & Roster)

    ORDER OF SHIRAYA "In every action we take, we must embody the light of Shiraya— we lead with compassion, defend the defenseless with courage in our hearts, and do our utmost to serve with humility." - Briana Sal-Soren A New Light The Order of Shiraya takes its name from the ancient and...
  13. DeadpoolMLP

    Contest  2024 Best Alien PCs on Chaos, Submission Thread

    Did this last year, might as well make it an annual thing. Submit your favorite Alien PCs on Chaos. Everyone loves their humanoid characters, but no one gives love to the tailed, furry, exotic or biologically crazy characters that make Star Wars feel like Star Wars SUBMISSION FORM HERE: CLICK...
  14. Bob A. Person

    LFG  Looking for a thread or two or 3(?)

    Hello all, As the title above, I am looking to do a few threads to get back into RP after a few years gone, something to get into the zone and also learn from since I haven't done a lot of threads. Hopefully I am ready to write some fun story and make some friends as I start my characters...
  15. Jonyna Si

    Private  Under the Stars (Camping thread let's gooooo)

    TAG: Jasper Kai'el Braze Aris Noble The idea of a camping trip wasn't exactly what Jonyna had expected to be doing this week, but she wouldn't pass it up, and probably wouldn't admit how much she needed it. Getting her thoughts away from fighting, away from the worries of being on the Council...
  16. S

    Work In Progress  Testing Thread

  17. Darth Caedes

    LFG  OOC Sign Up Thread For: New Blood // Inaugural Trials [Academy of Korriban]

    This is an OOC sign-up thread. Find your dance partners! Thread launches Sunday, October 20th, 2024. Below is a sneak peak of the fun to come. Look forward to seeing you there! The red sun, Horuset, hangs low over Korriban's jagged mountains, casting long shadows across the stone structures of...
  18. Vince

    Junction  OOC sign-up thread for: [GA/NEO] Battle of Onderon [junction of Onderon and Vjun]

    This is the OOC sign-up thread. Find your dance partners! We launch tomorrow, on the 13th of October 2024. Below, you will find a preview of the objectives, including a BYOO. Have fun, everyone! A new Mandalorian threat has risen. The Neo Crusaders have established a firm presence in the...
  19. Zaiya Ceti

      Zaiya's 1000 post Feedback thread!

    I just realized I hit 1000 posts, and since my last feedback was back in May, I wanted to throw this in for some input. So, many neat things have occurred with Zaiya since that last feedback, and I wanted to get some ideas, musings, and the like on what would make my writing better and what may...
  20. A Brooding Muse

    HAXION TALES || Active Thread List

    A C T I V E T H R E A D S Welcome! Below you'll find a list of our ongoing threads and their current status. If you have any questions, please post them in our FAQ! Title Type Status A Place Called Home Faction Open to Join Moon's Haunted Faction Open to Join
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