Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Empyrean

    Invasion  Dissolution of the Rim | SO Invasion of Sluis Van & Denab Sign Up

    Long has the Rimward Trade League stood as a bastion against the Sith encroachment towards the Galactic Core - but long has its stability been under threat. Both internal strife combined with consistent probing tests of Rimward Defenses has culminated in a total war esque strike against numerous...
  2. Darth Carnifex

    Skirmish  Into The Mouth Of The Leviathan OOC Thread (Coordination & Discussion)

    This thread is for OOC coordination and discussion of the skirmish, Into The Mouth Of The Leviathan.
  3. Orson Thorm

    LFG  Foundational Stuff (general thread stuff)

    I'm just looking to give my generic muscle some RP before I chuck him into a bigger adventure. Any sort of thread will do; he's a mercenary with pretty much no real scruples doing anything so long as it pays, so if you want to be the one paying or the one he's being paid to go after, we can work...
  4. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Dev  To Heal A World, Part I - Left To Waste Away

    The dry, flat wastes of Mandalore spanned ever on. The arid, unassuming landscape was mostly ignored and forgotten by most of the galaxy after the Sith siphoned the planet's very life from it. And yet, since the Protectors under Ijaat Mereel and Mia Monroe took up the task of restoring this...
  5. Judah Lesan

    LFG  Across the Table Interest Thread

    Here is a light hearted Holiday/Social geared thread for any and all types. Feel free to join and meet some writers you have not met before or characters you have not interacted with before!
  6. Amani Serys

    LFG  Thread Gremlin Asks Politely For Threads IV

    Hello readers, I've got a bit of extra muse lying around and nowhere to use it (Plus a brand new art commission to flaunt). I do mean just a bit though. Life commitments wouldn't make it a good idea to take on more than a couple extra right now, so at best I'm looking to pick maybe 3-ish more...
  7. Kahlil Noble

      It's The 5k Feedback Thread You've All Been Waiting For

    5k is a big number. There was a point where Kahlil's posts compared to the posts of the other characters on this writer account were neck and neck, but he's long left that in the dust. 5k really just drives that home. So, it's feedback time for him. He's by far my most consistent now...
  8. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Suggestion  PvE Thread Change

    An issue I think that is prevalent in Dominations, Populates, and maybe Junctions, is that factions are incentivised to stop posting once 30 posts are reached. Now, people should not, but with a limited amount of time to expand within a month, it is in my opinion, undeniable that factions that...
  9. Tefka

    Factory  Company Tiers Request Thread

    Series License Board Request Series License Request: (e.g. 100 Industrial Series, 200 Medical Series, Ordinance, Food, Espionage) Name Of The Company: (Name as it appears in the company forum.) Link To Company Page: (Located in the Factory Company forum.) Link To Current Presentation: (This will...
  10. Tefka

    New Feature  Dev Thread Prefix Now Available

    No rules attached to it as of right now, but it's there to help you track your roleplay threads that reinforce your factory/codex items. Available in the Open RP, Private RP, and RP Discussion forums.
  11. Kahlil Noble

    Suggestion  Get Rid Of The Shadows On The Text For Thread Types

    Words swim a lot cause Dyslexia, but shadows make that worse. That's all.
  12. Brigadier Looch

    LFG  A thread for the GA

    As I won't be able to write for a week, I want a member of the GA to take control of my brigade. You can use it against the mando's and do whatever you like basically I don't care but there's one problem don't finish the brigade cause I will be back and yeah enjoy with you're new brigade
  13. Jax Thio

    LFG  Threads for Jax!

    Hey guys! So I've finally got off or rather on my rear and started to post as Jax again. After being pestered convinced by his stepdaughter to come back to the NJO, Jax is in GA space reluctant to get back in the game due to his self-exile. I prefer to thread with GA affiliates but I definitely...
  14. Gatz Derrevar

    LFG  Looking for a few GA aligned peeps to thread with.

    I'm slowly working on integrating Gatz to the Galactic Alliance, with the (current) intent of making him a Ranger down the line. But I'd like to start two or three new threads with other Galactic Alliance characters, so that he can start building connections and alliances and what not. Jedi...
  15. Hilal Vizsla

      500 Post Milestone Feedback Thread! (Hilal Version)

    I finally reached 500 posts as Hilal! It was amazing this happened since I've originally made Hilal as someone who was a typical Mandalorian Warrior who takes on bounties and who loves to fight. She was even older and had a different avatar. However, looking her over, I wanted to take Hilal in...
  16. Drego Ruus

    Private  A Train Wreck of a Thread

    Tatooine. Many consider it the graveyard of Empires. The place where heroes rise to claim glory, or villains go to fall. Many have claimed it over the centuries, but it's populous stayed uncaring of who was in charge. The planet had always been a disconnected wasteland, a desert scattered with...
  17. Xeno

    LFG  Music Thread? Music Thread.

    Alright, I think it's time we have another musician/music event thread. Those are always a lot of fun, and I wanted to do something with a little bit of a twist. BATTLE OF THE BANDS! Or musicians at least lol. Participants get two posts, an opening song and a finisher. Also ROLLS! 2 D...
  18. Adeline Noctua

    Private  Seeking the lost (Discussion thread)

    Zinayn Damion Dorian Tarkin Luck Good morning all! I wanted to give you all some quick updates today since I will be super busy and need to get on a flight, firstly I will say that I would heavily prefer that posts are a turn by turn basis. Each person posts once and then I will reply to them...
  19. Prodigy

    Faction  What Was, What Will Be [The Open Hand] [Introduction Thread]

    Abandoned compound, Myrkr - Open to members of the Open Hand faction - Deep in the woodlands of Myrkr, a signal calls to a select few. Some have been in contact for some time. Others had never received such a message before. None had met in person before, not for a call like this. But each of...
  20. Kahlil Noble

      Hit 4k, So I Guess I'm Making Another Feedback Thread

    It's been a while since I last made one of these. I used to have a habit of tossing out at least one a month, just because I like getting feedback. And y'know, being told how great and awesome I am. Both are good. So yeah. Let me know what you like, what you don't, what you think I can improve...
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