Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ingrid L'lerim

    Suggestion  Chapters - Overview thread

    Idea for Chapters feature; apparently, I don't see much point in the Overview thread in this form, it gets lost among the other open threads in about 2-3 hours, because no one posts there and no one really opens it anymore. Couldn't the Overview chapter be displayed among the sticky threads for...
  2. Vergessen Contii

    LFG  Looking for a "Character Development" Thread

    I'd like to expand on the abilities of my character Vergessen Contii by developing his force abilities a bit. I'd like for him to go on a pilgrimage to maybe a dark force nexus to explore his innate abilities, but I'd also like for an adversary or two to go on a similar expedition to the same...
  3. Anthony Gray Sun

    LFG  Water Walking, A Training Thread

    So, I don't get to use Anthony much, but I had a funny idea for a paddie thread to help the kiddies learn Hydrokinesis. The plan? Go to the beach, tell the kids to play not in the water, but on it. Then once we learn how to do that, we learn to surf barefoot. And then somehow, profit. I...
  4. Katarine Ryiah

    Faction  Shawty Had Them Apple Bottom Jeans (Clubbing Thread Open to GA / NJO / Ask for Invite)

    Location: Zeltros - Club Rogue Objective: Dance & Have Good Time - Meet Fellow Faction Members Tags: Open to GA / NJO The music was way too loud, but the air was electrified with the pheromones, alcohol, and bad decisions for recklessness. This planet was a testament to hedonism and probably...
  5. Darth Malum of House Marr

      1,000 Posts Feedback+Criticism Thread!

    Sooooo, been about... five months since the last one of these. Oh wow, writing that out, realising that was a faster pace than I thought it was lol. You know the drill, to all the people who have written with Malum, and even to the people who haven't and either want to or just simply have read...
  6. Balun Dashiell

    Pilot Thread: Planning

    So I'm thinking of quickly kicking things off with some brainstorming for our first thread. So far there are only four of us which is perfect for a good intro. Nothing too major but enough to have a good time. The premise that came to mind was Kashyyyk, searching for the symbol of our little...
  7. Drego Ruus

    Junction  MP/GA/DE Junction: Blood and Beskar (Gala/Yag'Dhul/Ithor) - Sign Up Thread

    Blood and Beskar Coming May 17th (Art Coming Soon) Objective One: (Recommended for PVP/AgentPosting) Hellfighters The Dark Empire expands it's boarders to be threatening the peace provided by the Mandalorian Protectors, and the Galactic Alliance! In a daring and bold move, the Mandalorian...
  8. Glade

    LFG  Fifth Coruscant Open! - OOC Thread

    So Tyrion kindly started us a speed/swoop race thread in this link below. I'm posting this to hopefully get the thread some attention for them, because race threads are fun. Hoth rules on the dice mean you can roll using any...
  9. Srina Talon

    Test - Thread I

    Testing Next
  10. Solan Charr

    Faction  The Siege of Alanciar (Confederacy Faction Thread, ask to join)

    Alanciar Continent, Kesh Objective: Assault the main Bryn'adul Nest, Eliminate the remaining leadership of the forces and exterminate their forces. Enemies: Draelvasier, Tyr'kaditus, Servitor Excavator, Vaydralen Solan sighed, the last few weeks having been focused on the reclamation of his...
  11. Solan Charr

    Private  The Past still haunts (Past RP, Solo Thread)

    Kesh, Tahv Palace, 900 ABY Solan brought his hands up this head, sitting there watching the Seed that had been planted. It was the first thing that would be planted on the planet in so long. The first thing that would struggle to change the world around it while his people protected it. He...
  12. Jonyna Si

    LFG  NJO Padawan Thread Interest Check: Padawan Dodgeball

    Been rewatching some old X-men cartoons, and it inspired this idea. Jonyna has always been a bit unconventional with her training ideas. I figured 'dodgeball with force powers' could be a fun training thread. Who's in?
  13. Drego Ruus

    Junction  MP/EOTL Junction: Savage Solutions (Ord Tiddel/Celanon) - Proxy War on Gala and Gromas - Sign Up Thread

    SAVAGE SOLUTIONS: A Junction Coming April 12th Art coming Soon TM The planet of Gala has a long history of conflict. Once more, war erupts on the planet between it's three tribes, this time between the City Tribe, backed by The Empire of the Lost, and the Hill Tribe, who wish to join the...

    Work In Progress  Test Thread

  15. Velran Kilran

    Junction  Darkest Jungle - SO/EOTL Junction of Felucia and Manpha | OOC Sign Up Thread! Set for March 17th!

    Darkest Jungle - SO/EOTL Junction of Felucia and Manpha Felucia, a humid jungle world, stands upon the precipice of two great powers. To the galactic north, the Sith of Darth Carnifex’s domain led out of the dreaded Malsheem, are known the galaxy over for their brutality, for their butchery...
  16. Jonyna Si

    Seasonal  Don't Fear the Reaper | INVITE ONLY THREAD (Yes this is a private thread with extra steps)

    Onboard the Newly Retrofitted Reaper It wasn't often within the NJO that members were invited to 'parties' within the organization. That said, Jonyna was never someone who followed 'tradition' within the order. With war looming once again, Jonyna felt it important to hold a sort of...calm...
  17. Darth Empyrean

    Invasion  Dissolution of the Rim | SO Invasion of Sluis Van & Denab Sign Up

    Long has the Rimward Trade League stood as a bastion against the Sith encroachment towards the Galactic Core - but long has its stability been under threat. Both internal strife combined with consistent probing tests of Rimward Defenses has culminated in a total war esque strike against numerous...
  18. Darth Carnifex

    Skirmish  Into The Mouth Of The Leviathan OOC Thread (Coordination & Discussion)

    This thread is for OOC coordination and discussion of the skirmish, Into The Mouth Of The Leviathan.
  19. Orson Thorm

    LFG  Foundational Stuff (general thread stuff)

    I'm just looking to give my generic muscle some RP before I chuck him into a bigger adventure. Any sort of thread will do; he's a mercenary with pretty much no real scruples doing anything so long as it pays, so if you want to be the one paying or the one he's being paid to go after, we can work...
  20. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Dev  To Heal A World, Part I - Left To Waste Away

    The dry, flat wastes of Mandalore spanned ever on. The arid, unassuming landscape was mostly ignored and forgotten by most of the galaxy after the Sith siphoned the planet's very life from it. And yet, since the Protectors under Ijaat Mereel and Mia Monroe took up the task of restoring this...
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