Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ivalyn Yvarro

    Approved Lore  The Embers of the Ebon Tide

    EMBERS OF THE EBON TIDE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: After a rather productive week of class discussions, I am reflecting on the learnings of my witchcraft and magic anthropology course and creating a cool, neat, group of black magic women/witches/spies for the Commonwealth. Image...
  2. Domina Prime

    LFG  Seeking Mentors in The Dark Arts [Darksiders]

    You Walk Along The Edge of Danger And It Will Change You ◈ Why Would You Let This Voice Set in Your Head? It Is Meant to Destroy You With all the recent progression of Dima i think it's about time she begins a dark and treacherous journey to discover the forbidden arts of the wicked magiks of...
  3. 4ND-R0

    Approved Lore  The Aniseyans

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a non-Dathomiri witch coven for players to utilize, by way of expanding on ideas brought forth in The Acolyte Image Credit: Article Canon: Expanding on the original Brendok coven Permissions: N/A Links: Mother Aniseya Brendok Rite...
  4. Djikra Elnev

    Public  The Great Conclave (All Witches Welcome)

    The Great Conclave Tags: Brooke Waters | Mother Midina | Evelyn Rekali | Tyonna Arkose | Open to all witches Location: Oasis in the Great Desert Dathomir The Mandalorians were in turmoil losing two leaders in short order, what it meant for the protective alliance with them remained to be...
  5. Brooke Waters

    Blue Coral Divers in the Galaxy

    A Fanblade fighter, the fan in a dark blue and gold, landed along the coast of Dathomir, near a very familiar village to the pilot. The scroll was hand delivered to the Clan Mother on Dathomir. Clan Mother Cyrin As the Farseeker of the Clan, I have taken my taks strongly and intently. Seeking...
  6. Detritus Ren

    LFG  Magicks & Shadows

    Greetings exalted ones! Here and there I try to post up an LFG. Most I’ve done before hasn’t been very specific but lately been feeling a scratch to continue a character I’ve haven’t done in a while, and lately I’ve been very inspired to do just that. Enter Jin Kyrel! Son of Kyrel Ren. A man...
  7. Dreidi Xeraic

    LFG  Any fellow witches wanna be friends?

    Pretty simple, Dreidi been training to be a Nightsister and thought it be fun to meet up, hang out and learn from other Nightsisters so she can feel more connected to them and grow her talents in Magick as well! If anyone is interested let me know!
  8. Cord Starfall

    Private  The Heart of Rage

    Location: Low Bar (Cantina), Zoronhed , Zonju V For thousands of years through the many dark ages of the Galaxy their stood Jedi and Sith Monoliths that scarred this Galaxy so deep those wounds can never be forgotten. The wounds always there but rarely ever is warning of them heeded and we...
  9. Azazel Gray

    Private  That Which Falls Also Rises

    N A B O O The constant crash of water filled the air as five men and women stood on the rocky shore at the base of the waterfall. Since the sundering of the Southern Systems, many had worked tirelessly to cleanse the world of the misshapen horrors that had been unleashed. As their efforts...
  10. Scàth Mhaolàin

    Witches Druids Shamans and ilk

    Now that I have returned, I’ll need a hollow or Grove to pick fungi, brew unguents and talk to trees, anybody have space? I was with the confederacy but I cannot see them here anymore :(
  11. R

    LFG  Witches of Dathomir [Interest Check]

    Hello Chaos, I am I'm Ryn Starfall also known as Cord Starfall to the CIS and Enclave Crowd, Tegan Starfall to the Brotherhood of the Maw, NIO, and GA Crowds. Pluss a few other names. I'm working on a small project with a few of my oldest and dearest writing friends Santeria Decuir and Vanya...
  12. The Amalgam

    Private  Of Witches and Kings

    Wearing: Mage Epidermis Armed with: Skin Shears (Purple Bladed Split Saber) Objective: Meet with Darth Animus Hours earlier... The Amalgam was on her knees, naked before the purple flame in the ritual chamber she had set up aboard the Sarka Class Frigate Xiphos had loaned her. The Cult of...
  13. Eternal Midnight

    Faction  We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Solanaceae/CIS)

    The Solanaceae was a well-known name in Confederate space. It was common knowledge that they were a collection of witches with a rich and, at times dark, history and it was known that they were strong in the Force. But despite their time with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, there was...
  14. Eternal Midnight

    We Have Always Lived In The Castle

    You are invited to Castle Vureshakkairn for an evening of entertainment, drinking and dining. All are welcome to come meet the Solanaceae Witches, and explore the place they call home. Come alone, or bring a guest, but be sure to bring your appetites.
  15. Strider Garon

    For all you RL and in game Witches!

  16. Brooke Waters

    Force Training Witches and Jedi

    Hey All Trying something new. Anyone down for a thread of Jedi, Witches and other light side leaning folks to trade and share their skills and capabilities? If there is something someone is looking to learn, especially from a different path. Let me know who is down!
  17. Elani Zambrano

    Faction  The Hex Trials

    The cold embrace of night embraced much of Dathomir as the sun disappeared upon the horizon and it's two moons were beginning to illuminate the world from the Great Canyon to the Frenzied River. Just the calls of the native creatures filled the air as night fell. Within the darkness, however...
  18. A

    Witches of the Empire

    From Dathomir to Bastion, and living throughout the Galaxy are Witches of Dathomir. Initially, we were magick-wielding sisters, now we are comprised of both men and women who wield magick - but those of us here on Dathomir wield perhaps the strongest magick of all. Utilizing the very ichor that...
  19. F

    Approved Lore  The Reliquary of Galidraan

    THE RELIQUARY OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand upon the Reliquary mentioned in a previous submission. Image Credit: Six Petal Rosette (x) Clipart Library (x) colors and edits by me. Canon: Galidraan Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: The Reliquary, or the...
  20. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Lore  The Metal Borne Witches

    Intent: To create a new culture of witches. Image Credit: The Witch's Knot | Header Background The Hierarchy Triangle The Crone | The Mother | The Maiden The Crone's Heir The Mother's Heirs: Luidaeg Phrikborne | Phrikborne Heir 2 | Phrikborne Heir 3 The Maiden's Heir The Cracked Desert Canon...
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